Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8th

Our weekly meeting went something like this
Darlene called the meeting to order and Judy Nordquist gave the invocation. Beverly Telfor led us in the pledge and singing of God Bless America
Connie gave a short mgr. report. Bobby Thomas gave a property report.And there was a treasury report.
The Monday night dances will start next Mon. instead of this Monday, (a mix up with Al Mikesh).
Irene said cards sent to: Frank Willard, hosp. tests, Larry and Colleen Bosler (new folks) brother died, Peg Bloom, knee surgery, Marlene Hicks surgery on the 11th, Dorothy Young, former resident called and said how nice that we remembered her with a card, and it meant a lot to her.
Martha and Anita provided the donuts for this Monday meeting both had birthdays Sat.
Looking for volunteers to do Christmas Dinner.
Sue and Ken Barnhart are chairing the golf cart and bicycle parade this year!
Flea market to be held Dec. 3rd
Happy Hour on the patio to continue on Wed. afternoons around 4p.m. bring your lawn chair and join us!
That's about it for now!

1 comment: said...

donna, i really enjoyed the halloween and and car show smile the blog too...looks like eveyrone had a ''spooktacular'' time...-deb