Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dec. 13th

Brrr! It's cold today! We are only to get up to the 60's today. But we can't complain too much after watching on the news all the snowy weather they're having up North. the blizzard that hit Minnesota was so monstrous.
Rita Henningsen led us in the pledge and God Bless America and Dorothy Borah gave the invocation. Cards were sent to, Leon Cheathams Mother, Cancer, Marty Williams has a cyst and has to have surgery,very serious,Helen Fegter, former resident had back surgery.Victor Tramm passed away, he was here with his wife Lucille for many years then due to failing health moved to John Knox Village, Lucille passed away several years ago.
The Christmas program was really well attended and everyone commented on how nice it was. And so many tasty goodies after. Our golf cart parade was really well attended too. And of course finger food after! Hard on the waistline this time of year!
Harvey and Dot Roush are here renting The Thorpe's park model. I visited with them today.They plan on being here until March.They were in our park for many years, and have been coming for short visits the last few years, they're from Oklahoma.
Darlene Griffin has a Birthday Dec. 16th, Verlyn Westrum has a birthday on the 14th of this month, also my neighbor Judy Anselmin and Albeza Vallejo
I made some Fruit Cake cookies, Carolyn Bakers recipe. I didnt have it but Mary Christianson did and let me borrow it.I sure miss ole Carolyn.She was quite a character and lived here in the park for many years, until her health got bad and she moved back to Oklahoma.
Well, until next time...

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