Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Dec. 16

Happy Holidays Cards
Orkut Myspace Holiday Seasons Greetings Scraps & Glitter Graphics

More New Year Scraps

Well, the big news is the owner of the park came here from Florida to try to deal with the gas company.
they shut off the gas to our park... and the problems are not solved and Walter thinks they may not get solved. He suggests folks go all electric, or propane. He will reemberse residents some on the cost. The office will be the ones to talk to about that. There are propane tanks now for mobile homes which can sit right behind the mobile. this would be a cheaper alternative. But the heating and plumbing people are trying to keep their costs reasonable. One of them was at the meeting, an owner of a heating, air-conditioning business who has done a lot of work here in the park, and comes highly recommended.
So if you have a gas stove, water heater or furnace you will need to make decisions on what you would like to do.
Since we cant heat our pool and hot tub we are invited to go over to Ranchero Park, just wear your name badge.
There will be a park lighting contest, judging within a week.
The new web site for the park is
the Christmas show will be Dec. 22nd with Lindley Creek cost is $5.00.
The 1st free movie night will be this Thursday, a Christmas movie, "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year"
Our Christmas Day Dinner the 25th!

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