Monday, February 29, 2016

February 29th

This month has flown by. At the meeting this morning there were several people that raised their hands that they were leaving for home. I know quite a few going tomarrow and in the next few days.

Today at the meeting
Tonights the final dance, after tonight those who chair an activity will need to sweep the floor.
also a motion was made to buy a new can opener and it was approved $500.00, yikes!

A.J. Garcia Purple Heart rep. accepted a check from the Veteran's dinner for $1,791

Election for new board members will take place next Monday.

Brock said the final Friday entertainment will be this week, we all voted to give Adrian and Brock a small check in appreciation of all they do.

The final Monday night dance is tonight, Feb. 29th

Helen has cards up to sign for Katherine Donavan, who fell and broke her wrist, also a card for Mary Norby, who is now home from the hospital.

Tomarrow, March 1st is the stew feed. Park patio sale this coming Friday.

Mar. 10th is the Luau, Mar. 16th, Happy Hour, doing chicken on the new grill, people are ask to bring a dish to share, and $2.50 pp. Ropa style show is Mar. 18th

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