Monday, November 14, 2016

Nov. 14

The meeting this morning really dragged on. Folks just could not decide or agree on what to do about our Thanksgiving Dinner. No one was willing to chair the event. They have to figure out how many Turkeys to buy, but of course they do not have a head count on approximately how many will be coming. It was suggested they talk with Hickeys and find out how many were bought last year, so they would have a pretty good idea of how many to get, as I recall there was huge amounts of turkey left over.Linda Polermo went over to HEB to find out if we could buy pre cooked sliced turkeys, and found out they do not do that so now there's a sign-up sheet for ladies to take a turkey and bake it and slice it and bring it up for the dinner. I did take up sign-up sheets for folks to write down how many will be coming and what they were going to bring, such as salad, or vegy, or dessert also I put up a sign-up for volunteers to set up, clean up after, and a place for those ladies who will take 5 lbs. of potatos home and cook and mash them for the dinner, also volunteers to uncover and be in charge of the dessert table and where to place there dish they wish to share.
Walter Piper came to wish everyone a welcome and also his right hand man, Nathan from Ranchero Village, who over sees our park
I may write more later....

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