Thursday, September 12, 2024

My Yorkie "Mia" is Queen of everything. Having a terrible time trying to get her a spade appt ____________________________________________________________________________________________ There are 4 cards up to sign: To Marlene & Dan McKinnon who live at lot 407, there Daughter passed away A card for Emily Armistead, lot 406, knee sugery A card for Ed Sanders, lot 292 Hernia repair A card to Patty Lamp, lot 86, knee surgery____ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Nichols in lot 224 has been doing mobile home washing for folks, I just talked to him and he is doing 2 over in Ranchero Park today, I am going to have him wash mine If you would like to try him, let me know. I just saw that his No. is not in the book ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Enjoyied playing Mexican Train with a new lady in 227, her name is Viola, "Vi" and I am fixing her husbands picture for the Veterans wall I know there are quite a few of you that were Vets and need to give me a picture for our "Veterans Wall" So bring one with you this Fall!!! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________As of right now I think we will have a photo album this year, I just need to get with our Photographer, Rod Grayham and decide what days would be good for taking pictures. We got some nice rains but no flooding that I know of around Weslaco _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am having problems with writing my blog, it won't do paragrahs so trying to seperate with lines, helps some until I can figure the problem out

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Potluck on Labor Day Nice turnout for the potluck When I got home after being gone 2 months, I was curious as to what some interesting things may have gone on in the park. One thing is just before I left the pool was drained and it appeared they were sanding the pool and thats all I saw, so when I got home, went to the office to maybe ask what had gone on while I was gone, was just told go look at the pool, take pictures if you want for your blog, well, so I went to the pool, looks just like it always looked so no info about what was done or a dang thing. Some other people said they finally got the message that the pool and steps were slick and decided they needed to repaint and texture the bottom and steps. No other improvements were told to me. I do know every time they hire the palm cutters, they only remove a few frawns and in know time the palms are all shaggy and earlier when they were trimmed, since they only trimmed a few, seed pods were coming out and spewing seeds all over. I just came from a park I go to a lot and they only keep about 4 to 5 frawns and cut all the rest, I asked one time why they didnt cut off more and was told the Mgr said he wanted them cut like at 3 o"clock. Meaning very few got cut, just the lower ones this was several years ago so dont know what mgr they were talking about.