Thursday, September 12, 2024

My Yorkie "Mia" is Queen of everything. Having a terrible time trying to get her a spade appt ____________________________________________________________________________________________ There are 4 cards up to sign: To Marlene & Dan McKinnon who live at lot 407, there Daughter passed away A card for Emily Armistead, lot 406, knee sugery A card for Ed Sanders, lot 292 Hernia repair A card to Patty Lamp, lot 86, knee surgery____ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Nichols in lot 224 has been doing mobile home washing for folks, I just talked to him and he is doing 2 over in Ranchero Park today, I am going to have him wash mine If you would like to try him, let me know. I just saw that his No. is not in the book ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Enjoyied playing Mexican Train with a new lady in 227, her name is Viola, "Vi" and I am fixing her husbands picture for the Veterans wall I know there are quite a few of you that were Vets and need to give me a picture for our "Veterans Wall" So bring one with you this Fall!!! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________As of right now I think we will have a photo album this year, I just need to get with our Photographer, Rod Grayham and decide what days would be good for taking pictures. We got some nice rains but no flooding that I know of around Weslaco _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am having problems with writing my blog, it won't do paragrahs so trying to seperate with lines, helps some until I can figure the problem out

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