Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Hi everyone!!
We just got back from Las Vegas and we have missed a couple Mon. morning meetings, so will try to catch you up on the goings on!
During the meeting on the 23rd, the committee thanked Paul Sprague and Gary Lundgren for getting a popcorn machine, as I understand it they sold over 3/4 of the people at bingo, popcorn. I think it will be a money maker. My opinion!
Cards to Bud Lykken, stints put in, Henriette Johnson, defib, and Rollo and Arlene Fishers, daughters fiance' doing better,(been in hosp. 30 days with H1N1 flu.
Darlene Bryant will be our new Chairman for December and Rexroad will be the Vice-chair.
During this Monday meeting...the 30th:
Almost jam was held Fri. and regular jams start every thurs. beginning Dec. 10th
Thansgiving Dinner was a great success, over 260 people attended and 16 ...20 lb. turkeys were baked,Jack Havertape and crew did a great job.!! the left over food donated to thr Kerrs and was sent out to Indian Hills and fed many hungry people.
A freezer was donated by Judy Nordquists relative , thank you Judy.
Havertape needs more pies for the flea market which will be this coming Friday!
Wed. we will be going to Peter Piper for pizza as a group
Dale Clark is back in the hospital, Ellis Hausers brother, Cancer.
Sunday icecream starts at 2:30
Al Mikesh will be playing for this Mon. nights dance and also next Monday, then Lyle Beaver will tale over for the season.
That's all for now got to go Shopping!