Monday, December 27, 2021

Dec. 27th Newsletter


RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Sharon Sprague called meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.

Accompanist – Jan Delashmit

Invocation – Mary Lou Benson – “Flight 2022 Instructions”

Secretary – Dana Daves

Treasurer – Sandy Olson

MANAGEMENT REPORT .. There was none today.

Website for park is

Dana Daves gave Secretary report & it was approved.

Gordon Amos gave Treasurer’s report. It was accepted.

Lynn Stamp reported for Properties. If you use the new vacuum cleaner, it really DOES work .. be certain you have both ends plugged in. We were reminded when we have any activities in Friendship Hall to be sure to sweep floor after.

If you don’t have an RVE name tag, check with Donna Gabbert who makes these. We encourage folks to wear these.

Donna Gabbert puts cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684.

The board will cook Saturday biscuits & gravy breakfast on Jan. 8 & 15, Feb. 5 &12. Ed Tice & crew will prepare pancake & sausage breakfast Jan. 22 & 29, Feb. 19 & 26. Serving is 7 - 8:30 a.m. Bring your own table service. Price ?

Craig Daves, dance chair, reports 1st dance is next Monday, Jan. 3, 7:00– 9:30 p.m. with South Texas Ramblers providing the music. Admission is $7 per person. BYOB. Craig thanked all who moved tables & chairs for floor cleaning last Monday.

Marylyn Mason, urges all to attend the 1st entertainment of the season on Jan. 7, 7 p.m. Come enjoy Curt James. He is a local entertainer. Tickets are $8 pp. 50-50 draw will be held.

Looking ahead to January, don’t forget the Flea Market on the 14th. You can sign up for a table, $2 each. Don’t wait until last minute to get a table. Chair Lucy Johnson will return to park sometime next week. Lunch will be served .. pies needed. See sign up sheet on board.

Some folks, even those who are vaccinated, may be concerned about spread of Covid. Feel free to wear mask to any event/activity.

Chairperson Sharon said some have mentioned how much fun Pickle Ball can be. She admitted she has not played the game but is asking those who do know how to contact her.

Judy DeKoning has spoken to manager Jan about possibility of having WiFi into our large call. Would save on resident’s cell phone usage.


Thanks to Patty Lamp & Phyllis Branstetter who served coffee & donuts prior to today’s meeting. There is a sign up sheet if you wish to provide in honor of special occasion. If no one signs up, club will pay. Bring donuts by 8:15 a.m.

Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at Her email is

Upcoming Events:

Dec. 31 – New Year’s Eve Party in Friendship Hall, 6 p.m.

Jan. 14 – Flea Market, 8 a.m. to noon .. Lucy Johnson chairs, pies are needed (sign up on board).

Jan. 20 – “Flash Back for Fun” Dance, tickets available next Monday, Kathy Cochran & Ken Barnhartchair

Jan. 27 – Bean Feed, 4:30 p.m. $3 per person

Reach out to your neighbors. Tell them to attend

Monday morning meetings. Make them feel welcome!

Sign up if you wish to provide donuts for special occasion.

For residents’ information, code to unlock all doors is 7157. Last one out locks up.

To help prevent conflicts all activities in big hall should be cleared through Club Secretary’s Calendar. Info will be given to Judi DeKoning for calendar she posts on back bulletin board.

Editor Mary Lou Benson sends info to news media to announce activities that are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Get written info to her 3 weeks before event please.

Dave Johnson at Lot #93 needs your name, address & phone number for the new park directory.

There were many beautiful Christmas decorations throughout our park. Club awarded $100 to top 3….$50, $30 & $20. Named 1st was Dave & Lucy Johnson, #93; 2nd was Ron & Terry Ruser, #416; 3rd was Sharon Bussinger, #212. Congratulations!

What a wonderful old-fashioned Christmas we had last Thursday. Over 20 golf carts participated in the parade. There were more cookies in Friendship Hall than an army could eat…hear we saved leftovers for New Year’s Eve Party. 😊 Thanks to all who attended in particular these ladies who planned the party .. Marylyn Mason, Judi DeKoning, Patty Shellito, Dana Daves, Kathy Cochran & Sue McLaughlin. Volunteers who step up are what makes Rio Valley Estates the fun park it is.

Santa came from North Pole last week to pose with 25 dogs & 1 cat for pictures. Was that fun or what?

Thanks to Chuck & Nancy Gonnerman and Bill & Jan Jones for planning the delicious dinner Christmas Day. As always, plenty of food & fellowship! Thanks from Gonnermans & Jones to all who helped in any way .. Jose & Margarita Ponce, Doug Hennigar, Paul Sprague, Ken Barnhart, Lynn Stamp & anyone we may have missed! An estimated 90 residents attended!

Wednesday Happy Hour is in card room through December. Bring snacks & your own beverage, 4 p.m.

With New Year’s Day falling on a Sat., please note no Dummy Rummy tournament will be held Jan. 1.

Chair Yoga begins after Monday morning meetings & Wednesdays at 9 a.m. Dana Daves leads?

Phyllis Branstetter showed mats made from plastic bags. These are comfy & warm, appreciated by those to whom they are given. Five mats & 3 adult quilts went to Way of the Cross before Christmas. If you know how to crochet or want to learn, contact Phyllis. Bags need to be straightened before being cut into strips, then rolled into balls to be crocheted. Volunteers welcome ..

We had a demonstration of what Couple’s Line Dancing is by Judy Shively this morning. Lessons will be on Thursdays at 10 a.m. after regular Line Dancing. Do not wear tennis shoes. A signup sheet has been placed in the main hall. First lesson is Jan. 6. The music is a slow song not fast like regular line dancing. For more info, call Judy at #12, 785-640-1444.

Anyone interested in golfing at Executive Course should find their own group. Time has changed to 11 a.m. start. We leave the park about 10:30 Friday morning, says Doug Novak. Doug asks players to record their score & turn it in to him at #259 before Monday morning. We golf just to have fun.

Here’s another chance for golfers to play. Vic Greenlee invites anyone to join our park group at Tierra Santa on Thursday mornings. We have standing tee time with car pools leaving park at 8:20 a.m. For more info, you may talk to Vic or Paul Sprague.

Attend the New Year’s Eve Party in Friendship Hall, says Judy DeKoning. Come at 6 p.m., BYOB & a snack. Cookies will be provided .. LOTS of leftover cookies. Tables will be set up for cards, games, etc.

Kathy Cochran & Ken Barnhart have plans in the works for a “Flash Back to Fun” dance party on Thursday, Jan. 20. Tickets will be available next Monday at $10 pp. You may reserve entire table or single. A DJ will provide music for listening & dancing. As for what towear .. ANYTHING GOES! Dig out what you’ve worn at previous sock hops & parties .. don’t go buy something new. Ticket cost includes meal & there will be prizes for best decorated tables. When this pair gets together, who knows what’ll happen? Some memories include speakeasy, Mickey Mouse Club, hobos, mouse races, 50’s, roaring 20’s, Beverly Hillbillies, the Clampetts, homecoming, drive in movies. This is a party you don’t want to miss!!

Maxine Topel announces Thursday, Jan. 27, residents should plan to attend Bean Feed. We’ll eat at 4:30 p.m. Tickets at $3 per person go on sale Jan. 3, 10 & 17

News editor requests WRITTEN notes for articles or items you wish printed in newsletter. Some items may be edited for content & size.

Newsletters are available mid-afternoon on Mondays by back door in card room. A few may be found in office area.

There are activities across the Valley all season .. but especially at Christmastime. You still have time to go to see the Hidalgo Festival of Lights. This is the 30th year this has been held. It is held Dec. 1 thru Jan. 2. There are live performances & train tours…or you can drive thru to see over 500 lighted displays

South Padre Island’s lights are beautiful. Thru Jan. 16, the Holiday Light Show is on display 6-9 p.m. at the SPI Convention Centre. Watch from the comfort of your car.

A couple of left over Christmas smiles ..

How do snowmen like their beer? In a frosted mug!

How does Frosty get around? On his ice-cycle!

Where do skunks like to sit during Christmas

church service? The front pew!

My favorite .. What goes ho, ho, ho, thump?

Santa laughing his head off!

GAME RESULTS: Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. WRITE LEGIBLY!


Dec. 21 – Margarita Ponce, Dave Cochran

Dec. 22 – Margarita Ponce, Doug Jass, Jose Ponce, Dave Cochran

BOWLING – Pins & Cues

CANASTA – Table of 4 –

Dec. 20 – Beverly Yancey, Jean Stamp 30205

Dec. 22 – Fran Hryniw, Jewel Kruckman 22290

Table of 6 –

Dec. 22 – Juanita Fisher, Jean Stamp, Judy Shively 36635

Dec. 24 – Bev Yancey, Darlene Bryant, Fran Hryniw 36345


DOMINOS – Mexican Train – Dec. 21 – Janel Baker, Donna Gabbert, Fran Hryniw, Mary Lou Sirovy, Marge Reishus Dec. 26 – Virginia Baker, Karen Bolte, Vic Greenlee, Fran Hryniw, Jean Stamp, Judy Greenlee

DUMMY RUMMY – none this week due to New Years Day


GOLF – Executive – Dec. 24 

Henry Hryniw 35 Doug Jass 37

PINOCHLE – Single Deck – Dec. 18 –

1st – Margaret Davis 306 2nd–Sharon Bussinger265

Dec. 23 –

1st – Laurie Walter 318 2nd-Jewel Kruckman 308



1st – John Quail 2nd – Judy Nordquist 3rd – Lynn Stamp

TIC – Dec. 22 –

1st – Sandy Novak 125 2nd – Marlene Prohaska 149

3rd – Doug Novak 167 4th - Bev Yancey 177

New Year’s Prayer for Family & Friends ..

May all your family and friends

who need miracles be blessed.

May whoever is feeling weak be given strength.

May all of those who have heavy burdens

have their load lightened.

May your New Year be filled with happiness & joy.





Monday, December 20, 2021

Dec. 20th Newsletter

 RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Sharon Sprague called meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.Accompanist – Jan Delashmit

Invocation – Linda Palermo “a glass of water” compared to stress & worries ending with “You Raise Me Up” song

Secretary Report – Dana Daves

Treasurer Report – Sandy Olson

MANAGEMENT REPORT .. There was none today. Website for park is

Dana Daves gave Secretary report & it was approved.

Gordon Amos gave Treasurer gave report. It was accepted.

Lynn Stamp reported for Properties. It was reported the purple Bissel vacuum cleaner, some 13 gal. white plastic bags & extension cords are missing. Has someone borrowed any of these items? It was reported a tote with electric cords is in back room.

If you don’t have an RVE name tag, check with Donna Gabbert who makes these. We encourage folks to wear these.

Donna Gabbert puts cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684. Cards this week to Larry & Carleen Basler, his sister passed away; and Mardel Blum who had surgery.

The board has volunteered to do breakfasts (biscuits & gravy) on Jan. 8 & 15, Feb. 5 &12. Ed Tice & crew will prepare pancake breakfasts on Jan. 22 & 29, Feb. 19 & 26. We look forward to Saturday breakfasts again. Serving is from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Bring your own table service. Price ?

Craig Daves, dance chair, reports 1st dance is two weeks from tonight .. Jan. 3, 7:00– 9:30 p.m. with South Texas Ramblers providing the music. Admission is $7 per person. BYOB.

Marylyn Mason, urges all to attend the 1st entertainment of the season on Jan. 7, 7 p.m. Come enjoy Curt James. Tickets are $8 per person. 50-50 draw will be held.

Marylyn reported a good show & attendance to enjoy the Cleckler Elementary students. Ticket sales amounting to $841 was given to them. They showed us the trophies they had won at Seguin so you know what we give them is used well.

Looking ahead to January, don’t forget the Flea Market on the 14th. You can sign up for a table, $2 each. Lunch will be be served .. pies needed.

Some folks, even those who are vaccinated, may be concerned about spread of Covid. Feel free to wear mask to any event/activity.


Thanks to Patty Lamp & Phyllis Branstetter who served coffee & donuts prior to today’s meeting. There is a sign up sheet if you wish to provide in honor of special occasion. If no one signs up, club will pay. Bring donuts by 8:15 a.m.

Donuts today were provided by Dave & Kathy Cochran.

Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at Her email is

Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.

Upcoming Events:

Dec. 23 – Golf Cart Parade with old fashioned Christmas & white elephant exchange, 5:30 p.m.

Dec. 24 – Set up table decs & table service after 1 p.m.

Dec. 25 – Christmas Dinner at noon, Gonnermans & Jones chair

Jan. 14 – Flea Market, 8 a.m. to noon .. Lucy Johnson chairs, pies are needed (sign up on board).

Jan. 27 – Bean Feed, 4:30 p.m. $3 per person

Reach out to your neighbors. Tell them to attend

Monday morning meetings. Make them feel welcome!

Sign up if you wish to provide donuts for special occasion.

Linda Palmero has placed 2 boxes in Friendship Hall for residents wishing to donate non-perishable items for RVE park workers. You may donate $$ instead if you’d rather. We know the workers appreciate the gifts.

There are many beautiful Christmas displays & decorations throughout our park. Club will award $100 to top 3….$50, $30 & $20.

TY to George Morgan who donated the Christmas tree on the stage in Friendship Hall.

Darlene Bryant & grandson Dan Bryant, #274, will be leaving Rio Valley Estates soon. She said “25 years ago today, Newt & I walked into Rio Valley Estates & it’s not easy to leave. Come see us at Bit O Heaven” That was about same time your editor & husband arrived here & they were the first couple I met when I went to pool room to play cards! “We will MISS you so much & will welcome you back to join us for games any time you want.”

For residents’ information, code to unlock all doors is 7157. Last one out locks up.

Chair Sharon announced to prevent conflicts all activities in big hall should be cleared through Club Secretary’s Calendar. Info will then be given to Judy DeKoning for calendar she posts on back bulletin board.

Editor Mary Lou Benson sends info to news media to announce activities that are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Get written info to her 3 weeks before event please.

Dave Johnson at Lot #93 needs your name & phone number for the new park directory. He’s gone over Christmas but I’ve heard he plans to work on directory while he’s up north. 😊

If you missed having your furry pet’s picture taken with Santa, shame on you. 25 dogs & 1 kitty smiled broadly even when it began to rain. TY to photographer & former resident Carolyn Thomson who took the pictures & to Santa who traveled from the north pole. At $5 each participant receives a framed picture.

(editor’s error) .. 52 Card Bingo is at 1 p.m. on Sundays.

Wednesday Happy Hour is in card room through December. Bring snacks & your own beverage, 4 p.m.

Mary Lou Sirovy announced Bowling will begin Friday, Dec. 24, 10 a.m.

Single Deck Pinochle has been moved from Saturday nights to Thursday afternoon at 1 p.m. We will play in the sewing room. Come join us.

With Christmas & New Years Day falling on a Sat., please note no Dummy Rummy tournaments will be held Dec. 25 & Jan. 1.

Dean Ricke announces twice monthly Pizza Parties begin in Jan. These are held 11:30 a.m. 2nd & 4th Wed. at Peter Piper Pizza. Bring Peter Piper mugs for free soda. Prizes are given.

Euchre players are needed says Mark Wieners.

Many ladies attended the Women's Wine Party last Tuesday. The Men’s Party on Thursday was cancelled.

Marylyn Mason invites residents to the Golf Cart Parade on Dec. 23. Line up at dog park at 5:30 p.m. Friendship Hall doors will open at 6:30. You may bring donated cookies & white elephant gift after line dancing. See sign up sheet for attendance.

Plan to attend NOON Christmas Dinner! Chuck & Nancy Gonnerman and Bill & Jan Jones are chairs. HAM, water, lemonade, plastic table coverings are provided. Each table of 12 should confer & bring what they wish to contribute…veggie, salad, relish, dessert. Each table should bring 2 meat platters & 2 meat forks for ham & their own place settings. You may bring a tablecloth/decorations after 1 p.m. on the 24th. Sign up by Dec. 20 at the back of Friendship Hall. TY to Sharon Sprague who helped new residents find a table.

If you would like to reserve a $2 table for the Jan. 14 Flea Market, sign up on sheet located on board in big hall. There is also a sign up for anyone to bring pies for the noon lunch following market. Lucy Johnson is chair.

Maxine Topel announces Thursday, Jan. 27, residents should plan to attend Bean Feed. We’ll eat at 4:30 p.m. Tickets at $3 per person go on sale Jan. 3, 10 & 17.

There are activities across the Valley all season .. but especially at Christmastime. One is the Hidalgo Festival of Lights. This is the 30th year this has been held. It is held Dec. 1 thru Jan. 2. There are live performances & train tours…or you can drive thru to see over 500 lighted displays. It’s worth the drive to Hidalgo.

South Padre Island’s lights are beautiful. Thru Jan. 16, the Holiday Light Show is on display 6-9 p.m. at the SPI Convention Centre. Watch from the comfort of your car.

GAME RESULTS: Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. WRITE LEGIBLY!

BEAN BAG – Dec. 14 – Dave Cochran, Margarita Ponce Dec. 15 – Dave Cochran, Jose Ponce

BOWLING – Pins & Cues

CANASTA – Table of 4 –

Dec. 12 – Patti Lamp, Jean Stamp,

Catherine Donovan, Judy Shively 32775

Dec. 15 – Patti Lamp, Beverly Yancey 29985

Dec. 17 – Beverly & Jule (no last names shown) 34363

CRIBBAGE – Dec. 16 – Al Kruckman 679

DOMINOS – Mexican Train – Dec. 14 – Marge Reishus, Ann Johnson, Phyllis Branstetter, Karen Bolte, Jean Stamp, Nancy Gonnerman Dec. 19 – Mary Lou Sirovy, Ann Johnson, Nancy Gonnerman, Darlene Bryant

DUMMY RUMMY – Dec. 18 –

1st – Patti Lamp 175 #2 – Del Telfor 183

3rd – Doug Novak 201 4th – Al Lenius 221

EUCHRE - (no date shown) –

1st – Dick Topel 46 2nd Del Telfor 45

GOLF – Executive –

PINOCHLE – Single Deck –



1st – Arwin Van Wyk 2nd – Lynn Stamp 3rd – John Quail

TIC – Dec. 15 –

1st – Sandy Novak 129 2nd – Sandy Lenius 139

3rd – Patti Lamp 146 4th – Arwin VanWyk 175

Anonymous says ..

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take;

but by the moments that take our breath away!”


Some thoughts about “Kindness” ..

“Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.” --- Henry James

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Ian Maclaren

“I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in unkindness and hardness.” – Mother Teresa

“Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel in order to be tough.”

– Franklin D. Roosevelt

“There is no wrong way to perform an act of kindness.” – Catherine Ryan Hyde

“Never lose a chance of saying a kind word.”

– William Makepeace Thackeray

“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, December 13, 2021

Dec. 13th Newsletter

 RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Sharon Sprague called meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.

Accompanist – Jan Delashmit

Invocation – Phyllis Branstetter “New Kid in Town”

Secretary Report – Dana Daves

Treasurer Report – Sandy Olson

Welcome to new & returning residents who arrived this week.

MANAGEMENT REPORT .. There was none today. Website for park is

Dana Daves gave Secretary report & it was approved.

Treasurer Sandy Olson gave report & it was accepted.

Sandy gave Properties report. The board has volunteered to do breakfasts (biscuits & gravy) on Jan. 8 & 15, Feb. 5 &12. Ed Tice & folks from Iowa will prepare our breakfasts (menu not announced)  Feb. 19 & 26. Thanks. We look forward to our Saturday breakfasts again. Serving is from 7 to 8:30 a.m.

If you don’t have an RVE name tag, check with Donna Gabbert who makes these. We encourage folks to wear these.

Donna Gabbert puts cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684.

A card was placed in the hall for Donna Gabbert whose dog Heidi died this week. Sorry to hear this, Donna.

Craig Daves, dance co-chair, reports first dance is Jan. 3. Admission is $7 pp. Second floor cleaning will be done after next Monday meeting. Volunteers to clear hall?

Marylyn Mason, urges all to come enjoy Christmas music by the kids from Cleckler Elementary School this Friday, the 17th, 6:00-8:30 p.m. Admission of $5 pp will go back to them. Ladies who are filling bags for the children should be in hall Wednesday, at 8 a.m.

Some folks, even those who are vaccinated, may be concerned about spread of Covid. Feel free to wear mask to any event/activity.

Thank you .. Mark Kunkle & crew for meatloaf dinner; Linda Palermo for decorating stage; Harold & Shirley for providing donuts today. If you have been in Friendship Hall, I’m sure you have seen the beautiful decorations in every window. We have Dianna Bruce and Catherine Gibbs to thank.


Thanks to Patty Lamp & Phyllis Branstetter who served coffee & donuts prior to today’s meeting. There is a sign up sheet if you wish to provide in honor of special occasion. If no one signs up, club will pay. Bring donuts by 8:15 a.m.

Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at Her email is

Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.

Upcoming Events:

Dec. 14 – Ladies Wine Party, 3 p.m., Judy DeKoning chairs

Dec. 16 – Men’s Party, 3 p.m., Kathy Cochran chairs

Dec. 17 – Christmas Program by children from Cleckler Elementary School, 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Dec. 18 – Santa Claus will be at Lot #420 for pictures with your doggie. Cost of $5 each

Dec. 23 – Golf Cart Parade with old fashioned Christmas & white elephant exchange, 5:30 p.m.

Dec. 25 – Christmas Dinner at noon, Gonnermans & Jones

Linda Palmero has placed two large boxes in Friendship Hall for residents wishing to donate items for RVE park workers. These should be non-perishable. It was voted & approved to give the two park workers $50 each for Christmas gift from the Club.

We talked about Weslaco Police Dept. Toys for Tots & Judy DeKoning reports a box is located in the card room, unwrapped toys please. It was decided to donate $100 each to Weslaco Police & Fire Departments.

There are many beautiful Christmas displays & decorations throughout our park. We voted club pay out $100 to top 3….$50, $30 & $20. Maybe Nate would get someone from outside park to judge?

We nominated, voted & elected a new club chair & vice chair for calendar year (Jan. thru Dec.). Judy Nordquist will serve as chair; Sharon Sprague as vice chair.

For residents’ information, code to unlock all doors is 7157. Last one out locks up.

Chair Sharon announced to prevent conflicts all activities in big hall should be cleared through Club Secretary’s Calendar. Info will then be given to Judy DeKoning for calendar she posts on back bulletin board.

Editor Mary Lou Benson sends info to news media to announce activities that are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Get written info to her 3 weeks before event please.

Dave Johnson at Lot #93 needs your name & phone numbers for the next park directory. He’s gone over Christmas but I’ve heard he plans to work on the directory while he’s in Illinois 😊

Wednesday Happy Hour is in card room through December. Bring snacks & your own beverage, 4 p.m.

Have you played Card Bingo? “It’s fun, come try it!” says Bill Jones. Bring 25 cents Sundays at 2 p.m.

Judy Shively chairs Hand & Foot Tuesdays at 6 p.m.

Judy Shively will lead Couple’s Line Dancing with plans to begin in January.

Dean Ricke announced twice monthly Pizza Parties begin in Jan. These are held 11:30 a.m. 2nd & 4th Wed. at Peter Piper Pizza. Bring Peter Piper mugs for free soda. Prizes are given.

Bean Bags are being played at 1 p.m. on Tuesdays & Wednesdays with Jose Ponce as chair. Due to prep for wine party, this will be held outside tomorrow.

Euchre players are needed says Mark Wieners.

How about Pinochle players? Saturday, 6:30 p.m. in back room.

Thanks to Jan Delashmit who is playing piano for us during December. She will alternate after that with Cathy Probst.

Women's Wine Party is tomorrow, Dec. 14, at 3 pm.  Chair Judy DeKoning reminds those who wish to attend .. sign up so we have count for tables. Invite a friend and/or new park person.  Bring a bottle of wine, a wine glass in a gift bag & $3. 50/50 will be held. Dip making volunteers may drop off at #89 or in kitchen after noon.

Men's Party will be Thursday, the 16th, 3 pm.  Come and enjoy the comradery!  A drink, a bite, & fun on menu!  Please sign up so tables can be planned!  Bring your drink of choice, your own glass or container & $3.00. Chair Kathy Cochran said we need more numbers in order to hold this party .. so fellows .. please sign up!

Do you know “Santa Claus is Coming to Town?” Bring your doggie this Sat., Dec. 18, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to Lot #420 to have his/her picture taken with Santa. Cost is $5 for professional picture of your fur baby with Santa. You may pick up picture at Christmas party or after.

Marylyn Mason invites residents to a Golf Cart Parade on Dec. 23, 5:30 p.m. Following parade, an old-fashioned Christmas will be held in Friendship Hall with Jan Delashmit playing piano & Marge Reishus leading in song. There is a sign up sheet for attendance & residents may bring cookies. We’ll have white elephant exchange which though not mandatory, should be a lot of fun. Bring $5 (or so) gift. You get a ticket for drawing of a gift. After all names have been drawn, they will draw one more time & you can take gift from someone else. Gifts may be new or regifted items 😊

We have a committee for NOON Christmas Dinner! Chuck & Nancy Gonnerman and Bill & Jan Jones have volunteered. HAM, water, lemonade, plastic table coverings are provided. Each table of 12 should confer & bring whatever they wish to contribute…veggie, salad, relish, dessert. Each table should bring 2 meat platters & 2 meat forks for ham & their own place settings. You may bring a tablecloth/decorations after 9 a.m on the 24th. Sign up by Dec. 20 at the back of Friendship Hall.

We’ve received word from Vic & Judy Greenlee that all is well with them following the devastating tornadoes in Kentucky this weekend. Prayers for all affected.

News editor requests WRITTEN notes for articles or items you wish printed in newsletter. Some items may be edited for content & size.

Newsletters are available mid-afternoon on Mondays by back door in card room. A few may be found in office area.

There are activities across the Valley all season .. but especially at Christmastime. One is the Hidalgo Festival of Lights. This is the 30th year this has been held. It is held Dec. 1 thru Jan. 2. There are live performances & train tours…or you can drive thru to see over 500 lighted displays. It’s worth the drive to Hidalgo.

South Padre Island’s lights are beautiful. Thru Jan. 16, the Holiday Light Show is on display 6-9 p.m. at the SPI Convention Centre. Watch from the comfort of your car.

GAME RESULTS: Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. WRITE LEGIBLY!

BEAN BAG – Dec. 8 Margarita Ponce, Dave Cochran

BOWLING – Pins & Cues

CANASTA – Table of 4 –

Dec. 6 – Jewel Kruckman, Fran Hryniw 31267

Table of 6 –

Dec. 8 – Beverly Yancey, Patty Lamp 46804

CRIBBAGE – Dec. 9 – Jewel Kruckman 672

DOMINOS – Mexican Train – Dec. 5 – Darlene Bryant, Ann Johnson, Janel Baker, Marge Reishus, Catherine Donovan Dec. 7 – Ann Johnson, Jean Stamp, Mary Lou Sirovy, Jan Jones, Virginia Baker, Mary Lou Benson Dec. 12 – Mary Lou Sirovy, Jean Stamp, Janel Baker, Donna Gabbert, Ann Johnson, Darlene Bryant, Nancy Gonnerman

DUMMY RUMMY – Dec. 11 –

1st – Denny Argo 237 2nd – Tom Benson 246

3rd – Pam Brustkern 252 4th – Mary Lou Benson 257


GOLF – Executive –

PINOCHLE – Single Deck –

SHUFFLING – Dec. 7 – Henry Hryniw, Larry Pierstorff Dec. 8 – Henry Hryniw, Al RainH2O (sp?) Dec. 10 – Henry Hryniw, David Johnson


1st – Lynn Stamp 2nd – Judy Nordquist 3rd – John Quail

TIC – Dec. 8 –

1st – Darlene Bryant 133 2nd – Lynn Stamp 159

3rd – Dana Daves 171 4th – April Walling 183

Contributed from Fran Hryniw ..

Just a line to say I’m living, that I’m not among the dead.

Though I’m getting more forgetful & mixed up in my head.

I got used to my arthritis , to my dentures I’m resigned.

I can manage my bifocals, but God, I miss my mind.

Sometimes I can’t remember when I stand at the foot of the stairs.

If I must go up for something or come on down from there.

And before the fridge so often, my mind is filled with doubt.

Have I just put food away or come to take some out?

There is time when it is dark with my nightcap on my head,

I don’t know if I’m retiring or getting out of bed.

So, if it’s my turn to write you, no need for getting sore.

I may think I have written & don’t want to be a bore.

Remember that I love you & wish that you were near.

But now it’s nearly mail time so I must say goodbye dear.

There I stand beside the mailbox with a face so very red.

Instead of mailing you my letter, I opened it instead

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Mondays newsletter

 RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Sharon Sprague called meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.

Accompanist – Jan Delashmit

Invocation – Judy Nordquist

Secretary Report – Dana Daves

Treasurer Report – Sandy Olson

Chairperson Sharon asked folks who are new to RVE to introduce themselves. A hearty welcome to the Tuttles from Albia, Iowa at #26 and the Boltes from Tripoli, Iowa who are renting from Hover’s at #160.

MANAGEMENT REPORT .. We welcomed managers Dan/Jan O’Dell who told us they are thrilled Spectrum service in our park is a month ahead of schedule! Dan said “service is completely up & running”. Residents will receive info in mail box or can read in office. “If you are already a customer, you don’t need to do anything,” Jan added. “If you are new, you can call Spectrum. Tell them you are under bulk rate for RVE, give them your address & lot number.” Website for park is

Board Members -- Properties – George Morgan, Lynn Stamp, Mark Probst; Finance – Vicki Davis, Gordon Amos, Sandy Olson. If you have issues you’d like to present or discuss, you may contact any board member. They sit in a group toward the right front of Friendship Hall prior to Monday meeting.

Dana Daves gave Secretary report & it was approved.

Treasurer Sandy Olson gave report & it was accepted.

Lynn Stamp gave Properties report. He asked if everyone sold all their valuables on last Friday’s patio sale. The wheelchairs & other medical equipment from behind the stage were sold at over $100. Nativity is set up in front of hall & a light needed to illuminate it.

If you don’t have an RVE name tag, check with Donna Gabbert who makes these.

Donna Gabbert puts cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684. Cards this week .. Janice Philipp, former resident, undergoing chemotherapy in Minnesota; Maud Fisher fall, broken hip, surgery yesterday; Sally Hejlik, death of Gary; Norm/Catherine Gibbs, death of Norm’s sister-in-law.

Craig Daves, dance co-chair, reports first dance is Jan. 3. Admission is $7 pp.

Marylyn Mason, urges all to come enjoy Christmas music by the kids from Cleckler Elementary School Dec. 17, 6:00-8:30 p.m. Admission of $5 pp will go back to them.

Some folks, even those who are vaccinated, may be concerned about spread of Covid. Feel free to wear mask to any event/activity.


Thanks to Patty Lamp & Phyllis Branstetter who served coffee & donuts prior to today’s meeting. There is a sign up sheet if you wish to provide in honor of special occasion. If no one signs up, club will pay. Bring donuts by 8:15 a.m.

Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at Her email is

Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.

Upcoming Events:

Dec. 9 – Meatloaf Dinner, $10 pp, 4:30 p.m. social hour, serve at 5

Dec. 12 – Rio Grand Valley Concert Band, 3 p.m. in McAllen

Dec. 14 – Ladies Wine Party, 3 p.m., Judy DeKoning chairs

Dec. 16 – Men’s Party, 3 p.m., Kathy Cochran chairs

Dec. 17 – Christmas Program by children from Cleckler Elementary School, 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Dec. 23 – Golf Cart Parade with old fashioned Christmas & white elephant exchange, 5:30 p.m.

Dec. 25 – Christmas Dinner at noon, Gonnermans, Jones, Buustkern chair

Reach out to your neighbors. Tell them to attend Monday morning meetings. Make them feel welcome!

Linda Palmero has volunteered to place two large boxes in Friendship Hall for residents wishing to donate items for RVE park workers. These should be non-perishable.

We talked about Weslaco Police Dept. Toys for Tots & if we want to do this again this year. Judy DeKoning will check on this.

We will nominate a new club chair & vice chair next Monday for calendar year (Jan. thru Dec.), then vote the following Monday. If you nominate someone, check with them first as to whether they are willing to serve.

For residents’ information, code to unlock all doors is 7157. Last one out locks up

Activity Calendars are posted on back bulletin board in Friendship Hall by Judi DeKoning.

Editor Mary Lou Benson sends info to news media to announce activities that are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Get written info to her 3 weeks before event please.

Dave Johnson at Lot #93 needs your name & phone numbers for the next park directory.

Wednesday Happy Hour is in card room through December. Bring snacks & your own beverage, 4 p.m.

Mark Wieners announces Euchre will begin tomorrow, Dec. 7.

Have you played Card Bingo? “It’s fun, come try it!” says Bill Jones. Bring 25 cents Sundays at 2 p.m.

Judy Shively chairs Hand & Foot Tuesdays at 6 p.m.

Something “new” is in the works. Judy Shively will lead Couple’s Line Dancing once or twice a week. Tentative plans are to try it Tuesdays, 11 a.m. & Thursdays, 10 a.m. following regular line dancing.

Del Hickey at #282 has posted flyers about RGV Band Concert in McAllen next Sunday, 3 p.m. No charge, will take donations. Del plays trumpet in the all seniors band.

Thanks to Jan Delashmit who is playing piano for us during December. She will alternate after that with Cathy Probst.

Ladies, don’t miss the annual Wine-Cheese Party on Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 3 p.m. Chair Judy DeKoning says you should bring a wine glass in a bag & your favorite wine. You’ll go home with a different glass than you brought. Wine is served by men in our park. Two days later on Thursday, Dec. 16, is the Men’s Party. This is also held at 3 p.m. & chaired by Kathy Cochran. There are signup sheets for both events to help with food prep.

Tickets were being sold today, $10 pp, for Meat Loaf Dinner on Dec. 9, 4:30 social hour, eat at 5. Judi DeKoning said you may purchase entire table to seat 8-10 people. She & Kathy Cochran ask that you purchase your tickets soon. The Kunkles chair this event.

Marylyn Mason announced a Golf Cart Parade is planned on Dec. 23, 5:30 p.m. Following parade, an old-fashioned Christmas will be held in Friendship Hall with Jan Delashmit playing piano & Marge Reishus leading in song. There is a sign up sheet for attendance & residents may bring cookies. We’ll have white elephant exchange which though not mandatory, should be a lot of fun. Bring $5 (or so?) gift. You get a ticket for drawing of a gift. After all names have been drawn, they will draw one more time & you can take gift from someone else. Gifts may be new or regifted items 😊

We have a committee for NOON Christmas Dinner! Chuck & Nancy Gonnerman, Bill & Jan Jones, Pam Brustkern have volunteered. HAM, water, lemonade, and plastic table covering provided. Each table of 12 will confer & bring whatever they wish to contribute. If you don’t have 12, sign up anyway, others will see a table needing a few folks & will join you! You’ll need to confer with folks at your table on what each will bring, such as veggie, salad, relishes, dessert. Each table should bring 2 meat platters for ham & their own place settings. You may bring tablecloth & decorations after 9 a.m .on the 24th. Sign up sheets will be available middle of this week.

Newsletters are available mid-afternoon on Mondays by the back door in card room. A few may be found in office area.

There are activities across the Valley all season .. but especially at Christmastime. One is the Hidalgo Festival of Lights. This is the 30th year this has been held. It is held Dec. 1 thru Jan. 2. There are live performances & train tours…or you can drive thru to see over 500 lighted displays. It’s worth the drive to Hidalgo.

South Padre Island’s lights are beautiful. Thru Jan. 16, the Holiday Light Show is on display 6-9 p.m. at the SPI Convention Centre. Watch from the comfort of your car.

GAME RESULTS: Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. WRITE LEGIBLY!


BOWLING – Pins & Cues

CANASTA – Table of 4 –

Nov. 28 – Fran Hryniw, Juanita Fisher 29445

Dec. 3 – Beverly Yancey, Fran Hryniw 25200

Table of 6 – Dec. 1 –

Patty Lamp, Juanita Fisher, Pam Brustkern 35390

CRIBBAGE – Dec. 2 – Al Kruckman 700

DOMINOS – Mexican Train – Nov. 30 – Maud Fisher, Ann Johnson

DUMMY RUMMY – Dec. 4 –

1st – Patty Lamp 202 2nd – Jean Stamp 218

3rd – Arwin VanWyk 262 4th – Carol Bedford 264


GOLF – Executive –

PINOCHLE – Single Deck –

SHUFFLING – Nov. 24 – Larry Pierstorff, Henry Hryniw

Nov. 30 – Larry Pierstorff, Henry Hryniw Dec. 3 – Jean Stamp, John Quail, Judy Nordquist. Henry Hryniw, David Johnson


TIC – Dec. 1 –

1st – Arwin VanWyk 133 2nd – Sandy Novak 178

3rd – Kathryn Ratliff 192 4th – Patti Lamp 206