We had a good meeting this morning.I will give a little more detail as some of you are reading this and arent down here yet. Darlene Bryant called the meeting to order and Marge Rexroad gave the invocation. Our mgr. Connie announced the lighting contest winners, which I posted already. Ken borah from the Properties Committee, said they are woking on a light above the Veterans board, Art Voss reported that the attendance at the dances is down this year, and Lyle Beaver will be playing for the New Years Dance.
Irene Quail reported cards sent to Hausers, death of his Brother, Peg Hayelan cataract surgery, Dick Hilde was in the hosp. a short time, Arlene Jass is in the hosp. blood pressure.
Charlotte Therrien said Tom Wayne will be performing at our Friday night entertainment
Upcoming events Dec 31st, Citrus Drive breakfast, Jan. 11th, Aloe Vera farm tour,Jan 12th Spagetti feed, Jan. 13th the Veterans Luncheon, Jan.21st is the Luau
Jan. 28th 99 block party, Jan. 29th Kansas Day at Linns Buffet
We will be playing games in the pool room on New Years Eve, if you do not want to attend the dance, bring your favorite hoursdeovrve (sp)or snacks and come play.