We are back from Las Vegas! We had a great time. The crazy thing about the trip was that the weather was so cold in New Mexico and Arizona, down to the 30's and unusually cool in Vegas. We had 60's in the morning and 80's during the day, beautiful weather there. When we got home our weather was rather cool, 60 in the morning and 80 or so later in the day, very nice!. No rain,dry all the way out to Vegas, and very dry here. I guess it rains every day in Southern Illinois? Iowa getting alot of rain too.
Cards were sent to Maxine Wallace, (Connie Bardons Mom), Connies Step Dad passed away,a card for Nancy Argo, I had stopped to visit her 2 days after surgery, she is doing well, she had some bone spurs removed from her neck and they went in through the throat, so she has metal stitches which will be removed in a week, a card to The Henningsens, their Grandson was wounded in Afganistan,they heard that he was in stable condition, A card is now up to sign for Al Kruckman, he had a blood clot on his brain,and had surgery, he's home and doing well.
Martha Millender and Opal Wilson provided the donuts this morning. We had around 31 people there. Darlene Bryant had sacks for us to bring non parishable foods for the post office food drive. And Denny Argo gave us an update on Nancy and she's still doing good. Sue reminded everyone about the Mother's Day dinner Sunday at 1:00p.m. and Ken and Sue Barnhart made a beautiful new sign for our park!

The Eshelman's have a new Great Grandson born May 2nd!
Anita and Ken Farley had their Son Steve and Daughter-in-law, Tammy for a visit, then as soon as they left, their other Son , Dave came to visit.

While we were gone the folks here enjoyied a cookout! It sounded like they had a great time! About 60 came and brought meat to grill and potluck, Nancy Argo remarked that some people said they hoped we would have this every month! This Sunday, Mother's Day, the ladies are being treated to a dinner prepared by the men!It looks like 60 or more will be coming. We had our Happy Hour on the patio Wednesday and a nice group showed up.
Remember to send me some news to post!
We had a freak accident here Wednesday, our storm window was raised on the storm door, and Our dog Heidi jumped against the screen, the window came down on her left foot, she broke it in two places.She had to stay over night at the Vets and is back home doing good, she has a splint on her leg from the elbow down.