Our Olmpic winners
Left to right Lu Scott, Judy Nordquist Ladies 4th in Euchre
Leon Cheathum, Bob Kerkau, Men 4th place in Euchre also
Friday, February 28, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Febuary 22nd
We are having on and off showers today, which are much needed. Our weather is getting warmer and more like S. Texas weather should be!!
Here is the newsletter
Here is the newsletter
called meeting to order. Pledge of Allegiance & singing of “God
Bless America” preceded meeting. Meeting closed with singing of
club song.
– Peg Hayelan (need new accompanist next season)
– Dianne Bruce - “Fore”.. golf compared to life closing with a
Report – Dorothy Borah
Report – John Norris
Helen reminded us to complete change of address form & wire
mailbox shut (ties provided at office) when we head north. Beginning
today, if you have a yellow card that indicates you have a package,
package will be at office for you. Those who converted during gas
crisis, some checks are in the office. Sam
reported complaints of some driving over the 15 mph speed limit ..
please adhere to this rule to prevent a tragedy. We were reminded to
respect other people's property .. use roads not their yards when
walking. Worth repeating .. pick up after your pet.
for park is
This includes a link to club website RVEWTC.com
by Judi
DeKoning .
See Donna
blog at www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com.
Editor still writes occasionally on slowboattonursinghome.com.
Ron Zoeller,
properties committee, reported 2 new griddles will be shipped this
week. He said a cable connection to Time Warner is needed to use in
big hall instead of using Brock's hook-up. He thanked those who
attended Nascar yesterday. RVE
Club Board is
at Monday meetings prior to business session. Address concerns to
them. Board members are Properties
– Clyde Read, Dave Cochran, Ron Zoeller; Finance
– Mary Lantis, John Geer, John Norris.
Election next Monday
Candidates are properties, Jim
Moeller, Clyde Read;
finance, Rita
Sutherland, Charlotte Therrien.
invited all to come for Friday night entertainment to hear Rainey
with her Patsy Cline Tribute Show. (Jack Nelson had to cancel).
Cost is $5 pp. Snack bar will be open. Don't forget the 5 p.m.
potluck prior to entertainment.
tells us our projector does not have tuner .. we need to have a way
to hook up (HDMI). Did the computer-illiterate editor get this
correct, Brock?!!
we'll have our free movie, “Oz, The Great & Powerful”.
Statton plays
at dance tonight, $4.50 pp. Doors open at 6 with dance beginning 7
p.m. Tonight's free ticket goes to #227 (Hicks). Ticket is
non-transferable. Set-ups available & FREE popcorn. Thanks to
Bruce & Billie who are handling tonight's duties.
Irene Quail (#49)
places cards to be signed by residents in office area. Call at
704-516-5360 if you know of someone needing card due to illness or
death of family member.
This week cards made or sent to: Wayne Hayelan, losing blood, had
transfusions, now home; Kay Henriksen, Nancy Stokwisz & brother
Marvin Lindley (rented here for 3 mos. this season), their uncle
passed away; Rita Van Anne, here last year from Kansas, cancer or
some disease. It was reported Marilyn Loutzenhiser has gone home as
her mother died. A note from Larry Dixon's daughter was read saying
the metastic/cancer, is now Stage 4, not curable. They are waiting
for TX tests to arrive, then will test to see if it can be treated by
pill or chemo.
today were provided by Gary Lundgren in memory of Martha; and the
Moores in honor of Clarence's birthday. Thanks.
to the Canadians for some great Saturday breakfasts in February! Do
we have volunteers for March? Chair Judy “mentioned” residents
who equal 95% of our population??
don't know how to adequately thank all for kindness to Bud & me
these past weeks .. visits, phone calls, cards, meals, most of all
for your prayers. Unbelievable, we will never forget .. keep praying
& I will gradually get better.”
– Love, Arlene Lykken
New RVE directories are
available from Dave
Johnson #93 or
Sharon Sprague
#244. $1.50 each.
The back card room will be
used tomorrow, Feb. 25, for Stroke
tests. There
will not be quilting this Tuesday.
have asked why we do not recycle
here as most of us are required to do up north. We have information
posted on board as to WHAT can be taken WHERE in our area. Please
read board as space doesn't permit printing all in newsletter. Items
you can recycle include tin, steel, iron, copper, brass, aluminum,
cardboard, glass, plastic, electronic waste, plastic bags, car &
household batteries, ink cartridges, eyeglasses, and more.
Newspapers are collected & left in totes behind our stage to be
taken to pinata folks in Nuevo Progreso, Mexico.
was given about First
by Rita
News editor is not printing ALL she's heard as not certain “what's
true, what's not”. We do, however, need to put medical info on
sheets previously provided & enclose in red envelope to be found
in case of emergency. You
may call Weslaco Police instead of 911,.. 956-968-8591.
“ICE” on your cell phone is important in order to call your
family in case of emergency.
chair Sharon
says there are no
crafts this Wednesday.
See info sheet on card room bulletin board for March 5 crafts &
fabric requirements.
tells us about the format for golfing at Tierra Santa on Wednesdays.
You can reserve tee times for remainder of season. No handicaps
calculated, score sheets need not be turned in. Call 956-973-1811
before 4 p.m. on Monday to arrange tee time/4-somes. Ask for RVE tee
introduced winners in Sr.
.. two 4th
place winners: Judy Nordquist/Lu Scott in cribbage, Leon Cheatum-Bob
Kerkau in euchre. Congratulations!
Happy Hour this week..
is tomorrow, Feb. 25, 11:30 a.m. at Harold's Country Kitchen, 2111 E.
Bus. 83, Donna. Questions?? Donna
or Catherine
Pizza Party
is this Wednesday, Feb. 26, 11:30 a.m. at Peter Piper Pizza, Weslaco,
say the Stensruds.
folks plan to eat breakfast Thursday, Feb. 27, at Dianna's in
Weslaco, 8 a.m.
is next week, March 4, 11 a.m. at Jalisco's on Westgate across from
Home Depot.
Valley Drive lunch
will be in Friendship Hall on March 4, noon until 2 p.m.
were reminded there is a Park
Patio Sale
here March 6.
invites all to attend the next BBQ
on Sunday, March 9, with all invited. Eat at 5 p.m. Bring meat to
grill & dish to share, plus your table service.
& Mary Norby,
chairs, introduced Chief of Staff A. J. Garcia & Commander Tony
Romando (local) who accepted $1,318 for Wounded Warriors from our
dinner proceeds. They told us there is no paid staff & all goes
to vets. We
thank our sponsors Home Depot, Olive Garden, Costco & Lowe's.
As John Geer said
“Jeanean & I are relatively new residents at RVE but we feel
blessed to be here where so many volunteer in many ways, in
particular, we thank the Norbys for their hard work on the Vet's
Ditto from the rest of us!
If you won the “whirley
stand”, Mary Nelson has the bottom.
chair Ken
thanked all who helped. A slide show was on big screen prior to
Monday club meeting & 2 tables of pictures free for the taking
are in front of big hall. Ken thanked Wells Store who loaned the
bikini-clad mannequins. Plans for next season are underway with a
“hillbilly” theme. Bring your best overalls & feed sack
dresses to participate! Date reserved is Jan. 29, 2015.
dates on calendar for 2015 season are:
Anniversary-Birthday Party Sign up sheet already on board if you
will be honored.
Mardi Gras .. Gordon & Joyce Amos chair. You can dress in
costume if you wish (not a must) & decorate tables.
party was yesterday .. chair Donna
In spite of rain delays in Florida, everyone who attended had a fun
day! Thanks to Donna, Ron & committee who worked hard to pull
this off!
is this Thursday, Feb. 27. Practice is 2:30 Wednesday for all
participants. Table set up 9:30 Wednesday. Doors open at 11
Thursday; program at noon. As the men will be setting up tables, we
cannot open doors until 11. Looking forward to fun-filled “cruising”
afternoon. You can still purchase raffle tickets for the Kindle Fire
HD from Rita
or Adrienne
Plan to attend a reception in Friendship Hall 2-3:30 p.m. on Sunday,
March 2, to honor Bill
& Mary Welch
upon their wedding. No gift please, just your best wishes!
reminder .. RGV concert band will play combined concert with Magic
Valley Chorus, Sr. Ambassadors & Men of A Chord at Trinity
Worship Center in McAllen March 7, 7 p.m. Tickets at $7 are
available from Del
#282, or Ken
Potato Bar
is Tuesday, March 11, in Friendship Hall, 5 p.m.. $5 pp tickets are
available from either Stensruds #252 or Spragues #244.
Style Show
is Thursday, March 13, 1 p.m. Tickets are $1 at the door. Chair
says model sign up sheet is posted back of hall. Models can wear
Ropa clothes or bargains from any bargain source. Model clothing
from jeans to formals.
is March 18, 5 p.m., Wells
& Vosses
chair. Tickets went on sale this morning, $5 pp. available from
Wells, E-4.
Meal includes Irish stew, buns, dessert. Coffee & tea will be
provided. Bring own table service.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Market Days at Padre Island
We went to Padre Island today. It sure was a hazy day. We thought forsure it would clear off and the sun would shine but it was not to be. going over the Causeway it was quite foggy
Last night the weatherman said there was zero visibility, but today was better.We went to Market Days at the South Padre Island Convention Center.
There sure were lots of tables of hand crafted items and many tables of folks selling jewelry and Island souveniers etc. One gentleman was selling his hand crafted mahogany items, ww 1 airplane replicas , cars, guitars, etc. really nice. Lots of demonstrations of products, new pots and pans, food choppers, spices, places that offered samples of their dips, jellies etc. it was neat. Outside of the Convention Center some one had poured cracked corn on the ground, the Seagulls acted like they were starving!!
We were going to eat on the Island, but so many people at noon at the main restaurants so we headed over to a place we know has great seafood and shrimp, it was called the Lost Galleon in Port Isabelle. It now has changed to Rincon Vericruzano, located on your right about 3 blocks this side of the causeway on the corner, they said they still have the same cook, and still serve all you can eat shrimp or fish. but there are lots more choices on the new menu below. the only thing bad about the Restaurant is , it is quite small and would be hard to seat any big groups of people.
My shrimp was very good, Senior Platter
Our place to buy frozen shrimp, Twin City Shrimp Co. 901 South Shore Dr. was closed , Sat. and Sun .Open only Mon. thru Fri. they have individually frozen shrimp in bulk packages. I f you like shrimp they have several different sizes, we turn right at the Dairy Queen in Port Isabel, follow the road around on the right past a school.
Last night the weatherman said there was zero visibility, but today was better.We went to Market Days at the South Padre Island Convention Center.
There sure were lots of tables of hand crafted items and many tables of folks selling jewelry and Island souveniers etc. One gentleman was selling his hand crafted mahogany items, ww 1 airplane replicas , cars, guitars, etc. really nice. Lots of demonstrations of products, new pots and pans, food choppers, spices, places that offered samples of their dips, jellies etc. it was neat. Outside of the Convention Center some one had poured cracked corn on the ground, the Seagulls acted like they were starving!!
We were going to eat on the Island, but so many people at noon at the main restaurants so we headed over to a place we know has great seafood and shrimp, it was called the Lost Galleon in Port Isabelle. It now has changed to Rincon Vericruzano, located on your right about 3 blocks this side of the causeway on the corner, they said they still have the same cook, and still serve all you can eat shrimp or fish. but there are lots more choices on the new menu below. the only thing bad about the Restaurant is , it is quite small and would be hard to seat any big groups of people.
My shrimp was very good, Senior Platter
Our place to buy frozen shrimp, Twin City Shrimp Co. 901 South Shore Dr. was closed , Sat. and Sun .Open only Mon. thru Fri. they have individually frozen shrimp in bulk packages. I f you like shrimp they have several different sizes, we turn right at the Dairy Queen in Port Isabel, follow the road around on the right past a school.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Sock hop
Scroll on down to the slide show,please click on the little arrows benath the pictures if the slide show stalls,
hope you enjoy the slide show!
hope you enjoy the slide show!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Veteran's Dinner
Our Veterans Dinner
Brock Lainge was Emcee, with Robert and Mary Norby chairing the event.
Olive Garden furnished the meal free of charge, which was salad, Lasagna, and bread stick, plus a delicious dessert of Cheesecake, all ticket money was donated to the Wounded Warriors, which was over $1,000.00, also Home Depot donated $150.00 worth of prizes.
Many prizes were donated, I won a quilt made and donated by Bonnie Cassidy and Mary Jo Havertape. Gary Van Patton sang the Wall, and another song written by a lady from Iowa. Art Bloom said grace, Taps were played. It was very very nice.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Monday Feb.17th
Good Day

Orkut Image Scraps @GoodLightscraps.com
I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day. We went to the Elks Lodge for their wonderful Fish and shrimp.
the weather is finally what everyone came down here for, 80's yes! I saw a few sunburned people last night at Mexican Train...need to wear that sunscreen!
called meeting to order. Pledge of Allegiance & singing of “God
Bless America” preceded meeting. Meeting closed with singing of
club song.
– Peg Hayelan (need new accompanist next season)
– none this morning due to Memorial Service being held
Report – Dorothy Borah
Report – John Norris
said those in RV section wanting 6-6 reservations should get deposit
in by the end of this week. Address change forms are available at
the office. Water bills will be due end of month (when you pay March
Official website
for our park is
This includes a link to club website RVEWTC.com
by Judi
DeKoning .
out Donna
blog .. www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com.
Editor still writes occasionally on slowboattonursinghome.com.
Ron Zoeller,
properties committee, thanked Gary
& Clyde
for work removing old shelves, replacing with new; and Gary for
replacement of ceiling tile. We voted to purchase 2 new griddles
for kitchen, might possibly sell old one (at least the one that
works) on E-Bay. Owner Walt
has agreed to pay half the purchase cost. The new grills have 2 year
warranty for parts/labor.
Club Board is
at Monday meetings prior to business session. Address concerns to
them. Board members are Properties
– Clyde Read, Dave Cochran, Ron Zoeller; Finance
– Mary Lantis, John Geer, John Norris.
invited all to come for Friday night entertainment to hear “Amber
Waves”, a family band. They play a mixture of music, old &
new, delivering them in their own modern artistic sound. Cost is $5
pp. Snack bar will be open. Don't forget the 5 p.m. potluck prior
to entertainment. Last week 44 came for good food & fellowship.
Everyone welcome to join in!
reminded us Vet
Dinner proceeds go to Wounded Warriors Fund.
He explained the Kindle
to be raffled at Fashion
is similar to an I-Pad ..tickets available from Rita, #289.
will be a movie, title unknown, this Thursday night.
We're pretty certain it is not XXXX-rated, right, Brock? !!
plays at dance tonight, $4.50 pp, said Ron
.. a free ticket was drawn, #D-6 the lucky winner, ticket
non-transferable. Set-ups available & FREE popcorn. Looking for
chair or steering committee for next season. You could work week to
week, & not entire season. Current committee just wishing some
assistance so they can dance too!
Irene Quail (#49)
places cards to be signed by residents in office area. Call at
704-516-5360 if you know of someone needing card due to illness or
death of family member.
This week cards made or sent to: Anita-Harvey Madsen, her sister
died; Calvin Hoegh, knee surgery; Cleland Thorpe, back surgery.
Canadians headed by Taylors
& Messners
are serving some tasty Saturday breakfasts in February, $3.... 7 to
8:30 a.m. This Saturday it's “lazy man's quiche”, hash browns,
toast & fruit.
New RVE directories are
available from Dave
Johnson #93 or
Sharon Sprague
#244. $1.50 each.
We were asked to please get
ice from machine a day prior to events if at all possible. If you
remove decorations from big hall, please return them. Do NOT leave
coffee cups etc. in the windows following an event, says Dianna
Looking ahead, the back card
room can't be used on Tuesday, Feb. 25, as Stroke
tests will be conducted entire day. Also, there will not be quilting
that Tuesday.
Thank yous .. Therriens
& Ales
thanked helpers & those who attended the bean feed this past
week. A thank you was heard from cancer chair Jan
Philipp to all
who supported that event in any way including her committee. Mary
says “thanks” to Sue
& Sharon
for their help at craft sale. Editor thanks everyone who is giving
written notes .. and a big thank you to Cheryl
who takes newsletter to printer.
chair Sharon
says this group will meet Wed. 9 a.m. in card room. We will be
working on the crazy quilt place mats with Virginia
teaching (began last week).
tells us about the format for golfing at Tierra Santa on Wednesdays.
We've arranged with manager to reserve tee times for remainder of
season. No handicaps calculated, score sheets need not be turned in.
Call Tierra Santa at 956-973-1811 before 4 p.m. on Monday to arrange
tee time & 4-somes. Ask for RVE tee times .. 9:13, 9:20 or 9:27
says Sr.
are over. We had two 4th
place winners: Judy Nordquist/Lu Scott in cribbage, Leon Cheatum-Bob
Kerkau in euchre. Winners should wear park t-shirts & their
medals to next Mon. meeting for pictures & recognition.
join your friends most Wednesdays, 4 p.m. for Happy
Bring refreshments, there will be music on CD if you wish to dance.
will enjoy breakfast Wednesday, Feb. 19, at Jalisco's, 8 a.m. Come
one, come all!
Valley Drive Street Breakfast
is Thursday, Feb. 20, 8 a.m. at Fiesta Tex-Mex.
folks plan to eat breakfast Thursday, Feb. 20, at El Dorado in
Weslaco, 8 a.m.
Valley Drive lunch
will be in Friendship Hall on March 4, noon until 2 p.m.
you to all my Valentine's! You know who you are, even if I
don't. I've said before that RVE is the only place to be in
times of need. You all prove each day that I'm right, and I
appreciate each of you SO much.”..
Judi DeKoning
honoring RVE residents who passed away in 2013 was held this morning.
Thanks to Donna Perkins, Pastor Art Bloom, Tom & Bonnie Cassidy
who lead us in scripture, song & prayer remembering these
residents .. Ailene Petrey, Paul Davis, Linda Bowers, Martha
Lundgren, Ken Samples, Lavina Kelsey, Merlin Davis, Paul White, Jean
McCann White, Dick Thornton, Rachel Kerr, Donna Passage, Les
Reynolds, Richard DeKoning, Irvin Parks, Adrian Zee.
& Mary Norby
chair the Vet's
tomorrow, the 18th.
ALL TICKETS ARE SOLD!. Take door prize donations to #179. Doors
open at 11:30, remember to bring
your blue ticket you purchased.
All proceeds from raffle & event will go to Wounded
Warriors Fund.
Doors open 11:30 a.m. There
will be no line dancing tomorrow due to this dinner.
is Wednesday, Feb. 19. Chair Ken
says only 6 tickets left .. no tickets will be sold at the door.
Decorate your table noon & 3 p.m. to win a prize! Doors open
5:30 p.m. Kitchen opens at 6 p.m. Prizes for best dressed. Theme
is “Beach Blanket Bingo”. Fred Goldsberry will play. Special
surprise guests will be arriving soon from “out of state”.
Kitchen crew is headed by Ann
& Marge
50's prices on hot dogs & soda pop.
will be no TIC tournament this week due to Sock Hop.
party is Sunday, Feb. 23, chaired by Donna
Gates open 11 a.m. Green flag waves at 12:00. Admission $2 each.
Hamburgers/hot dogs .. soda, water at concessions. Bring your
favorite snack foods/beverages. A pit pass may be purchased to enter
pit stop contest for $1. There will be race pools & other
games. Brock will show live race on our large screen TV. Wear any
favorite racing gear. Come & cheer on your favorite driver!
Tickets may be purchased at Lot #66 or #153.
is Tuesday, Feb. 25, 11:30 a.m. at Harold's Country Kitchen, 2111 E.
Bus. 83, Donna. Sign-up please. Questions?? Donna
or Catherine
with the theme “Cruising” is guaranteed to be fun. Chair Sharon
tells us tickets at $7 for the Feb. 27 event are available until this
Friday, only a few left. 8 seats/table...purchase 1 ticket or entire
table. Sharon
has tickets . This
is Sharon Barksdale's last fashion show so we need chairman for 2015.
She has all the paper work you need to do the show. Get raffle
tickets for the Kindle Fire from Rita
Adrienne Laing.
If you aren't familiar with a Kindle
Fire, it's similar to an I-Pad; there are some fine folks in our park
who can help you get started should you win this!
to attend a reception in Friendship Hall on March 2 to honor Bill
& Mary Welch
upon their wedding. Come 2-3:30 p.m.
now to attend the Baked
Potato Bar
Tuesday, March 11, in Friendship Hall, 5 p.m.. $5 pp tickets are
available from either Stensruds #252 or Spragues #244.
Style Show
has been changed to March 13, 1 p.m. Tickets are $1 at the door.
Chair Judy
says model sign up sheet is posted back of hall. Models can wear
Ropa clothes or bargains from any bargain source. Model clothing
from jeans to formals.
reminds us RGV concert band will play combined concert with Magic
Valley Chorus, Sr. Ambassadors & Men of A Chord at Trinity
Worship Center in McAllen March 7, 7 p.m. Tickets at $7 are
available from Del
#282, or Ken
will be March 18, 5 p.m. Tickets went on sale this morning, $5 pp. &
available from Bruce/Billie
Sign-up sheets on back of big hall. Specific tasks will be assigned
says the Amigos
de los Ninos
fundraiser jam session scheduled on Feb. 20, has been cancelled.
There will be another “hoedown” to benefit Amigos March 6 at Casa
del Sol, $3.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Monday Feb. 10th
called meeting to order. Pledge of Allegiance & singing of “God
Bless America” preceded meeting. Meeting closed with singing of
club song.
– Peg Hayelan (need new accompanist next season)
– Bruce Wells - “His Take on Life” & prayer
Report – Dorothy Borah
Report – John Norris
mentioned by chair: Let office know if you are heading an event;
often someone comes in to ask who's in charge. Feel free to decorate
hall for events, but please do NOT help yourself to decorations in
windows. If you must move decorations, put them back after event.
Take out trash & remove your decorations.
said there is water leak by 99s, staff is working on this. Helen has
3 different earrings; if you lost one, come get by showing the
matching one. When asked about reason for no WI-FI available
throughout entire park, she replied Scot is “trying
to get all the ducks in a row.”
Helen added, “Enjoy
the pool & good weather .. may change tomorrow!”
for our park is
A link to club website RVEWTC.com
by Judi
DeKoning is
included. Check
out Donna
blog .. www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com.
Editor still writes occasionally on slowboattonursinghome.com.
Ron Zoeller,
properties committee, reported..still working on the problem with
griddle, will check with owner Walt to see if he will go along with
what we need. Concerning ice machine, we were told when temp falls
below 40 degrees, no need for ice and the machine automatically shuts
off. Machine seems to be working okay now as it has reset. When
asked if park owner should be paying for bug spray, John
said they had paid for spraying earlier in season & will refund
for recent kitchen spraying.
Club Board is
at Monday meetings prior to business session. Address concerns to
them. Board members are Properties
– Clyde Read, Dave Cochran, Ron Zoeller; Finance
– Mary Lantis, John Geer, John Norris.
Bruce Wells
reported for absent entertainment
Wade Benson Landry will present his “Swingin' Cajun Style Show”
this Friday, cost $5 at the door. Snack bar will be open. Don't
forget the potluck prior to entertainment. More from Bruce on 2nd
movie this Thursday night.
plays at dance tonight. A free ticket was drawn with #413 drawn as
winner, free ticket non-transferable. Dance cost is $4.50. Special
area for singles.
available & FREE popcorn. Ron
reported 105 pd.admissions last week & thanked residents for
support. Dances are held Dec. til mid-March, except Christmas-New
Year holidays. He thanked Bruce
& Billie Wells
for chairing the last two Mondays .. and Whitey
for cookies provided last week in honor of wife Betty's birthday.
Looking for chair or steering committee for next season.
Irene Quail (#49)
places cards to be signed by residents in office area. Call at
704-516-5360 if you know of someone needing card due to illness or
death of family member.
A card was up this week for Larry Dixon, who has been diagnosed with
Stage 3 lung cancer. His daughter is coming down & he'll be
heading north with her. Former resident Bob Woodruff had back
surgery, is home & miserable. His address is 300 W. 11th
St., Lot C7, McCook, NE 69001.
Canadians headed by Taylors
& Messners
are serving some tasty Saturday breakfasts in February, $3.... 7 to
8:30 a.m. This Saturday it's sausages & scrambled eggs, English
muffins & fruit.
Stuart Donovan
spoke prior to meeting about Integra Wellness tests . Series of 5
tests available in our hall Feb. 25,
8-5. Make appointment &
select which tests you wish.
New RVE directories are
available from Dave
Johnson #93 or
Sharon Sprague
#244. $1.50 each.
What a lovely anniversary
celebration yesterday in Friendship Hall! We
had a large attendance. The
six couples who were honored say “thanks
to committee & residents for a fun day!”
chair Sharon
says this group will meet Wed. 9 a.m. in card room. We will be
making crazy quilt place mats with Virginia
teaching. Bring 6 fat quarters, don't need your sewing machines as
we'll be cutting & pinning. Cost - $1.
tells us about the format for golfing at Tierra Santa on Wednesdays.
We've arranged with manager to reserve tee times for remainder of
season. No handicaps calculated, score sheets need not be turned in.
Call Tierra Santa at 956-973-1811 before 4 p.m. on Monday to arrange
tee time & 4-somes. Ask for RVE tee times .. 9:13, 9:20 or 9:27
Craft Show chair, reported a successful day Thursday & thanked
all who attended or helped in any way.
begin today. Anyone who needs a pin on RVE pennant, see Bruce
E-4. RVE hosts Euchre Feb.14, 8:30 a.m. & will be using big hall
from 6 a.m. until noon. Set up after pitch Thursday night. Those
baking cookies, please bring to Bruce or to hall by 8 a.m. on the
Thanks to all who helped & supported these Olympics.
Feb. 12, is Bean
noon. Therriens
& Ales
chair. Bring your own table service & any other foods you'd like
to have along with the bean soup. You may set up your table at 9
a.m. Wednesday.
will not
be a Park
Pizza Party
this week .
join your friends on Wed. afternoon, 4 p.m. for Happy
Bring refreshments, there will be music on CD if you wish to
dance....come to “dance off your beans” !!
folks plan to eat breakfast Thursday, Feb. 13, at Tierra Santa Golf
Clubhouse, 8 a.m.
chair Jan
#70, says men & women are invited to Feb. 13 event. Raffle
tickets will be available at the door, $1 each, 6/$5. This is a noon
luncheon. Sign up so they can get count on numbers. Pies
Box is continuing to collect toiletry items; will be delivered
mid-March. Lunch cost is $4 with $1 more if you wish a piece of pie.
honoring RVE residents who have passed away will be next Monday, the
9:15 a.m. In 2013 we lost Ailene Petrey, Paul Davis, Linda Bowers,
Martha Lundgren, Ken Samples, Lavina Kelsey, Merlin Davis, Paul
White, Jean McCann White, Dick Thornton, Rachel Kerr, Donna Passage,
Les Reynolds, Richard DeKoning and Irvin Parks, In 2014 we have lost
Nathan Morrow. If we missed a name, please let chairperson know.
& Mary Norby
chair the Vet's
Feb. 18. ALL TICKETS ARE SOLD!. You may take door prize donations
to #179. A $100 gift certificate to Home Depot will be raffled.
Olive Garden is donating the entire meal except for dessert. Lowe's
has donated $150 shopping spree; Home Depot another $50 as door
prizes. All proceeds from raffle & event will go to Wounded
Warriors Fund.
Doors open 11:30 a.m.
will enjoy breakfast Wednesday, Feb. 19, at Jalisco's, 8 a.m. Come
one, come all!
is Feb. 19, Barnharts
chairing. Tickets are available for only one more week...none sold
at door Table of 8 is $40 or purchase single ticket for $5.
Decorate your table to win a prize! Prizes for best dressed. It's
the 4th
year it's been held &is always a sell-out. Theme is “Beach
Blanket Bingo”. Fred Goldsberry will play. There will be special
surprise guests. Kitchen crew is headed by Ann
& Marge
50's prices on hot dogs & soda pop. Residents
should not pay 50's prices on pop, then take the pop home!
party is Feb. 23, chaired by Donna
Gates open 11 a.m. Green flag waves at 12:00. Admission $2 each.
Hamburgers/hot dogs .. soda, water at concessions. Bring your
favorite snack foods/beverages. A pit pass may be purchased to enter
pit stop contest for $1. There will be race pools & other
games. Brock will show live race on our large screen TV. Wear any
favorite racing gear. Come & cheer on your favorite driver!
Tickets may be purchased Mon. mornings or Lot #66 or #153.
will be Tuesday, Feb. 25, 11:30 a.m. At Harold's Country Kitchen,
2111 E. Bus. 83, Donna. Sign-up please. Questions?? Donna Granath
or Catherine Gibbs.
with the theme “Cruising” is guaranteed to be fun. Chair Sharon
tells us tickets at $7 for the Feb. 27 event are available...8
seats/table...purchase 1 ticket or entire table. Have one person buy
the table if possible. Sharon
has tickets each Monday. We are taking you on a cruise with fashion
& fun. Raffle of Kindle Fire HD will be offered with Rita
selling raffle tickets, $2 ea. or 3/$5.
Style Show
has been changed to March 13, 1 p.m. Tickets are $1 at the door.
Chair Judy
says model sign
sheet is posted back of hall. Models can wear Ropa clothes or
bargains from any bargain source. Model clothing from jeans to
concert band will play combined concert with Magic Valley Chorus,
Senior Ambassadors, Men of A Chord at Trinity Worship Center, 4801 N.
Cage (Exp.281-Nolana) March 7, 7 p.m. Tickets at $7 are available
from Del
will be March 18, 5 p.m. Tickets go on sale next Monday, $5 pp.
Sign-up sheets to help on back of big hall soon.
spoke about 2 Amigos de los Ninos fundraisers. Due to lack of
newsletter space, please talk to Peg. The hoedown at Casa del Sol is
Feb. 13, 7-9 p.m. A jam session at Tropic Star in Pharr is scheduled
for Feb. 20, 1-4 p.m. All monies go to Amigos!
discussed, voted & approved the following amendment to club
by-laws .. “(12-4)
When at all possible, activity chairperson or vice chairperson shall
purchase goods for the planned activity from a local vendor. In the
event the needed item cannot be obtained locally, and shipping costs
for the item exceeds the pre-approved $200 limit, the expenditure
must be taken to a Monday meeting and submitted to the members for
discussion and vote.”
would like to express our thanks to all the friends in RVE who gave
flowers, cards, hugs & other expressions of sympathy since the
passing of John's mother Jan. 4.”
– John & Marie Slycord
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Friday, February 7, 2014
Monday, February 3, 2014
Feb. 3rd
Rio Valley News
Rio Valley Estates Mobilehome and RV Resort --715 N. Westgate Drive, Weslaco, Texas 78596
Volume 42 NO. 14 Date: February 3, 2014
called meeting to order. Pledge of Allegiance & singing of “God
Bless America” preceded meeting. Meeting closed with singing of
club song. We welcomed new comers.
– Peg Hayelan
– Faye Werstein ' “My God” reading & prayer
Report – Dorothy Borah Treasurer
Report – John Norris
Carol, a
rep about First Responders,
spoke before meeting. First Responders can be called by dialing AAA
Pager on your cell phone. She suggested everyone have medical info
& history written on a form inside a red envelope (provided by
them), then hang this on refrigerator, also put copy in glove
compartment of your car. They follow Good Samaritan Law & would
only provide assistance before ambulance arrives. John
added that residents may want to put “ICE” (in case of emergency)
on their cell phones. Don't know how? John will help you.
& Sam
were with us with 3 items of concern. (1) Personal notes & other
items should not be placed in mail boxes, only stamped mail allowed.
(2) Everyone should respect “handicap” parking spots. Do not
park there unless you have a handicap sticker. (3) No one should
help themselves to fruit in other resident yards without permission.
Sam announced office has the 3-light lamp posts if anyone wishes to
purchase these, $79 each.
for our park is
A link to club website RVEWTC.com
by Judi
DeKoning is
included. Check
out Donna
blog .. www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com.
Editor still writes occasionally on slowboattonursinghome.com.
****** Ron
properties committee, reported exterminator sprayed for ant problem
in kitchen. Residents mentioned they had found bugs (alive &
dead) in other places & exterminator may possibly be called back.
The griddle in kitchen has been partially repaired, committee
looking into purchase of new equipment. RVE
Club Board is
at Monday meetings prior to business session. Address concerns to
them. Board members are Properties
– Clyde Read, Dave Cochran, Ron Zoeller; Finance
– Mary Lantis, John Geer, John Norris.
Entertainment chair
Brock Laing
wore many hats today .. he reported Walter Plant presents his
Gospel/Country Show
this week. Using his 4 keyboards & his own voice, you'll be
swept away with his songs. He doesn't use any prerecorded tracts or
Snack bar will be open. Don't forget the potluck prior to
entertainment. Brock said numbers attending has been down this
season & asked if there was something he could do to improve
attendance. Yesterday's Super Bowl party 80 people with much good
food. There was some food (burgers/hot dogs) which you can purchase
from Brock or it will be saved for another barbecue event. If
you are the “Donna” who wrote #715 on pool ticket instead of your
lot number, check with Sharon Sprague .. she has your winnings!
week's free movie (Thursday night) is “Thicker Than Water”.
Talent Show
has been cancelled due to lack of residents signing up. Possibly
this will become an every-other-year event.
plays at dance tonight. A free ticket was drawn with winner #72,
free ticket non-transferable. Dance cost is $4.50. There is a
special area for singles.
available & FREE popcorn.
Irene Quail (#49)
places cards to be signed by residents in office area. Call at
704-516-5360 if you know of someone needing card due to illness or
death of family member.
this week: Jacque Anderson, shoulder surgery; Kathy McAuley, stints
put in; former resident Margaret Morrow, husband Nathan died. Larry
Dixon is in hospital. Card will be up for him . It was announced
Arlene Lykken is as good as can be expected, will return home this
Canadians headed by Taylors
& Messners
are serving Sat. breakfasts in February, $3.... 7 to 8:30 a.m.
This week they will serve French Toast & link sausage,
alternating with different menu each wk. Many helping!
New RVE directories are for
sale .. you can purchase for $1.50 each from either Dave
Johnson #93 or
Sharon Sprague
you from
Jerry McAninch
& Carol
#233, to everyone who attended Spaghetti
last Thursday. Need new chairs next season, Jerry & Carol tell
Almquist will be in Friendship Hall Friday, Feb. 7, 1:30 p.m., to
explain results of Blood
Profile Tests.
says her report was lost .. do you have it?
chair Sharon
says this group will meet Wed. 9 a.m. in card room. We will be
making a ruffled tote bag with Donna
teaching. Bring ½ yard cotton fabric. Donna has sign up sheet in
card room with list of supplies you can purchase. If you want to
bring your own, you will need a tote bag & fabric. Thread
provided. Bring sewing machine if you have one. Cost is $1 plus
what you purchase from Donna.
join your friends on Wednesday afternoon, 4 p.m. for Happy
Bring refreshments, there will be music on CD if you wish to
dance....or just come to visit.
sure to attend Feb. 6 Craft
#179, chairs. Kitchen chair Sharon
says there is a sign up sheet in back of big hall for workers &
pies. Vendors may set up Wed. evening. Front doors will then be
locked. Men needed to help vendors shuttle their equipment, etc.
Valley Drive monthly breakfast
will be at Jalisco's Restaurant (across from Home Depot, Feb. 4,
8:30 a.m.
finals begin in one week. The event schedule, list of entries from
RVE & park locations are on easel on back of Friendship Hall.
Note the time for your event & be at park 30 minutes early.
Euchre is here, 8:30 a.m. (date?) Chair Bruce
would like to have 12 dozen cookies. Sign up list for cookies in
back of hall. The front of Friendship Hall will be used from 6 a.m.
until noon on the 14th.
is this Sunday, Feb. 9, with an open house from 2-3:30 p.m. A short
program honoring these 6 couples will be at 2:30....Alvin-Jackie
Smit & Gary-Sally Hejlik, 50th
anniversaries; Ken-Anita Farley, Jerry-Mitze Hutchinson, Al-Dolores
Mason, Pete-Joan Sharar, 60th
anniversaries. Come help them celebrate these milestone !
are being sold for Feb. 12 Bean
It's at noon with Therriens
& Ales
selling tickets, $2 pp. Last week to get tickets!
chair Jan
#70, says all (men & women) are invited to Feb. 13 event.
Raffle tickets available at Monday meetings, $1 each, 6/$5. It's a
noon luncheon. Sign up so they can get count on numbers. Pies
needed. Love
Box is continuing to collect toiletry items; will be delivered
honoring residents we've lost this past year will be held Feb. 17,
9:15 a.m. (prior to Monday meeting).
& Mary Norby
chair the Vet's
on Feb. 18. You may take door prize donations to them at #179. A
$100 gift certificate to Home Depot will be raffled. Only 17 tickets
left! Vets and widows/widowers of vets are encouraged to attend.
Olive Garden is donating the entire meal except for dessert. Lowe's
has donated $150 shopping spree & Home Depot another $50 as door
prizes. All proceeds from raffle & event will go to Wounded
Warriors Fund.
Doors open 11:30 a.m. with tickets selling fast. Get yours now.
is Feb. 19, Barnharts
chairing. Ticket sales began today; none will be sold at the door.
We're halfway to a full house! Table of 8 is $40 or you can purchase
single ticket at $5. Decorate your table to win a prize! Prizes for
best dressed. Get your tickets early...you don't want to miss this
party. It's the 4th
year it's been held. Theme is “Beach Blanket Bingo”. Fred G.
will play. There will be some special surprise guests. Kitchen
crew is headed by Ann
& Marge
50's prices on hot dogs & soda pop.
party is Feb. 23, chaired by Donna
Gates open 11 a.m. Green flag waves at 12:00. Admission $2 each.
Hamburgers/hot dogs .. soda, water at concessions. Bring your
favorite snack foods/beverages. A pit pass may be purchased to enter
pit stop contest for $1. There will be race pools & other
games. Brock will show live race on our large screen TV. Wear any
favorite racing gear. Come & cheer on your favorite driver!
Tickets may be purchased Mon. mornings or Lot #66 or #153.
with the theme “Cruising” is guaranteed to be fun. Chair Sharon
tells us tickets at $7 for the Feb. 27 event are now available.
There are 8 seats/table. You can purchase 1 ticket or entire table.
Have one person buy the table if possible. We are taking you on a
cruise with fashion & fun. Raffle of the Kindle Fire HD will be
offered with Rita
selling raffle tickets, $2 ea. or 3/$5.
Style Show
is March 4, 1 p.m. Tickets are $1 at the door day of show. Chair
, #12, says model sign up sheet is posted at back of hall. Models
can wear Ropa clothes or bargains obtained from garage sale or other
type of bargain source. You can model any clothing items from jeans
to formals.
said RGV concert band will play combined concert with Magic Valley
Chorus, Sr. Ambassadors, Men of A Chord at Trinity Worship Center,
4801 N. Cage (Exp.281-Nolana) March 7, 7 p.m. Tickets at $7 are
available from him at #282.
presented her suggested amendment to club by-laws concerning where we
purchase various things for events we have. This will be discussed
next Monday & voted on next week.
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