We had around 90 for Easter Dinner at the hall. We had ham, beer can chicken, fried chicken turkey etc. And great other side dishes. Our Daughter and Husband were here from Corpus Cristi
and she brought her special Cocanut Cream pie
RVE CLUB MEETING – Judy Nordquist, chair, called meeting to order. Meeting began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America. Meeting closed with singing of club song.
Accompanist – Peg Hayelan
Invocation – Mary Lantis
Secretary Report – Maxine Topel
Treasurer Report – Mary Lantis, sub
We wish all leaving this week a safe journey & healthy summer!
Church services will resume in the fall.
YOGA enthusiasts are still meeting impromptu
on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday mornings.
Men and women are both welcome.
MANAGEMENT REPORT – None today. . Website for Rio Valley Estates is riovalleyestates.com
Read Donna Gabbert's blog..she keeps us informed year-round .. www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com. Anyone with news can get it to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is RVEWTC.com .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Would you like to be emailed a copy of the monthly calendars Judi puts on website? If so email her at judideke@mail.com, put RVE or CALENDAR in the subject line.
Properties report was given by Clyde Read who said the can opener has been returned.
Club Board Members: Properties -- Clyde Read, Dave Cochran, Jerry McAninch; Finance – John Geer, Charlotte Therrien, Daryl Henningsen.
New board members who take office Oct. 1 are Finance--Sally Hejlik (2 yr. unexpired term to replace Daryl Henningsen) & Jim Moeller (3 years to replace John Geer); and Properties--Larry Pavlis (3 years to replace Dave Cochran.
Elected last week as chair for April & November are Rex Rexroad with Ken Barnhart his vice chair.
Helen Curtis handles card duties. You may call her at 603-674-3869. She appreciates phone calls from anyone when they know of someone needing a card due to illness or death of family member. She places cards in office area for residents to sign. Card out this week is for Ruth Armstrong.
We need dates/chairs for the following activities next season: Vet’s Dinner, NASCAR, Potato Bar, Stew Feed, Spaghetti, Style Show. Need someone to do can recycling as Paul Sprague not doing this after April 1.
Upcoming Dates – not much except we are having
HAPPY HOUR this Wednesday as usual.
Wednesday Happy Hour will be held this week. Bring your snacks & beverages about 4 o’clock, plan to eat at 4:30. This is a good way to socialize and meet people.
Friday Night Potlucks have ended until next season.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex Thursdays, 8 am.
Is there interest in learning how to do Swedish Weaving?
Helen Curtis has offered to give some lessons next season, probably on Wednesday craft mornings. Keep in mind she needs to keep the class to no more than 10. Call Helen if you would like to do this, 603-674-3869.
Judi DeKoning is setting up an All Inclusive Trip to Cancun Feb. 11-17, 2017. She has all the info you need to join Rio Valley Estates Grand Sunset Princess trip (Playa del Carmen). This is a resort/spa with 7 ala carte restaurants & two plentiful buffets. Enjoy non-motorized watersports or partake in daily activities poolside. There are 8 main pools, a 24 hour sports bar plus 9 bars perfect for mingling with fellow vacationers. Entertainment is never in short supply. You can dance into the night. See info on the board in Friendship Hall that gives cost plus estimated air fare. Or you can contact Judi 815-985-3085 or judideke@mail.com for more information. A deposit of $125 is required with balance paid 45 days in advance.
Here are some dates for next year’s calendar. Rita Sutherland announces Blood Profile Testing will be done Jan. 6, 6:30 am with results on Feb. 6, 1:30-3:30 pm. Integra Wellness/Stroke Prevention will be done Feb. 22, 8 to 4.
Judi DeKoning invites ladies to come next season on March 2 for a Salad Lunch. This would be at noon & each lady would be asked to bring a salad. Fun idea!
Luau date is changed to March 9, 2017, due to conflict. Put this on your calendar.
Does your state have get-togethers spring/summer? Get info to editor by next Monday & will put in newsletter.
IOWA has two we know about .. Annual Potluck is held at noon in Story City Wednesday, July 13 (correction of date). If you want to stay overnight, motel where this is held is nice (Comfort Inn?). Make reservations by calling motel at 515-733-6363. Denny & Nancy Argo chair.
Iowa Campout is at SkipAway Campground in Clermont Aug. 6-13. Want to camp, make reservations by calling campground manager Terri Baker at 563-423-7338 or 563-380-0841. Tom & Mary Lou Benson host this & can give you phone numbers of motels/b&b in area. Brick City Inn is within walking distance of camp. There are motels in West Union 8 miles away. Tom will be cooking up “something special” on Thursday evening (the 11th). Bensons are working on other activities & fun trips around NE Iowa that week as well. You don’t have to be from Iowa to attend!! All invited to join in the Paddle Boat races, right, Catherine?
GAME RESULTS Place scores, winner names, complete information on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. Write legibly!
Activities are winding down .. many games not played this week, at least editor did not receive scores.
BRIDGE – March 21 –
1st – Margaret Davis 3560 2nd – Maud Fisher 2840
March 24 –
1st – Ed Hover 3790 2nd – Dick Gibson 3460
CANASTA – None this week?
CRIBBAGE – None this week?
DOMINOES – Mexican Train – March 22 – Dick Topel, Mary Christianson, Grace Thornton, Mary Lou Benson, Donald Lewis, Elaine Perkins March 27 – Dick Topel, Allen Swanson, Ann Johnson, Virgil Tyler, Janel Baker, Virginia Baker, Donald Lewis, Ken Eshelman
DUMMY RUMMY – March 26 – You whipped them, Mary!!
1st – Mary Lantis 187 2nd - Denny Argo 251
3rd – Judy Nordquist 276 4th – Nancy Argo 295
56 CARD GAME – March 21 –
1st – Gert Rufkahr 730 2nd – Inice Birdsell 675
GOLF – Know some folks golfed .. but no one turned in scores!
HAND & FOOT – March 21 – Table of 4
Maud Fisher, Janel Baker 14640
Table of 6
Janel Baker, Val Cleland, Jan Delashmit 19355
PINOCHLE – Single Deck – March 26– no scores turned in
SHUFFLING – March 23 – Jim Moeller, Larry Pierstorff
March 25 – Ron Henderson, Allen Swanson
TIC – March 23 –
1st – Tom Benson 140 2nd – Sally Hejlik 147
3rd – Sandy Lenius 176 4th – Paul Sprague 185
“Did you hear about the rope joke?” “No.” “Skip it!”
“Did you hear about the coed who when she went to college found she wasn’t the only pebble on the beach?” “No, what happened?” “She became a little boulder.”
“Did you hear that they’re building a $20 million hotel right in the heart of Moscow? They’re going to call it the Comrade Hilton.”
“Did you hear about the fellow who had a bad nightmare? He dreamed he was forced to eat & swallow a 6-lb. marshmallow. When he awoke the next morning, he noticed his pillow was missing.”
“Did you hear about the guy who was so dumb it wasn’t until he had used Right Guard for 2 months he learned he could also use it under his left arm?”
“Did you hear about the man who first met his wife at a travel bureau? She was looking for a vacation and he was the last resort.”
Did you know why women’s minds are cleaner than men’s? It’s because they change them so often?
Did you know what the skunk said when the wind turned? “It all comes back to me now!”
Did you know that 50 percent of the passengers who fly from London to Paris go by air?
Sure glad we have lots of good sports in our park!
You may add your own name to this one if it applies….
It was a Sunday afternoon and Paul had been watching football (basketball, whatever) on TV, one game after another.
Finally he fell asleep in the chair and slept there all night.
When his wife Sharon arose in the morning, she was afraid he’d be late to crush cans at the hall. “Get up dear,” she said, “It’s twenty to seven!”
In an instant he was awake. “In whose favor?” he shouted.
A Fish Story (names changed to protect the guilty)
Den & Tim had been out fishing on the Laguna Madre. Luck was good. A fine catch of sea trout lay in the boat.
“Let’s come back here tomorrow,” suggested Tim. “We won’t find a better spot anywhere.”
“That’s okay with me,” concurred Den, “but how will we ever find this exact place again?”
Tim snorted, “Den, you don’t know enough to come out of the rain. I’ll show you how.” He took a piece of chalk out of his pocket, and marked a big X on the side of the boat. “That’ll do it,” he said.
“But, Tim,” objected Den, scratching his head perplexedly, “How do we know that they’ll rent us the same boat tomorrow?”
Monday, March 28, 2016
Friday, March 25, 2016
Friday March25th
What a beautiful day today weatherman says Highs 82 lows in the 60's, But I think it's warmer than that!
I just met the new Asst. Mgrs. Diane and Jim, they seem like a fun couple and am sure they will like their new job!
Here's their picture!
Easter Sunday we are having potluck.
I just met the new Asst. Mgrs. Diane and Jim, they seem like a fun couple and am sure they will like their new job!
Here's their picture!
Easter Sunday we are having potluck.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Monday March21st
Happy Easter

Orkut Scraps and Graphics - GoodLightscraps.com
Mary Christianson provided donuts this morning, her 88th birthday!
Our Mgrs introduced the new Asst. Mgrs
Properties report:
The very expensive can opener that was purchased is being returned!
New bench along the walkway installed
Marilyn, Dana, & Carol
Helen Curtis has cards up to sign for Joanne Sharar, she fell and broke her hip, and a card for Jerry Maxwell, back problems.
Celebration of life for Fred Goldsberry's wife, Coco, will be held at 2:00 to 4:00 this Monday.
Cards to Denise on the loss of Gordon may be sent to her at Garden Hills, 4111 W. Veral Pike Dr. , Bloomington, IN. 47404
Marge Rexroad said 173 quilts were given away this season
Safe travels to all who are headed North!You will probably see snow......
Coming from Iowa to Texas in 1987 I sure learned a lot. Bobby helped me out on some of these like what Texans call a farm pond, A Tank! I also learned Bobby grew up out in West Texas, no airconditioning! He said they put up wet sheets in the windows to cool off! He also actually picked cotton!!!By hand!!Can you imagine that?
1.. The wind blows at 90 MPH from Oct. 2 until July 15, then it stops totally.
2.. Onced and Twiced are words
3.. It is not a shopping cart, it is a buggy.
4.. Fire ants consider your flesh as a picnic.
5.. Graduating 1st in your class means you left in the 8th grade.
6.. Coldbeer is one word.
7.. People actually grow and eat Okra. Bobby just planted Okra seeds this week!
8.. Texans really don't have an accent.
9.. When the world ends, only cockroaches and mesquite trees will survive.
10.. Green grass DOES burn.
11.. When you live in the country, you don't have to buy a dog. City people drop them off at your gate in the middle of the night.
12.. The sound of coyotes howling at night only sounds good for the first couple of weeks.
13.. When a buzzard sits on the fence and stares at you, it's time to go to the doctor.
14.. Fixinto is one word. I have picked that expression up.....
15.. A tank is a hole in the ground that holds water for irrigation.
16.. Backards and Forards means I know everything about you.
17.. You don't have to wear a watch because it doesn't matter what time it is. You work until you're done or it's too dark to see.
18.. And the most important thing......There's no place I'd rather be than in Texas!
Friday, March 18, 2016
Friday March 18th
Now that's a cute T-shirt!!!!
I couldn't have spent St. Pats day any better...It was Mary Christiansons Birthday and I went to a party honoring her 88th. She is so much fun.
I will post more on Fridays after April 1st. Just some news and probably some personal meanderings of my own
Oh, when I go to "stats" on my blog, I find over 1200 hits to my blog per month!! That was this Winter, but in the Summer more like an average of 1700
Monday, March 14, 2016
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Monday, March 7, 2016
March 7th
RVE CLUB MEETING – Judy Nordquist, chair, called meeting to order. Only one new arrival at park. We bid farewell to those leaving. Meeting began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America. Meeting closed with singing of club song.
Accompanist – Peg Hayelan
Invocation – Tom Cassidy - “God Whispers” & “Look Around You” followed by prayer.
Secretary Report – Maxine Topel
Treasurer Report – Charlotte Therrien
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Bob Davis reminded all to beware of door to door sales people. Be sure they are authorized to work in park. Protect yourself & call office if any doubt. Office will be closed this Wed. afternoon. Pool is repaired. The “gap” in cement in walkway between Rio Valley Dr. & Orange Dr. will be repaired. No golf carts are allowed on the walkway. Website for Rio Valley Estates is riovalleyestates.com
Read Donna Gabbert's blog..she keeps us informed year-round .. www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com. Anyone with news can get it to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is RVEWTC.com .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Would you like to be emailed a copy of the monthly calendars Judi puts on website? If so email her at judideke@mail.com, put RVE or CALENDAR in the subject line.
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch. He has priced recycled plastic bench to replace cement bench formerly in walkway. It shouldn’t deteriorate & will be bolted to concrete. It is hoped the plaque that was on former bench can be located & given to Corky & Linda Hamann who erected the bench in memory of her parents, Hap & Margo Schuman.
We regrettably accepted resignation of Darryl Henningsen from board due to health reasons. Thanks, Darryl, for your service. It was decided Sally Hejlik would serve his unexpired term (2 years) and Jim Moeller would serve the new 3 year term on Finance. We elected Larry Pavlis to serve on Properties Committee. Current board members are: Properties – Clyde Read, Dave Cochran, Jerry McAninch; Finance – John Geer, Charlotte Therrien, Daryl Henningsen.
Mary Lantis said the coffeemaker in pool room is AGING, nice way to put it! She was given authority to get prices for alternative to the Bunn currently being used. She’ll do this over the summer.
$300 was given to “summer folks” for their activities, Mary Lantis to take care of this. PARTY ON WITHOUT THE REST OF US!!
Correction from last week .. a motion to purchase a quality electric can opener was made by Sharon Barksdale & approved.
Brock Laing gave a short wrap-up of Thursday movie & Friday entertainment season thanking all who attended & the folks who worked canteen at these. He has full entertainment schedule for next season with it being posted on bulletin board.
Ron Talbert reported 94 were at the final dance of season. He said Janie Maxwell has kept the records which show an average attendance of about 100.,,,was a successful season. Craig Daves said he, Dana & Laings have been out listening to bands. Next season they have all but one Monday filled. The first dance will be Jan. 9, 2017 with final one being second Monday in March.
Helen Curtis handles card duties. You may call her at 603-674-3869. She appreciates phone calls from anyone when they know of someone needing a card due to illness or death of family member. She places cards in office area for residents to sign. No cards this week!
Helen presented a gift of appreciation to editor of newsletter.
“Thank you for the unexpected gift of handcrafted blanket. I believe Helen made this? It is beautiful! I wish I had opened it in front of you all so you could see it! Is it Swedish weaving? Much appreciated, I do really enjoy doing the newsletter. Thanks to my right hand gal Cheryl Costley who takes to printer.” – Mary Lou Benson, Editor
Editor Mistake! Even though our Friday night entertainment programs are over for this season .. POTLUCKS THAT NIGHT WILL STILL BE HELD! Bring a dish to share at 5 p.m.
It should be noted we need dates & chairs for the following activities next season .. Vet’s Dinner, NASCAR, Potato Bar, Stew Feed, Spaghetti, Style Show. Who will step up?
Upcoming Events:
March 9 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m. Bring your cups & wear your badges!
March 10 – Hawaiian Luau, 5-9 pm Tickets available at Barnharts
March 16 – Chicken Happy Hour, sign up, need count, $2.50 at door
March 18 – ROPA Style Show, 1 pm, $1 at door, snacks provided
March 22 – Orange Street potluck dinner, Friendship Hall, noon
March 27 – Easter Dinner .. who will chair?
Friday Night Potlucks will end March 18. Thanks to all who participated, says Bruce Wells.
No more Line Dancing this season, says Beverly Talley.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex Thursdays, 8 am.
Anyone wishing a table at next year’s Craft Sale should contact chair Mary Norby at #179.
Marlene Prohaska & Judy DeKoning give a huge shout out to the excellent crew & all who attended the Stew Feed. Wow, was it tasty! Thanks, Marlene & Judy!
Park Pizza Party is Wednesday, March 9, 11:30 am at Peter Piper Pizza. Bring mugs & wear name tags. Free pop and ice cream!
Hawaiian Luau is March 10. Kathy Cochran & committee will roast a hog. Come observe while this is cooking. There will be entertainment!! Bring your cameras. Ticket includes meal & table service. Tickets still available $8 pp ($64/table of 8) from Barnharts at #276. There will be prizes for decorated tables plus 50-50 draws. NO HAPPY HOUR THIS WEEK. You may decorate your table between noon and 3 pm.
March 16 HAPPY HOUR will be a Chicken Cook-Out on the outside grill. Cost is $2.50; bring non-meat dish to share. Pay at door, names needed by Ken Barnhart so he can have a count of how many plan to attend.
ROPA Show is March 18, 1 pm. $1 admission at door. Snacks will be served. Chair Judy Shively had to go home so Pat Printy #219 & Arlene Fisher #H-1 will be filling in for her. There is a sign up sheet for models & helpers. Still looking for models! Models can wear clothing from garage sales, flea markets, friends, hand-me-downs & ROPA. Prizes are (1) prettiest purse (2) ugliest purse).
Orange Street Potluck is March 22, noon in big hall..
Does your state have special get-togethers spring & summer? Will print dates & other info in newsletter.
IOWA has two we know about .. Annual Potluck is held at noon in Story City July 6. If you want to stay overnight, Story City motel where this is held is quite nice. Make reservations by calling 515-733-6363. Thanks to the Spragues for chairing this.
Annual Iowa Campout is at SkipAway Campground in Clermont Aug. 6-13. Want to camp, make your own reservations by calling manager Terri at 563-423-7338 or 563-380-0841. Tom & Mary Lou Benson have hosted this for 18 years. Bensons can give you phone numbers of motels/bed & breakfasts in area. Brick City Inn is within walking distance of camp. There are motels in West Union 8 miles away. The Benson’s granddaughter has planned her wedding Aug. 13, so the night Tom will be cooking up “something special” is Thursday (11th) this year. You don’t have to be from Iowa to attend. Just ask folks who come from other states if they had fun.
GAME RESULTS Place scores, winner names, complete information on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. Write legibly!
Feb. 29 – Dorothy Bryant, Jim Brant
March 2 – Jim Bryant, Bob Kerkau
March 1 – Dick Gibson 3800 Virgil Mittelberg 3060
Date? - Dick Gibson 3670 Dolores Mason 3220
CANASTA – Table of 4 –
Feb. 29 – Mary Jean Steward, Sharon Bussinger 30500
March 2 – Agnes Messner, Val Cleland 33120
March 4 – Mary Jean Steward, Jewel Kruckman 28765
Table of 6 –
Feb. 29 – Jewel Kruckman, Agnes Messner
Marge Rexroad 34940
DARTS - Feb. 29 –
1st – Mary Christianson 2nd – Catherine Gibbs
DOMINOES – Mexican Train – March 1 – Beverly Talley, Darlene Bryant, Wally Wichmann, Dorothy Borah, Bruce Wells, Hazel Bocock, Doris Armistead, Laurie Walter, Ann Johnson, Ray Miller, Jean Wichmann, Virgil Tyler, Marieanne Bezo, Agnes Messner March 6 – Diana Ateah, Mary Lou Sirovy, Marge Reishus, Margaret Morrow, Ann Johnson, Ed Marcukaitis, Laurie Walter, Mary Lou Benson, Bonnie Cassidy, Dorothy Borah, Alice Talbert, Maud Fisher, Virginia Baker, Mary Christianson
DUMMY RUMMY – March 5 –
1st – Gert Rugkahr 179 2nd – Virginia Baker 220
3rd – Rex Rexroad 229 4th – Norm Nold 246
56 CARD GAME – Feb. 29 –
1st – Leroy Larsen 1320 2nd – Judy Nordquist 880
March 1 – Shary Mark Fisher 78 Bob Freebe 72
March 2 – Tierra Santa Mark Fisher 74 Bob Freebe 72
March 3 – Los Lagos Mark Fisher 81 Charlie Stevens 68
March 5 – Shary Neil Kommer 82 Charlie Stevens 69
March 4 – Executive
Women’s Low – Ione Hayungs 42 Nancy Stokwisz 45
Men’s Low – Henry Hryniw 3
(tie) Jerry MaAninch, Dale Livingood 34
HAND & FOOT – Table of 4
Feb. 29 – Mary Christianson, Jan Delashmit 17535
Table of 6 – March 2 –
Maud Fisher, Patti Lamp, Mary Christianson 18555
PINOCHLE – Single Deck – March 5 –
High – Stan Burkinshaw 498 2nd – Martha Millender 497
POOL LADIES – March 2 – RVE – 3 Pine to Palm 2
Players .. Janie Maxwell, Agnes Messner
SHUFFLING – March 3 – Earl Olafson, Lyle Koste March 5 – Earl Olafson, Henry Hryniw, Ross McAuley, Bruce Wells, Val Cleland, Dick Topel
TIC – March 2 –
1st – Al Lenius 144 2nd – Sandy Lenius 150
3rd – Mary Henninger 172 4th – LeRoy Larson 184
Jim Bryant - 454
I’ve had requests to print “MY SEAT IN CHURCH” read by Jean McCann-White at one of our talent programs. I’m printing this in memory of her (shortened in a few spots)
A lady took my seat in church a while ago; it’s not really that important. She’s a nice lady, kind, considerate, a friend, in fact. There were other seats available. I can sit any place. The people in our church are as friendly & caring as you will find anywhere. A person should be comfortable sitting any place…no big deal.
My seat is in the 7th row from the front of the church. I’m sure she didn’t intend to take my seat. She wouldn’t do that nor would anybody else in our church. It doesn’t make that much difference.
My seat is on the end of the pew, on the North side, by the windows, on your left as you come into the sanctuary. I can rest my left arm on the end of the pew. It’s a good seat. I would never raise a fuss about a seat. I suppose she came early & my seat appeared available. She probably didn’t intend anything personal by taking my seat. I would never hold a grudge.
There were several seats available on the South side, on your right as you come in. I could have taken one of those. Those people over there on the South side are very nice. I know most of those people & would be welcome over there on the South side.
It was about 3 months ago when she took my seat. I don’t know why she took it. I’ve never done anything to her. I’ve never taken her seat. I suppose I’ll have to come early now to get my seat. Either that or sit on the South side.
She took it because it’s one of the best seats in the house, that’s why. She had no business taking my seat. I wouldn’t have been surprised if it had been a couple of other ladies, who shall remain unnamed. They have been picking on me for some time now.
I’m not going to sit on the South side. That’s for Southsiders. I’m a Northsider. I can just hear those Southsiders if I sat over there. “What’s she doing over here? I’ll tell you what she is doing over here. Some unscrupulous person took her seat, that’s what. She took it because it’s the best seat in the house.” I’m not going to go to church 2 hours early to get what was rightfully mine.
This is the way great social injustices begin, people taking other peoples’ seats in church. This is the way seeds of revolution are sown. A person can only stand so much. Where is it going to end? If somebody doesn’t stand up & be counted, nobody’s seat will be safe. People will sit any place they please and the next thing they’ll do is take my parking place too. World order will be in shambles.
I am not going to take this lying down. I can’t, the stakes are just too high. I think I’ll go to the church board. Better yet, I’ll call the Governor. Still better, I’ll contact a good personal injury lawyer, a real shark. One who will go right for the throat. Even better, one who will go right for the pocketbook.
Accompanist – Peg Hayelan
Invocation – Tom Cassidy - “God Whispers” & “Look Around You” followed by prayer.
Secretary Report – Maxine Topel
Treasurer Report – Charlotte Therrien
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Bob Davis reminded all to beware of door to door sales people. Be sure they are authorized to work in park. Protect yourself & call office if any doubt. Office will be closed this Wed. afternoon. Pool is repaired. The “gap” in cement in walkway between Rio Valley Dr. & Orange Dr. will be repaired. No golf carts are allowed on the walkway. Website for Rio Valley Estates is riovalleyestates.com
Read Donna Gabbert's blog..she keeps us informed year-round .. www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com. Anyone with news can get it to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is RVEWTC.com .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Would you like to be emailed a copy of the monthly calendars Judi puts on website? If so email her at judideke@mail.com, put RVE or CALENDAR in the subject line.
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch. He has priced recycled plastic bench to replace cement bench formerly in walkway. It shouldn’t deteriorate & will be bolted to concrete. It is hoped the plaque that was on former bench can be located & given to Corky & Linda Hamann who erected the bench in memory of her parents, Hap & Margo Schuman.
We regrettably accepted resignation of Darryl Henningsen from board due to health reasons. Thanks, Darryl, for your service. It was decided Sally Hejlik would serve his unexpired term (2 years) and Jim Moeller would serve the new 3 year term on Finance. We elected Larry Pavlis to serve on Properties Committee. Current board members are: Properties – Clyde Read, Dave Cochran, Jerry McAninch; Finance – John Geer, Charlotte Therrien, Daryl Henningsen.
Mary Lantis said the coffeemaker in pool room is AGING, nice way to put it! She was given authority to get prices for alternative to the Bunn currently being used. She’ll do this over the summer.
$300 was given to “summer folks” for their activities, Mary Lantis to take care of this. PARTY ON WITHOUT THE REST OF US!!
Correction from last week .. a motion to purchase a quality electric can opener was made by Sharon Barksdale & approved.
Brock Laing gave a short wrap-up of Thursday movie & Friday entertainment season thanking all who attended & the folks who worked canteen at these. He has full entertainment schedule for next season with it being posted on bulletin board.
Ron Talbert reported 94 were at the final dance of season. He said Janie Maxwell has kept the records which show an average attendance of about 100.,,,was a successful season. Craig Daves said he, Dana & Laings have been out listening to bands. Next season they have all but one Monday filled. The first dance will be Jan. 9, 2017 with final one being second Monday in March.
Helen Curtis handles card duties. You may call her at 603-674-3869. She appreciates phone calls from anyone when they know of someone needing a card due to illness or death of family member. She places cards in office area for residents to sign. No cards this week!
Helen presented a gift of appreciation to editor of newsletter.
“Thank you for the unexpected gift of handcrafted blanket. I believe Helen made this? It is beautiful! I wish I had opened it in front of you all so you could see it! Is it Swedish weaving? Much appreciated, I do really enjoy doing the newsletter. Thanks to my right hand gal Cheryl Costley who takes to printer.” – Mary Lou Benson, Editor
Editor Mistake! Even though our Friday night entertainment programs are over for this season .. POTLUCKS THAT NIGHT WILL STILL BE HELD! Bring a dish to share at 5 p.m.
It should be noted we need dates & chairs for the following activities next season .. Vet’s Dinner, NASCAR, Potato Bar, Stew Feed, Spaghetti, Style Show. Who will step up?
Upcoming Events:
March 9 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m. Bring your cups & wear your badges!
March 10 – Hawaiian Luau, 5-9 pm Tickets available at Barnharts
March 16 – Chicken Happy Hour, sign up, need count, $2.50 at door
March 18 – ROPA Style Show, 1 pm, $1 at door, snacks provided
March 22 – Orange Street potluck dinner, Friendship Hall, noon
March 27 – Easter Dinner .. who will chair?
Friday Night Potlucks will end March 18. Thanks to all who participated, says Bruce Wells.
No more Line Dancing this season, says Beverly Talley.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex Thursdays, 8 am.
Anyone wishing a table at next year’s Craft Sale should contact chair Mary Norby at #179.
Marlene Prohaska & Judy DeKoning give a huge shout out to the excellent crew & all who attended the Stew Feed. Wow, was it tasty! Thanks, Marlene & Judy!
Park Pizza Party is Wednesday, March 9, 11:30 am at Peter Piper Pizza. Bring mugs & wear name tags. Free pop and ice cream!
Hawaiian Luau is March 10. Kathy Cochran & committee will roast a hog. Come observe while this is cooking. There will be entertainment!! Bring your cameras. Ticket includes meal & table service. Tickets still available $8 pp ($64/table of 8) from Barnharts at #276. There will be prizes for decorated tables plus 50-50 draws. NO HAPPY HOUR THIS WEEK. You may decorate your table between noon and 3 pm.
March 16 HAPPY HOUR will be a Chicken Cook-Out on the outside grill. Cost is $2.50; bring non-meat dish to share. Pay at door, names needed by Ken Barnhart so he can have a count of how many plan to attend.
ROPA Show is March 18, 1 pm. $1 admission at door. Snacks will be served. Chair Judy Shively had to go home so Pat Printy #219 & Arlene Fisher #H-1 will be filling in for her. There is a sign up sheet for models & helpers. Still looking for models! Models can wear clothing from garage sales, flea markets, friends, hand-me-downs & ROPA. Prizes are (1) prettiest purse (2) ugliest purse).
Orange Street Potluck is March 22, noon in big hall..
Does your state have special get-togethers spring & summer? Will print dates & other info in newsletter.
IOWA has two we know about .. Annual Potluck is held at noon in Story City July 6. If you want to stay overnight, Story City motel where this is held is quite nice. Make reservations by calling 515-733-6363. Thanks to the Spragues for chairing this.
Annual Iowa Campout is at SkipAway Campground in Clermont Aug. 6-13. Want to camp, make your own reservations by calling manager Terri at 563-423-7338 or 563-380-0841. Tom & Mary Lou Benson have hosted this for 18 years. Bensons can give you phone numbers of motels/bed & breakfasts in area. Brick City Inn is within walking distance of camp. There are motels in West Union 8 miles away. The Benson’s granddaughter has planned her wedding Aug. 13, so the night Tom will be cooking up “something special” is Thursday (11th) this year. You don’t have to be from Iowa to attend. Just ask folks who come from other states if they had fun.
GAME RESULTS Place scores, winner names, complete information on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. Write legibly!
Feb. 29 – Dorothy Bryant, Jim Brant
March 2 – Jim Bryant, Bob Kerkau
March 1 – Dick Gibson 3800 Virgil Mittelberg 3060
Date? - Dick Gibson 3670 Dolores Mason 3220
CANASTA – Table of 4 –
Feb. 29 – Mary Jean Steward, Sharon Bussinger 30500
March 2 – Agnes Messner, Val Cleland 33120
March 4 – Mary Jean Steward, Jewel Kruckman 28765
Table of 6 –
Feb. 29 – Jewel Kruckman, Agnes Messner
Marge Rexroad 34940
DARTS - Feb. 29 –
1st – Mary Christianson 2nd – Catherine Gibbs
DOMINOES – Mexican Train – March 1 – Beverly Talley, Darlene Bryant, Wally Wichmann, Dorothy Borah, Bruce Wells, Hazel Bocock, Doris Armistead, Laurie Walter, Ann Johnson, Ray Miller, Jean Wichmann, Virgil Tyler, Marieanne Bezo, Agnes Messner March 6 – Diana Ateah, Mary Lou Sirovy, Marge Reishus, Margaret Morrow, Ann Johnson, Ed Marcukaitis, Laurie Walter, Mary Lou Benson, Bonnie Cassidy, Dorothy Borah, Alice Talbert, Maud Fisher, Virginia Baker, Mary Christianson
DUMMY RUMMY – March 5 –
1st – Gert Rugkahr 179 2nd – Virginia Baker 220
3rd – Rex Rexroad 229 4th – Norm Nold 246
56 CARD GAME – Feb. 29 –
1st – Leroy Larsen 1320 2nd – Judy Nordquist 880
March 1 – Shary Mark Fisher 78 Bob Freebe 72
March 2 – Tierra Santa Mark Fisher 74 Bob Freebe 72
March 3 – Los Lagos Mark Fisher 81 Charlie Stevens 68
March 5 – Shary Neil Kommer 82 Charlie Stevens 69
March 4 – Executive
Women’s Low – Ione Hayungs 42 Nancy Stokwisz 45
Men’s Low – Henry Hryniw 3
(tie) Jerry MaAninch, Dale Livingood 34
HAND & FOOT – Table of 4
Feb. 29 – Mary Christianson, Jan Delashmit 17535
Table of 6 – March 2 –
Maud Fisher, Patti Lamp, Mary Christianson 18555
PINOCHLE – Single Deck – March 5 –
High – Stan Burkinshaw 498 2nd – Martha Millender 497
POOL LADIES – March 2 – RVE – 3 Pine to Palm 2
Players .. Janie Maxwell, Agnes Messner
SHUFFLING – March 3 – Earl Olafson, Lyle Koste March 5 – Earl Olafson, Henry Hryniw, Ross McAuley, Bruce Wells, Val Cleland, Dick Topel
TIC – March 2 –
1st – Al Lenius 144 2nd – Sandy Lenius 150
3rd – Mary Henninger 172 4th – LeRoy Larson 184
Jim Bryant - 454
I’ve had requests to print “MY SEAT IN CHURCH” read by Jean McCann-White at one of our talent programs. I’m printing this in memory of her (shortened in a few spots)
A lady took my seat in church a while ago; it’s not really that important. She’s a nice lady, kind, considerate, a friend, in fact. There were other seats available. I can sit any place. The people in our church are as friendly & caring as you will find anywhere. A person should be comfortable sitting any place…no big deal.
My seat is in the 7th row from the front of the church. I’m sure she didn’t intend to take my seat. She wouldn’t do that nor would anybody else in our church. It doesn’t make that much difference.
My seat is on the end of the pew, on the North side, by the windows, on your left as you come into the sanctuary. I can rest my left arm on the end of the pew. It’s a good seat. I would never raise a fuss about a seat. I suppose she came early & my seat appeared available. She probably didn’t intend anything personal by taking my seat. I would never hold a grudge.
There were several seats available on the South side, on your right as you come in. I could have taken one of those. Those people over there on the South side are very nice. I know most of those people & would be welcome over there on the South side.
It was about 3 months ago when she took my seat. I don’t know why she took it. I’ve never done anything to her. I’ve never taken her seat. I suppose I’ll have to come early now to get my seat. Either that or sit on the South side.
She took it because it’s one of the best seats in the house, that’s why. She had no business taking my seat. I wouldn’t have been surprised if it had been a couple of other ladies, who shall remain unnamed. They have been picking on me for some time now.
I’m not going to sit on the South side. That’s for Southsiders. I’m a Northsider. I can just hear those Southsiders if I sat over there. “What’s she doing over here? I’ll tell you what she is doing over here. Some unscrupulous person took her seat, that’s what. She took it because it’s the best seat in the house.” I’m not going to go to church 2 hours early to get what was rightfully mine.
This is the way great social injustices begin, people taking other peoples’ seats in church. This is the way seeds of revolution are sown. A person can only stand so much. Where is it going to end? If somebody doesn’t stand up & be counted, nobody’s seat will be safe. People will sit any place they please and the next thing they’ll do is take my parking place too. World order will be in shambles.
I am not going to take this lying down. I can’t, the stakes are just too high. I think I’ll go to the church board. Better yet, I’ll call the Governor. Still better, I’ll contact a good personal injury lawyer, a real shark. One who will go right for the throat. Even better, one who will go right for the pocketbook.
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