Good morning everybody!
No newsletter in the blog next week, gone for a little Vaca...
Sharing a pretty cute joke this morning.....
A customs officer at the Mexican border noticed a man coming across one day on a bicycle with two small sacks tied to the handlebars. He naturally got suspicious and asked him to open the sacks, but when he did he found nothing but sand. This went on every day for the nest month. Each time he'd stop the bicycle and open the sacks, and he'd find only sand. A few years later, he ran into the biker in a restaurant in Progresso. After some small talk he said, "Come on . I know you were smuggling something all that time. I won't tell. I'm just curious. What was it?" The other man said, "Bicycles."
Design Hearing provided the donuts this morning
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Judy Nordquist
New Arrivals: The Fehringers and The Perkins not sure of their lot nos.
Secretary Report – Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
Management Report – Bob said before Scott passed away he had a new logo for our park, there's t-shirts for sale for $12.00 and caps for $10.00 all different colors. All Olympic participants will be given a free t-shirt
Properties Report - Jerry McAninch - The 2 round tables are in that were ordered and also some said they thought the kitchen floor should be replaced but after closely looking it was decided it did not need replaced
Election of Officers - Chirman elected was John Geer, Co-Chair is Clyde Reed
Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis is now doing the cards again, and one is being sent to Betty Lu Bowers wife of John on the death of her Son
Helen had a cute story she read! It was so funny
Entertainment Chair Brock Laing This Friday Adam Pope & the Rebel Roots a trio with a lady base player who sounds like a hoot!
Adam Pope & the Rebel Roots band is a high-energy country/rockabilly group based just outside of Nashville, TN. They combine the raw sounds and unbridled energies of the Sun Record era and combines it with respectful polish and substantive songwriting soaked in classic country music sentiments. Their show is woven together with Hee-Haw like humor and front porch storytelling. From the hilarious snapshot of relationship dysfunction captured by "Your Mom" to the intimate, patriotic, tearjerker "Soldier's Wife" and more, Adam Pope & the Rebel Roots take the audience on an emotional and entertaining ride.
There'll be plenty of stage rockin' due to dancing and if the stage is grass, it will be killed while only dirt remains. Band members are known to leap into the air while never missing a beat and you'll hear plenty of wild upright bass slappin' along the way!
Adam Pope has released several projects, including teaming up with Johnny Cash's and Carl Perkins' original drummer, WS "Fluke" Holland to record original music at the legendary Sun Studios in Memphis, TN.
The Adam Pope & the Rebel Roots have played on the Music City Roots show in Nashville, TN; performed on RFD TV's "Midwest Country" show; and Adam is a member of the highly touted "Nashville Unleashed" roster of performing songwriters who are currently being featured in a TV series airing on Blue Highways TV, Angel Two (Dish Network), the Heartland channel, and more.
Adam released his latest album called "Story & Song" in July of 2015..
"The saying in Nashville is 'It all begins with a song' and I have never challenged that thought until recently. There are SO many songs out there, but not near as many good stories. So my new album will be built on the principle that it all begins with a story, and ends with a song."
- Adam D. Pope
Feb 19th there will be a Gospel group called Ambassadors of Grace from 7:00 until 8:30
Ambassadors of Grace-2007
The current members of Ambassadors of Grace are the husband and wife duet Dennis and Cheryl Perkins. Ambassadors of Grace started singing together as a part time group in September of 2003. The original members were Dennis and Cheryl, along with their daughter Emily playing the piano and Randy Bartlett singing bass. Matt Carroll joined as the tenor in June, 2005. Barry Stevens joined as the sound man and bass player in June, 2006, and in July, 2007, Alan Owens became the piano player when Emily left the group.
Ambassadors of Grace quickly became a favorite in the region around their Mid-Missouri headquarters, eventually branching out into Iowa and Kansas. It was in the fall of 2007 when Dennis and Cheryl believed the Lord started opening doors for them to sing full time. The other members of the quartet were beginning to have pressing obligations, and it was clear none of them could make the commitment to go full time.
Finally on April 30, 2009, Dennis resigned his position as a propane driver. On May 1, Ambassadors of Grace transitioned from a part time regional quarter to a full time duet with a national ministry.
They have performed concerts with the Mark Trammell Quartet, the Blackwood Brothers Quartet, the Lesters, the Lefevre Quartet, the Down East Boys, the Chuck Wagon Gang, the Ball Brothers and the New Horizens. Events they have performed at include the Guthrie County (Iowa) Gospel Sing, Kalona (Iowa) Gospel Sing, Old Thresher’€™s Reunion in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, Great Bend (Kansas) Gospel Sing, the first ever Branson Gospel Music Convention and many other churches, organizations, festivals, fairs and benefit concerts. They also organize and participate in an annual benefit concert for Coyote Hill Christian Children’€™s Home of Harrisburg, MO. The event was first held in 2005, and it continues to this day.
The Ambassadors of Grace hope you have the opportunity to attend one of their concerts, and look forward to the chance to meet, minister to and fellowship with you.
Sunday is Superbowl Sunday Hamburgers and Hot dogs will be served at 4:30 and 5:30 Super bowl game starts. No free movie because of the "Sock Hop" there's only a few seats left for it.
Bruce & Billie Wells encourage all to potluck prior to Friday shows. Bring dish to share & table service, 5 p.m.
Dance chairs Craig/Dana Daves thanked all who came last week Tonight "Country Rolan" is back! Price is $6 pp.
Come to Saturday Breakfast. There will be 2 weeks of Biscuits and Gravy then we will see what will be on the menu after that.
Upcoming Dates
Feb. 2 - 7th Annual Sock Hop
Feb. 9 – Craft Sale, 8-noon, all handmade items, lunch served
Feb. 12 – Birthday-Anniversary Party, Friendship Hall, 2 p.m.
Feb. 16 – Cancer Fundraiser Brunch, 10 a.m., $5 pp
Feb. 13-17 – Mid-Valley Senior Olympics
Feb. 17 – We host Valley 500 competition, 8:30 a.m. in big hall
Feb. 20 – Memorial Service, 9 a.m., held prior to Monday meeting
Feb. 21 & 28 – Sunset Dinner Bay Cruise at SPI (Daves chair)
Feb. 24 – ROPA Style Show, Judy Shively chairs, 1 p.m., $1 at door
March 2 – Vet's Luncheon, $5 for vets, $10 nonvets
March 9 – Luau, chair Kathy Cochran, more on this later
March 14 – Ladies Salad Luncheon, noon .. more on this later
Newsletter editor Mary Lou #103, sends only activities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC to the news media.
When walking or driving golf cart after dark in the park, use lights or carry a flashlight ….to save an accident!
Dave Johnson said: New phone directories will be available at next Monday morning meeting. They will be $1.50 each
Toepels are heading up the Bean Feed! It will be Feb. 23rd at 4:30 p.m. cost is $2.00 pp, bring your own table service.
There were 125 folks come for "Icecrean Sunday" and this coming Sunday at 2:30 they will serve. This will be just before before the Super Bowl
Bruce Wells reports the list of those who took CPR class in 2016 was lost. Those wanting certificate for their records please sign sheet in meeting hall. The Weslaco Fire Dept. is willing to do another Vial of Life presentation if enough interest (sign up sheets). For more info, ask Bruce at E-4. Door stickers are available to indicate you have Vial of Life in your refrigerator, was suggested to carry one in your auto too. The AED (defibulator) is stored in women's restroom.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m.
Our next Park Pizza Party is Wed., Jan.8th, 11:30 a.m. at Peter Piper Pizza. Rickes & Goodwins chair. Wear name tags and bring Peter Piper mugs for free beverage. Ice cream is free, there is drawing for prizes. Cost $7.03 pp includes
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 9 Craft Show. We are the ONLY park in the Valley that has ONLY handmade items. Tables are SOLD OUT!! Tell your friends outside park to attend. Food is served including homemade pie, 8 a.m. to noon. Table set up will be Wed. night.
We'll again be having a celebration for those folks celebrating 50-60-65-70 YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES. It will be held Feb. 12, 2 p.m. If you are one of those lucky couples, please sign your names on the sheet so a count can be taken. You qualify if you celebrated one of these special anniversaries between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017. Committee member Marilyn Cummins asks those planning to attend to sign up so plans for lunch can be made.
Cancer Brunch is Feb. 16, 10 a.m. $5 pp tickets are on sale at Monday meetings. Be sure to put name on back of all tickets along with phone #. Items to be raffled include a clock, quilt made by our ladies, wine bottle creation by Ken Barnhart & painted mobile quilt by Mary Lou Benson. Raffle tickets are $1 ea. or 6 for $5. Chair Dianna Bruce says all proceeds go to the Edinburg Children's Hospital.
Mid Valley Olympic competition is Feb. 13-17 says John Geer. All those participating stood up and were recognized this morning. We host Valley 500 competition on Feb. 17, 8:30 a.m. in large hall. Needing cookies for the 17th.
February 20 is our annual Memorial Service when we remember friends we've lost this past year. It is held at 9 a.m. prior to morning meeting.
Integra Stroke Prevention is Feb. 21. John Geer announced Dave Almquist will be here on Feb. 6 to speak about this.
2 boat fulls of folks will go on the Sunset Dinner Bay Cruise at SPI they are both full. Craig & Dana Daves did a great job advertising so we now have 2 cruises .. Feb. 21 & Feb. 28! Bus will pick up riders at 3 p.m. Cost $49, full refund in case of bad weather. There is a waiting list. Those who signed up can check on which boat they will be taking. Deadline to pay is Feb. 10 & 17, respectively.
Judy Shively (785-640-1444) announced ROPA Style Show will be Friday, Feb. 24, 1 p.m. Program lasts about 2 hrs. Pay $1 at door. Clothes to be modeled can be from ROPA, thrift store, garage sale, hand-me-downs. You may put any “sexy” garment on clothesline on stage from 9 a.m. to noon day of show (pick them up after program). If you want to sell clothing, hang this on clothes rack on north side of hall. Put ticket on item with price & your name. This year's door prize is for the “prettiest jacket”. See sign up sheet for models in main hall.
The Vet's Luncheon is March 2 at noon open to all, not only vets. Thanks to Judy Nordquist for agreeing to chair the event. Cost is $5 for veterans, non-vets $10. Tickets go on sale in February. Jan O'Dell tells us a container will be set out for donations on behalf of our RVE vets with 100% going to Purple Heart Association. Food will be catered by Willie's Barbecue.
Chair Kathy Cochran says mark March 9 Luau on calendar! We'll roast whole hog & provide full meal. More on this later!!
Ladies Salad Luncheon originally set for March 2 has been changed to March 14. This is at noon (not the same luncheon as the cancer brunch). More on this later....
Monday, January 30, 2017
Monday, January 23, 2017
Monday Jan.23rd
We have had some warm weather here in the R.G.V. but some days the winds blew so hard you could hardly stand up, lol this Monday is a bit chilly, 50's this morning but the winds have calmed down!
I ran across this joke I just have to share with you....
One Saturday morning, the pastor noticed little Johnny was staring up at the large plaque that hung in the foyer of the church. It was covered with names, and small American flags were mounted on either side of it. The seven-year old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so The pastor walked up, stood beside the boy, and said quietly, "Good morning Johnny." "Good morning pastor Ron," replied the young man, still focused on the plaque. "Pastor, what is this?" Johnny asked. "Well, son, it's a memorial to all the young men and women who died in the service." Soberly, they stood together, staring at the large plaque. Little Johnny's voice was barely audible when he asked, "Which one, the Wednesday night or Sunday morning service?
Here's the Monday morning news!
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Free donuts today!by Dean & Millie Ricke in honor of their Anniversary
Invocation – Chris Stevens
Secretary Report – Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Report –
Welcome to all arrivals - Denise Cheek, From Illinois lot#22, Virgil & Aileen Mittleberg, #423 from Illinois
If you'd like to have your blood pressure checked, you can do this on Monday mornings prior to our meeting behind the stage. Thanks to nurses, Virginia Baker & Better Wieners!
Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Get any news to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch, said we are staying with the same Bank we've been using...not going with Rio Bank
Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Bev is still doing cards for Helen, she has 2 cards up to sign one for Cheryl Costly , she had a stint put in, and a card for Dale Neises#53 he has Pneumonia
Entertainment: Brock - The Richard Lynch Band will entertain this coming Friday Jan 27th
Richard Lynch of Waynesville, Ohio is returning to Texas with his band for their third season of pure country music in the Rio Grande Valley. The band played in the showcase last January and proved to be popular with the activity directors, many of whom scurried out of the room and headed to the booking room after the band played.
Lynch is an American Country music artist who has released many songs that charted in the world of traditional country music. His passion and purity for country music is similar to that of Conway Twitty, Waylon Jennings, George Jones and Hank Williams.
Lynch sings about what he is living. Lynch is a blue-collar man and an American farmer. His band performs 100 live shows a year across the United States. The band plays pure country, western swing, rockabilly, outlaw country and hard driving honky tonk.
Don’t miss the opportunity to see Lynch who was named 2015 Humanitarian of the Year by Josie Awards, 2015 Band of the year by Josie/Country Blas Radio, 2015 Male Vocalist of the Year Nominee at Nashville Universe, and 2015 Entertainer of the Year by CMG Global Radio Network.
No movie this Thursday for set up for the "Flea Market"
Dance chairs are Craig/Dana Daves & Brock/Adrienne Laing. tonight will be "Sweetwatewr"providing the music. Price is $6 pp. There's still sign up sheet if you could help with 50-50 ticket sales or concessions. The attendance at our last dance was real good, 150 people showed up

I ran across this joke I just have to share with you....
One Saturday morning, the pastor noticed little Johnny was staring up at the large plaque that hung in the foyer of the church. It was covered with names, and small American flags were mounted on either side of it. The seven-year old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so The pastor walked up, stood beside the boy, and said quietly, "Good morning Johnny." "Good morning pastor Ron," replied the young man, still focused on the plaque. "Pastor, what is this?" Johnny asked. "Well, son, it's a memorial to all the young men and women who died in the service." Soberly, they stood together, staring at the large plaque. Little Johnny's voice was barely audible when he asked, "Which one, the Wednesday night or Sunday morning service?
Here's the Monday morning news!
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Free donuts today!by Dean & Millie Ricke in honor of their Anniversary
Invocation – Chris Stevens
Secretary Report – Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Report –
Welcome to all arrivals - Denise Cheek, From Illinois lot#22, Virgil & Aileen Mittleberg, #423 from Illinois
If you'd like to have your blood pressure checked, you can do this on Monday mornings prior to our meeting behind the stage. Thanks to nurses, Virginia Baker & Better Wieners!
Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Get any news to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch, said we are staying with the same Bank we've been using...not going with Rio Bank
Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Bev is still doing cards for Helen, she has 2 cards up to sign one for Cheryl Costly , she had a stint put in, and a card for Dale Neises#53 he has Pneumonia
Entertainment: Brock - The Richard Lynch Band will entertain this coming Friday Jan 27th
Richard Lynch of Waynesville, Ohio is returning to Texas with his band for their third season of pure country music in the Rio Grande Valley. The band played in the showcase last January and proved to be popular with the activity directors, many of whom scurried out of the room and headed to the booking room after the band played.
Lynch is an American Country music artist who has released many songs that charted in the world of traditional country music. His passion and purity for country music is similar to that of Conway Twitty, Waylon Jennings, George Jones and Hank Williams.
Lynch sings about what he is living. Lynch is a blue-collar man and an American farmer. His band performs 100 live shows a year across the United States. The band plays pure country, western swing, rockabilly, outlaw country and hard driving honky tonk.
Don’t miss the opportunity to see Lynch who was named 2015 Humanitarian of the Year by Josie Awards, 2015 Band of the year by Josie/Country Blas Radio, 2015 Male Vocalist of the Year Nominee at Nashville Universe, and 2015 Entertainer of the Year by CMG Global Radio Network.
No movie this Thursday for set up for the "Flea Market"
Dance chairs are Craig/Dana Daves & Brock/Adrienne Laing. tonight will be "Sweetwatewr"providing the music. Price is $6 pp. There's still sign up sheet if you could help with 50-50 ticket sales or concessions. The attendance at our last dance was real good, 150 people showed up

Sweet Water plays mainly country music, but also plays classic rock, and tejano music ... a Texas blend of Mexican music.
The Dinner cruise filled up and also a second one, check the board and sign-up sheets for a 3rd one going.
Don't forget Saturday Morning Breakfast. Plan to enjoy pancakes for $2.50 or with sausage, $3. Al Kruckman & crew will be serving from 7-8:30 a.m. Bring table service.Do not bring paper plates as the food is too heavy for this type of plate!
Upcoming Dates –
Jan. 26th - Red Hat Luncheon
Jan. 27 – Flea Market in big hall (Lucy Johnson in charge)
Feb. 2 - 7th Annual Sock Hop (Ken/Sue Barnhart chair)
Feb. 9 – Craft Sale, 8 a.m. to noon (Mary Norby chairs)
Feb. 16 – Cancer Fundraiser Tea Party (Dianna Bruce chairs)
Feb. 13-17 – Mid-Valley Senior Olympics
Newsletter editor Mary Lou #103, sends info of activities to news media. Only activities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC may be placed on news media.
You may get tired of editor saying this .. but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give her written notes for newsletter. Some weeks it's a nightmare to figure what you want printed! Deliver note at #103 or at Monday meetings. THANKS SO MUCH !! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Dave Johnson #93 asks that changes for 2017 park directories be given to him by Feb. 6.
Have you picked up Park Pictorial Directory ordered when pictures were taken last season? If not, check with Donna Gabbert at #270 as she has these.
Sunday Ice Cream begins Jan. 8, 2:30 p.m. with Brock & Adrienne Laing chairing. All are welcome! We have volunteers for the month of February.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
George Krantz is taking care of recycling of cans with monies from tabs going to Ronald McDonald charity. He also collects plastic bottle caps.
Piper Pizza. Next one will be Jan. 25th, 11:30 a.m. say chairs Rickes & Goodwins. If you bring your Peter Piper cup, beverage is free. Ice cream is free & there is drawing for prizes, cost $7.03 pp, includes tax.
Bruce Wells said Potluck will be Friday the 20th
The Red Hat Luncheon will be Jan. 26th all are welcome, red & purple wear or not, bring $1.00 and a salad to share.
Dianna Bruce and help were in the back of the hall with the Clock and Quilt to be raffled off
for the Cancer Hosp. Also a "Tea" and Brunch to be held the 16th of Feb.they have new items to buy a raffle ticket on...a beautiful quilt square made by Mary Lou Benson, and a neat water fountain made by Ken Barnhart
Lucy Johnson could use some help for the up coming flea market which will be the 27th
Tickets for the upcoming "Sock Hop" going on sale each Monday at the meeting You may purchase individual tickets at $5 each or table of 8 for $40. Chair Ken Barnhart tells us we are going back to the “original” theme from our first hop. Fred Goldsberry will play for dancing & listening, plus always fun games. Hot dogs are 25 cents, chips or soda, 10 cents. Gals may want to wear poodle skirts & guys might grow sideburns! Sue is collecting donated pictures of residents from when they were younger (3-20 years old).
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 9 Craft Show. We are the ONLY park in the Valley that has ONLY handmade items. 47 tables and they are filled. Food is served including homemade pie, 8 a.m. to noon.
Monday, January 16, 2017
Monday Jan. 16th
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Free donuts today!The person wishes to remain anomynous
Invocation – Sharon Sprague
Secretary Report – Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller The Compass Bank is charging a $7.00 fee for any checks written to the Club, if the person does not have an account with Compass Bank, we voted to change Banks, we will now use Rio Bank.
Welcome to all arrivals - no new ones
If you'd like to have your blood pressure checked, you can do this on Monday mornings prior to our meeting behind the stage. Thanks to nurses, Virginia Baker & Better Wieners!
MANAGEMENT REPORT – No one today but wishes to let folks know when the dumpster behind the Hall is full do not leave garbage beside it as varmits get in it, use the ones out back in the 99's
Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Get any news to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch, said the kitchen floor gets quite dirty and needs to be cleaned after different functions, Linda P. will clean it once a week.
Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis our "Card Lady" is home after her surgery and doing great! No cards up to sign,
there's a policy that when folks have been gone from the park for several years that a card will not be made but there are several folks from years passed who would appreciate a card from some who remember them, one of them is Dorothy Skovbo, she has pancreatic Cancer, and also Bob Sexton is doing poorly and thinking of you cards from individuals would be nice, if you so desire to send one.
Entertainment:Brock and Adrianne in Mexico this morning and Judy read what he had to say about the entertainment, The Williams will perform Friday night,
Williamson Branch is a family band and, like most families, they are rich in tradition, ripe with potential, and diverse in taste. This family has a love for each other and music. That love makes each performance special. Williamson Branch plays music that is mostly bluegrass, sometimes country, often times gospel, but always fresh and exciting. Their vocals soar with a closeness that can only be found in blood relatives. Their instrumentation is impressive.Their laughter is contagious. Their clog dancing is exhilarating and their personalities are sparkling!
Dance chairs are Craig/Dana Daves & Brock/Adrienne Laing. tonight will be Roger Knaston providing the music. Price is $6 pp. There's still sign up sheet if you could help with 50-50 ticket sales or concessions. The attendance at our first dance was real good, 120 people showed up. also Craig brought in the new advertising sign to go in front of the park to advertise certain Park events that are open to the public. Also Craig and Dana have a sign-up sheet in the back of the hall if you would like to go on a Dinner Cruise out of South Padre. they have a 47 people limit on how many can go. It's $49.00 pp and is on Feb 28th. The boat is a Katamaran.
The Roger Kenaston Band features a variety of talented entertainers from Nebraska. 2012 FAME Lead Guitarist of the year, Roger Kenaston and 2012 FAME Doghouse Bassist of the year, Sharon Kenaston, along with trumpeter/drummer, Jerry Neeman have been featured on RFD-TV’s Midwest Country Show and are members of the National Traditional Country Music Hall of Fame. Joined by multi-instrumentalist, Dave Elifrits, the group enjoys playing for numerous dances and shows throughout the valley. Outstanding vocalists and instrumentalists, the Roger Kenaston Band is sure to please anyone who loves live music, whether it be Traditional Country, Big Band, 50’s Rock and Roll, Bluegrass, Gospel or more.
Next Monday night the band will be "Sweetwater" a very well loved band well known here in the Valley
Sweet Water plays mainly country music, but also plays classic rock, and tejano music ... a Texas blend of Mexican music.
Don't forget Saturday Morning Breakfast. Plan to enjoy pancakes for $2.50 or with sausage, $3. Al Kruckman & crew will be serving from 7-8:30 a.m. Bring table service.Do not bring paper plates as the food is too heavy for this type of plate!
It was voted on that the Club give $200.00 to Dianna Bruce for the Edinburgh Childrens Hosp.
It was also voted to give $100.00 to the Purple Heart fund
Upcoming Dates –
Jan. 26th - Red Hat Luncheon
Jan. 27 – Flea Market in big hall (Lucy Johnson in charge)
Feb. 2 - 7th Annual Sock Hop (Ken/Sue Barnhart chair)
Feb. 9 – Craft Sale, 8 a.m. to noon (Mary Norby chairs)
Feb. 16 – Cancer Fundraiser Tea Party (Dianna Bruce chairs)
Feb. 13-17 – Mid-Valley Senior Olympics
Newsletter editor Mary Lou #103, sends info of activities to news media. Only activities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC may be placed on news media.
You may get tired of editor saying this .. but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give her written notes for newsletter. Some weeks it's a nightmare to figure what you want printed! Deliver note at #103 or at Monday meetings. THANKS SO MUCH !! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Dave Johnson #93 asks that changes for 2017 park directories be given to him by Feb. 6.
Have you picked up Park Pictorial Directory ordered when pictures were taken last season? If not, check with Donna Gabbert at #270 as she has these.
Sunday Ice Cream begins Jan. 8, 2:30 p.m. with Brock & Adrienne Laing chairing. All are welcome! We have volunteers for the month of February.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
George Krantz is taking care of recycling of cans with monies from tabs going to Ronald McDonald charity. He also collects plastic bottle caps.
LADIES .. would you like to be part of the park's “Secret Sisters”? We only meet once a year to “reveal” & draw for new sisters. If interested, see Judy Nordquist at Lot 77 to pick up a form.
Nancy Argo announced the Dutch Treat Park Dinner held on Jan. 10 at Cortino's Italian Restaurant located on Bus. 83 south side of road was enjoyied by all who went, 77 people went. Those who may have suggestion for the next dinner should make known their wishes.
Park Pizza Party is held twice monthly, 2nd & 4th Wed. at Peter Piper Pizza. Next one will be Jan. 25th, 11:30 a.m. say chairs Rickes & Goodwins. If you bring your Peter Piper cup, beverage is free. Ice cream is free & there is drawing for prizes, cost $7.03 pp, includes tax.
Bruce Wells said Potluck will be Friday the 20th
John Geer said the Olympic sign-up sheet is in the back of the hall
The Red Hat Luncheon will be Jan. 26th all are welcome, red & purple wear or not, bring $1.00 and a salad to share.
Dianna Bruce and help were in the back of the hall with the Clock and Quilt to be raffled off
for the Cancer Hosp. Also a "Tea" and Brunch to be held the 16th of Feb.
The sign out front of the Park is not the new sign that has been ordered, but it will be here soon, and can be used to advertise other events open to the public.
Joyce Amos & committee are at it again! Remember the fun the gals had at the Wine & Cheese party? It was the fellow's turn. The Men's Cocktail Party was held Wednesday, Jan. 11. I heard they all had a fun time!
It's not too soon to be thinking about the Jan. 27 Flea Market which is chaired by Lucy Johnson. Get your tables reserved, $2 per table. See sign up sheet.
Tickets for the upcoming "Sock Hop" going on sale each Monday at the meeting You may purchase individual tickets at $5 each or table of 8 for $40. Chair Ken Barnhart tells us we are going back to the “original” theme from our first hop. Fred Goldsberry will play for dancing & listening, plus always fun games. Hot dogs are 25 cents, chips or soda, 10 cents. Gals may want to wear poodle skirts & guys might grow sideburns! Sue is collecting donated pictures of residents from when they were younger (3-20 years old).
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 9 Craft Show. We are the ONLY park in the Valley that has ONLY handmade items. There are still a few tables remaining, $10 each. Food is served including homemade pie, 8 a.m. to noon.
The Cancer Fundraiser Brunch is Feb. 16, 10 a.m. Tickets for brunch (cost??) & raffles go on sale next Monday. Questions, check with chair Dianna Bruce.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Free donuts today!The person wishes to remain anomynous
Invocation – Sharon Sprague
Secretary Report – Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller The Compass Bank is charging a $7.00 fee for any checks written to the Club, if the person does not have an account with Compass Bank, we voted to change Banks, we will now use Rio Bank.
Welcome to all arrivals - no new ones
If you'd like to have your blood pressure checked, you can do this on Monday mornings prior to our meeting behind the stage. Thanks to nurses, Virginia Baker & Better Wieners!
MANAGEMENT REPORT – No one today but wishes to let folks know when the dumpster behind the Hall is full do not leave garbage beside it as varmits get in it, use the ones out back in the 99's
Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Get any news to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch, said the kitchen floor gets quite dirty and needs to be cleaned after different functions, Linda P. will clean it once a week.
Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis our "Card Lady" is home after her surgery and doing great! No cards up to sign,
there's a policy that when folks have been gone from the park for several years that a card will not be made but there are several folks from years passed who would appreciate a card from some who remember them, one of them is Dorothy Skovbo, she has pancreatic Cancer, and also Bob Sexton is doing poorly and thinking of you cards from individuals would be nice, if you so desire to send one.
Entertainment:Brock and Adrianne in Mexico this morning and Judy read what he had to say about the entertainment, The Williams will perform Friday night,
Williamson Branch is a family band and, like most families, they are rich in tradition, ripe with potential, and diverse in taste. This family has a love for each other and music. That love makes each performance special. Williamson Branch plays music that is mostly bluegrass, sometimes country, often times gospel, but always fresh and exciting. Their vocals soar with a closeness that can only be found in blood relatives. Their instrumentation is impressive.Their laughter is contagious. Their clog dancing is exhilarating and their personalities are sparkling!
Dance chairs are Craig/Dana Daves & Brock/Adrienne Laing. tonight will be Roger Knaston providing the music. Price is $6 pp. There's still sign up sheet if you could help with 50-50 ticket sales or concessions. The attendance at our first dance was real good, 120 people showed up. also Craig brought in the new advertising sign to go in front of the park to advertise certain Park events that are open to the public. Also Craig and Dana have a sign-up sheet in the back of the hall if you would like to go on a Dinner Cruise out of South Padre. they have a 47 people limit on how many can go. It's $49.00 pp and is on Feb 28th. The boat is a Katamaran.
The Roger Kenaston Band features a variety of talented entertainers from Nebraska. 2012 FAME Lead Guitarist of the year, Roger Kenaston and 2012 FAME Doghouse Bassist of the year, Sharon Kenaston, along with trumpeter/drummer, Jerry Neeman have been featured on RFD-TV’s Midwest Country Show and are members of the National Traditional Country Music Hall of Fame. Joined by multi-instrumentalist, Dave Elifrits, the group enjoys playing for numerous dances and shows throughout the valley. Outstanding vocalists and instrumentalists, the Roger Kenaston Band is sure to please anyone who loves live music, whether it be Traditional Country, Big Band, 50’s Rock and Roll, Bluegrass, Gospel or more.
Next Monday night the band will be "Sweetwater" a very well loved band well known here in the Valley
Sweet Water plays mainly country music, but also plays classic rock, and tejano music ... a Texas blend of Mexican music.
Don't forget Saturday Morning Breakfast. Plan to enjoy pancakes for $2.50 or with sausage, $3. Al Kruckman & crew will be serving from 7-8:30 a.m. Bring table service.Do not bring paper plates as the food is too heavy for this type of plate!
It was voted on that the Club give $200.00 to Dianna Bruce for the Edinburgh Childrens Hosp.
It was also voted to give $100.00 to the Purple Heart fund
Upcoming Dates –
Jan. 26th - Red Hat Luncheon
Jan. 27 – Flea Market in big hall (Lucy Johnson in charge)
Feb. 2 - 7th Annual Sock Hop (Ken/Sue Barnhart chair)
Feb. 9 – Craft Sale, 8 a.m. to noon (Mary Norby chairs)
Feb. 16 – Cancer Fundraiser Tea Party (Dianna Bruce chairs)
Feb. 13-17 – Mid-Valley Senior Olympics
Newsletter editor Mary Lou #103, sends info of activities to news media. Only activities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC may be placed on news media.
You may get tired of editor saying this .. but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give her written notes for newsletter. Some weeks it's a nightmare to figure what you want printed! Deliver note at #103 or at Monday meetings. THANKS SO MUCH !! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Dave Johnson #93 asks that changes for 2017 park directories be given to him by Feb. 6.
Have you picked up Park Pictorial Directory ordered when pictures were taken last season? If not, check with Donna Gabbert at #270 as she has these.
Sunday Ice Cream begins Jan. 8, 2:30 p.m. with Brock & Adrienne Laing chairing. All are welcome! We have volunteers for the month of February.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
George Krantz is taking care of recycling of cans with monies from tabs going to Ronald McDonald charity. He also collects plastic bottle caps.
LADIES .. would you like to be part of the park's “Secret Sisters”? We only meet once a year to “reveal” & draw for new sisters. If interested, see Judy Nordquist at Lot 77 to pick up a form.
Nancy Argo announced the Dutch Treat Park Dinner held on Jan. 10 at Cortino's Italian Restaurant located on Bus. 83 south side of road was enjoyied by all who went, 77 people went. Those who may have suggestion for the next dinner should make known their wishes.
Park Pizza Party is held twice monthly, 2nd & 4th Wed. at Peter Piper Pizza. Next one will be Jan. 25th, 11:30 a.m. say chairs Rickes & Goodwins. If you bring your Peter Piper cup, beverage is free. Ice cream is free & there is drawing for prizes, cost $7.03 pp, includes tax.
Bruce Wells said Potluck will be Friday the 20th
John Geer said the Olympic sign-up sheet is in the back of the hall
The Red Hat Luncheon will be Jan. 26th all are welcome, red & purple wear or not, bring $1.00 and a salad to share.
Dianna Bruce and help were in the back of the hall with the Clock and Quilt to be raffled off
for the Cancer Hosp. Also a "Tea" and Brunch to be held the 16th of Feb.
The sign out front of the Park is not the new sign that has been ordered, but it will be here soon, and can be used to advertise other events open to the public.
Joyce Amos & committee are at it again! Remember the fun the gals had at the Wine & Cheese party? It was the fellow's turn. The Men's Cocktail Party was held Wednesday, Jan. 11. I heard they all had a fun time!
It's not too soon to be thinking about the Jan. 27 Flea Market which is chaired by Lucy Johnson. Get your tables reserved, $2 per table. See sign up sheet.
Tickets for the upcoming "Sock Hop" going on sale each Monday at the meeting You may purchase individual tickets at $5 each or table of 8 for $40. Chair Ken Barnhart tells us we are going back to the “original” theme from our first hop. Fred Goldsberry will play for dancing & listening, plus always fun games. Hot dogs are 25 cents, chips or soda, 10 cents. Gals may want to wear poodle skirts & guys might grow sideburns! Sue is collecting donated pictures of residents from when they were younger (3-20 years old).
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 9 Craft Show. We are the ONLY park in the Valley that has ONLY handmade items. There are still a few tables remaining, $10 each. Food is served including homemade pie, 8 a.m. to noon.
The Cancer Fundraiser Brunch is Feb. 16, 10 a.m. Tickets for brunch (cost??) & raffles go on sale next Monday. Questions, check with chair Dianna Bruce.
Monday, January 9, 2017
January 9th
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Free donuts today! Thanks to Harriet Stromer
Invocation – Sandy Novak
Secretary Report – Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
Welcome to all arrivals - The Shurman's, from Cedar Falls, Iowa, the Cummins from Houston,Also Ron Zollar and Donna from Rockton, Ill.
If you'd like to have your blood pressure checked, you can do this on Monday mornings prior to our meeting behind the stage. Thanks to nurses, Virginia Baker & Better Wieners!
MANAGEMENT REPORT – There was none today. Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Get any news to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch. He said Texas Citrus will come by for those who ask, he will call before he comes.
Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis our "Card Lady"is absent from park due to surgery in Temple TX. In her absence Bev Telfor will be handling card duties. Bev is putting up a card for Helen who had surgery on her diaphram, she is in re-hab now. Also a card for The Mcauleys on the death of their Daughter, and a card for Ruth Armstrong, in the hospital with infection. Bev would appreciate calls to her at 956-532-6033 if you know of someone needing a card due to illness or death of family member. She doesn't always see notes written on the board in office area. Cards are placed in front office area for us to sign.
Entertainment: Filling in for Brock this morning was his wife Adrienne,Entertainment for Friday night will be Helen Russell & Company new this Season, she also said we will have a great movie Thursday night but has no idea what it will be? lol
Elvis and Helen Russell provide toe-tappin’ live music and entertainment for a variety of venues in Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas!
They are located in the Lake of the Ozarks area at Osage Beach, MO. Many folks remember Helen as an entertainer with Lee Mace’s Ozark Opry, where her abilities as a vocalist and instrumentalist were enjoyed 6 nights a week for 19 seasons. Well folks, she is now better than ever!
With Elvis providing bass and family style comedy, we also feature keyboard, banjo and drums. It will be an entertainment experience that you are sure to enjoy.
Dance chairs are Craig/Dana Daves & Brock/Adrienne Laing. Dances begin Jan. 9, Jan.with Country Rolan, Craig had Country Rolands music playing this morning while he talked about the dance tonight! January 16th will be Roger Knaston providing the music. Price is $6 pp. There's still sign up sheet if you could help with 50-50 ticket sales or concessions.
The Roger Kenaston Band features a variety of talented entertainers from Nebraska. 2012 FAME Lead Guitarist of the year, Roger Kenaston and 2012 FAME Doghouse Bassist of the year, Sharon Kenaston, along with trumpeter/drummer, Jerry Neeman have been featured on RFD-TV’s Midwest Country Show and are members of the National Traditional Country Music Hall of Fame. Joined by multi-instrumentalist, Dave Elifrits, the group enjoys playing for numerous dances and shows throughout the valley. Outstanding vocalists and instrumentalists, the Roger Kenaston Band is sure to please anyone who loves live music, whether it be Traditional Country, Big Band, 50’s Rock and Roll, Bluegrass, Gospel or more.
Don't forget Saturday Morning Breakfast. Plan to enjoy pancakes for $2.50 or with sausage, $3. Al Kruckman & crew will be serving from 7-8:30 a.m. Bring table service.Do not bring paper plates as the food is too heavy for this type of plate!
Upcoming Dates –
Jan. 10 – Specialty Swim Wear rep in big hall, 1-4 p.m.
Jan. 10 – Park Dinner, Cortino's (on Bus. 83), 5 p.m.
Jan. 11 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
Jan. 11 – Men's Cocktail Party, 3 p.m. (Joyce Amos chairs)
Jan. 26th - Red Hat Luncheon
Jan. 27 – Flea Market in big hall (Lucy Johnson in charge)
Feb. 2 - 7th Annual Sock Hop (Ken/Sue Barnhart chair)
Feb. 9 – Craft Sale, 8 a.m. to noon (Mary Norby chairs)
Feb. 16 – Cancer Fundraiser Tea Party (Dianna Bruce chairs)
Feb. 13-17 – Mid-Valley Senior Olympics
Newsletter editor Mary Lou #103, sends info of activities to news media. Only activities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC may be placed on news media.
You may get tired of editor saying this .. but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give her written notes for newsletter. Some weeks it's a nightmare to figure what you want printed! Deliver note at #103 or at Monday meetings. THANKS SO MUCH !! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Dave Johnson #93 asks that changes for 2017 park directories be given to him by Feb. 6.
Have you picked up Park Pictorial Directory ordered when pictures were taken last season? If not, check with Donna Gabbert at #270 as she has these.
Sunday Ice Cream begins Jan. 8, 2:30 p.m. with Brock & Adrienne Laing chairing. All are welcome! We have volunteers for the month of February.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
Activities resuming this week include line dancing, yoga (back to 10:30 a.m.), pinochle, bingo. Other activities cancelled over the holidays have also begun again.
George Krantz is taking care of recycling of cans with monies from tabs going to Ronald McDonald charity. He also collects plastic bottle caps.
LADIES .. would you like to be part of the park's “Secret Sisters”? We only meet once a year to “reveal” & draw for new sisters. If interested, see Judy Nordquist at Lot 77 to pick up a form.
Specialty Swimwear will be on display in Friendship Hall, Jan. 10, 1-4 p.m. Sizes 4-32 are offered.
Nancy Argo announced the Dutch Treat Park Dinner is Jan. 10 at Cortino's Italian Restaurant located on Bus. 83 south side of road. Plan to arrive about 5 p.m. there is already 77 people signed up to go. Those who may have suggestion for the next dinner should make known their wishes. This is held monthly. See sign up.
Park Pizza Party is held twice monthly, 2nd & 4th Wed. at Peter Piper Pizza. Next one will be Jan. 11, 11:30 a.m. say chairs Rickes & Goodwins. If you bring your Peter Piper cup, beverage is free. Ice cream is free & there is drawing for prizes, cost $7.03 pp, includes tax.
Bruce Wells said Potluck will be Friday the 13th
John Geer said the Olympic sign-up sheet is in the back of the hall
The Red Hat Luncheon will be Jan. 26th all are welcome, red & purple wear or not, bring $1.00 and a salad to share.
Dianna Bruce and help were in the back of the hall with the Clock and Quilt to be raffled off
for the Cancer Hosp. Also a "Tea" and Brunch to be held the 16th of Feb.
The sign out front of the Park is not the new sign that has been ordered, but it will be here soon, and can be used to advertise other events open to the public.
Joyce Amos & committee are at it again! Remember the fun the gals had at the Wine & Cheese party? Now is the fellow's turn. Come to the Men's Cocktail Party Wednesday, Jan. 11, 3 p.m. Bring a cocktail glass in a gift bag to exchange. Bring a 6-pack of beer or bottle of wine or liquor to share. If you do not drink, bring a beverage of your choice. Cost will be $3 pp. Come have fun!
It's not too soon to be thinking about the Jan. 27 Flea Market which is chaired by Lucy Johnson. Get your tables reserved, $2 per table. See sign up sheet.
Tickets for the upcoming "Sock Hop" going on sale each Monday at the meeting You may purchase individual tickets at $5 each or table of 8 for $40. Chair Ken Barnhart tells us we are going back to the “original” theme from our first hop. Fred Goldsberry will play for dancing & listening, plus always fun games. Hot dogs are 25 cents, chips or soda, 10 cents. Gals may want to wear poodle skirts & guys might grow sideburns! Sue is collecting donated pictures of residents from when they were younger (3-20 years old). Wanting 30 pics!!
The tables are going fast! 17 tables sold already this morning.
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 9 Craft Show. We are the ONLY park in the Valley that has ONLY handmade items. There are still a few tables remaining, $10 each. Food is served including homemade pie, 8 a.m. to noon.
The Cancer Fundraiser Brunch is Feb. 16, 10 a.m. Tickets for brunch (cost??) & raffles go on sale next Monday. Questions, check with chair Dianna Bruce.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Free donuts today! Thanks to Harriet Stromer
Invocation – Sandy Novak
Secretary Report – Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
Welcome to all arrivals - The Shurman's, from Cedar Falls, Iowa, the Cummins from Houston,Also Ron Zollar and Donna from Rockton, Ill.
If you'd like to have your blood pressure checked, you can do this on Monday mornings prior to our meeting behind the stage. Thanks to nurses, Virginia Baker & Better Wieners!
MANAGEMENT REPORT – There was none today. Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Get any news to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch. He said Texas Citrus will come by for those who ask, he will call before he comes.
Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis our "Card Lady"is absent from park due to surgery in Temple TX. In her absence Bev Telfor will be handling card duties. Bev is putting up a card for Helen who had surgery on her diaphram, she is in re-hab now. Also a card for The Mcauleys on the death of their Daughter, and a card for Ruth Armstrong, in the hospital with infection. Bev would appreciate calls to her at 956-532-6033 if you know of someone needing a card due to illness or death of family member. She doesn't always see notes written on the board in office area. Cards are placed in front office area for us to sign.
Entertainment: Filling in for Brock this morning was his wife Adrienne,Entertainment for Friday night will be Helen Russell & Company new this Season, she also said we will have a great movie Thursday night but has no idea what it will be? lol
Elvis and Helen Russell provide toe-tappin’ live music and entertainment for a variety of venues in Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas!
They are located in the Lake of the Ozarks area at Osage Beach, MO. Many folks remember Helen as an entertainer with Lee Mace’s Ozark Opry, where her abilities as a vocalist and instrumentalist were enjoyed 6 nights a week for 19 seasons. Well folks, she is now better than ever!
With Elvis providing bass and family style comedy, we also feature keyboard, banjo and drums. It will be an entertainment experience that you are sure to enjoy.
Dance chairs are Craig/Dana Daves & Brock/Adrienne Laing. Dances begin Jan. 9, Jan.with Country Rolan, Craig had Country Rolands music playing this morning while he talked about the dance tonight! January 16th will be Roger Knaston providing the music. Price is $6 pp. There's still sign up sheet if you could help with 50-50 ticket sales or concessions.
The Roger Kenaston Band features a variety of talented entertainers from Nebraska. 2012 FAME Lead Guitarist of the year, Roger Kenaston and 2012 FAME Doghouse Bassist of the year, Sharon Kenaston, along with trumpeter/drummer, Jerry Neeman have been featured on RFD-TV’s Midwest Country Show and are members of the National Traditional Country Music Hall of Fame. Joined by multi-instrumentalist, Dave Elifrits, the group enjoys playing for numerous dances and shows throughout the valley. Outstanding vocalists and instrumentalists, the Roger Kenaston Band is sure to please anyone who loves live music, whether it be Traditional Country, Big Band, 50’s Rock and Roll, Bluegrass, Gospel or more.
Don't forget Saturday Morning Breakfast. Plan to enjoy pancakes for $2.50 or with sausage, $3. Al Kruckman & crew will be serving from 7-8:30 a.m. Bring table service.Do not bring paper plates as the food is too heavy for this type of plate!
Upcoming Dates –
Jan. 10 – Specialty Swim Wear rep in big hall, 1-4 p.m.
Jan. 10 – Park Dinner, Cortino's (on Bus. 83), 5 p.m.
Jan. 11 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
Jan. 11 – Men's Cocktail Party, 3 p.m. (Joyce Amos chairs)
Jan. 26th - Red Hat Luncheon
Jan. 27 – Flea Market in big hall (Lucy Johnson in charge)
Feb. 2 - 7th Annual Sock Hop (Ken/Sue Barnhart chair)
Feb. 9 – Craft Sale, 8 a.m. to noon (Mary Norby chairs)
Feb. 16 – Cancer Fundraiser Tea Party (Dianna Bruce chairs)
Feb. 13-17 – Mid-Valley Senior Olympics
Newsletter editor Mary Lou #103, sends info of activities to news media. Only activities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC may be placed on news media.
You may get tired of editor saying this .. but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give her written notes for newsletter. Some weeks it's a nightmare to figure what you want printed! Deliver note at #103 or at Monday meetings. THANKS SO MUCH !! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Dave Johnson #93 asks that changes for 2017 park directories be given to him by Feb. 6.
Have you picked up Park Pictorial Directory ordered when pictures were taken last season? If not, check with Donna Gabbert at #270 as she has these.
Sunday Ice Cream begins Jan. 8, 2:30 p.m. with Brock & Adrienne Laing chairing. All are welcome! We have volunteers for the month of February.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
Activities resuming this week include line dancing, yoga (back to 10:30 a.m.), pinochle, bingo. Other activities cancelled over the holidays have also begun again.
George Krantz is taking care of recycling of cans with monies from tabs going to Ronald McDonald charity. He also collects plastic bottle caps.
LADIES .. would you like to be part of the park's “Secret Sisters”? We only meet once a year to “reveal” & draw for new sisters. If interested, see Judy Nordquist at Lot 77 to pick up a form.
Specialty Swimwear will be on display in Friendship Hall, Jan. 10, 1-4 p.m. Sizes 4-32 are offered.
Nancy Argo announced the Dutch Treat Park Dinner is Jan. 10 at Cortino's Italian Restaurant located on Bus. 83 south side of road. Plan to arrive about 5 p.m. there is already 77 people signed up to go. Those who may have suggestion for the next dinner should make known their wishes. This is held monthly. See sign up.
Park Pizza Party is held twice monthly, 2nd & 4th Wed. at Peter Piper Pizza. Next one will be Jan. 11, 11:30 a.m. say chairs Rickes & Goodwins. If you bring your Peter Piper cup, beverage is free. Ice cream is free & there is drawing for prizes, cost $7.03 pp, includes tax.
Bruce Wells said Potluck will be Friday the 13th
John Geer said the Olympic sign-up sheet is in the back of the hall
The Red Hat Luncheon will be Jan. 26th all are welcome, red & purple wear or not, bring $1.00 and a salad to share.
Dianna Bruce and help were in the back of the hall with the Clock and Quilt to be raffled off
for the Cancer Hosp. Also a "Tea" and Brunch to be held the 16th of Feb.
The sign out front of the Park is not the new sign that has been ordered, but it will be here soon, and can be used to advertise other events open to the public.
Joyce Amos & committee are at it again! Remember the fun the gals had at the Wine & Cheese party? Now is the fellow's turn. Come to the Men's Cocktail Party Wednesday, Jan. 11, 3 p.m. Bring a cocktail glass in a gift bag to exchange. Bring a 6-pack of beer or bottle of wine or liquor to share. If you do not drink, bring a beverage of your choice. Cost will be $3 pp. Come have fun!
It's not too soon to be thinking about the Jan. 27 Flea Market which is chaired by Lucy Johnson. Get your tables reserved, $2 per table. See sign up sheet.
Tickets for the upcoming "Sock Hop" going on sale each Monday at the meeting You may purchase individual tickets at $5 each or table of 8 for $40. Chair Ken Barnhart tells us we are going back to the “original” theme from our first hop. Fred Goldsberry will play for dancing & listening, plus always fun games. Hot dogs are 25 cents, chips or soda, 10 cents. Gals may want to wear poodle skirts & guys might grow sideburns! Sue is collecting donated pictures of residents from when they were younger (3-20 years old). Wanting 30 pics!!
The tables are going fast! 17 tables sold already this morning.
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 9 Craft Show. We are the ONLY park in the Valley that has ONLY handmade items. There are still a few tables remaining, $10 each. Food is served including homemade pie, 8 a.m. to noon.
The Cancer Fundraiser Brunch is Feb. 16, 10 a.m. Tickets for brunch (cost??) & raffles go on sale next Monday. Questions, check with chair Dianna Bruce.
Monday, January 2, 2017
Jan 2nd 2017
We had a fun New Years Eve and lots and lots to eat!
It was Bob and Vicky's anniversary, and also Carol & Caroll Jones Anniversary.
Carol and Carroll had just had their anniversary Dinner at Milano's Restaurant and stopped by the hall to visit.
Here is the Newsletter,
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Kathryn Ratliff - “Train of Life” & prayer
Secretary Report – Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
Welcome to all arrivals, especially those who haven't been here before. We noted some who had sold homes here that have returned & we're sure glad they came back!
If you'd like to have your blood pressure checked, you can do this on Monday mornings prior to our meeting behind the stage. Thanks to nurses, Virginia Baker & Better Wieners!
MANAGEMENT REPORT – There was none today. Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Get any news to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Treasurer Jim Moeller told us the board chose to donate $100 to church in our park in memory of Scott Piper.
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch. He said the County Extensive Office rep would be here to speak concerning fruit trees & disease of these following our meeting. He said the stainless steel bowl previously missing had been found. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis will be absent from park due to medical tests in Temple TX. In her absence Bev Telfor will be handling card duties. She would appreciate calls to her at 956-532-6033 if you know of someone needing a card due to illness or death of family member. She doesn't always see notes written on the board in office area. Cards are placed in front office area for us to sign. One will be there for Kathy/Ross McAuley on the death of their daughter.
Entertainment chair Brock Laing invites all Friday for our 1st entertainment of the season. Mario Rosales will be with us. He is a great singer & comedian. Don't miss it! Cost is $7 pp. Potluck is held prior to show.
Come Thursday for the FREE movie, “Greater”. This is an inspirational story about Brandon Burlsworth who played football as a walk-on for the Arkansas Razorbacks.
Dance chairs are Craig/Dana Daves & Brock/Adrienne Laing. Dances begin Jan. 9 with Country Roland Jr. providing the music. Price is $6 pp. There's still sign up sheet if you could help with 50-50 ticket sales or concessions. We voted to purchase at cost of $100 a free-standing sign to put outside gate announcing dances. Sign could also be used for other park activities open to the public.
Don't forget Saturday Morning Breakfast. Plan to enjoy pancakes for $2.50 or with sausage, $3. Al Kruckman & crew will be serving from 7-8:30 a.m. Bring table service.
Upcoming Dates –
Jan. 6 – Blood Wellness Test, 6:30 a.m., need to fast 12 hrs.
Jan. 10 – Specialty Swim Wear rep in big hall, 1-4 p.m.
Jan. 10 – Park Dinner, Cortino's (on Bus. 83), 5 p.m.
Jan. 11 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
Jan. 11 – Men's Cocktail Party, 3 p.m. (Joyce Amos chairs)
Jan. 27 – Flea Market in big hall (Lucy Johnson in charge)
Feb. 2 - 7th Annual Sock Hop (Ken/Sue Barnhart chair)
Feb. 9 – Craft Sale, 8 a.m. to noon (Mary Norby chairs)
Feb. 16 – Cancer Fundraiser Tea Party (Dianna Bruce chairs)
Feb. 13-17 – Mid-Valley Senior Olympics
Newsletter editor Mary Lou #103, sends info of activities to news media. Only activities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC may be placed on news media.
You may get tired of editor saying this .. but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give her written notes for newsletter. Some weeks it's a nightmare to figure what you want printed! Deliver note at #103 or at Monday meetings. THANKS SO MUCH !! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Committee that organized the New Year's Eve party did a fantastic job! Much fun was had by all. The committee thanks all who helped with the party.
Dave Johnson #93 asks that changes for 2017 park directories be given to him by Feb. 6.
Have you picked up Park Pictorial Directory ordered when pictures were taken last season? If not, check with Donna Gabbert at #270 as she has these.
Sunday Ice Cream begins Jan. 8, 2:30 p.m. with Brock & Adrienne Laing chairing. All are welcome! We have volunteers for the month of February.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
LeRoy Larson gave editor a note that Thursday 1:30 Shuffling is cancelled due to poor attendance.
Activities resuming this week include line dancing, yoga (back to 10:30 a.m.), pinochle, bingo. Other activities cancelled over the holidays have also begun again.
George Krantz is taking care of recycling of cans with monies from tabs going to Ronald McDonald charity. He also collects plastic bottle caps.
LADIES .. would you like to be part of the park's “Secret Sisters”? We only meet once a year to “reveal” & draw for new sisters. If interested, see Judy Nordquist at Lot 77 to pick up a form.
John Geer explains upcoming Blood Profile Wellness Testing will be done in hall Jan. 6, 6:30 a.m., by Rio Grande Regional Hospital. You need to fast for 12 hrs. Bring a check to pay for tests. There is sign up sheet. Integra Stroke Prevention is done Feb. 21 and you need to call for appointment. See board for info.
Specialty Swimwear will be on display in Friendship Hall, Jan. 10, 1-4 p.m. Sizes 4-32 are offered.
Nancy Argo announced the Dutch Treat Park Dinner is Jan. 10 at Cortino's Italian Restaurant located on Bus. 83 south side of road. Plan to arrive about 5 p.m. Those who may have suggestion for the next dinner should make known their wishes. This is held monthly. See sign up.
Park Pizza Party is held twice monthly, 2nd & 4th Wed. at Peter Piper Pizza. Next one will be Jan. 11, 11:30 a.m. say chairs Rickes & Goodwins. If you bring your Peter Piper cup, beverage is free. Ice cream is free & there is drawing for prizes, cost $7.03 pp, includes tax.
Joyce Amos & committee are at it again! Remember the fun the gals had at the Wine & Cheese party? Now is the fellow's turn. Come to the Men's Cocktail Party Wednesday, Jan. 11, 3 p.m. Bring a cocktail glass in a gift bag to exchange. Bring a 6-pack of beer or bottle of wine or liquor to share. If you do not drink, bring a beverage of your choice. Cost will be $3 pp. Come have fun!
It's not too soon to be thinking about the Jan. 27 Flea Market which is chaired by Lucy Johnson. Get your tables reserved, $2 per table. See sign up sheet.
Tickets will be available next Monday for the 7th Annual Sock Hop scheduled Feb. 2. You may purchase individual tickets at $5 each or table of 8 for $40. Chair Ken Barnhart tells us we are going back to the “original” theme from our first hop. Fred Goldsberry will play for dancing & listening, plus always fun games. Hot dogs are 25 cents, chips or soda, 10 cents. Gals may want to wear poodle skirts & guys might grow sideburns! Ken's wife Sue is collecting donated pictures of residents from when they were younger (3-20 years old). Wanting 30 pics!!
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 9 Craft Show. We are the ONLY park in the Valley that has ONLY handmade items. There are still a few tables remaining, $10 each. Food is served including homemade pie, 8 a.m. to noon.
The Cancer Fundraiser Brunch is Feb. 16, 10 a.m. Tickets for brunch (cost??) & raffles go on sale next Monday. Questions, check with chair Dianna Bruce.
It was Bob and Vicky's anniversary, and also Carol & Caroll Jones Anniversary.
Carol and Carroll had just had their anniversary Dinner at Milano's Restaurant and stopped by the hall to visit.
Here is the Newsletter,
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Kathryn Ratliff - “Train of Life” & prayer
Secretary Report – Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
Welcome to all arrivals, especially those who haven't been here before. We noted some who had sold homes here that have returned & we're sure glad they came back!
If you'd like to have your blood pressure checked, you can do this on Monday mornings prior to our meeting behind the stage. Thanks to nurses, Virginia Baker & Better Wieners!
MANAGEMENT REPORT – There was none today. Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Get any news to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Treasurer Jim Moeller told us the board chose to donate $100 to church in our park in memory of Scott Piper.
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch. He said the County Extensive Office rep would be here to speak concerning fruit trees & disease of these following our meeting. He said the stainless steel bowl previously missing had been found. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis will be absent from park due to medical tests in Temple TX. In her absence Bev Telfor will be handling card duties. She would appreciate calls to her at 956-532-6033 if you know of someone needing a card due to illness or death of family member. She doesn't always see notes written on the board in office area. Cards are placed in front office area for us to sign. One will be there for Kathy/Ross McAuley on the death of their daughter.
Entertainment chair Brock Laing invites all Friday for our 1st entertainment of the season. Mario Rosales will be with us. He is a great singer & comedian. Don't miss it! Cost is $7 pp. Potluck is held prior to show.
Come Thursday for the FREE movie, “Greater”. This is an inspirational story about Brandon Burlsworth who played football as a walk-on for the Arkansas Razorbacks.
Dance chairs are Craig/Dana Daves & Brock/Adrienne Laing. Dances begin Jan. 9 with Country Roland Jr. providing the music. Price is $6 pp. There's still sign up sheet if you could help with 50-50 ticket sales or concessions. We voted to purchase at cost of $100 a free-standing sign to put outside gate announcing dances. Sign could also be used for other park activities open to the public.
Don't forget Saturday Morning Breakfast. Plan to enjoy pancakes for $2.50 or with sausage, $3. Al Kruckman & crew will be serving from 7-8:30 a.m. Bring table service.
Upcoming Dates –
Jan. 6 – Blood Wellness Test, 6:30 a.m., need to fast 12 hrs.
Jan. 10 – Specialty Swim Wear rep in big hall, 1-4 p.m.
Jan. 10 – Park Dinner, Cortino's (on Bus. 83), 5 p.m.
Jan. 11 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
Jan. 11 – Men's Cocktail Party, 3 p.m. (Joyce Amos chairs)
Jan. 27 – Flea Market in big hall (Lucy Johnson in charge)
Feb. 2 - 7th Annual Sock Hop (Ken/Sue Barnhart chair)
Feb. 9 – Craft Sale, 8 a.m. to noon (Mary Norby chairs)
Feb. 16 – Cancer Fundraiser Tea Party (Dianna Bruce chairs)
Feb. 13-17 – Mid-Valley Senior Olympics
Newsletter editor Mary Lou #103, sends info of activities to news media. Only activities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC may be placed on news media.
You may get tired of editor saying this .. but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give her written notes for newsletter. Some weeks it's a nightmare to figure what you want printed! Deliver note at #103 or at Monday meetings. THANKS SO MUCH !! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Committee that organized the New Year's Eve party did a fantastic job! Much fun was had by all. The committee thanks all who helped with the party.
Dave Johnson #93 asks that changes for 2017 park directories be given to him by Feb. 6.
Have you picked up Park Pictorial Directory ordered when pictures were taken last season? If not, check with Donna Gabbert at #270 as she has these.
Sunday Ice Cream begins Jan. 8, 2:30 p.m. with Brock & Adrienne Laing chairing. All are welcome! We have volunteers for the month of February.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
LeRoy Larson gave editor a note that Thursday 1:30 Shuffling is cancelled due to poor attendance.
Activities resuming this week include line dancing, yoga (back to 10:30 a.m.), pinochle, bingo. Other activities cancelled over the holidays have also begun again.
George Krantz is taking care of recycling of cans with monies from tabs going to Ronald McDonald charity. He also collects plastic bottle caps.
LADIES .. would you like to be part of the park's “Secret Sisters”? We only meet once a year to “reveal” & draw for new sisters. If interested, see Judy Nordquist at Lot 77 to pick up a form.
John Geer explains upcoming Blood Profile Wellness Testing will be done in hall Jan. 6, 6:30 a.m., by Rio Grande Regional Hospital. You need to fast for 12 hrs. Bring a check to pay for tests. There is sign up sheet. Integra Stroke Prevention is done Feb. 21 and you need to call for appointment. See board for info.
Specialty Swimwear will be on display in Friendship Hall, Jan. 10, 1-4 p.m. Sizes 4-32 are offered.
Nancy Argo announced the Dutch Treat Park Dinner is Jan. 10 at Cortino's Italian Restaurant located on Bus. 83 south side of road. Plan to arrive about 5 p.m. Those who may have suggestion for the next dinner should make known their wishes. This is held monthly. See sign up.
Park Pizza Party is held twice monthly, 2nd & 4th Wed. at Peter Piper Pizza. Next one will be Jan. 11, 11:30 a.m. say chairs Rickes & Goodwins. If you bring your Peter Piper cup, beverage is free. Ice cream is free & there is drawing for prizes, cost $7.03 pp, includes tax.
Joyce Amos & committee are at it again! Remember the fun the gals had at the Wine & Cheese party? Now is the fellow's turn. Come to the Men's Cocktail Party Wednesday, Jan. 11, 3 p.m. Bring a cocktail glass in a gift bag to exchange. Bring a 6-pack of beer or bottle of wine or liquor to share. If you do not drink, bring a beverage of your choice. Cost will be $3 pp. Come have fun!
It's not too soon to be thinking about the Jan. 27 Flea Market which is chaired by Lucy Johnson. Get your tables reserved, $2 per table. See sign up sheet.
Tickets will be available next Monday for the 7th Annual Sock Hop scheduled Feb. 2. You may purchase individual tickets at $5 each or table of 8 for $40. Chair Ken Barnhart tells us we are going back to the “original” theme from our first hop. Fred Goldsberry will play for dancing & listening, plus always fun games. Hot dogs are 25 cents, chips or soda, 10 cents. Gals may want to wear poodle skirts & guys might grow sideburns! Ken's wife Sue is collecting donated pictures of residents from when they were younger (3-20 years old). Wanting 30 pics!!
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 9 Craft Show. We are the ONLY park in the Valley that has ONLY handmade items. There are still a few tables remaining, $10 each. Food is served including homemade pie, 8 a.m. to noon.
The Cancer Fundraiser Brunch is Feb. 16, 10 a.m. Tickets for brunch (cost??) & raffles go on sale next Monday. Questions, check with chair Dianna Bruce.
Sunday, January 1, 2017
New Years Wishes
Here is my wish to you for 2017!
1.May you ALWAYS make the right move!!
2. May your cup runneth over with love!
3. May you always find shelter from any storm!
4. May you remain good looking and looking good!
5. May you find the perfect diet for your body and soul!
6. May you find perfect balance in the company you keep!
7. May you have as much fun as you can before someone makes you stop!
8. May the worst thing that happens to you come in slobbering pink and furry tan!
9. May you manage to make time for time out!
10. May all the new folks you meet be interesting and kind!
11. May you always know when to walk away...and when to run!
Thanks Sis! Happy New Year!
1.May you ALWAYS make the right move!!
2. May your cup runneth over with love!
3. May you always find shelter from any storm!
4. May you remain good looking and looking good!
5. May you find the perfect diet for your body and soul!
6. May you find perfect balance in the company you keep!
7. May you have as much fun as you can before someone makes you stop!
8. May the worst thing that happens to you come in slobbering pink and furry tan!
9. May you manage to make time for time out!
10. May all the new folks you meet be interesting and kind!
11. May you always know when to walk away...and when to run!
Thanks Sis! Happy New Year!
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