Monday, February 27, 2017
Monday Feb. 27th
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair John Geer called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation–Judy Nordquist-Senior Citizens Lament & prayer
Secretary Report – Jan O'Dell
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Manager Bob Davis is having his first cornea transplant today. If all goes well he should be back tomorrow. We wish him well with this procedure. Vicki will take care of rent receipts upon their return. Assistant Manager Ken Barnhart reported new rent rates for RV-100s area are posted. Ken said “Complaint department is closed.” A white cat has been seen behind Johnson's at #93, it's thin & crying. Is it yours? Website for park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
Treasurer Jim Moeller gave his report, approved. Char Therrien has resigned. According to our bylaws, chair is to appoint someone to fill the position & we are to then vote. Judy Nordquist will serve in that capacity. Approved.
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch. Freezer is on the blink., repairman to come this afternoon. There was loss of ice cream. Linda Palermo is no longer doing kitchen floor; new arrangements will be made this fall. Duties of chairpersons are posted on board, incl. disposal of trash, table, floor clean up, etc. If anyone has suggestions on making this easier, let Jerry know. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Judy Nordquist, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis asks us to call her, 603-674-3869, if we know of someone needing a card due to illness/death in family. Sign cards in office area. This week cards to: Ken Costley, kidney stone surgery; Leon Cheatham in ICU with infection prior to reversal of his colostomy.
Entertainment chair Brock Laing said it's been a stressful week. (1) No water at last week's dance when he was in charge of “poop patrol” and now “one guy no longer allowed in park!” (2) melted ice cream. On a happier note, we had the largest crowd we've ever had for Friday entertainment except for parkwide talent show 7 yrs. Ago.
Saving the BEST to the end, come enjoy Southern Anthem this Friday. It's the final show of the season, $7 pp. This is a family show with 11 yr. old Logan playing fiddle. Brock says Logan is better than anyone he has heard!
Wendy, Derek, Mikaela and Logan Pausewang, collectively known as Southern Anthem, bring a fresh sound to long-time country and gospel favorites. From church auditoriums, fairs and festivals, to Branson, national television appearances, and requests from Nashville and beyond, the demand for their unique family harmony now has them traveling across the US.
What started as a need to have interim talent at a local theater production has grown into a full time profession. Although the group began singing in church years ago, they never dreamed it would lead to the calling that God placed in their hearts. The band has a growing audience spanning from the youngest to oldest of fans enthralled by the talent of the Pausewang family. Now, with the debut of their 3rd album with the original title track, "Savior Save Me", they have even more to offer their fans.
Potluck is held prior to Friday shows, Bruce/Billie Wells chair. Bring dish to share & table service, 5 p.m.
To clear up any confusion on this Thursday's 9 a.m. meeting at the Hidalgo Bridge, Brock explained this is NOT to organize work groups to build the wall. It is an open invitation to winter Texans & their Mexican friends to meet in the middle of the bridge for fun, friendship, and food! It will be well secured.
Dance chair Dana Daves said if not for Laings she & Craig would never have volunteered to take over dances. She reminded all to come dance tonight, $6 pp.with Diego playing.
Next Monday will be The ReganJames Band/Hired Hand
Brock said FREE movie this week is “Soul Surfer”. A note for the fellows .. you will see scantily clad females of the younger variety. It's the last movie of the season.
Do we have anyone who has volunteered to do Saturday breakfasts? Weren't the omelets by Dave/Pat Printy & committee wonderful? Over 100 attended each week they prepared the omelets. Pat thanked those who came, their helpers, and in particular Rollo & Arlene Fisher who furnished the bacon.
A standing ovation & many many thanks was given for all the work our Canadian friends Brock & Adrienne Laing do! It would be impossible to list all the things they have done to see that we seniors are entertained all season. We know they are the reason we are the BEST park in The Valley. We voted to give them a monetary reimbursement in appreciation.
Upcoming Dates –
Feb. 28 – Final Sunset Dinner Cruise (see page 2 article)
March 1 – Iowa Dinner, Friendship Hall, 11:30 potluck (sign up)
Paul-Sharon Sprague, Doug-Marilyn Jass chair
March 2 – Get-together at Hidalgo Bridge, 9 a.m. (see above article)
March 2 – Vet's Luncheon, $5 for vets, $10 nonvets, open to all, noon
March 3 – Patio Sale , 8 a.m. to noon
March 3 – Nebraska Luncheon, 11 a.m., Chef's Corner Cafe, sign up .. directions & menu are posted on board.
March 3-5 – Border Fest, Hidalgo .. (see article on page 2)
March 7 – Illinois Luncheon, Harold's Country Kitchen, 11:30 a.m., Sandy Olson 7 Sandy Lenius in charge, please sign up
March 7 – Orange St. Potluck, Frieldship Hall, 11:30 – 1 p.m. (Donna Perkins chairs) Text her at 817-371-9730
March 9 – Luau, tickets on sale, $10 pp or $80/table of 8, chair is Kathy Cochran...doors open at 5:15 p.m.
March 14 – Ladies Salad Luncheon, noon .. more on this later
The 2nd dinner Cruise is tomarrow
Here's a few pictures from the last cruise
Out to sea at sundown
Monday, February 20, 2017
Monday February 20th
Monday night dance Feb. 20th: Back to our Park is "Country Roland"
Everyone loves to dance to Country Roland!!!
Next Monday night come and dance to: "Diego"
Friday Entertainment
Get ready for a great show filled with talented guitar playing and the voice of an angel. (Daphne’s voice, not Dave’s.) Dave & Daphne are returning to Rio Valley Estates on Feb. 24th
Dave, who was lead guitarist for Barbara Mandell for seven years, was declared by Roy Clark to be “one of the most fabulous guitarists on the planet.” Dave makes songs like “Orange Blossom Special” and “Flight of the Bumblebee,” which are both difficult to play, look like child’s play. In addition to his skills as a guitarist, he is an accomplished vocalist, songwriter and humorist.
Daphne, whose father fondly referred to her as “The Mouth of the South,” has one of the greatest voices ever heard in the Rio Grande Valley—or anywhere else for that matter. She toured with the Gaither’s, one of the best-known gospel groups ever. She sang with the Florida Boys, the Cathedrals, Rex Nelon, the Hinsons, and many others. She was voted Female of the Year by the Southern Gospel Music Association.
Daphne’s voice has been referred to as a cross between Shania Twain and Patsy Cline and she is able to sing almost any kind of music. She also yodels like Patsy Montana. Her version of Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You,” sends chills down the spine of the listener. Her renditions of “Amazing Grace” and “The Lord’s Prayer” are incredible.
Both Dave and Daphne give God credit for the enormous talent he gave them. They are truly two of the most talented entertainers to perform at Rio Valley Estates and should not be missed.
Here's the Newsletter from today...thanks Mary Lou
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair John Geer called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Irene Quail – “Memories” followed by prayer
Secretary Report – Jan O'Dell
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Manager Bob Davis will be gone a few days as he's heading to Corpus for his first cornea transplant. While gone, Sue Barnhart will be in office. Vicki will take care of rent receipts upon their return. Walter Piper plans to be here March 5 for any questions. Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Get news to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Treasurer Jim Moeller gave his report, approved.
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch who said he & Larry Pavlis have completed inventory. We are reminded to be sure refrigerator is locked following all activities. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis asks us to call her at 603-674-3869 if we know of someone needing a card due to illness/death of family member. Sign cards in office area. This week cards are going to: daughter of Clarice Christensen upon Clarice's death; Sharon Sprague, knee surgery; Ken Costley, surgery today for kidney stones.
Entertainment chair Brock Laing invites all this Friday to enjoy Dave & Daphne, $7 pp. He said Daphne was taken to hospital this past weekend with a throat problem...we're hoping all will be okay for their appearance on Friday. In event it is not, there would be no replacement. Gospel Night with “Ambassadors of Grace” was attended by over 100!
Potluck is held prior to Friday shows, Bruce & Billie Wells chair. Bring dish to share & table service, 5 p.m.
Dance chairs Craig & Dana Daves encourage residents to come dance tonight, $6 pp. Dana appeared in her best Country Roland Jr. attire. Boots appeared to be slightly large for her! Let's have a good crowd!
Brock said he's had requests for a good comedy movie. It IS DIFFICULT to find one that doesn't leave your ears blue .. but he's come up with “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” for FREE movie this week. It stars Michael Caine & Steve Martin.
Dave/Pat Printy & crew tell us there will be another Omelet Breakfast on Saturday, 7-8:30 a.m. Please sign up on sheet in back of hall by Thursday. TY in advance for your patience as this takes a little longer to prepare. There were 6 people who received FREE breakfasts last week. Cost is $3 pp.
Today is President's Day
Upcoming Dates –
Feb. 21 – Integra Stroke Prevention
Feb. 21 & 28 – Sunset Dinner Bay Cruise at South Padre Island (Daves chair), bus loads at our park 3 p.m.
Feb. 22 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
Feb. 23 – ROPA models practice for style show, 9:30 a.m. In card area behind stage
Feb. 23 – Bean Feed, $2 pp, 4:30 p.m. (new time) – Topels chair
Feb. 24 – ROPA Style Show, Judy Shively chairs, 1 p.m., $1 at door
Feb. 26 – Daytona 500 Race, 1 p.m. .. FREE – bring snacks .. Joyce/Gordon Amos chair
March 1 – Iowa Dinner, Friendship Hall, 11:30 potluck (sign up)
Paul-Sharon Sprague, Doug-Marilyn Jass chair
March 2 – Vet's Luncheon, $5 for vets, $10 nonvets, open to all, noon
March 3 – Patio Sale , 8 a.m. to noon
March 7 – Illinois Luncheon, Harold's Country Kitchen, 11:30 a.m., Sandy Olson in charge, please sign up
March 9 – Luau, tickets on sale, $10 pp or $80/table of 8, chair is Kathy Cochran...doors open at 5:15 p.m.
March 14 – Ladies Salad Luncheon, noon .. more on this later
“Thank you to all for cards received for my brother's passing. Sorry we had to miss the birthday-anniversary party. Thank you to the Van Pattens for the CD.” - Jim/Donna Goodwin
Thanks to all who help with can recycling. Everyone has been so good's nice to have all the help.” - George Krantz
M aybe this day is not
O ne of your favorites but
N ever forget that every
D ay you wake up is an
A mazing gift that's up to
Y ou to make it count!
NOTICE – needing someone to host the Park Dinner in March . Argos unable to host as Nancy scheduled to have her hip surgery. Hosts pick place and date of dinner.
No quilting tomorrow due to Integra Wellness testing, says Marge Rexroad.
Dave Johnson has the new park directories at $1.50. You can purchase from Dave at #93 or Vicki in the office.
Please don't take calendars off the bulletin board. If you'd like a copy see Judi DeKoning or ask Vicki to make you one.
Check with Ann Johnson, Marge Reishus, John Geer if you will volunteer to serve Ice Cream at least a couple Sundays in March. No ice cream this Sunday because of Nascar race.
Memorial Service remembering resident friends we've lost this year was held today prior to meeting. We remembered: Dean Wright, Donald Miller, Loren Ratliff, Tom Bergstedt, Joanne Miller, Gordon Coopman, Ken Meyer, Joyce Omann, Mary Alice Eshelman, Rita Henningsen, Camilla Mohrman, Don McElwee, Loren Rutherford, William Clement. Pastor Tom Cassidy spoke & led us in prayer. All sang “Blest Be The Tie That Binds”. “Beyond The Sunset” was sung by Donna Perkins. We had time to reminisce with widows/widowers who were with us. I think all agreed RVE is an extension of our families.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m.
The first of the Sunset Dinner Bay Cruises is tomorrow. See list of those on cruises on board or in office if you're unsure which cruise you are taking. The weather is looking good, would be good idea to bring jacket along as usually cooler on island than mainland. Be at hall at 3 p.m. Soda/water provided, you may bring whatever else you wish for drinks. There is a restroom on boat. Bus returns to park around 8:30 p.m.
As a reminder .. If you have an appointment time for the Integra Wellness Tests , don't forget the date .. it is Feb. 21.
It's time for the Park Pizza Party. Plan to attend on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 11:30 a.m. It's held at Peter Piper Pizza. Bring Peter Piper mugs, wear name tags. There will be free ice cream & prizes. Rickes and Goodwins chair.
Maxine Topel says Bean Feed is this Thursday, Feb. 23, at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $2 pp .. ticket sales end today. You may set up your tables at 2 o'clock. Bring table setting, crackers, corn bread or fixings for meal.
Judy Shively (785-640-1444) announced ROPA Style Show is Feb. 24, 1 p.m. Models meet behind stage at 12:30. Doors open at 12:30 with $1 admission to be paid at door. Program lasts about 2 hrs. Deadline for models to sign up is Wednesday, 5 p.m. You need to describe outfit you will model. Clothes can be from ROPA, thrift store, garage sale, hand-me-downs. You may put any garment on clothesline on stage from 9 a.m. to noon day of show (pick up after program). If you want to sell clothing, hang on clothes rack on north side of hall. Put ticket on item with price & your name. This year's door prize is for the “prettiest jacket”. Models will practice Thursday, Feb. 23, 9:30 a.m. in card area behind stage. Next year's show is Feb. 16, 2018.
Joyce Amos tells us the Daytona 500 Race will be shown on big screen Sunday, Feb. 26. Race starts at 1 p.m. We'll have our own car races. Delicious hamburgers/hot dogs will be served at 1 p.m. Decorate your own tables. FREE ADMISSION. Bring snacks.
Iowa Dinner is in big hall March 1, 11:30 a.m. potluck. No cost, please sign up. Chairs are P/S Sprague & D/M Jass.
The Vet's Luncheon is March 2 at to all. Judy Nordquist chairs event. Cost is $5 for veterans, non-vets $10. Tickets on sale until next week from Harriet Stromer & Darlene Bovenmyer. Irene Quail presented a pin & certificate provided by the DAR to Lynn Stamp who served during the Vietnam era as he & wife Jean won't be here for Vet's Dinner.
Sandy Olson announced the Illinois Luncheon will be held at Harold's Country Kitchen March 7, 11:30 a.m. Sign up sheet.
Chair Kathy Cochran talked about March 9 Luau. We'll roast whole hog & provide full meal. Tickets are selling fast, $10 pp or $80/table of 8. Table service will be provided, bring your own drinks. Music by Fred Goldsberry. Prizes for best decorated tables which you may decorate from noon to 3 p.m. day of party. Judging will be done after 3. Doors open at 5:15. Kathy tells us there will be fun & games, plus “world famous entertainment”!! If you wish to watch the guys cooking the pig, come bright & early morning!
Ladies Salad Luncheon is March 14, noon. More on this later....
GAME RESULTS Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. Write editor having trouble reading writing!!
BOWLING – Feb. 17 - High Game High Series
Men – John Norris 159 456
BRIDGE– Feb. 14 -
1st – Dick Gibson 3560 2nd – Ed Nover 3200
Feb. 16 -
1st – Catherine Donovan 3410 2nd – Dick Gibson 2980
CANASTA – Table of 4 -
Feb. 13 – Ann Baker, Linda Palermo 32365
Feb. 16 – Donna Gabbert, Catherine Donovan 33425
Feb. 17 – Kay Hutton, Janean Geer 29650 Table of 6 –
Feb. 13 - Marion Fidler, Bev Yancey, Kay Hutton 34390
Feb. 16 – Margie Rexroad, Kay Wright, Fran Hryniw 43000
Feb. 17 – Marion Fidler, Marge Rexroad,
Donna Gabbert 31705
DARTS – Feb. 13 – Mary Christianson, Debbie Stelwagen
DOMINOES – Mexican Train – Feb. 14 –Doris Armistead, Mary Lou Benson, Pat Olafson, Stacey Johnson, Marilyn Cummins, Carl Sanders, Catherine Donovan Feb. 19 – Janie Maxwell, Al Swanson, Pat Olafson, Mary Lou Sirovy, Agnes Messner, Elaine Perkins, Virginia Baker, Mary Christianson, Donald Lewis
DUMMY RUMMY – Feb. 18 -
1st – Rex Rexroad 196 2nd – Bev Telfor 245
3rd – Darlene Bryant 250 4th – Paul Sprague 274
EUCHRE – Feb. 14 - 1st – Ed Marcukaitis 39
3 way tie for 2nd – Al Kruckman, Chuck Kopsell, Bev Telfor 38
1st – Ann Baker 50 2nd – Allen Swanson 39
GOLF – Executive – Feb. 17 -
Women – Ione Hayungs 45 Dorothy Ritter 55
Men – Henry Hryniw 29 Dave Mason 35
Course Low Gross Low Handicap
Feb. 6 – Treasure Hills Neil Kommer-85 Vic Greenlee-78
Feb. 9 – Tierra Santa Neil Kommer-82 Dave Origer -74
Feb. 12- Los Lagos Neil Kommer-86 Dave Origer -71
Feb. 14- Shary Neil Kommer-83 Dave Origer -74
Feb. 17- Tierra Santa Neil Kommer-83 Dave Origer -74
HAND AND FOOT – Feb. 15 -
Maud Fisher, Marion Fidler 13940
PINOCHLE – Single Deck – Feb. 18 -
1st – Stan Burkinshaw 531 2nd – Del Telfor 472
PUSH RUMMY – Feb. 13 – Mary Christianson score?
SHUFFLING – Feb. 15 – Larry Pierstorff, Charlotte Therrien, Bruce Wells, Henry Hryniw, Dick Topel, Dave Johnson Feb. 17 – Henry Hryniw, Val Cleland, Jim Moeller
TIC – Feb. 15 – no scores were written down
1st – Marlene Prohaska 2nd – Mary Ann Hennigar
3rd – Judy Nordquist 4th – Harriet Stromer
Remember last week when I asked ..
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
No one came up with an answer for Donald Trump .. How about maybe this? Remember I'm not politikin .. I'm politichicken!!
Chicken couldn't cross the road because of a border fence!!
Well, enough of that foolishness! Going on to other jokes...
Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, “Why is the bride dressed in white?” The mother replied, “Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life.” The child thought about this, then said, “So why is the groom wearing black?”
An elderly woman died last month. Having never married, she requested no male pallbearers. In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, “They wouldn't take me out while I was alive, I don't want them to take me out when I'm dead.”
Men wear their hair in 3 ways: parted, unparted, and departed.
Everyone loves to dance to Country Roland!!!
Next Monday night come and dance to: "Diego"
Friday Entertainment
Get ready for a great show filled with talented guitar playing and the voice of an angel. (Daphne’s voice, not Dave’s.) Dave & Daphne are returning to Rio Valley Estates on Feb. 24th
Dave, who was lead guitarist for Barbara Mandell for seven years, was declared by Roy Clark to be “one of the most fabulous guitarists on the planet.” Dave makes songs like “Orange Blossom Special” and “Flight of the Bumblebee,” which are both difficult to play, look like child’s play. In addition to his skills as a guitarist, he is an accomplished vocalist, songwriter and humorist.
Daphne, whose father fondly referred to her as “The Mouth of the South,” has one of the greatest voices ever heard in the Rio Grande Valley—or anywhere else for that matter. She toured with the Gaither’s, one of the best-known gospel groups ever. She sang with the Florida Boys, the Cathedrals, Rex Nelon, the Hinsons, and many others. She was voted Female of the Year by the Southern Gospel Music Association.
Daphne’s voice has been referred to as a cross between Shania Twain and Patsy Cline and she is able to sing almost any kind of music. She also yodels like Patsy Montana. Her version of Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You,” sends chills down the spine of the listener. Her renditions of “Amazing Grace” and “The Lord’s Prayer” are incredible.
Both Dave and Daphne give God credit for the enormous talent he gave them. They are truly two of the most talented entertainers to perform at Rio Valley Estates and should not be missed.
Here's the Newsletter from today...thanks Mary Lou
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair John Geer called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Irene Quail – “Memories” followed by prayer
Secretary Report – Jan O'Dell
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Manager Bob Davis will be gone a few days as he's heading to Corpus for his first cornea transplant. While gone, Sue Barnhart will be in office. Vicki will take care of rent receipts upon their return. Walter Piper plans to be here March 5 for any questions. Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Get news to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Treasurer Jim Moeller gave his report, approved.
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch who said he & Larry Pavlis have completed inventory. We are reminded to be sure refrigerator is locked following all activities. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis asks us to call her at 603-674-3869 if we know of someone needing a card due to illness/death of family member. Sign cards in office area. This week cards are going to: daughter of Clarice Christensen upon Clarice's death; Sharon Sprague, knee surgery; Ken Costley, surgery today for kidney stones.
Entertainment chair Brock Laing invites all this Friday to enjoy Dave & Daphne, $7 pp. He said Daphne was taken to hospital this past weekend with a throat problem...we're hoping all will be okay for their appearance on Friday. In event it is not, there would be no replacement. Gospel Night with “Ambassadors of Grace” was attended by over 100!
Potluck is held prior to Friday shows, Bruce & Billie Wells chair. Bring dish to share & table service, 5 p.m.
Dance chairs Craig & Dana Daves encourage residents to come dance tonight, $6 pp. Dana appeared in her best Country Roland Jr. attire. Boots appeared to be slightly large for her! Let's have a good crowd!
Brock said he's had requests for a good comedy movie. It IS DIFFICULT to find one that doesn't leave your ears blue .. but he's come up with “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” for FREE movie this week. It stars Michael Caine & Steve Martin.
Dave/Pat Printy & crew tell us there will be another Omelet Breakfast on Saturday, 7-8:30 a.m. Please sign up on sheet in back of hall by Thursday. TY in advance for your patience as this takes a little longer to prepare. There were 6 people who received FREE breakfasts last week. Cost is $3 pp.
Today is President's Day
Upcoming Dates –
Feb. 21 – Integra Stroke Prevention
Feb. 21 & 28 – Sunset Dinner Bay Cruise at South Padre Island (Daves chair), bus loads at our park 3 p.m.
Feb. 22 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
Feb. 23 – ROPA models practice for style show, 9:30 a.m. In card area behind stage
Feb. 23 – Bean Feed, $2 pp, 4:30 p.m. (new time) – Topels chair
Feb. 24 – ROPA Style Show, Judy Shively chairs, 1 p.m., $1 at door
Feb. 26 – Daytona 500 Race, 1 p.m. .. FREE – bring snacks .. Joyce/Gordon Amos chair
March 1 – Iowa Dinner, Friendship Hall, 11:30 potluck (sign up)
Paul-Sharon Sprague, Doug-Marilyn Jass chair
March 2 – Vet's Luncheon, $5 for vets, $10 nonvets, open to all, noon
March 3 – Patio Sale , 8 a.m. to noon
March 7 – Illinois Luncheon, Harold's Country Kitchen, 11:30 a.m., Sandy Olson in charge, please sign up
March 9 – Luau, tickets on sale, $10 pp or $80/table of 8, chair is Kathy Cochran...doors open at 5:15 p.m.
March 14 – Ladies Salad Luncheon, noon .. more on this later
“Thank you to all for cards received for my brother's passing. Sorry we had to miss the birthday-anniversary party. Thank you to the Van Pattens for the CD.” - Jim/Donna Goodwin
Thanks to all who help with can recycling. Everyone has been so good's nice to have all the help.” - George Krantz
M aybe this day is not
O ne of your favorites but
N ever forget that every
D ay you wake up is an
A mazing gift that's up to
Y ou to make it count!
NOTICE – needing someone to host the Park Dinner in March . Argos unable to host as Nancy scheduled to have her hip surgery. Hosts pick place and date of dinner.
No quilting tomorrow due to Integra Wellness testing, says Marge Rexroad.
Dave Johnson has the new park directories at $1.50. You can purchase from Dave at #93 or Vicki in the office.
Please don't take calendars off the bulletin board. If you'd like a copy see Judi DeKoning or ask Vicki to make you one.
Check with Ann Johnson, Marge Reishus, John Geer if you will volunteer to serve Ice Cream at least a couple Sundays in March. No ice cream this Sunday because of Nascar race.
Memorial Service remembering resident friends we've lost this year was held today prior to meeting. We remembered: Dean Wright, Donald Miller, Loren Ratliff, Tom Bergstedt, Joanne Miller, Gordon Coopman, Ken Meyer, Joyce Omann, Mary Alice Eshelman, Rita Henningsen, Camilla Mohrman, Don McElwee, Loren Rutherford, William Clement. Pastor Tom Cassidy spoke & led us in prayer. All sang “Blest Be The Tie That Binds”. “Beyond The Sunset” was sung by Donna Perkins. We had time to reminisce with widows/widowers who were with us. I think all agreed RVE is an extension of our families.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m.
The first of the Sunset Dinner Bay Cruises is tomorrow. See list of those on cruises on board or in office if you're unsure which cruise you are taking. The weather is looking good, would be good idea to bring jacket along as usually cooler on island than mainland. Be at hall at 3 p.m. Soda/water provided, you may bring whatever else you wish for drinks. There is a restroom on boat. Bus returns to park around 8:30 p.m.
As a reminder .. If you have an appointment time for the Integra Wellness Tests , don't forget the date .. it is Feb. 21.
It's time for the Park Pizza Party. Plan to attend on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 11:30 a.m. It's held at Peter Piper Pizza. Bring Peter Piper mugs, wear name tags. There will be free ice cream & prizes. Rickes and Goodwins chair.
Maxine Topel says Bean Feed is this Thursday, Feb. 23, at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $2 pp .. ticket sales end today. You may set up your tables at 2 o'clock. Bring table setting, crackers, corn bread or fixings for meal.
Judy Shively (785-640-1444) announced ROPA Style Show is Feb. 24, 1 p.m. Models meet behind stage at 12:30. Doors open at 12:30 with $1 admission to be paid at door. Program lasts about 2 hrs. Deadline for models to sign up is Wednesday, 5 p.m. You need to describe outfit you will model. Clothes can be from ROPA, thrift store, garage sale, hand-me-downs. You may put any garment on clothesline on stage from 9 a.m. to noon day of show (pick up after program). If you want to sell clothing, hang on clothes rack on north side of hall. Put ticket on item with price & your name. This year's door prize is for the “prettiest jacket”. Models will practice Thursday, Feb. 23, 9:30 a.m. in card area behind stage. Next year's show is Feb. 16, 2018.
Joyce Amos tells us the Daytona 500 Race will be shown on big screen Sunday, Feb. 26. Race starts at 1 p.m. We'll have our own car races. Delicious hamburgers/hot dogs will be served at 1 p.m. Decorate your own tables. FREE ADMISSION. Bring snacks.
Iowa Dinner is in big hall March 1, 11:30 a.m. potluck. No cost, please sign up. Chairs are P/S Sprague & D/M Jass.
The Vet's Luncheon is March 2 at to all. Judy Nordquist chairs event. Cost is $5 for veterans, non-vets $10. Tickets on sale until next week from Harriet Stromer & Darlene Bovenmyer. Irene Quail presented a pin & certificate provided by the DAR to Lynn Stamp who served during the Vietnam era as he & wife Jean won't be here for Vet's Dinner.
Sandy Olson announced the Illinois Luncheon will be held at Harold's Country Kitchen March 7, 11:30 a.m. Sign up sheet.
Chair Kathy Cochran talked about March 9 Luau. We'll roast whole hog & provide full meal. Tickets are selling fast, $10 pp or $80/table of 8. Table service will be provided, bring your own drinks. Music by Fred Goldsberry. Prizes for best decorated tables which you may decorate from noon to 3 p.m. day of party. Judging will be done after 3. Doors open at 5:15. Kathy tells us there will be fun & games, plus “world famous entertainment”!! If you wish to watch the guys cooking the pig, come bright & early morning!
Ladies Salad Luncheon is March 14, noon. More on this later....
GAME RESULTS Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. Write editor having trouble reading writing!!
BOWLING – Feb. 17 - High Game High Series
Men – John Norris 159 456
BRIDGE– Feb. 14 -
1st – Dick Gibson 3560 2nd – Ed Nover 3200
Feb. 16 -
1st – Catherine Donovan 3410 2nd – Dick Gibson 2980
CANASTA – Table of 4 -
Feb. 13 – Ann Baker, Linda Palermo 32365
Feb. 16 – Donna Gabbert, Catherine Donovan 33425
Feb. 17 – Kay Hutton, Janean Geer 29650 Table of 6 –
Feb. 13 - Marion Fidler, Bev Yancey, Kay Hutton 34390
Feb. 16 – Margie Rexroad, Kay Wright, Fran Hryniw 43000
Feb. 17 – Marion Fidler, Marge Rexroad,
Donna Gabbert 31705
DARTS – Feb. 13 – Mary Christianson, Debbie Stelwagen
DOMINOES – Mexican Train – Feb. 14 –Doris Armistead, Mary Lou Benson, Pat Olafson, Stacey Johnson, Marilyn Cummins, Carl Sanders, Catherine Donovan Feb. 19 – Janie Maxwell, Al Swanson, Pat Olafson, Mary Lou Sirovy, Agnes Messner, Elaine Perkins, Virginia Baker, Mary Christianson, Donald Lewis
DUMMY RUMMY – Feb. 18 -
1st – Rex Rexroad 196 2nd – Bev Telfor 245
3rd – Darlene Bryant 250 4th – Paul Sprague 274
EUCHRE – Feb. 14 - 1st – Ed Marcukaitis 39
3 way tie for 2nd – Al Kruckman, Chuck Kopsell, Bev Telfor 38
1st – Ann Baker 50 2nd – Allen Swanson 39
GOLF – Executive – Feb. 17 -
Women – Ione Hayungs 45 Dorothy Ritter 55
Men – Henry Hryniw 29 Dave Mason 35
Course Low Gross Low Handicap
Feb. 6 – Treasure Hills Neil Kommer-85 Vic Greenlee-78
Feb. 9 – Tierra Santa Neil Kommer-82 Dave Origer -74
Feb. 12- Los Lagos Neil Kommer-86 Dave Origer -71
Feb. 14- Shary Neil Kommer-83 Dave Origer -74
Feb. 17- Tierra Santa Neil Kommer-83 Dave Origer -74
HAND AND FOOT – Feb. 15 -
Maud Fisher, Marion Fidler 13940
PINOCHLE – Single Deck – Feb. 18 -
1st – Stan Burkinshaw 531 2nd – Del Telfor 472
PUSH RUMMY – Feb. 13 – Mary Christianson score?
SHUFFLING – Feb. 15 – Larry Pierstorff, Charlotte Therrien, Bruce Wells, Henry Hryniw, Dick Topel, Dave Johnson Feb. 17 – Henry Hryniw, Val Cleland, Jim Moeller
TIC – Feb. 15 – no scores were written down
1st – Marlene Prohaska 2nd – Mary Ann Hennigar
3rd – Judy Nordquist 4th – Harriet Stromer
Remember last week when I asked ..
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
No one came up with an answer for Donald Trump .. How about maybe this? Remember I'm not politikin .. I'm politichicken!!
Chicken couldn't cross the road because of a border fence!!
Well, enough of that foolishness! Going on to other jokes...
Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, “Why is the bride dressed in white?” The mother replied, “Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life.” The child thought about this, then said, “So why is the groom wearing black?”
An elderly woman died last month. Having never married, she requested no male pallbearers. In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, “They wouldn't take me out while I was alive, I don't want them to take me out when I'm dead.”
Men wear their hair in 3 ways: parted, unparted, and departed.
Monday, February 13, 2017
Monday February 13th
Teddy Bear Orkut Scraps

More Cute Orkut Scraps at Goodlightscraps
Happy Valentines Day!!
February 13th Monday night Dance
Who Put the Bop in the Bop Shoo-Bop?” Tavie Spivey’s Rock & Roll Show is filled with old songs that are seldom heard anymore but when Winter Texans hear her start singing, they go, “Oh, I remember that,” and start singing along.
Listen for old songs like “Lollipop,” “Lipstick on Your Collar,” “The Great Pretender,” “Earth Angel,” and many other rock and roll classics.
Tavie likes to get people moving by doing songs like “Hand Jive” and “The Hokey Pokey” and the old Charlie Brown song, “Why’s Everybody Always Pickin’ on Me?”
The songs Tavie chooses are from Rock & Roll’s “age of innocence” back in the 50s and 60s.
“My shows are not just me singing. I like to get the people up and participating,” said Tavie. “I also do dances.”
Tavie is an Army veteran with 27 years of administrative service and working as a recruiter. As a result, she always honors veterans in her shows with their branch of the military’s song and songs like “God Bless the USA.”
During her military career, Tavie entertained at NCO clubs on weekends all over the United States and in Europe when she was stationed there. Tavie laughs and says, “I always made more money entertaining than I did working in the Army.”
She has been heard on oldies radio stations including XM Sirius Channel 5. She has been heard in other English-speaking nations as well. In the early days she sang country music but later decided to make a switch to the oldies because fewer people were doing them.
During her career she has had the opportunity to sing with entertainers such as The Coasters, Jimmy Clanton (Venus in Blue Jeans), “The Country Comedy Tour,” and with a nationally acclaimed Elvis Tribute, for NASA’s Columbia Space Shuttle Project and the Texas Country Music Hall of Fame.
Friday night entertainment February 17th
Master of his stringed instrument, Landry brings a variety of country, western swing, gospel, and children's songs to life with his influence of toe-tappin' Cajun variations.
Landry is committed to putting on a grand production each time he and his band steps onstage. His group of four musicians including his wife, Teresa, amazes audiences with a rich presence of accordion, drums, bass, steel guitar, vocals, and of course Landry on fiddle. Together these five friends have traveled extensively playing at special events and concerts, but for the past nine years have had a permanent slot in Branson.
Landry is also something of a comedian and regales his audience with hilarious antics that add to the incredible time you will have. He has the ability to connect with audiences and bring the culture and fun of Louisiana to the stage with his music and showmanship. The Wade Benson Landry's Swingin' Cajun Style is fun for the whole family as guests will leave feeling that they experienced something truly unique and entertaining.
Sunday we all gathered in the hall to honor the 50th, 60th, and 65th anniversary couples.
Jim & Alice Moeller, 50th, Al & Sandy Lenius, 60th,Bill & Kay Hutton, 60th, Gary & Sandy Van Patten, 50th, Al & Jewel Kruckman, 50th, Bud & Lois Kraft, 65th, Roland & Marie Anderson, 60th, Bob & Nancy Kerkau, 60th. Jim & Donna Goodwin, 65th, were honorees also but had to go home for a funeral.
Last Monday we were gone but here's a picture of the folks who participated in the Senior Olympics
Also a picture sent to me of the SockHop committee
Todays Newsletter, Thank you Mary Lou!!
RVE CLUB MEETING – Vice Chair Clyde Read called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Mary Norby spoke about our servicemen and women who keep us safe....followed by silent prayer for their safety.
Secretary Report – Jan O'Dell
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Park owner Walter Piper was here to thank all for their support following the passing within a 6 week period of his sons. Scott had massive heart attack; Mike had stroke. Walter stressed importance of prevention of these sudden deaths by taking advantage of the Integra Wellness Screening on Feb. 21. Stu Donovan spoke briefly about the tests before our meeting began. Complete wellness package which includes stroke/carotid artery, abdominal aortic aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease & osteoporosis tests, $125 for all. He made appointments. If you weren't able to do this, you may schedule yours by calling 800-884-6251. Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Get news to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Treasurer Jim Moeller gave his report, approved.
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch who thanked us for our confidence in board decision to purchase new refrigerator. Cost was less than we thought it would be. Ron Zoeller installed locks on refrigerator. We're reminded to wipe up spills in kitchen & take out trash after events. Linda Palermo cleans floors weekly. She is willing to come more often if needed. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis asks us to call her at 603-674-3869 if we know of someone needing a card due to illness/death of family member. Sign cards in office area. This week cards went to: Virginia Haberkamp, pneumonia; Jim Goodwin, brother died; Walter Piper, son Mike died; Clarice Christensen, broken hip; Norm Gibbs & Venita Lingle, their sister died; Alice Matson, died, card to nephew.
Entertainment chair Brock Laing invites all this Friday to enjoy Swingin' Cajun Style with the Landry's, $6 pp. They play fiddle, tell jokes, have sing alongs, should be a good time for all! Potluck is held prior to Friday shows, Bruce & Billie Wells chair. Bring dish to share & table service, 5 p.m.
Gospel Night will be in Friendship Hall next Sunday, the 19th, 7pm. “Ambassadors of Grace” will perform southern gospel music. $3 pp.
They currently travel over 20,000 miles annually and average about 120 singing dates per year. They’ve sung in a variety of venues and settings, and love to have the opportunity to sing for your church, organization, Gospel sing, RV resort, fair or festival, benefit concert, or anywhere you’d like to have great Gospel music, good clean humor and a time of recognition for the veterans in our audience.
Snack bar will be open, but no 50-50 draws for this show.
Dance chairs Craig & Dana Daves encourage residents to come dance to Tavie Spivey tonight, $6 pp. Dana entertained us with some dancing moves. Come one & all, it's 50s-60s music. It's been great to have many different types of music throughout the season.
FREE movie this week is “Max” .. story about a dog that served in Afghanistan.
Dave/Pat Printy and committee will be cooking “Omelets in a Bag” for the next 2 Saturday breakfasts, 7 to 8:30 a.m. Cost is $3 pp. You're asked to sign up so they know what to purchase. If you've not heard of this way of cooking eggs, you'll like your omelet!! You need to be patient as it takes about 15 minutes to cook each.
Thank you from kitchen crew that cooked biscuits & gravy the last two Saturdays. Heading this were Therriens & Bobby Gabbert.
Upcoming Dates –
Feb. 14 – All Park Dinner, El Ahuehuete Restaurant, 5 p.m., located north of Walmart, 2708 Texas Blvd., Weslaco
Feb. 16 – Cancer Fundraiser Brunch, 10 a.m., $5 pp, bring tea cup for exchange
Feb. 13-17 – Mid-Valley Senior Olympics
Feb. 17 – We host Valley 500 competition, 8:30 a.m. in big hall
Feb. 19 – Ambassadors of Grace, Friendship Hall, 7-8:30 p.m.
Feb. 20 – Memorial Service, 9 a.m., held prior to Monday meeting, Tom Cassidy in charge
Feb. 21 – Integra Stroke Prevention, make apptmt with Stu on 13th
Feb. 21 & 28 – Sunset Dinner Bay Cruise at South Padre Island (Daves chair), bus loads at our park 3 p.m.
Feb. 23 – Bean Feed, $2 pp, 4:30 p.m. (new time) – Topels chair
Feb. 24 – ROPA Style Show, Judy Shively chairs, 1 p.m., $1 at door
Feb. 26 – Daytona 500 Race, 1 p.m. .. Joyce/Gordon Amos chair
March 1 – Iowa Dinner, Friendship Hall, 11:30 potluck (sign up)
Paul-Sharon Sprague, Doug-Marilyn Jass chair
March 2 – Vet's Luncheon, $5 for vets, $10 nonvets, open to all
March 3 – Patio Sale , 8 a.m. to noon
March 9 – Luau, tickets on sale, $10 pp or $80/table, chair is Kathy Cochran...doors open at 5:15 p.m.
March 14 – Ladies Salad Luncheon, noon .. more on this later
A small gold key was found in the street by Friendship Hall yesterday. If it's yours, it's hanging on board.
Dave Johnson has the new park directories at $1.50. You can purchase from Dave at #93 or Vicki in the office.
Please don't take calendars off the bulletin board. If you'd like a copy see Judi DeKoning or ask Vicki to make you one.
Question was asked last week if we wish to have both flea market & patio sales. After MUCH discussion, it was decided to continue as we've done in the past. Next Patio Sale is March 3.
TY's: from Marilyn Cummins to Tom Cassidy & those who came, those who helped at Anniversary-Bday Party yesterday; from Jewel Kruckman to Marilyn/Vern Cummins who chaired party; several couples thank everyone who attended yesterday's party & gave them cards; to all who decorate windows & hall for the events in RVE; from Sharon BarksdaleAdrienne Laing to all pie bakers for craft show; from Craig Daves to all who've paid for the Feb. 21 & 28 cruises.
There will be NO BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS next Monday due to Memorial Service being held.
Bowling Team needs a lady bowler to fill in for Olympic competition due to a gal bowler being called home. Contact John/Dale Norris at #171 if you can help.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m.
Mary Norby thanks all who helped with Craft Show. Wasn't it the best one we've had with every table full? Mary works hard on the show .. we thank her & assistant Sue McLaughlin. Kitchen chair Sharon Sprague thanks all helped in the kitchen & donated pies. She says “You are the best!” There were many new vendors & it appeared they were happy with their sales. Editor noticed a pie eating contest seemed to be going on throughout the morning, appeared a couple of fellows tied by eating 5 slices each!! I believe one of them “may” have eaten an extra piece??? Could that be? Own up to it!!
Argos announce a good crowd plan to enjoy the All Park Dinner tomorrow for Valentine's Day, 5 p.m. at El Ahuehuete Restaurant (located north of Walmart at 2708 Texas Blvd).
Cancer Brunch is Thursday, 10 a.m. $5 pp tickets & raffle tickets are on sale, $1 ea. or 6/$5. Put name & phone # on back of ticket. Items to be raffled are a clock, a quilt made by our ladies, wine bottle creation, painted mobile quilt. Chair Dianna Bruce reminds all to bring tea cup in a gift bag for exchange. All proceeds go to children's hospital.
Next Monday, Feb. 20, is Memorial Service in remembrance of resident friends we've lost this past year. Service is at 9 a.m. prior to morning meeting. Names are: Donald Miller, Loren Ratliff, Tom Bergstedt, Joanne Miller, Gordon Coopman, Ken Meyer, Joyce Omann, Mary Alice Eshelman, Rita Henningsen, Camilla Mohrman, Don McElwee, Loren Rutherford, William Clement. Pastor Tom Cassidy is in charge.
Sunset Dinner Bay Cruise is full. Craig/Dana Daves thank all who have paid. Pay by Feb. 10 & 17. Bus leaves at 3 p.m. for Feb. 21 & Feb. 28 cruises. “Pray for good weather”, says Craig. Bus will return to park around 8:30 p.m.
Dick-Maxine Topel #232 chair Bean Feed being held at a new time, 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 23. Tickets at $2 pp available until Feb. 20. Bring table setting, corn bread or fixings for meal.
Judy Shively (785-640-1444) announces ROPA Style Show is Feb. 24, 1 p.m. Models meet behind stage at 12:30. Program lasts about 2 hrs. Pay $1 at door. See sign up sheet for models in main hall. You'll need to describe outfit you will model. Clothes can be from ROPA, thrift store, garage sale, hand-me-downs. You may put any “sexy” garment on clothesline on stage from 9 a.m. to noon day of show (pick them up after program). If you want to sell clothing, hang on clothes rack on north side of hall. Put ticket on item with price & your name. This year's door prize is for the “prettiest jacket”.
Joyce Amos tells us the Daytona 500 Race on big screen will be held Sunday, Feb. 26. Race starts at 1 p.m. We'll have our own races..come have fun. Delicious hamburgers/hot dogs will be served, also at 1 p.m. Decorate your own tables.
Iowa Dinner is in big hall March 1, 11:30 a.m. potluck. No cost, please sign up. Chairs are P/S Sprague & D/M Jass.
The Vet's Luncheon is March 2 at to all. Judy Nordquist chairs event. Cost is $5 for veterans, non-vets $10. Tickets on sale at Monday meetings or from Harriet Stromer & Darlene Bovenmyer. Irene Quail asks new residents who may be veterans to contact her at #49 or 704-516-5360 so she can add your name to her list for certificates. The Vietnam Era is anyone serving from Nov. 15, 1955 to May 15, 1975.
Chair Kathy Cochran talked about March 9 Luau. We'll roast whole hog & provide full meal. Tickets are selling fast, $10 pp or $80/table of 8. Table service will be provided, bring your own drinks. Music by Fred Goldsberry. Prizes for best decorated tables which you may decorate from noon to 3 day ofparty. Judging will be done after 3 p.m. Doors open at 5:15. Kathy tells us there will be “world famous entertainment”!!
Ladies Salad Luncheon is March 14, noon. More on this later....
GAME RESULTS Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. Write editor having trouble reading writing!!
BEAN BAGS – Feb. 6 – Dorothy Bryant, Doug Jass
Feb. 8 – Dorothy Bryant, Virgil White
BOWLING – Feb. 10 – High Game/Series -
Women – Laurie Walter 156/416
Men – John Norris 184/472
BRIDGE– Feb. 9 -
1st – Dolores Mason 3660 2nd – Maud Fisher 2520
Feb. 7 -
1st – Dick Gibson 4840 2nd – Bruce Wells 2820
CANASTA – Table of 4 -
Feb. 4 – Faye Werstein, Gert Rufkahr 30370
Feb. 8 – Mary Jean Steward, Marion Fidler 30640
Feb. 10 – Kay Hutton, Fran Hryniw 32450 Table of 6 –
Feb. 6 - Margie Rexroad, Patti Lamp, Fran Hryniw 33675
Feb. 10 – Marion Fidler, Val Cleland, Patti Lamp 36615
DOMINOES – Mexican Train – Feb. 7 – Agnes Messner, Judy Greenlee, Alice Talbert, Dick Topel, Vic Greenlee, Marilyn Cummins, Mary Nelson, Marge Reishus, Vern Cummins, Carl Sanders, Janie Maxwell, Ron Baker, Margaret Morrow Feb. 12 – Frank Willard, Mary Lou Sirovy, Bonnie Cassidy, Pat Olafson, Allen Swanson, Mary Lou Benson, Virginia Baker, Grace Thornton, Mary Christianson, Carl Sanders, Fran Hryniw, Donna Buch, Janie Maxwell, Vic Greenlee, Adrienne Laing
DUMMY RUMMY – Feb. 11 -
1st – Judy Nordquist 215 2nd – Bud Kraft 220
3rd – Patti Lamp 220 4th -John Bowers 251
EUCHRE – Feb. 7 -
1st – Ann Baker 50 2nd – Allen Swanson 39
GOLF – Executive – Feb. 10 -
Women's Low (tie) – Nancy Stokwisz, Ione Hayungs 40
Men's Low – Rollo Fisher 31 2nd – Henry Hryniw 32
Dale Neises had Hole in One on #2 Hole !!
HAND AND FOOT – Feb. 7 -
Catherine Donovan, Jan Delashmit 18140
PINOCHLE – Single Deck – Feb. 11 -
1st – Raymond Davis 493 2nd – Del Telfor 465
PUSH RUMMY – No Date Shown -
Marilyn Cummins, Marion Fidler 450
SHUFFLING – Feb. 8 – LeRoy Larsen, Larry Pierstorff, Lyle Koste, Ross McAuley, Bruce Wells, Gerald Messner, Dick Topel
Feb. 10 – Lyle Koste, Larry Pierstorff, Henry Hryniw, Jim Moeller
TIC – Feb. 8 -
1st – Venita Lingle 137 2nd – Jeanne Kain 142
3rd – Sharon Sprague 157 4th – Mary Hennigar 176
Editor has had this for a LONG time, thought it
might be a good time to see some answers to this question ..
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
Don't take me too seriously, I'm not politikin .. I'm politichicken!!
Sarah Palin .. The chicken crossed the road because, gosh-darn it, he's a maverick!
Barack Obama .. Let me be perfectly clear, if the chickens like their eggs they can keep their eggs. No chicken will be required to cross the road to surrender her eggs.
Hillary Clinton .. What difference at this point does it make why the chicken crossed the road?
George W. Bush .. We don't care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road or not. The chicken is either with us or against us. There is no middle ground.
Dick Cheney .. Where's my gun?
Bill Clinton .. I did not cross the road with that chicken.
Al Sharpton .. Why are all the chickens white?
I'm leaving out a few!!!
Anderson Cooper .. We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been allowed to have access to the other side of the road.
Dr. Seuss .. Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told.
Grandpa .. In my day, we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebody told us the chicken crossed the road, that was good enuf for us.
John Lennon .. Imagine all the chickens in the world crossing roads together, in peace.
Albert Einstein .. Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the chicken?
Colonel Sanders .. Did I miss one?
This was written many many years ago, before the days of Donald Trump. If anyone has something to add as to how he would have answered, let me know. Will be in next week's newsletter as long as it's not nasty!
Saturday, February 11, 2017
February 6th
Here's the newsletter from Monday meeting. We were away for 5 days.
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair John Geer called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – John Geer “Compassion” and prayer to bless those who serve and protect us including police, EMT, firemen, etc.
Secretary Report – Jan O'Dell
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Manager Bob Davis has taken a survey. “How many want stop signs in park? How many want the 15 mph speed limit signs? All agreed these are important, so Bob added, “Use them please.” Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Get news to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Treasurer Jim Moeller gave his report, approved. Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch who said the refrigerator in kitchen is not working. He & Larry Pavlis worked with it & the repairman will come today to check it. It's 22 yrs. old & Jim asked if we should purchase of a new one ($3000 plus tax) if necessary. This was approved. It was mentioned park owner will probably pay half. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis asks residents to call her at 603-674-3869 if they know of someone needing a card due to illness/death of family member,. She is at #95 or 603-674-3869. Cards are placed in office area for us to sign. This week cards went to Liz/Dale Livingood, death of her mother; Gene/Mary Koliba, death of his brother; Bonita Harper, son has terminal cancer.
Entertainment chair Brock Laing tells us Rebel Roots was well received last Friday & he's booked them again for 2019. He invites all this Friday to enjoy Ron & Jan Easter from Illinois for their “Star Lite” show, $6 pp. Many performers comment on our lighting and acoustics in Friendship Hall; some have shot video and put on YouTube. We have a light on stage that has “passed on”, Brock says, and he proposed we purchase some new lighting, cost $99, approved.
Thank you to all who came to Super Bowl party yesterday. What a crowd, what great food, what fun!! For those who went home at halftime, you missed an entirely different game the second half!
Bruce & Billie Wells encourage all to potluck prior to Friday shows. Bring dish to share & table service, 5 p.m.
Gospel Night will be in Friendship Hall, Feb. 19, 7-8:30 p.m. “Ambassadors of Grace” will perform southern gospel music. $3 pp.
Dance chairs Craig & Dana Daves encourage residents to come dance to South Texas Whiskey Band tonight, $6 pp. A jacket was found after last week's dance. If you liked the Sock Hop party, don't miss Tavie Spivey on Feb. 13! Dress like you did at the Sock Hop.
No movie this week. Feb. 15, come to see FREE movie, “Odd Ball”.
Serving Saturday Breakfast next week are Canadian-American folks, chaired by Bobby Gabbert & Therriens. It's biscuits & gravy!
“Good friends are like quilts. They age with you,
yet never lose their warmth.”
Upcoming Dates –
Feb. 8 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
Feb. 9 – Craft Sale, 8 s.m.-noon, all handmade items, lunch served, you may set up night before or 6 a.m. day of show
Feb. 12 – Birthday-Anniversary Party, Friendship Hall, 2 p.m.
Feb. 13 – Stu Donovan talks about Stroke Prevention, 9:30 a.m.
Feb. 14 – All Park Dinner, El Ahuehuete Restaurant, 5 p.m., located north of Walmart, 2708 Texas Blvd., Weslaco
Feb. 16 – Cancer Fundraiser Brunch, 10 a.m., $5 pp, bring tea cup for exchange
Feb. 13-17 – Mid-Valley Senior Olympics
Feb. 17 – We host Valley 500 competition, 8:30 a.m. in big hall
Feb. 19 – Ambassadors of Grace, Friendship Hall, 7-8:30 p.m.
Feb. 20 – Memorial Service, 9 a.m., held prior to Monday meeting, Tom Cassidy in charge
Feb. 21 – Integra Stroke Prevention, make apptmt with Stu on 13th
Feb. 21 & 28 – Sunset Dinner Bay Cruise at South Padre Island (Daves chair), bus loads at our park 3 p.m.
Feb. 23 – Bean Feed, $2 pp, 4:30 p.m. (new time) – Topels chair
Feb. 24 – ROPA Style Show, Judy Shively chairs, 1 p.m., $1 at door
March 1 – Iowa Dinner, Friendship Hall, 11:30 potluck (sign up)
Paul-Sharon Sprague, Doug-Marilyn Jass chair
March 2 – Vet's Luncheon, $5 for vets, $10 nonvets, open to all
March 3 – Patio Sale .. is on calendar, are we having this?
March 9 – Luau, chair Kathy Cochran...what time?
Dave Johnson has the new park directories at $1.50 each. You can purchase from Dave at #93 or Sharon Sprague at #244.
Question was asked if we wish to have Patio Sale March 3?Think about it, will talk next week. Does having 2 patio sales in a season cut down on attendance & participation in flea market?
John Geer presented t-shirts to participants in the Sr. Olympic competition...J.Goodwin, B.Wells, M.Davis, S.Bussinger, R.Perkins, G.Plummer, J.Maxwell, A.Messner, E.Marcukaitis, J.Norris, L.Walter, V.Lingle, D.Origer, V.Greenlee, L.Stamp, B.Kerkau, N.Argo, J.Stamp, D.Johnson, C.Therrien, B.Kraft, D.Ricke, J.Kruckman, D.Goodwin, V. White. Pictures were taken and may be seen on Donna Gabbert's blog soon.
Quilts made by our ladies were on display this morning. Marge Rexroad read a TY from Valley Baptist Mission for Children for quilts received. Can use more help quilting.
Sock Hop was attended by 240+! Committee thanks all who came, those who helped set up, serve in kitchen, clean up after & the next morning. Chair Ken Barnhart wondered if the success was due to “the phase of the moon”? He thanked wife Sue who works as hard as he does to stage this. The mystery of Sue's lost can-can was solved as it was found hanging on air conditioner behind Cochran's neighbors! Next year Sock Hop is Jan. 25 with theme “The Way We Were”. Named winners in the table decorating were: 1st-Bovenmeyer, Cheek, DeKoning, Granath, Zoeller, Miller, Prohaska, Ritter, Stromer; 2nd Sprague Gang which included Hejlik, Hicks, Lenius, Sprague; 3rd Classy Chassis group headed by Shellitos (editor didn't get all names).
Park Pizza Party is this Wed. at Peter Piper Pizza, says chair Dean Ricke. It's at 11:30 a.m. Free ice cream & many prizes.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m.
Mary Norby #179, chair of Feb. 9 Craft Show, announces tables may be set up Wed. night or 6 a.m. day of show. Come for the show & lunch, 8 a.m. to noon. Needing more pies.
Come to Friendship Hall next Sunday, the 12th, at 2 p.m. to celebrate special anniversaries for these residents: 50th-Gary-Sandy VanPatten, Al-Jewel Kruckman, Jim-Alice Moeller; 60th-Roland-Marie Anderson, Kay-Bill Hutton, Bob-Nancy Kerkau, Al-Sandy Lenius; 65th Jim-Donna Goodwin, Bud-Lois Kraft. Feel free to bring congratulatory cards.
John Geer reports Stu Donovan will be here 9:30 a.m. Feb. 13 to speak about Integra Stroke Prevention. Tests are Feb. 21
Valentine's Day is coming! Argos announce All Park Dinner is Feb. 14, 5 p.m. at El Ahuehuete Restaurant. This is located north of Walmart at 2708 Texas Blvd, Weslaco. See menu on bulletin board, lots of parking space, sign up.
Cancer Brunch is Feb. 16, 10 a.m. $5 pp tickets & raffle tickets are on sale at Monday meetings. Put name & phone # on back of tickets. Items to be raffled include a clock, quilt made by our ladies, wine bottle creation, & painted mobile quilt. Raffle tickets are $1 ea. or 6 for $5. Chair Dianna Bruce reminds all attending to bring tea cup in a gift bag for exchange.
February 20 is our Memorial Service when we remember resident friends we've lost this past year. Service is at 9 a.m. prior to morning meeting. The names editor has are: Donald Miller, Loren Ratliff, Tom Bergstedt, Joanne Miller, Gordon Coopman, Ken Meyer, Joyce Omann, Mary Alice Eshelman, Rita Henningsen, Camilla Mohrman, Don McElwee, Loren Rutherford, William Clement. Did I miss anyone? Pastor Tom Cassidy is in charge of service.
Sunset Dinner Bay Cruise is full. Craig & Dana Daves thank all who have paid. Pay by Feb. 10 & 17 please. Remember, bus leaves at 3 p.m. for the Feb. 21 & Feb. 28 cruises. Those who signed up can check on which date they will be cruising.
Dick-Maxine Topel #232 chair Bean Feed being held at a new time, 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 23. Tickets at $2 pp available until Feb. 20. Bring table setting, corn bread or fixings for meal.
Judy Shively (785-640-1444) announced ROPA Style Show will be Friday, Feb. 24, 1 p.m. Program lasts about 2 hrs. Pay $1 at door. Clothes to be modeled can be from ROPA, thrift store, garage sale, hand-me-downs. You may put any “sexy” garment on clothesline on stage from 9 a.m. to noon day of show (pick them up after program). If you want to sell clothing, hang this on clothes rack on north side of hall. Put ticket on item with price & your name. This year's door prize is for the “prettiest jacket”. See sign up sheet for models in main hall.
Iowa Dinner is in big hall March 1, 11:30 a.m. potluck. No cost, please sign up. Chairs are P/S Sprague & D/M Jass. The Vet's Luncheon is March 2 at to all. Judy Nordquist chairs the event. Cost is $5 for veterans, non-vets $10. Tickets go on sale next week.
Chair Kathy Cochran says mark March 9 Luau on calendar! Time? We'll roast whole hog & provide full meal. Tickets will be sold beginning next Monday, $10 pp. Music by Fred Goldsberry. Grass skirts & coconut shell bras are in order. There will be NO FIREDANCERS at this Luau, but we're sure this will be good entertainment & lots of fun.
Ladies Salad Luncheon is March 14, noon. More on this later....
GAME RESULTS Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. Write editor having trouble reading writing!!
BEAN BAGS – Jan. 30 – Dorothy Bryant, Al Jacobs, Bert Bryant, Bob Kerkau (tie)
BOWLING – Feb. 3 -
Men's High Game/High Series – John Norris 178/458
Women's High Game/High Series – Laurie Walter 171/442
BRIDGE– Jan. 31 -
1st – Virgil Mittelberg 2610 2nd – Jim Goodwin 2410
Feb. 2 -
1st – Virgil Mittelberg 3680 2nd – Maud Fisher 3530
CANASTA – Table of 4 -
Jan. 30 – Donna Gabbert, Mitze Hutchinson 31125
Feb. 1 – Fran Hryniw, Jeannie Kain 31230
Feb. 3 – Donna Gabbert, Judy Greenlee 27890
Table of 6 –
Feb. 3 – Jeanie Burkinshaw, Gert Rufkahr,
Frank Willard 31700
Jan. 30 - 1st – Mary Christianson 2nd – Catherine Gibbs
DOMINOES – Mexican Train – Jan. 31 – Dick Topel, Jean Wichmann, Marilyn Cummins, Fran Hryniw, Alice Talbert, Verna Fischer, Ann Johnson, Patti Lamp, Darlene Bryant, Ron Baker, Carl Sanders, Dottie Sanders, Pat Olafson, Vern Cummins, Feb. 5 – Faye Werstein, Ann Johnson, Frank Willard, Dottie Sanders, Agnes Messner, Kay Wright, Beverly Talley, Donna Buck, Janie Maxwell, Marge Reishus, Fran Hryniw, Mary Lou Sirovy, Darlene Bryant, Dick Topel
DUMMY RUMMY – Feb. 4 -
1st – John Bowers 221 2nd – Robert Lingle 228
3rd – Nancy Argo 230 4th – Rex Rexroad 269
EUCHRE – No date shown ..
1st – Jerry Hutchinson 49 2nd – Laurie Walter 37
GOLF – Executive – Feb. 3 -
Women – Millie Ricke 42 Ione Hayungs 43
Men – Henry Hryniw 32 Dave Mason 35
Date Course Low Gross Low Handicap
Jan. 31 – Los Lagos Tony Shore 87 Harry Fisher 75
Feb. 3 – Treasure Hills Tony Shore 87 Dave Origer 78
HAND AND FOOT – Feb. 1–Maud Fisher, Jan Delashmit 15050
PINOCHLE – Single Deck – Feb. 4 -
High – Margaret Davis 521 2nd – Jewel Kruckman 419
SHUFFLING – Feb. 1 – Bill Hutton, Jim Moeller, Larry Pierstorff, Gerald Messner Feb. 3 – Henry Hryniw, Dave Johnson, Val Cleland, Dick Topel, Bill Hutton, Gerald Messner, Agnes Messner, Bruce Wells
TIC – Feb. 1 -
1st – Ron Henderson 152 2nd – Mitzi Hutchinson 167
3rd – Harriet Stromer 191 4th – Marlene Prohaska 204
Man Rules .. thanks to Charlotte “you know who”
The guys' side of the story...some rules from the male side:
Men are NOT mind readers.
Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
TV sports are like the full moon or changing of the tide...let it be.
Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to every question.
If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
You can ask us to do something .. or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, do it yourself.
Whenever possible say what you have to say during commercials.
Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions, neither do we.
All men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have NO idea what mauve is.
If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.
You have enough clothes. You have too many shoes.
As Hector says, “Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know I have to sleep on the couch tonight, but did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.”
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair John Geer called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – John Geer “Compassion” and prayer to bless those who serve and protect us including police, EMT, firemen, etc.
Secretary Report – Jan O'Dell
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Manager Bob Davis has taken a survey. “How many want stop signs in park? How many want the 15 mph speed limit signs? All agreed these are important, so Bob added, “Use them please.” Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Get news to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Treasurer Jim Moeller gave his report, approved. Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch who said the refrigerator in kitchen is not working. He & Larry Pavlis worked with it & the repairman will come today to check it. It's 22 yrs. old & Jim asked if we should purchase of a new one ($3000 plus tax) if necessary. This was approved. It was mentioned park owner will probably pay half. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis asks residents to call her at 603-674-3869 if they know of someone needing a card due to illness/death of family member,. She is at #95 or 603-674-3869. Cards are placed in office area for us to sign. This week cards went to Liz/Dale Livingood, death of her mother; Gene/Mary Koliba, death of his brother; Bonita Harper, son has terminal cancer.
Entertainment chair Brock Laing tells us Rebel Roots was well received last Friday & he's booked them again for 2019. He invites all this Friday to enjoy Ron & Jan Easter from Illinois for their “Star Lite” show, $6 pp. Many performers comment on our lighting and acoustics in Friendship Hall; some have shot video and put on YouTube. We have a light on stage that has “passed on”, Brock says, and he proposed we purchase some new lighting, cost $99, approved.
Thank you to all who came to Super Bowl party yesterday. What a crowd, what great food, what fun!! For those who went home at halftime, you missed an entirely different game the second half!
Bruce & Billie Wells encourage all to potluck prior to Friday shows. Bring dish to share & table service, 5 p.m.
Gospel Night will be in Friendship Hall, Feb. 19, 7-8:30 p.m. “Ambassadors of Grace” will perform southern gospel music. $3 pp.
Dance chairs Craig & Dana Daves encourage residents to come dance to South Texas Whiskey Band tonight, $6 pp. A jacket was found after last week's dance. If you liked the Sock Hop party, don't miss Tavie Spivey on Feb. 13! Dress like you did at the Sock Hop.
No movie this week. Feb. 15, come to see FREE movie, “Odd Ball”.
Serving Saturday Breakfast next week are Canadian-American folks, chaired by Bobby Gabbert & Therriens. It's biscuits & gravy!
“Good friends are like quilts. They age with you,
yet never lose their warmth.”
Upcoming Dates –
Feb. 8 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
Feb. 9 – Craft Sale, 8 s.m.-noon, all handmade items, lunch served, you may set up night before or 6 a.m. day of show
Feb. 12 – Birthday-Anniversary Party, Friendship Hall, 2 p.m.
Feb. 13 – Stu Donovan talks about Stroke Prevention, 9:30 a.m.
Feb. 14 – All Park Dinner, El Ahuehuete Restaurant, 5 p.m., located north of Walmart, 2708 Texas Blvd., Weslaco
Feb. 16 – Cancer Fundraiser Brunch, 10 a.m., $5 pp, bring tea cup for exchange
Feb. 13-17 – Mid-Valley Senior Olympics
Feb. 17 – We host Valley 500 competition, 8:30 a.m. in big hall
Feb. 19 – Ambassadors of Grace, Friendship Hall, 7-8:30 p.m.
Feb. 20 – Memorial Service, 9 a.m., held prior to Monday meeting, Tom Cassidy in charge
Feb. 21 – Integra Stroke Prevention, make apptmt with Stu on 13th
Feb. 21 & 28 – Sunset Dinner Bay Cruise at South Padre Island (Daves chair), bus loads at our park 3 p.m.
Feb. 23 – Bean Feed, $2 pp, 4:30 p.m. (new time) – Topels chair
Feb. 24 – ROPA Style Show, Judy Shively chairs, 1 p.m., $1 at door
March 1 – Iowa Dinner, Friendship Hall, 11:30 potluck (sign up)
Paul-Sharon Sprague, Doug-Marilyn Jass chair
March 2 – Vet's Luncheon, $5 for vets, $10 nonvets, open to all
March 3 – Patio Sale .. is on calendar, are we having this?
March 9 – Luau, chair Kathy Cochran...what time?
Dave Johnson has the new park directories at $1.50 each. You can purchase from Dave at #93 or Sharon Sprague at #244.
Question was asked if we wish to have Patio Sale March 3?Think about it, will talk next week. Does having 2 patio sales in a season cut down on attendance & participation in flea market?
John Geer presented t-shirts to participants in the Sr. Olympic competition...J.Goodwin, B.Wells, M.Davis, S.Bussinger, R.Perkins, G.Plummer, J.Maxwell, A.Messner, E.Marcukaitis, J.Norris, L.Walter, V.Lingle, D.Origer, V.Greenlee, L.Stamp, B.Kerkau, N.Argo, J.Stamp, D.Johnson, C.Therrien, B.Kraft, D.Ricke, J.Kruckman, D.Goodwin, V. White. Pictures were taken and may be seen on Donna Gabbert's blog soon.
Quilts made by our ladies were on display this morning. Marge Rexroad read a TY from Valley Baptist Mission for Children for quilts received. Can use more help quilting.
Sock Hop was attended by 240+! Committee thanks all who came, those who helped set up, serve in kitchen, clean up after & the next morning. Chair Ken Barnhart wondered if the success was due to “the phase of the moon”? He thanked wife Sue who works as hard as he does to stage this. The mystery of Sue's lost can-can was solved as it was found hanging on air conditioner behind Cochran's neighbors! Next year Sock Hop is Jan. 25 with theme “The Way We Were”. Named winners in the table decorating were: 1st-Bovenmeyer, Cheek, DeKoning, Granath, Zoeller, Miller, Prohaska, Ritter, Stromer; 2nd Sprague Gang which included Hejlik, Hicks, Lenius, Sprague; 3rd Classy Chassis group headed by Shellitos (editor didn't get all names).
Park Pizza Party is this Wed. at Peter Piper Pizza, says chair Dean Ricke. It's at 11:30 a.m. Free ice cream & many prizes.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m.
Mary Norby #179, chair of Feb. 9 Craft Show, announces tables may be set up Wed. night or 6 a.m. day of show. Come for the show & lunch, 8 a.m. to noon. Needing more pies.
Come to Friendship Hall next Sunday, the 12th, at 2 p.m. to celebrate special anniversaries for these residents: 50th-Gary-Sandy VanPatten, Al-Jewel Kruckman, Jim-Alice Moeller; 60th-Roland-Marie Anderson, Kay-Bill Hutton, Bob-Nancy Kerkau, Al-Sandy Lenius; 65th Jim-Donna Goodwin, Bud-Lois Kraft. Feel free to bring congratulatory cards.
John Geer reports Stu Donovan will be here 9:30 a.m. Feb. 13 to speak about Integra Stroke Prevention. Tests are Feb. 21
Valentine's Day is coming! Argos announce All Park Dinner is Feb. 14, 5 p.m. at El Ahuehuete Restaurant. This is located north of Walmart at 2708 Texas Blvd, Weslaco. See menu on bulletin board, lots of parking space, sign up.
Cancer Brunch is Feb. 16, 10 a.m. $5 pp tickets & raffle tickets are on sale at Monday meetings. Put name & phone # on back of tickets. Items to be raffled include a clock, quilt made by our ladies, wine bottle creation, & painted mobile quilt. Raffle tickets are $1 ea. or 6 for $5. Chair Dianna Bruce reminds all attending to bring tea cup in a gift bag for exchange.
February 20 is our Memorial Service when we remember resident friends we've lost this past year. Service is at 9 a.m. prior to morning meeting. The names editor has are: Donald Miller, Loren Ratliff, Tom Bergstedt, Joanne Miller, Gordon Coopman, Ken Meyer, Joyce Omann, Mary Alice Eshelman, Rita Henningsen, Camilla Mohrman, Don McElwee, Loren Rutherford, William Clement. Did I miss anyone? Pastor Tom Cassidy is in charge of service.
Sunset Dinner Bay Cruise is full. Craig & Dana Daves thank all who have paid. Pay by Feb. 10 & 17 please. Remember, bus leaves at 3 p.m. for the Feb. 21 & Feb. 28 cruises. Those who signed up can check on which date they will be cruising.
Dick-Maxine Topel #232 chair Bean Feed being held at a new time, 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 23. Tickets at $2 pp available until Feb. 20. Bring table setting, corn bread or fixings for meal.
Judy Shively (785-640-1444) announced ROPA Style Show will be Friday, Feb. 24, 1 p.m. Program lasts about 2 hrs. Pay $1 at door. Clothes to be modeled can be from ROPA, thrift store, garage sale, hand-me-downs. You may put any “sexy” garment on clothesline on stage from 9 a.m. to noon day of show (pick them up after program). If you want to sell clothing, hang this on clothes rack on north side of hall. Put ticket on item with price & your name. This year's door prize is for the “prettiest jacket”. See sign up sheet for models in main hall.
Iowa Dinner is in big hall March 1, 11:30 a.m. potluck. No cost, please sign up. Chairs are P/S Sprague & D/M Jass. The Vet's Luncheon is March 2 at to all. Judy Nordquist chairs the event. Cost is $5 for veterans, non-vets $10. Tickets go on sale next week.
Chair Kathy Cochran says mark March 9 Luau on calendar! Time? We'll roast whole hog & provide full meal. Tickets will be sold beginning next Monday, $10 pp. Music by Fred Goldsberry. Grass skirts & coconut shell bras are in order. There will be NO FIREDANCERS at this Luau, but we're sure this will be good entertainment & lots of fun.
Ladies Salad Luncheon is March 14, noon. More on this later....
GAME RESULTS Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. Write editor having trouble reading writing!!
BEAN BAGS – Jan. 30 – Dorothy Bryant, Al Jacobs, Bert Bryant, Bob Kerkau (tie)
BOWLING – Feb. 3 -
Men's High Game/High Series – John Norris 178/458
Women's High Game/High Series – Laurie Walter 171/442
BRIDGE– Jan. 31 -
1st – Virgil Mittelberg 2610 2nd – Jim Goodwin 2410
Feb. 2 -
1st – Virgil Mittelberg 3680 2nd – Maud Fisher 3530
CANASTA – Table of 4 -
Jan. 30 – Donna Gabbert, Mitze Hutchinson 31125
Feb. 1 – Fran Hryniw, Jeannie Kain 31230
Feb. 3 – Donna Gabbert, Judy Greenlee 27890
Table of 6 –
Feb. 3 – Jeanie Burkinshaw, Gert Rufkahr,
Frank Willard 31700
Jan. 30 - 1st – Mary Christianson 2nd – Catherine Gibbs
DOMINOES – Mexican Train – Jan. 31 – Dick Topel, Jean Wichmann, Marilyn Cummins, Fran Hryniw, Alice Talbert, Verna Fischer, Ann Johnson, Patti Lamp, Darlene Bryant, Ron Baker, Carl Sanders, Dottie Sanders, Pat Olafson, Vern Cummins, Feb. 5 – Faye Werstein, Ann Johnson, Frank Willard, Dottie Sanders, Agnes Messner, Kay Wright, Beverly Talley, Donna Buck, Janie Maxwell, Marge Reishus, Fran Hryniw, Mary Lou Sirovy, Darlene Bryant, Dick Topel
DUMMY RUMMY – Feb. 4 -
1st – John Bowers 221 2nd – Robert Lingle 228
3rd – Nancy Argo 230 4th – Rex Rexroad 269
EUCHRE – No date shown ..
1st – Jerry Hutchinson 49 2nd – Laurie Walter 37
GOLF – Executive – Feb. 3 -
Women – Millie Ricke 42 Ione Hayungs 43
Men – Henry Hryniw 32 Dave Mason 35
Date Course Low Gross Low Handicap
Jan. 31 – Los Lagos Tony Shore 87 Harry Fisher 75
Feb. 3 – Treasure Hills Tony Shore 87 Dave Origer 78
HAND AND FOOT – Feb. 1–Maud Fisher, Jan Delashmit 15050
PINOCHLE – Single Deck – Feb. 4 -
High – Margaret Davis 521 2nd – Jewel Kruckman 419
SHUFFLING – Feb. 1 – Bill Hutton, Jim Moeller, Larry Pierstorff, Gerald Messner Feb. 3 – Henry Hryniw, Dave Johnson, Val Cleland, Dick Topel, Bill Hutton, Gerald Messner, Agnes Messner, Bruce Wells
TIC – Feb. 1 -
1st – Ron Henderson 152 2nd – Mitzi Hutchinson 167
3rd – Harriet Stromer 191 4th – Marlene Prohaska 204
Man Rules .. thanks to Charlotte “you know who”
The guys' side of the story...some rules from the male side:
Men are NOT mind readers.
Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
TV sports are like the full moon or changing of the tide...let it be.
Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to every question.
If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
You can ask us to do something .. or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, do it yourself.
Whenever possible say what you have to say during commercials.
Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions, neither do we.
All men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have NO idea what mauve is.
If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.
You have enough clothes. You have too many shoes.
As Hector says, “Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know I have to sleep on the couch tonight, but did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.”
Friday, February 3, 2017
Monday night Dances at R.V.E.
A great band playing for this Monday night here in the park, it's called the South Texas Whiskey Band,
South Texas Whiskey is a classic country 5 piece dance band.
Bass player is Bruce Wutzke from Iowa.
Drummer is Dwayne Johnson, now a Texas resident.
Guitar/Fiddle player is Jay Kelly from Nebraska.
Steel Guitar player and lead vocal is Eldon Hardekopf from Iowa.
rhythm player is Dale Eichor from Fort Dodge, IA.
Tavie Spivey great music to dance to She will be here for the Monday night dance on Feb. 13.
Shows originator, Emcee, Singer, Straight gal to Brenda Spencer
From: Gilmer, TX
Family: Tavie and her husband Tom have one son and two daughters, 6 granddaughters, and 2 grandsons. Tom was a Design Engineer for AT&T and retired after 32 years. He now runs the sound for the group and drives their equipment from one show to the next.
Hobbies: Singing, , traveling, home decorating
Bio: Tavie was born and raised in Longview, Texas, and can’t remember when she didn’t love to sing. Even as a little girl when her family would go camping she would perform for all the other campers at the lake. People often asked for autographs telling her that one day she might be famous. She played her first club in Dallas, TX at the age of 16. After graduating from high school she joined the Army and retired after a 27 year career. During her travels in the Army she attended and graduated from college. She also continued to entertain at NCO Clubs all over Europe and and across the US. Upon retiring from the Army she decided to persue her life long dream of having an all female 50’s and 60’s singing group. It took off like she never imagined and gets bigger every year. Tavie’s patriotism show through when she puts her heart and soul into the end of the show with “God Bless the USA”. It’s not unusual to see tears running down peoples cheeks. Tavie loves traveling with Shake Rattle & Roll, producing the show and promoting concerts.
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