Our last meeting for the season
RVE CLUB MEETING – Vice Chair Clyde Read called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Peg Hayelan
Invocation– Ken Barnhart spoke about “a relaxing day on the water fishing with Tom Benson“.. giving us some smiles & a different way of looking at their fishing trips. He closed with a prayer.
Secretary Report – Jan O'Dell
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
Thanks to Tony & Sue McLaughlin
for donuts this morning.
Happy Hour this Wednesday – POPCORN only.
MANAGEMENT REPORT –Assistant manager Ken Barnhart reported. “Here's wishing you a great summer. Hurry back, we miss you when you're gone.” Website for park is riovalleyestates.com
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com. You can check for park news by reading her blog every Friday after the weekly coffee during the summer season.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is RVEWTC.com .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
Treasurer “money man” Jim Moeller gave his report, short and sweet.
Jerry McAninch gave Properties report. He said the big hall floor will be mopped Wed. afternoon, after tomorrow's Stew Feed. Any events after “you're on your own!”
Board Members-- Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Judy Nordquist, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller. Terms begin April 1 for Ron Zoeller & Sandy Novak who will begin 3 year terms to replace Dan O'Dell & Judy Nordquist.
We elected chair & vice chair to lead club meetings April through November. We chose Darlene Bryant as chair; Sharon Sprague as co-chair.
Helen Curtis asks us to call her, 603-674-3869, if we know of someone needing a card due to illness/death in family. Sign cards in office area. This week cards are going to Mial Stensland, death of his brother; Arlene Fisher, injury of shoulders & ribs following an accident. If you call & leave a message, please leave your name too. Helen will not return your call if she doesn't know who left the message. Thanks to Helen who does a good job keeping track of those who are injured, ill or have lost loved ones.
A new schedule is posted for both the Monday dances & Friday night entertainments.
Ken Barnhart is cooking hams provided by club for Easter dinner on April 16. Bring potluck and table service. If you will be attending, please sign up. Helpers are welcome.
This is the final newsletter of season.
Upcoming Dates –
March 28 – Stew Feed, 5 p.m., Friendship Hall, $5 pp tickets, Tom & Bonnie Cassidy chair
April l6 – Easter Dinner, ham provided, remainder potluck, Ken Barnhart chairs … is this at 1 p.m.?????
A closing thought from your editor.
Let's meet again in the fall .. the Good Lord willing!
What's still on your bucket list?
“Dream what you want to dream. Go where you want to go.
Be what you want to be, because you have only one life
and one chance to do all the things you want to do.”
Monday, March 27, 2017
Monday, March 20, 2017
Monday Meeting March 20th
Quite a few folks leaving for the Summer!
Keep me posted on some of your activities with pictures and notes, of reunions,Anniversary Partys, Birthday Partys,places of interest that you may visit,your flowers or gardens, family get-to-gethers, fishing trips, and fun things you all are doing,we are always interested in what you all do in the Summer, I will be glad to post them on this blog.
Have a good trip back home! See you in the Fall!
CLUB MEETING – Chair John Geer called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Peg Hayelan
Invocation– Reverend Tom Cassidy
Secretary Report – Jan O'Dell
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
John asked for any new arrivals to stand up .. there were none. However, we are saying goodbye to our friends each day, it seems. We wish each of you a safe journey, healthy summer .. and if you are not planning on returning in the fall, please at least come for a visit in 2017-2018!!
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Asst. Manager Ken Barnhart reported. He remarked, “It's sad people are leaving, will be so quiet with no one picking on me. Come back soon, 4th of July would be good time!” Rumors about Gene Sanstra having been at his father's mobile are not true. Management has checked this out. If anyone happens to see him in the park, please let the office know. Concerning high water bills, residents are asked to check around homes for leaks. Faucet in one kitchen sink not working & that is being checked.
Website for park is riovalleyestates.com
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com. You can check for park news by reading her blog every Friday afternoon following the weekly coffee during the summer.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is RVEWTC.com .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
Treasurer Jim Moeller gave his report. Ken Barnhart has asked if he could order spit parts for outside grill to accommodate up to 4 turkeys & to assist with weight of pig at Luau. This was approved. Properties report was by Jerry McAninch, who reported no complaints this week! We thank Sally Hejlik & her son-in-law who cleaned the grill for us.
Elected last Monday to 3 year terms on the board were: Properties, Ron Zoeller; Finance, Sandy Novak. Terms begin April 1 & they replace Dan O'Dell & Judy Nordquist. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Judy Nordquist, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Next Monday we'll elect chair & vice chair to lead our club meetings April through November.
Helen Curtis asks us to call her, 603-674-3869, if we know of someone needing a card due to illness/death in family. Sign cards in office area. This week a card is up for our “mail lady” Terry, also a resident of park; she has a badly sprained ankle. If you call & leave a message, please leave your name too. Helen will not return your call if she doesn't know who left the message. It was reported Leon Cheatham's health has greatly improved.
Dance chair Craig Daves reported the Monday night dances netted approximately $2500. A new schedule is posted for both the Monday dances & Friday night entertainments.
We're SORRY to report Rollo Fisher has returned his keys. We could always count on him to make early morning coffee (5 a.m.). He & Arlene have sold their 5th wheel & will not return in the fall...we will surely miss them!
Donna Goodwin explained the “missing coffee” situation. It was being taken to the coffee room. Sorry for any confusion, none was stolen as suspected earlier.
Ken Barnhart announced hams provided by club will be served on Easter. He will cook these, remainder is potluck.
Weslaco is the Onion Capital of Texas .. so you might check out this statement .. “The secret of good health is to eat raw onions, but the difficulty is how to keep it a secret.”
Next week will be the final newsletter of season.
If you have items that need to be posted,
please give editor a written note by next Monday!
Upcoming Dates –
March 22 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
March 28 – Stew Feed, 5 p.m., Friendship Hall, $5 pp tickets, Tom & Bonnie Cassidy chair
NOTICE – needing someone to host Park Dinner in March. Argos unable to host as Nancy had her hip surgery. Hosts pick place and date of dinner.
Activity Calendars for next season have been posted. Let Judi DeKoning #67 know of any additions or changes. Schedule your dates as it’s filling rapidly. If you’re involved in daily activities please check days and times for accuracy.
Here a few dates you may want to write on your calendar for next season: Dances are held every Monday night beginning Jan. 8, ending March 12. Friday Night Entertainments begin Jan. 5, final is March 2. Blood Profile tests are Jan. 5 with follow-up results on Jan. 12. Stroke Prevention too in Feb. but didn't get the date. 50-60-65-70 Anniversary party is Feb. 11. If your anniversary date is between April 1, 2017 & March 31, 2018, please sign the list in back of hall. Luau is Feb. 22. March 1 is Vet's Dinner.
Anyone wishing a photo directory .. Donna Gabbert #270, still has a few. Have you seen the new badges Donna has been making…with new park logo? Want one, ask Donna!
Dave Johnson has park directories at $1.50. You can purchase from Dave at #93 or Vicki in the office.
No more line dancing this season .. says Bev Talley.
Judi DeKoning thanks all the help for last week's Ladies Salad Luncheon as well as those who attended. Sounds like we'll have three ladies lunches scheduled for next season!
Park Pizza Party (final this season) is Wed., March 22, at 11:30 a.m. Wear your name tags .. free pop with your Peter Piper mug .. and free ice cream. Thanks to Dean & Millie Ricke and Jim & Donna Goodwin for scheduling these.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m.
ICE CREAM .. ICE CREAM .. ICE CREAM .. This continues at 2 p.m. Sunday afternoons through March, thanks to the Topels, Talberts & Novaks.
Tom & Bonnie Cassidy are hosting the Stew Feed March 28 at 5 p.m. with “Celebrate Your Heritage” the theme. Tickets at $5 pp are on sale until the 26th from Cassidys at #165 or Judi DeKoning at #67.
Editor wants to print info on summer activities in various states up north. Get info to her at #103 or Monday meeting. Don't some of you folks meet regularly in the spring & summer .. folks from Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, where else? We could post it as a reminder to your friends.
Nancy & Denny Argo announce the annual Iowa Reunion formerly held in Story City. It is scheduled in PELLA IOWA this season, July 12-13. Planned activities include Dutch dinner, historical museum, fabric stores, Vermeer tour, Tasssel Ridge Winery, Pella Windows Museum, Central College Maytag Center, Lake Red Rock Hydro Plant, Pella Opera House, Knowville Race Trask, Klokkenspel, lace stores, Amsterdam Schools, Dutch Mill, & more. Housing can be obtained in several hotels in Pella or b&b homes or camping at Red Rock Lake. You can look at info on the internet for all you need. Sign up if attending some of the events. See sheet on the board or contact Nancy 612-396-6262, nancyargo@gmail.com.
A popular get-together in Iowa is Clermont Camp Out held Aug. 6-13 .. come earlier/stay longer if you wish. You don't have to be from Iowa to join in the fun. Make camping reservations by calling Skip Away campground manager Terri Baker at 563-423-7338 or 563-380-0841. Tom & Mary Lou Benson #103 host this & can give you phone numbers of motels/bed &breakfast in area. Questions, contact them at mlbendyb@gmail.com. or
956-532-9665. Many good eating places in the area. Most evenings are potluck with good Iowa sweet corn. Tom will cook up “something special” Friday night of camp out.
E RESULTS Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. Write legibly please!!
BEAN BAGS – March 15 – (tie)
Bruce Wells, Virgil White, Doug Jass, Jim Moeller
BRIDGE – March 16 -
1st – Maud Fisher 3020 2nd – Dolores Mason 2880
March 14 -
1st – Maud Fisher 3710 2nd – Bruce Wells 2570
CANASTA – Table of 4 –
March 13 – Agnes Messner, Judy Shively 30805
March 15 – Agnes Messner, Janie Maxwell 30075
March 17 – Fran Hryniw, Dolores Mason 30240
Table of 6 – Feb. 15 (?!) - Judy Shively, Catherin Donovan,
Val Cleland 19280
CRIBBAGE – March 15 – David Clement 723
DOMINOES – Mexican Train – March 14 –Janie Maxwell, Dick Topel, Beverly Talley, Patti Lamp, Alice Talbert, Mary Nelson, Fran Hryniw, Vic Greenlee, Margaret Morrow, Pat Olafson, Mary Christianson March 19 – Darlene Bryant, Catherine Donovan, Donna Gabbert, Janel Baker, Diana Ateah, Pat Olafson, Virgil Tyler, Doris Armistead, Donna Buck, Mary Christianson, Patti Lamp
DUMMY RUMMY – March 18 –
1st - Patti Lamp 218 2nd– Sharon Sprague 269
3rd – Bev Telfor 283 4th – Del Telfor 314
EUCHRE – none until next season
GOLF – Executive – March 17 – No women played
Men's Low – Jim Moeller 32 (tie) Doug Jass, Bob Kerkau 38
Course Low Gross Low Handicap
March 15 -
Palm View - 1st – Claude ??? 77 2nd – Henry Hryniw 79
PINOCHLE – Single Deck – March 18 –
1st – Alvin Johnson 538 2nd – Mary Jean Steward 507
TIC – March 15 – High for the night was – Agnes Moore 471
1st – Virginia Baker 139 2nd – Michelle Gjerde 140
3rd – Marlene Prohaska 149 4th – Paul Sprague 168
HUSBANDS .. Being a husband is like any other job. It helps a lot if you like the boss.”
WIVES .. “Whenever my wife needs money, she calls me “handsome”. She says, “Hand some over.”
FRIEND .. “A true friend is one who thinks you're
a good egg even though you're half-cracked.”
Some more of “that's when the fight started.”
My wife & I were sitting at a table at her high school reunion. She kept staring at a drunken man swigging his drink as he sat alone at a nearby table. I asked her, “Do you know him?” She sighed, “Yes, he's my old boyfriend. I understand he took to drinking right after we split up many years ago..and I hear he hasn't been sober since.” “My God, who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?” .. and that's when the fight started.
I rear-ended a car this morning, the start of a REALLY bad day! The driver got out of the other car & he was a DWARF!! He looked up at me & said, “I am NOT Happy!” So I said, “Which one ARE you then?” .. that's when the fight started.
You might grin when you read this one. When our lawn mower broke, my wife kept hinting that I should get it fixed. Somehow, I always had something else to take care of first, the shed, the boat, making beer. Always something more important to me. When I arrived home one day, I found her seated in the tall grass, busily snipping away with a tiny pair of sewing scissors. I watched for a short time, then went into the house. I was gone only a minute & when I came out again, I handed her a tooth brush & said, “When you finish cutting the grass, you might as well sweep the driveway” .. and then the fight started! THE DOCTORS SAY I WILL WALK AGAIN, BUT I WILL ALWAYS HAVE A LIMP!
Monday, March 13, 2017
Happy St. Patrick's Day
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Free digital greeting card generated with Smilebox |
Here's the newsletter...sorry it took so long for me to post it, busy this morning and oh, i had to play "Canasta" this afternoon
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair John Geer called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Peg Hayelan
Invocation– Mary Lou Benson
Secretary Report – Jan O'Dell
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Ken Barnhart, assistant manager, introduced new park employee .. Jesse Ramirez who joins Roberto on the RVE team. A hearty welcome to Jesse. Website for park is riovalleyestates.com
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is RVEWTC.com .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
Treasurer Jim Moeller gave his report, approved. As in previous years, $300 is being left for our summer folks for their expenses while the checkbook is north with Jim. They should call our treasurer Jim if needing more money. When you leave a message, leave your name. A problem with the park laptop was reported. It has been hacked...HP cleaned it up and it should be good for 2 years now.
Club books were audited by Doug Jass & Liz Livingood who noted with a few corrections the books to be in order. We were reminded to always give receipts & bills to treasurer.
Properties report was by Jerry McAninch. There was none....except the following was noted .. Can you believe this? Full cans of coffee have been disappearing from the kitchen cupboard! If the person taking this was at morning meeting or is reading this newsletter ..SHAME ON YOU!! Locks are being replaced. Anyone needing a key is asked to sign up for one with properties committee.
Elected today to 3 year terms on the board were: Properties, Ron Zoeller; Finance, Sandy Novak. Terms begin April 1 & they replace Dan O'Dell & Judy Nordquist. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Judy Nordquist, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis asks us to call her, 603-674-3869, if we know of someone needing a card due to illness/death in family. Sign cards in office area. This week cards to Larry Thoemke, sister died; Marge Reishus, brother died; Nancy Argo, hip replacement. If you call & leave a message, please leave your name too. Helen will not return your call if she doesn't know who left the message.
Both the Dance & Friday Entertainment schedules for 2017-2018 are posted on the board for you to read.
Dance chair Craig Daves invites all to attend final dance of the season tonight with Roger Kenaston Band . The schedule for next season is completely filled except for one! Craig thanked all who have supported dances by attending or helping set up/clean up; and in particular John Geer for printing & placing the schedules on tables at dances. Due to washing & waxing floors, we are asked to not come in to reserve tables until 3:45 p.m. on dance nights.
And then the fight started ..
I took my wife to a restaurant. The waiter took my order first. “I'll take the rump steak, rare, please.” He said, “Aren't you worried about the mad cow?” “Nah, she can order for herself.”...then the fight started.
My wife sat down next to me as I was flipping channels. She asked, “What's on TV?” “Dust.” I said. .. then the fight started.
My wife was hinting what she wanted for our anniversary. She said, “I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 200 in about 2 seconds.” I bought her a bathroom scale. ..then the fight started.
One year, I bought my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a Christmas gift. The next year, I didn't buy her a gift. She asked me why. “Well, you still haven't used the gift I bought you last year” ..and that's how that fight started.
Upcoming Dates –
March 14 – Ladies Salad Luncheon, noon. Judi DeKoning chairs. March 16- MN Luncheon, 11:30 a.m., Jalisco (Juanita Fisher chair)
March 28 – Stew Feed, 5 p.m., Friendship Hall, $5 pp tickets, Tom & Bonnie Cassidy chair
Monday, March 6, 2017
March 6th
Todays newsletter will be late if at all
Here are the Olmpic medal winners from our Park
We are proud of you all!!!
Lynn & Jean Stamp 4th in Texas Holdem
Jim Goodwin & Bruce Wells 2nd in Bridge
Janie Maxwell & Agnes Messner 3rd in Ladies Pool
Bob Kerkau & Doug 4th in Bean Bags
Margaret Davis & Sharon Bussinger 2nd in Bridge
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair John Geer called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Peg Hayelan
Invocation– Sandy Novak .. cute blonde jokes .. and prayer
Secretary Report – Jan O'Dell
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
MANAGEMENT REPORT – None today. Website for park is riovalleyestates.com
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is RVEWTC.com .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
Treasurer Jim Moeller gave his report, approved.
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch reminded all to NOT slide tables or chairs across floor…makes marks or breaks them….lift & carry them please. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Judy Nordquist, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis asks us to call her, 603-674-3869, if we know of someone needing a card due to illness/death in family. Sign cards in office area. This week cards to Marvin Lindley, Kay Henricksen, Nancy Stoswicz on passing of Marvin’s wife; Gary/Jean Schisel following death of his brother.
Entertainment chair Brock Laing said we had great crowd last Friday at our final entertainment of the season, Southern Anthem. The 11 yr old fiddle player was awesome, but entire family was too.
Brock thanked all who helped with entertainment. He said he & his “finance”person Adrienne plan to return next season, good Lord willing. Next season .. ready to go with complete schedule….
Bruce & Billie Wells invite all to the final potluck this Friday evening, 5 p.m. This will be enjoyed even though last week was final Friday night entertainment.
Dance chair Craig Daves invites all to attend tonight’s dance with Reagan James/Hired Hand playing. Only two Monday night dances remain including tonight….next week Roger Kenaston Band . The schedule for next season is completely filled except for one! Due to washing & waxing floors, we are asked to not come in to reserve tables until 3:45 p.m. on dance nights.
FREE movies are over until next season.
Has anyone volunteered to feed us Saturday mornings in March?
It was reported Dana Daves & Sally Hejlik worked in the kitchen doing some extra cleaning this week. Sally worked on the floor & it looks beautiful. Thanks, ladies!
Editor is giving front page coverage & a huge TY to all who helped & attended last Thursday’s Veterans Lunch. In particular we thank Judy Nordquist who chaired the event. Max McCoy, a classmate of Denny Argo, and accompanied by Brock Laing, sang “Danny Boy” prior to the meal & “The Wall” after. 143 attended to hear John Geer speak, then introduce Irene Quail who made presentations to Vietnam wives & widows. We congratulate Irene, Rio Grande Chapter Past Regent & current commemorative Events Chair, who has been named OUTSTANDING STATE D.A.R. MEMBER for her dedication to thanking & honoring Vietnam Veterans. She has devoted an entire year to planning & honoring them. In less than 5 months, she managed to organize 4 different events at 4 locations around the Valley to honor more than 280 Vietnam Veterans. In addition Irene visits the Alfredo Gonzalez Texas State Vets Home OFTEN delivering goodies & greetings to vets. The luncheon concluded with a moving tape entitled “The Piece of Cloth”.
Vets Luncheon Chair Judy Nordquist announced $300 went to Purple Heart Association from this year’s luncheon.
Remember .. “It was the Veteran, not the reporter who has given us freedom of the press. It was the Veteran, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It was the Veteran, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to fair trial. It was the Veteran, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to demonstrate. It is the Veteran, who salutes the flag, who served under the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag. All gave some, some gave all” –Anonymous
Linda Palermo has volunteered to chair next season’s Veterans Dinner with a tentative date of Thursday, March 1. Thanks, Linda.
Upcoming Dates –
March 7 – Illinois Luncheon, Harold's Country Kitchen, 11:30 a.m., Sandy Olson & Sandy Lenius in charge, please sign up
March 7 – Orange St. Potluck, Friendship Hall, 11:30 – 1 p.m. (Donna Perkins chairs) Text her at 817-371-9730
March 8 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
March 9 – Luau, tickets on sale, $10 pp or $80/table of 8, chair is Kathy Cochran...doors open at 5:15 p.m.
March 14 – Ladies Salad Luncheon, noon. Judi DeKoning chairs. March 16- MN Luncheon, 11:30 a.m., Jalisco (Juanita Fisher chair)
Remember to set your clocks ahead
next Sunday 2 a.m.!
NOTICE – needing someone to host Park Dinner in March. Argos unable to host as Nancy scheduled to have her hip surgery. Hosts pick place and date of dinner.
Activity Calendars for next season will post this week. Schedule your dates as it’s filling rapidly. If you’re involved in daily activities please check days and times for accuracy. Let Judi DeKoning #67 know of any changes.
Here’s some dates for your next year’s calendar .. Birthday-Anniversary Dinner is set for Feb. 11 with Kruckmans & Moellers chairing. They have placed sign-up sheet on board for those who will be celebrating 50-60-65-70 year wedding anniversaries. Linda Palermo reserved March 1 for Vet’s Dinner. The Iowa Dinner will be held Wed., March 7, says Janean Geer.
All who went on the SPI Sunset Dinner Cruises in February enjoyed food, music, FUN. We thank Craig & Dana Daves who planned these! They are looking to a group activity next season such as a trip to King Ranch in Kingsville or boat trip out of SPI to Brownsville. Anyone with ideas should get in touch with Craig & Dana! They are open to suggestions.
Anyone wishing a photo directory ..Donna Gabbert still has a few. See her at #270. Have you seen the new badges Donna has been making…with new park logo? Want one, ask Donna!
Nominating committee of 5 headed by Judy Nordquist presented names of 4 candidates for the club board. Nominated for 3 year terms were: Properties, Mark Wieners, Ron Zoeller; Finance, Sandy Novak, Sandie Greene. There were no nominations from the floor. Bylaws state these be voted upon 1st Monday in March. Due to some unable to be here today, these will be voted upon next Monday.
Dave Johnson has park directories at $1.50. You can purchase from Dave at #93 or Vicki in the office.
Cancer Kids chair Dianna Bruce spoke about the projects that are funded by the tea activity. She saluted her committee & all helpers & stated, “We have much talent in our park!” Items given to all children at the hospital (not just cancer) included 100 boo-boo dolls made by our ladies, 100 purchased pillows (we made the pillowcases), small quilts to each child, monies to assist families who need help. She showed next year’s quilt to be raffled. It is being made with blocks by individuals….beautiful!!
Donna Perkins gave me a note that former residents Floyd & Lillian Bosch are living in a nursing home in Clay Center, Kansas. She didn’t have an address but some who remember them might appreciate their phone numbers .. Lillian 630-596-6455, Floyd 785-770-5049.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday at 8 a.m.
ICE CREAM .. ICE CREAM .. ICE CREAM .. This continues at 2 p.m. Sunday afternoons through March, thanks to the Topels, Talberts & Novaks. Yesterday I saw the Maxwells helping. That’s what makes Rio Valley Estates so special, people volunteer!
Sandy Olson & Sandy Lenius co-chair the Illinois Luncheon at Harold's Country Kitchen tomorrow,
March 7, 11:30 a.m. Sign up sheet.
Orange Street Potluck will be held in Friendship Hall tomorrow, March 7, 11:30 to 1 p.m. Text Donna Perkins at 817-371-9730. Help is needed to set up tables.
Park Pizza Party is this Wednesday, March 8, 11:30 at Peter Piper Pizza. Bring mug for free pop & wear name tag.
Chair Kathy Cochran talked about March 9 Luau. We'll roast whole hog & provide full meal. You’ll enjoy a beautiful fruit bar for dessert. You just never know what will happen at the Luau so don't miss it! Tickets are selling fast, $10 pp or $80/table of 8. Table service will be provided, bring your own drinks. Music by Fred Goldsberry. See the decorations in the windows already in place for the party. Prizes will be awarded for best decorated tables which you may decorate noon to 3 p.m. day of party. Tablecloths will be on tables. Judging will be done after 3. Doors open at 5:15. Kathy tells us there will be fun & games & “world famous entertainment”!! If you wish to watch the guys roasting the pig, come bright & early Thursday morning….photo ops!
Ladies Salad Luncheon is March 14, noon. Judi DeKoning is chairing.. Theme is “St. Patrick’s Day” and you are asked to sign up so a count can be taken for seating arrangements. Bring $1 and a salad to share. Table service will be provided.
Juanita Fisher reported the Minnesota Luncheon is Thursday, March 16, 11:30 a.m. at Jalisco’s, Weslaco.
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