Happy Easter

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RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Craig Daves called meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Craig - “Who will take care of Grandma?” gave us something to really think about. He closed with prayer.
Secretary Report – Dana Daves
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
Belated Happy Birthday to Jim Moeller .. it was yesterday.
MANAGEMENT REPORT: Ken Barnhart, assistant manager,
reminded residents to sign up for Easter Dinner. Wi-Fi was down over weekend, is back up today. During the off-season, managers & helpers will be replacing lights that don't come on properly & also repairing wobbly fans. The new sod that was laid at #106 needs water to get it going, so sprinklers are on there most days. Ken said, “You may run through the water if you want .. clothes or not.” We were reminded to have safe trip home but come back ASAP. When asked names of assistant managers, Ken said they are Ron & Tricia. Website for park is riovalleyestates.com
Park owner Walter Piper spoke to us this morning, saying, “It's a sad time of the year because chairs are empty. I urge advertising to promote the fun in RVE. Tell your friends how you love this park. Take along some brochures.” Walter lives in Florida, spends part of his summer in Wisconsin where it's cooler. He comes to the Valley mid-summer where “At night it cools off, especially in the pool.” He added, “All go home safely & come back and make this park SHINE!”
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com .. she will continue to put news throughout the summer season. If you have something you think residents will want to know, give her a shout.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is RVEWTC.com .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
Treasurer Jim Moeller's report approved. He is handing over treasurer duties to Sandy Novak April 1 with these words of advice, “Most tomatoes that are thrown are not soft.” Books have been audited with a few adjustments. Properties committee member Larry Pavlis reported committee will meet with Bier Electric about lighting suggested by Brock. Jerry McAninch & Sally Hejlik have returned their keys as going off the board April 1. Jim closed by saying, “It's been a pleasure working with Jerry & Sally.” Board Members -- Properties – Ron Zoeller, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Sandy Novak, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller. 3 year terms begin April 1 with newly elected Mike Reiff & Gordon Amos replacing Jerry McAninch & Sally Hejlik.
A round of applause was given to our board for their work this season .. RVE residents appreciate you.
Election of new chair & vice chair for April & November was held last Monday. Darlene Bryant will serve as chairperson. Vice chair is Sue Barnhart.
Helen Curtis asks we call 603-674-3869, if we know of someone needing card due to illness/death in family. Cards to sign are in office area. If you call her & leave message, leave name. She will not return call if she doesn't know who left message. Cards this week were for Bud Lykken, who had foot surgery; Anita Farley, death of husband Ken; Bob Bruce, fell breaking hip, surgery was successful, other health issues continue. Helen appreciates updates on how folks are doing after we send them a card.
George/Sharyl Krantz, are chairing Easter Dinner. Ham & taters will be furnished, remainder is potluck. Plan to eat at 1 p.m. If you plan to attend, please sign up with number in your party & what you'd like to furnish .. so they will know how much ham & potatoes are needed. Volunteers to help are needed .. see sign up sheets to indicate how you can help.
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
March 28 – Park Pizza Party (this is last one until fall), Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
April 1 – Easter Dinner, 1 p.m. - George/Sharyl Krantz chair
Chair Craig announced the secretary's briefcase is full of books from past years' minutes. With cabinet out of room, we voted to shred all older than 3 years back.
Table cover for poker top appears to be missing. If you know where it might be, please return to back room.
“Thanks to all who attended the RVE Sunday ice cream socials in March. Another great way to fellowship .. it would not have been possible without the guidance & help of .. Brock & Adrienne Laing, Paul & Sharon Sprague, Judy Nordquist, Justin Markuson, Darlene Ales, Gloria Gomez Dave Hicks. Thanks to all who helped rearrange the tables & chairs. Thanks!” -- Lynn &Jean Stamp
The last Park Pizza Party is this Wednesday, March 28, 11:30 a.m. at Peter Piper Pizza. Wear name tags. Bring mugs for free pop. Come enjoy delicious pizza.
Linda Palmero told us she had gone to Golden Corral for dinner this week. Manager told her how grateful they were for monies from our Vet's dinner. A picture was taken and this will appear in their national magazine.
A petition to have VA counselor Felix Rodriguez return to Weslaco from Edinburg office is in office area. Rex Rexroad urges vets, spouses, widows, widowers, to sign.
Did you know .. tomorrow has been recognized as National Vietnam Vet's Day” .. we honor those vets.
“A problem not worth praying about
is not worth worrying about.”
Dave Johnson #93 has park directories, $1.50 each.
Activity Calendars are posted on board. Let club secretary Dana Daves or Judi DeKoning know if you wish a 2018-2019 date on the calendar.
Notify news editor at #103 of changes in chairpersons & times of activities. Written notes help.
Irene Quail at #49 has a supply of RVE cookbooks. Pick one up, $5 each.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex Thursdays, 8 a.m.
Some activities are discontinued until next season. Those announced this morning include euchre, pinochle, line dance, yoga (after tomorrow). Darlene Bryant announced activities & games continue throughout the summer if there are enough folks wishing to play. Thanks from Kathy Cochran to all who line danced this season.
Does anyone have high chair or booster seats? Donna Granath needs for the “twins from Mexico” who will be visiting them this week. Contact Donna at #153.
From Rollo or Harriet .. or whoever the heck sent these!
“I hate it when I see an OLD person ..then realize
we went to school together.”
I say .. “For better digestion, I drink beer.
In the case of appetite loss, I drink white wine.
In the case of low BP, I drink red wine.
In the case of high BP, I drink scotch,
And when I have a cold, I drink Schnapps.”
My friend asks .. “When do you drink water?”
My reply .. “I've never been that sick.”
“Think OLD and you'll be OLD. Think YOUNG
and you'll be a delusional OLD FART.”
“I remember being able to get up
without making sound effects …. GOOD TIMES!”
Summer Activities
If your state has something special going on, let editor know before final newsletter next Monday, April 2.
Editor received a note from Sandy Lenius about two get to gethers Illinois winter Texans have. The 3rd Thursday of each month, they get together for breakfast at Roscoe, Illinois. Once a month, they gather at Dairy Queen for birthdays, usually the Sunday after the Thursday get-together. Pass the word!
The Iowa Potluck is at noon on Wed., July 11. This is held at Comfort Inn in Story City.
In Iowa, RVE residents are invited to SkipAway Campground, Clermont, August 5-12. Tom & Mary Lou Benson have opted to not plan tours/activities after having done it for over 20 yrs, but plan to camp. If you wish a camping spot, make your own reservations with Terry Baker at 563-423-7338 or 563-380-0841. Some come & stay at motels .. Bensons can get phone numbers for you! Gene Maurer & Carolyn Thomson have announced a special activity on Wed., Aug. 8. All are invited to their home on “Lansing Day” when many go to Horsefall's. The new conservation building in Lansing will surely be of interest to folks too. Plan to end the day at Carolyn & Gene's where they will provide maidrites & baked beans! Others may wish to bring a dish to share. We'll have a sign up sheet at the camp out so you can indicate if you plan to join the group there....will help Carolyn/Gene to plan.
“The blessing of old friends can't be counted in
cups of coffee or hours spent together ..
but by the deep and constant
certainty that someone cares.”
GAME RESULTS - Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. WRITE LEGIBLY!
BRIDGE – March 20 -
1st – Dick Gibson 3490 2nd – Maud Fisher 3120
March 22 -
1st – Maud Fisher 3120 2nd – Dick Gibson 2770
March 24 -
1st – Ed Hover 1920 2nd – Bruce Wells 1910
CANASTA – Table of 4 –
March 19 – Frank Willard, Juanita Fisher 31950
March 23 – Frank Willard, Mitzi Hutchinson 32480
Table of 6 – March 21 -
Donna Gabbert, Marge Rexroad, Jeanie Burkinshaw 41235
DOMINOS – Mexican Train – March 20 – Ron Baker, Agnes Messner, Dick Topel, Virginia Baker, Janie Maxwell, Alice Talbert March 25 – Grace Thornton, Vic Greenlee, Virginia Baker, Red Tyler, Charlotte Cop, Janie Maxwell
DUMMY RUMMY – March 24 -
1st – Nancy Argo 203 2nd – Sharon Sprague 222
3rd – Judy Nordquist 247 4th – Tom Anderson 249
EUCHRE – March 20 - 1st – Dale Livingood 39
2nd – Jewel Kruckman Score?
PINOCHLE – Single Deck – March 23 -
1st – Ed Hover 483 2nd – Del Telfor 473
POKER – TEXAS HOLD 'EM – March 24 -
1st – Dave Clement 2nd – Lynn Stamp 3rd – Judy Nordquist
Here's something for you Poker players from actor Beth Hall.
She says “With poker, you don't really need to get lucky.
You just don't want to get unlucky.”
TIC – March 21 -
1st – Sally Hejlik 129 2nd – Rex Rexroad 150
2nd – Judy Nordquist 170 4th – Harriet Stromer 175
Received these from Gert awhile back ..
An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief, finally asked him. “How do you expect to get into Heaven?” The boy thought it over & said, “Well, I'll run in & out & in & out & keep slamming the door until Saint Peter says, 'For Heaven's sake, Dylan, come in or stay out!'”
It was time during Sunday service for the children's sermon. All the children came forward. One little girl was wearing a particularly pretty dress. As she sat down, the pastor leaned over & said, “That is a very pretty dress. Is it your Easter dress?” The little girl replied directly into the pastor's clip-on microphone, “Yes, and my Mom says it's a b---h to iron.”
Dare I print this one? We all know the true meaning of Easter.
The minister started his Easter Children's Sermon with this question, “Who knows what a Resurrection is?” Not missing a beat, a young boy says, “If you have one lasting more than 4 hours, call your physician.” The pastor is still laughing .. and so am I!
Easter Images

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