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Friday, January 24, 2020
Monday, January 20, 2020
Jan. 20th

More Images at GoodLightscraps.com
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.
Accompanist – Cathy Probst
Invocation – Ed Buck – Psalm 8 “Consider the heavens”
Secretary Report – Maxine Topel
Treasurer Report – Gordon Amos
MANAGEMENT REPORT: Manager Dan O’Dell spoke about “fly in the ointment which affects everyone’s safety, security, comfort & enhanced fun”, their primary goals since beginning as managers. Grease was found in kitchen sanitary waste system & he suggested properties committee could purchase 5-10 gal. grease trap. There has been abuse of all park toilets, problems in bath house in back of 99s, including washing of dogs which stops up drain system with hair & feces. Keep your eyes & ears open. He ended with “Let’s take care of what we love. Report to management if you see something that isn’t right.” Website for park is riovalleyestates.com
Re-elected February & March club chair was Judy Nordquist. Vice chair will be Jim Moeller.
Treasurer Gordon Amos gave his report & it was approved. Properties chair Ron Zoeller showed a new printed club song sign, will be purchasing another. After counting small tables in game room, he felt we’re ok with what we have. Three new larger round tables have been purchased. Ron takes recycling on Tuesdays, leaving his #153 lot at 1 p.m. He stated no foam or hard plastic, only soft plastic, cardboard. Newspapers need to be boxed separately. Plastic bags are appreciated by Judy Nordquist for her mat project. Take aluminum cans to area behind big hall where they are crushed & recycled. No free movie or potluck this week due to Sock Hop. Bill Jones will be showing movie Feb. 20 as Ron will be sailing the ocean.
Ron will check to see if system still works to show Super Bowl. We need someone to organize Super Bowl if this is to be shown in hall.
Entertainment chair Marylyn Mason thanked residents who came to last week’s entertainment. This Friday show The Baker Family, advertised as hard core bluegrass. Cost is $8 pp. Judi DeKoning has printed cards with entire schedule. You may pick these up when you enter hall for show. 50-50 draw, ice cream treats for sale at intermission. Popcorn available!!
Dance chair Craig Daves said 154 people came to last Monday’s dance, the largest crowd we’ve ever had. Come tonight to enjoy Richard Lynch Band, $7 pp. Free popcorn, soda pop for sale, 50-50 draw.
Thanks to Jean Stamp & Donna Goodwin who are serving coffee & donuts at Monday meetings in January. Needing someone to serve donuts during Feb. Volunteers?
Donna Gabbert puts up cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684. Card this week was for Dianna Patrick who has hip infection.
You will have opportunity to learn about the newly opened Micro-Hospital Valley Baptist unit on Feb. 3 following morning meeting.
Breakfast continues on Saturday morning, $3 pp, 7-8:30 a.m. Pancakes & sausage this week served by volunteers. 155 came last Saturday.
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com Her email is bodogabby@aol.com.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is RVEWTC.com .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
Upcoming Events:
Jan. 22 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
Jan. 23 – 10th Sock Hop, $6 pp tickets from Barnharts or Cochrans
Jan. 29 - Quilt Show, Alamo Palms, noon to 3 p.m.
Jan. 29 –Potato Bar, Topels chair. $3 pp, 4:30 p.m., Topels chair
If you would give Invocation at a Monday morning meeting, contact chair Judy Nordquist. Anyone willing to provide donuts should contact her as well.
Dave Johnson #93 will be distributing the new park directories at our first meeting in February.
Activity Calendars are posted by Judi DeKoning. Names of chairmen are shown on front page of newsletter. Changes may be given to Judi or Mary Lou.
Still looking for Librarian.
The Feb. Tea Party which has been cancer fund raiser is cancelled this year due to illness of chairman.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday, 8 a.m.
Regular Dominoes is Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 6:30 p.m. Contact June Clement or Chris Stephens.
Card Bingo 2-4 p.m. Sundays has been moved to pool room. Ten played last Sunday, says chair Bill Jones. Bring quarters.
No Happy Hr., Potluck, Free Movie this week due to Sock Hop.
Here’s announcement for golfers from Vic Greenlee. There are standing tee times at Tierra Santa every Thursday. Open to both men & women, leave park at 7:30 a.m.
“I would like any old cards..Christmas, birthday, holiday. I help at Airport School. Kids love them as bookmarkers. I cut them out for that.” – June Ingamells #175
This Week:
Don’t forget Park Pizza Party this Wednesday, Jan. 22, at Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m. Free ice cream, beverage is free too if you have a Peter Piper cup. Wear your name tags. Drawing for prizes. Rickes & Goodwins chair.
Jan. 23 is the Sock Hop with theme 10th Class Reunion. Buy tickets $6 pp or $48/table from Barnharts or Cochrans. You may purchase individual tickets, doesn’t have to be entire table. Decorate tables Thursday until 2 p.m. Prizes will be given. If you have a graduation picture, give to Barnharts, Bensons or Cochrans. Write your name in pencil on back of picture. Enter at front double doors no earlier than 5:15. Snack bar with hot dogs, chips, soda pop all at LOW PRICES opens at 5:30. New this year, chili dogs, 50 cents ea. Bring change, no $20 bills please. Dancing at 6 p.m. with Fred Goldsberry. You don’t want to miss this party!! Ken & Sue Barnhart chair.
Looking Ahead:
Dick & Maxine Topel chair Loaded Potato Bar Jan. 29, 4:30 p.m.. Tickets being sold at $3 pp. You will be able to top your potato with chili, broccoli & cheese, onions, tomatoes, lots more!
Vicki Davis #252 chairs Feb. 6 Craft Sale, 8 a.m. to noon. All tables are sold! Lots of new vendors! There will be lunch with sandwiches & homemade pies. Sally Hejlik chairs kitchen & invites anyone to donate pies…see sign up sheet
Following Craft Show the 6th, plan to attend celebration of Ray & Margaret Davis on 75 years of marriage. This will be held 2-4 p.m. Fred Goldsberry will play for dancing & listening.
Blood Profile Tests will be given Feb. 7, 6:30 a.m. You need to be fasting, $20 covers basic test.
Hearing tests will be given before Feb. 10 meeting with donuts provided.
Sharon Sprague #244 chairs Stroke Prevention test Feb. 11, noon to 5 p.m., sign up on bulletin board. ?? see Sharon.
Hearing tests will be given before Feb. 10 meeting with donuts provided.
Linda Palermo chairs Feb. 20 Veterans’ Dinner. Tickets at $10 pp will be available next Monday. This event is OPEN to all. Linda has lined up some entertainment she says you will enjoy. There will be raffles & 50-50 draw, with tickets at $1 ea., 6 for $5. Theme is RVE USO Show, with proceeds going to Camp Corral. Meal is served at noon.
Carolyn Thomson/Gene Maurer chair March 4 Iowa Dinner. More info upcoming.
Quilters might be interested in attending the 4th Tri-Annual Quilt Show at Alamo Palms RV/Mobile Park. It will be held Jan. 29 noon to 3 p.m. See flyer on board.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan. 14th
Good Morning Orkut Scraps

More Orkut Scraps at-GoodLightscraps.com
If you like warm weather I hope you are down here in the Rio Grand Valley!!! We have lows in the low 70's, yes for our lows, can you believe it?!!!!!! Highs in the low to mid 80!!! It's supposed to be for all this week and a change coming for Sunday. I wish it would stay like this all Winter.
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.
Accompanist – Cathy Probst
Invocation – Mark Probst – “God has plans for you. He will lead you”
Secretary Report – Maxine Topel
Treasurer Report – Gordon Amos
MANAGEMENT REPORT: Manager Craig Daves announced “Dana & I have resigned from management of park. It was time for us to have fun. We wish the new team good luck.” Dana added, “Thank you for your support. I have enjoyed working with residents.” New managers are Dan & Jan O’Dell. Dan said their primary concerns are “safety, security, comfortable experience while in this park & enhanced experience of your FUN.” He asked whoever owns the Big Tex trailer in storage area to move it so George Krantz can get his truck out (swap places). A container of meds has been found. If it is yours, pick up at office. Jan gave a TY to Craig & Dana & said “Our door is always open.” When asked about worker Jesse’s health, we were told he will be off the rest of this week due to an electrical shock he encountered & is doing okay. Website for park is riovalleyestates.com
Board Members -- Properties – Ron Zoeller, Lynn Stamp, Mark Probst; Finance – Sandy Novak, Gordon Amos, Sandy Olson. If you have issues you’d like to present or discuss, you may contact a board member.
Treasurer Gordon Amos gave his report & it was approved. Properties chair Ron Zoeller thanked George Morgan for completing the vinyl work in kitchen under coffee pots. He said 114 came out each of the past two Saturdays for breakfast cooked by the board. We seem to be missing some short tables in pool room. When Ron gets a count, we may possibly purchase more of these.
Entertainment chair Marylyn Mason thanked residents who came to last week’s entertainment. She tells us this week’s Friday entertainment is Bill Christil. Cost is $8 pp. Judi DeKoning has printed cards with entire schedule. You may pick these up when you enter hall for show.
Come to dance tonight with Roger Kenaston Band, $7 pp. Free popcorn, soda pop for sale, 50-50 draw. A fellow who is celebrating his 84th birthday will be attending along with 40 friends so should be a huge crowd! Come on out ..
Thanks to Jean Stamp & Donna Goodwin who are serving coffee & donuts at Monday meetings in January. Needing someone to serve donuts during Feb. Volunteers?
Thank you to Donna Gabbert who has volunteered to put up cards. If you know of someone needing card you may call her at 956-968-6684. Cards this week … Alice Talbert, cancer treatment; John Kemple, death of brother.
Breakfast continues on Saturday morning, $3 pp, 7-8:30 a.m. Pancakes & sausage this week served by volunteers.
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com Her email is bodogabby@aol.com.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is RVEWTC.com .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
News editor is Mary Lou Benson, 956-532-9665. Give her WRITTEN notes at Monday meetings or deliver to #103. Some may be edited for content & size.
Upcoming Events:
Jan. 15 – Ladies Salad Luncheon, noon, bring salad & $1
Dave Johnson #93 continues to work on new park directories. Changes to him by Jan. 17, distribution first Monday in Feb.
Activity Calendars are posted by Judi DeKoning. Names of chairmen are shown on front page of newsletter. Changes may be given to Judi or Mary Lou
Still looking for volunteer for Library organization.
Thank you to Diana McFarland who has volunteered to decorate stage. She could use a little help.
It was announced the Feb. Tea Party which has been cancer fund raiser is cancelled this year due to illness of chairman.
Chair Judy will look into a presentation by new hospital in Weslaco (associated with Valley Baptist), maybe after a Monday morning meeting.
Lucy Johnson thanked all for support of last week’s Flea Market & those who baked great pies!
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday, 8 a.m. Everyone welcome.
Recycling is done Tuesdays. Hard plastic goes in different area of Ron Zoeller’s vehicle. He leaves at 1 p.m. Remember to save soft bags for Judy Nordquist’s mat project.
Janie Maxwell is leading Senior Yoga Monday, Tuesday, Thursday after line dancing. All welcome!
We need Cribbage players. It’s held Wednesdays 7 p.m. Contact Dave/JuneClement if you want to learn.
Regular Dominoes is held Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 6:30 p.m. Will teach if you want to join us. Contact June Clement or Chris Stephens.
52 Card Bingo 2-4 p.m. Sundays has been moved to the big card room. Bring quarters. Bill Jones chairs.
Here’s announcement for golfers from Vic Greenlee. There are standing tee times at Tierra Santa every Thursday. Open to both men & women, leave park at 7:30 a.m.
Concerning Bean Bag Fiasco, Jim Moeller reported the bags that left a dust problem on floor have been returned to Academy for full refund .. so he could buy “not so messy” polyethylene calcium pellet bags. It is hoped this takes care of the issue. Thanks, Jim, for all your running around with these bags ... and for the comedy we enjoyed at today’s meeting!
“I would like any old cards..Christmas, birthday, holiday. I help at Airport School. Kids love them as bookmarkers. I cut them out for that.” – June Ingamells #175
This Week:
Ladies Salad Luncheon is Wed., Jan. 15, noon. Each person should bring a salad dish & $1, table service provided. See sign up sheet in hall. 6 table decorations will be given away. Chairs are Judy Shively, Judy Greenlee, Jean Stamp….the 3 J’s.
1st movie of season will be this Thursday, Jan. 16. It is a Walt Disney movie featuring Dennis Quaid, based on a true story of Jim Morris .. “The Rookie”. Cartoon at 7 p.m. followed by feature. Movie is free. There will be popcorn, ice cream treats, sodas, water for sale before & during intermission.
Denise Cheek announced Potluck will be held prior to movie, 5:30 p.m. Bring own dishes & food to share. Table set up at 4:30 p.m.
Looking Ahead:
Jan. 23 is the Sock Hop with theme 10th Class Reunion. Buy tickets $6 pp or $48/table from Barnharts…can buy individual tickets, don’t have to purchase entire table. Decorate tables Thursday up until 2 p.m. Prizes will be given. If you have a graduation picture, give to a committee member. Write your name in pencil on back of picture. Enter at front double doors no earlier than 5:15, snack bar opens at 5:30. New this year, chili dogs, 50 cents ea. Bring change, please no $20 bills. Dancing at 6 p.m. with Fred Goldsberry.
Dick & Maxine Topel chair Loaded Potato Bar Jan. 29. Tickets are being sold at $3 pp. You will be able to top your potato with chili, broccoli & cheese, onions, tomatoes, lots more!
Vicki Davis #252 & Arleta Blevins co-chair the Feb. 6 Craft Sale. All tables are sold! There will be lunch with sandwiches & homemade pies. Lots of new vendors!
Blood Profile Tests will be given Feb. 7, 6:30 a.m. You need to be fasting, $20 covers basic test. Sharon Sprague chairs Stroke Prevention tests on Feb. 11, more on this later.
Hearing tests will be given before Feb. 10 meeting with donuts provided.
Linda Palermo chairs Feb. 20 Veterans’ Dinner. Tickets at $10 pp will be available Jan. 27. Theme is RVE USO Show, with proceeds going to Camp Corral. Meal is served at noon.
Carolyn Thomson & Gene Maurer chair March 4 Iowa Dinner. More info later.
Monday, January 6, 2020
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