Rio Valley News...Rio Valley Estates Mobile Home/RV Resort, 715 N. Westgate Dr.,Weslaco, TX
Volume 48 NO. 21 Date: March 23, 2020 78596
7:00 M.T.Dominoes YEP!! Dick Topel
9:00 Club Meeting NOPE!!
7:00 Thirty one YEP!!
7:30/8:30 AquaExercise MAYBE!! Sharon Sprague
9:00 15 cent Shuffling Dave Johnson MAYBE
1:00 Bean Bags CHECK IT OUT! Doug Jass
7:00 M. T. Dominoes YEP! Dick Topel
9:00 Mixed Shuffling Dave Johnson MAYBE
11:30 Pizza Party (2nd&4thwk, begins in Jan.) NO!!
1:00 Bean Bags ????? Doug Jass
4:00 Social Hour GUESS NOT!!
6:20 Tic (draw for # 6:15) YES!! Sharon Sprague
7:00Dealer'sChoicePoker BET SO! Judy Nordquist
9:00 Mixed Shuffling Dave Johnson MAYBE
12:30 Golf Executive signup 10 a.m. Gordon Amos
9:00 Dummy Rummy LeRoy Larson, Del Telfor
BIG YES!!!!!
7:00 Texas Hold'em PROBABLY!! Dave Clement
Your chairperson Judy Nordquist and newsletter editor Mary Lou Benson made decision a couple days ago there would be no more Monday morning meetings or newsletters. Understanding the necessary requirement to have less than 10 at any activity .. editor understands completely.
HOWEVER, so many have asked for one more newsletter, I decided I’d do this last one…..maybe due to boredom?!!
Finishing up on financial report for the season. I heard books were audited & found to be in good order .. audited by Janie Maxwell & Ron Zoeller.
Here’s a few other things I’ve been told ..
Our favorite Uber driver Larry Pierstorff tells me he never played Shuffleboard until just last week .. and he WON!!! So I believe he wanted his name in print. CONGRATS, LARRY!!
March 25 is the 4th Wed. of March. Dean & Millie Ricke met up with me in the HEB line yesterday & told me there will be NO PARK PIZZA PARTY THIS WEEK! Maybe the door is locked? Anyway, that’s over for this season.
When I stopped in the pool hall this morning, Al Lenius told me he is STILL LOSING at cards, no matter what he is playing! There were a couple at his table of 4 who disagreed.
Come out Mondays to play Thirty One .. 7 p.m. Some call this “Blitz” .. come anyway.
TIC on Wed. night & Dummy Rummy on Sat. morning continues by spreading folks apart throughout the hall, poker room, etc. to adhere to the less than 10 rule.
So far Golf continues “wherever” they are allowed!
I’ve heard that group who plays Hucklebuck will continue with their fun whenever they can find a “spare night” to play! I THINK we will have plenty of “spare nights” !!
As far as I know .. Bobby Gabbert is still in Valley Baptist Hospital .. no visitors allowed, of course, due to coronavirus situation.
Talked to Juanita Fisher this morning who was taken by ambulance to the hospital last Wednesday. She came home Thursday & will be undergoing more heart tests.
Some may remember former resident Marge Whited who passed away recently. Her obit is posted at hall.
All the following folks apparently wanted to see their name in a newsletter one more time ..
March 11 – Virgil White & Lois Henderson
March 17 – Doug Jass & Jim Moeller
CANASTA – Table of 4 –
March 16 – Margie Rexroad, Patty Lamp 30590
March 16 – Jewel Kruckman, Agnes Messner No score?
DOMINOES – Mexican Train – March 17 – Vic Greenlee, Fran Hryniw, Agnes Messner, Maud Fisher, Janie Maxwell, Red Tyler, Ken Borah
DUMMY RUMMY – March 21 –
1st – Dean Ricke 224 2nd – Dick Topel 235
2nd – Ron Henderson 250 4th – Harriet Stromer 269
TEXAN HOLDEM – March 17 –
1st John Quail 2nd Jean Stamp 3rd Arwyn VanWyk
Can’t close without at least a couple of “wise cracks” !!
Do you know what happens if you pour scalding water down a rabbit hole? You get hot cross bunnies.
A couple of healthful hints for you ..
Why are soldiers so tired on April first? Because they have just completed a 31 day March.
What do you call the sanctuary for sick salad dressing? The Mayo Clinic.
“In a changing world, one thing is always certain.
I’ll end up in the check out lane that comes to a standstill.”
“If you can’t thank God for what you have,
thank Him for what you have escaped.”
“When you can laugh at yourself,
you’re never at a loss for humor.”
Monday, March 23, 2020
Monday, March 16, 2020
March 16th
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Paul Delashmit – Words of Encouragement .. “Be Gentle With Others” followed by prayer
Secretary Report – Maxine Topel
Treasurer Report – Gordon Amos
Enjoy some easy listening guitar music today at 3 p.m.
by April Walling. She played for our anniversary party.
MANAGEMENT REPORT: None. Website for park is
If you haven’t met our new assistant managers, word has it their names are Jim & Joyce. We welcome them. If you see
a yellow golf cart traveling around the park, that’s them!!
Board Members -- Properties – Ron Zoeller, Lynn Stamp, Mark Probst; Finance – Sandy Novak, Gordon Amos, Sandy Olson. If you have issues you’d like to present or discuss, you may contact them.
Treasurer Gordon Amos gave his report & it was approved
Mark Probst gave Properties report. He had some difficulty cleaning grease trap under north sink due to his poor knees. He said directions are simple & thinks a schedule to clean in late March, October & January would be good. Lynn Stamp will collect your $5 per chair if you signed to purchase any of the old chairs.
When asked if new chairs will fit on slides, answer was “yes”.
Correction: New board members George Morgan (Properties) & Vicki Davis (Finance) take over on October 1 (per bylaws printed in directory). These are 3 year terms. They will replace Ron Zoeller & Sandy Novak whose terms expire then.
Dance chair Craig Daves had nothing to report today.
FREE MOVIE this week is a secret but residents should come to see it at 7 p.m. says Donna Granath. You’ll need to bring along your own snacks, soda pop, etc. for remainder of free movie season.
Come to potluck before Thursday movie, 5:30 p.m. says Denise Cheek. Potlucks continue through March. Plan to honor Mary Nelson for all her help with potlucks through the years.
Entertainment chair Marylyn Mason did not have a report. We thank her & Lucy Johnson for the wonderful entertainments they scheduled this season.
Donna Gabbert puts up cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684. Donna was not with us this morning. We were told Donna’s husband Bobby Gabbert was taken to hospital, then transferred to Harlingen with blood on the brain.
Some residents who have lived here for a long time may remember Pastor Harold & Barb Laursen who lived in E-1 for a couple years. I received word that Pastor Harold died recently. I found his name in the 2005 & 2006 directories after I heard this news.
Patti Lamp & Marlene Prohaska are serving coffee & donuts the remainder of season. Marlene said HEB did not bake any today, I guess, because of coronavirus .. so today’s donuts were purchased from bakery on Pike Blvd.
Nancy Gonnerman will not be taking blood pressure readings prior to Monday morning meetings until they return in the fall.
A total of 15,200 bags have been made into mats according to Judy Nordquist! Judy thanks all who helped with project in any way.
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at Her email is
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
News editor is Mary Lou Benson, 956-532-9665. Please give her WRITTEN notes at Monday meetings or deliver to #103. Some may be edited for content & size.
Dave Johnson #93 has the new park directories you may purchase for $2 each.
Activity Calendars are posted by Judi DeKoning. Names of chairmen are shown on front page of newsletter. Changes may be given to Judi DeKoning or Mary Lou Benson.
John Norris has updated the digital directory. Throw away the directory you received earlier via email as there are some errors. A printed one will not be done this season as only 11 additions were made. John has some copies leftover from last season. John’s email is
Give greeting cards to June Ingamels at #175. She makes bookmarks for children at Airport Elementary School. There are 700 kids there & they love these.
Would any of our residents like to check out Radio Control Cars? If so, call Ed Funk, 920-988-4447, at our sister park Ranchero Village. He would show these to you at their park.
The ROPA Show was successful with 85 in attendance. There were 15 models. ROPA Queen Pat Printy thanked all who attended & helped in any way. Winner of the plastic bag contest was Marylyn Mason with her unique vest. A date for ROPA next year has been set, March 4. Pat closed by reading a touching poem “If Tomorrow Never Comes”, certainly words to think about right now.
Activities are winding down for this season. Mark Wieners announces Euchre is over until fall. There will be no Tuesday Shuffling says Agnes Messner.
Maxine Topel is continuing the 52 Card Bingo on Sunday afternoons. Bring 25 cents per game.
“Thank you to all in the park for the prayers, cards, calls, texts & kind words. I am halfway through the first stage of treatment with more to come in about 6 weeks. I miss you all, the good times & activities .. and, of course, the weather So looking forward to next year in the Valley. – Dianna Brincks Patrick
This week:
There will be Happy Hour Wednesday in big hall 4 p.m. Bring your own beverage & snacks to share.
Minnesota Luncheon is March 18, 11:30 a.m. at Jalisco’s on N. Westgate across from Home Depot. Any questions, call Juanita Fisher 218-784-8496.
Next Season:
Mary Norby announces residents should look forward to the Sock Hop in 2021. Theme will be the Kentucky Derby scheduled on Jan. 21. Get your ideas during the off-season when you are home. Sounds like there will be horse racing!
Here’s an anonymous statement I read somewhere!!
“My idea of a Super Bowl is a toilet that cleans itself.”
Info for those heading home ..
If your state has special activities or get togethers
when you are up north .. let editor know
and I’ll publicize in newsletter.
The Iowa Potluck formerly held in Story City will be held at the Community Center in Hansell at 12 noon on Wed., July 8. Bring a dish to share and your own table service. Hansell is not far from Hampton, Iowa, so if you’d like to spend the night, a couple of motels in the area include Americinn by Wyndham 641-456-5559 & Hampton Motel 641-456-3680. There’s camping at Beeds Lake State Park. There is shopping in Hampton & a winery in Hansell. Direct any questions to Paul & Sharon Sprague who are chairing get together.
To date, we’ve heard NOTHING about a Clermont (or elsewhere) campout for Iowa folks this summer. If someone wants to take charge, we’ll post info in final couple of newsletters ???? Folks are always welcome to camp at SkipAway in Clermont but must make their own reservations. There are some motels & bed & breakfasts in area.
Editor is looking for info on other state activities .. Illinois monthly get togethers? Other states?
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Paul Delashmit – Words of Encouragement .. “Be Gentle With Others” followed by prayer
Secretary Report – Maxine Topel
Treasurer Report – Gordon Amos
Enjoy some easy listening guitar music today at 3 p.m.
by April Walling. She played for our anniversary party.
MANAGEMENT REPORT: None. Website for park is
If you haven’t met our new assistant managers, word has it their names are Jim & Joyce. We welcome them. If you see
a yellow golf cart traveling around the park, that’s them!!
Board Members -- Properties – Ron Zoeller, Lynn Stamp, Mark Probst; Finance – Sandy Novak, Gordon Amos, Sandy Olson. If you have issues you’d like to present or discuss, you may contact them.
Treasurer Gordon Amos gave his report & it was approved
Mark Probst gave Properties report. He had some difficulty cleaning grease trap under north sink due to his poor knees. He said directions are simple & thinks a schedule to clean in late March, October & January would be good. Lynn Stamp will collect your $5 per chair if you signed to purchase any of the old chairs.
When asked if new chairs will fit on slides, answer was “yes”.
Correction: New board members George Morgan (Properties) & Vicki Davis (Finance) take over on October 1 (per bylaws printed in directory). These are 3 year terms. They will replace Ron Zoeller & Sandy Novak whose terms expire then.
Dance chair Craig Daves had nothing to report today.
FREE MOVIE this week is a secret but residents should come to see it at 7 p.m. says Donna Granath. You’ll need to bring along your own snacks, soda pop, etc. for remainder of free movie season.
Come to potluck before Thursday movie, 5:30 p.m. says Denise Cheek. Potlucks continue through March. Plan to honor Mary Nelson for all her help with potlucks through the years.
Entertainment chair Marylyn Mason did not have a report. We thank her & Lucy Johnson for the wonderful entertainments they scheduled this season.
Donna Gabbert puts up cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684. Donna was not with us this morning. We were told Donna’s husband Bobby Gabbert was taken to hospital, then transferred to Harlingen with blood on the brain.
Some residents who have lived here for a long time may remember Pastor Harold & Barb Laursen who lived in E-1 for a couple years. I received word that Pastor Harold died recently. I found his name in the 2005 & 2006 directories after I heard this news.
Patti Lamp & Marlene Prohaska are serving coffee & donuts the remainder of season. Marlene said HEB did not bake any today, I guess, because of coronavirus .. so today’s donuts were purchased from bakery on Pike Blvd.
Nancy Gonnerman will not be taking blood pressure readings prior to Monday morning meetings until they return in the fall.
A total of 15,200 bags have been made into mats according to Judy Nordquist! Judy thanks all who helped with project in any way.
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at Her email is
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
News editor is Mary Lou Benson, 956-532-9665. Please give her WRITTEN notes at Monday meetings or deliver to #103. Some may be edited for content & size.
Dave Johnson #93 has the new park directories you may purchase for $2 each.
Activity Calendars are posted by Judi DeKoning. Names of chairmen are shown on front page of newsletter. Changes may be given to Judi DeKoning or Mary Lou Benson.
John Norris has updated the digital directory. Throw away the directory you received earlier via email as there are some errors. A printed one will not be done this season as only 11 additions were made. John has some copies leftover from last season. John’s email is
Give greeting cards to June Ingamels at #175. She makes bookmarks for children at Airport Elementary School. There are 700 kids there & they love these.
Would any of our residents like to check out Radio Control Cars? If so, call Ed Funk, 920-988-4447, at our sister park Ranchero Village. He would show these to you at their park.
The ROPA Show was successful with 85 in attendance. There were 15 models. ROPA Queen Pat Printy thanked all who attended & helped in any way. Winner of the plastic bag contest was Marylyn Mason with her unique vest. A date for ROPA next year has been set, March 4. Pat closed by reading a touching poem “If Tomorrow Never Comes”, certainly words to think about right now.
Activities are winding down for this season. Mark Wieners announces Euchre is over until fall. There will be no Tuesday Shuffling says Agnes Messner.
Maxine Topel is continuing the 52 Card Bingo on Sunday afternoons. Bring 25 cents per game.
“Thank you to all in the park for the prayers, cards, calls, texts & kind words. I am halfway through the first stage of treatment with more to come in about 6 weeks. I miss you all, the good times & activities .. and, of course, the weather So looking forward to next year in the Valley. – Dianna Brincks Patrick
This week:
There will be Happy Hour Wednesday in big hall 4 p.m. Bring your own beverage & snacks to share.
Minnesota Luncheon is March 18, 11:30 a.m. at Jalisco’s on N. Westgate across from Home Depot. Any questions, call Juanita Fisher 218-784-8496.
Next Season:
Mary Norby announces residents should look forward to the Sock Hop in 2021. Theme will be the Kentucky Derby scheduled on Jan. 21. Get your ideas during the off-season when you are home. Sounds like there will be horse racing!
Here’s an anonymous statement I read somewhere!!
“My idea of a Super Bowl is a toilet that cleans itself.”
Info for those heading home ..
If your state has special activities or get togethers
when you are up north .. let editor know
and I’ll publicize in newsletter.
The Iowa Potluck formerly held in Story City will be held at the Community Center in Hansell at 12 noon on Wed., July 8. Bring a dish to share and your own table service. Hansell is not far from Hampton, Iowa, so if you’d like to spend the night, a couple of motels in the area include Americinn by Wyndham 641-456-5559 & Hampton Motel 641-456-3680. There’s camping at Beeds Lake State Park. There is shopping in Hampton & a winery in Hansell. Direct any questions to Paul & Sharon Sprague who are chairing get together.
To date, we’ve heard NOTHING about a Clermont (or elsewhere) campout for Iowa folks this summer. If someone wants to take charge, we’ll post info in final couple of newsletters ???? Folks are always welcome to camp at SkipAway in Clermont but must make their own reservations. There are some motels & bed & breakfasts in area.
Editor is looking for info on other state activities .. Illinois monthly get togethers? Other states?
Monday, March 9, 2020
March 9th

Comments and Graphics -
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Vic Greenlee
Secretary Report – Maxine Topel
Treasurer Report – Gordon Amos
Happy Birthday on Thursday to Mark Probst !
MANAGEMENT REPORT: None. Website for park is
Kathy from SkyMed spoke after our morning meeting about services they offer. Sky Med is an emergency transport company, inexpensive, $1 or less per day for year-round protection. It covers air, ground, helicopter. Rate will not change once you join.
Board Members -- Properties – Ron Zoeller, Lynn Stamp, Mark Probst; Finance – Sandy Novak, Gordon Amos, Sandy Olson. If you have issues you’d like to present or discuss, you may contact them.
Treasurer Gordon Amos gave his report & it was approved. A couple questions were answered about why balance low when he explained some deposits yet to be made.
Mark Probst gave Properties report including discussion on chair purchase. Thank you to Mark for his research & the headaches he must have had over this issue. We talked about non-profit status, sale of old folding chairs, $5 each (see signup sheet) & much more. Last week we approved to order chairs (240 @ $20 ea.). Those are no longer available. We can purchase stronger more expensive ones ($31.50 ea.) from factory. Last week’s motion was rescinded & we voted “yes” to purchase 200 chairs. These should arrive in 4 weeks after most folks have gone back north so Mark will need help unloading them. He suggested putting some kind of ID on the new chairs whether it be labels or other ideas? Mark & Cathy have volunteered to clean the high back blue chairs over the summer.
Mark will be in kitchen 11 a.m. this Friday if anyone would like to learn how to clean grease trap under north sink….volunteers?
Judy Dekoning said the one pool chair that was recovered at Don-Wes Flea Market is nice. Some others may need to be recovered.
Ron Zoeller read names of residents nominated for 3 year terms on board. Elected were George Morgan, Properties & Vicki Davis, Finance. Terms begin Nov. 1. George & Vicki will replace Ron Zoeller & Sandy Novak whose terms expire.
Dance chair Craig Daves said tonight’s music is “Diego and Edith.”. It’s the final dance of season. Tickets are $7 pp. Free popcorn, soda pop & water for sale, 50-50 draw. Floor will be cleaned one final time this afternoon so Craig requests when activities are held remainder of season, folks please clean up after themselves.
If you liked the band that played at Veteran’s Dinner, come to listen at 2 o’clock this afternoon .. as they are playing & may be booked for dance next season.
FREE MOVIE this week is a surprise .. starts at 7 p.m. in big hall.
There will be popcorn, variety of ice cream treats, sodas & water for sale before & during intermission.
Come to potluck before Thursday movie, 5:30 p.m. says Denise Cheek. Potlucks continue through March.
Entertainment chair Marylyn Mason announced Friday night entertainments are over until next season beginning Jan. 2021. Kai last Friday was wonderful & we know why he is called Mr. Energy. Thanks to Marylyn & Lucy who brought us quality shows all season. They have next year’s entertainments booked already.
Donna Gabbert puts up cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684. Cards up this week: Barb Richt, brain aneurism & successful surgery; Gene Koliba, heart surgery.
Patti Lamp volunteered to serve coffee & donuts remainder of season. Will someone help her please?
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at Her email is
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
News editor is Mary Lou Benson, 956-532-9665. Please give her WRITTEN notes at Monday meetings or deliver to #103. Some may be edited for content & size.
Upcoming Events:
March 11 – Blood Profile Test results, Friendship Hall, 1 p.m. Dave Almquist will be with us….in card room behind stage
March 13 – ROPA Style Show, 1 p.m., $1 pp at door, Pat Printy chairs…need more models.
March 18 – MN Luncheon, 11:30 a.m., Jalisco’s, Juanita Fisher contact person
Dave Johnson #93 has the new park directories you may purchase for $2 each.
Activity Calendars are posted by Judi DeKoning. Names of chairmen are shown on front page of newsletter. Changes may be given to Judi DeKoning or Mary Lou Benson.
John Norris has updated the digital directory. Throw away the directory you received earlier via email as there are some errors. A printed one will not be done this season as only 11 additions were made. John has some copies leftover from last season. John’s email is
Bill Jones reminds residents of 52 Card Bingo 2 p.m. on Sundays. Bring quarters.
Give greeting cards to June Ingamels at #175. She makes bookmarks for children at Airport Elementary School. There are 700 kids there & they love these.
Kathy Cochran said she met with Rosemary who directs the Donna High School Mariachi that played at Mexican Fiesta. Rosemary told her the kids wanted to stay to “hang with us” as they said. The $100 we donated to them will be used toward a trip they are taking. Nice to know some kids think we old folks are “cool”!!
Would any of our residents like to check out Radio Control Cars? If so, call Ed Funk at our sister park Ranchero Village. He would show these to you at their park, His number is 920-988-4447.
Ron Zoeller announced he is leaving with recycling items 10 a.m. tomorrow …. earlier than usual.
This week:
Did not get a note .. so wondering if there is Park Pizza Party this Wednesday? If anyone knows, please put note on board in office area. It’s usually held 2nd & 4th week of the month .. 11:30 a.m….at Peter Piper Pizza.
There will be Happy Hour Wednesday in big hall 4 p.m. Bring your own beverage & snacks to share.
Results from the Blood Profile Tests have been rescheduled for March 11 in Friendship Hall, 1 p.m. Dr. Dave Alquist will be with us to give results.
The ROPA Style Show is scheduled in Friendship Hall this Friday, 1 p.m. This is Friday the 13th but don’t let that scare you .. it’s not bad luck, says ROPA Queen chair Pat Printy. She appreciates models & helpers. More models are needed. Pat has clothing in various sizes if you’re willing to model. Stop by tomorrow at Pat’s #219, 10 a.m., to see what she has if you are interested. Contest will be “most creative use of plastic bags”. Entries should be in hall by noon so attendees can vote as they arrive. If you have bargain items you’d like to sell, you may bring them…early… tag with name & price.
Next Week:
Minnesota Luncheon is March 18, 11:30 a.m. at Jalisco’s on N. Westgate across from Home Depot. Any questions, call Juanita Fisher 218-784-8496.
Next Season:
Mary Norby announces residents should look forward to the Sock Hop in 2021. Theme will be the Kentucky Derby scheduled on Jan. 21. Get your ideas during the off-season when you are home. Sounds like there will be horse racing!
Monday, March 2, 2020
March 2nd
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.
Accompanist –
Invocation – Bev Telfor “We have a lot to be thankful for in RVE. Don’t sweat the small stuff” and prayer
Secretary Report – Maxine Topel
Treasurer Report – Gordon Amos
MANAGEMENT REPORT: None today. Website for park is
Kathy from SkyMed spoke briefly about services they offer, will return to talk with residents next Monday AFTER morning meeting. Sky Med is an emergency transport company, inexpensive, $1 or less per day for year-round protection. It covers air, ground, helicopter. Rate will not change once you join. Donuts will be provided.
Board Members -- Properties – Ron Zoeller, Lynn Stamp, Mark Probst; Finance – Sandy Novak, Gordon Amos, Sandy Olson. If you have issues you’d like to present or discuss, you may contact them.
Treasurer Gordon Amos gave his report & it was approved.
Mark Probst gave Properties report. Chairs have been ordered, should arrive in 2-3 weeks. Those from Sam’s Club were no longer available, so getting from the company & chairs are a grade higher. They carry 12 yr. warranty on frame, 3 yr. warranty on seat & back.
Committee member Ron Zoeller read names of RVE residents nominated for 3 yr terms on board. Nominated: George Morgan & Chuck Gonnerman, Properties; Vicki Davis &, Nancy Gonnerman, Finance. Election will be by written ballot next Monday.
Dance chair Craig Daves said there was a wonderful turn out last Monday, could use larger hall but that’s not going to happen. 😊 Craig reports tonight’s music is “Country Roland Jr.”. Tickets $7 pp. Free popcorn, soda pop, 50-50 draw.
Residents might want to come to Friendship Hall today at 2 p.m. A new band will be here to practice. Floor cleaning will be done earlier so you can come. Craig might get them for a dance next season.
FREE MOVIE this week is “Field of Dreams” starring Kevin Costner. “If you build it, he will come”, said Iowa farmer Ray Kinella (Coster). Kinella was inspired by a voice he can’t ignore to pursue a dream he can believe. On Aug. 13 the NY Yankees will be playing the Chicago White Sox in a new field right next to the field in Dyersville, Iowa, the field used in the movie. Movie begins 7 p.m. There will be popcorn, variety of ice cream treats, sodas & water for sale before & during intermission.
Come to potluck before Thursday movie, 5:30 p.m. says Denise Cheek. Potlucks continue through March.
Entertainment chair Marylyn Mason announced this Friday’s show is Kai, $7 pp. It’s our last show of the season. Showcase has introduced him as “Mr. Energy”. 50-50 draw, ice cream treats at intermission. Popcorn available!!
Donna Gabbert puts up cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684. Cards up this week: Dianna McFarland, serious health issue; Norm/Catherine Gibbs, his uncle died; Dean/Mille Ricke, son in serious accident; Glen/Glenda Warren, her mother died; Dave/Mar Hicks, her mother died; Jim/Donna Goodwin, daughter very ill.
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at Her email is
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
News editor is Mary Lou Benson, 956-532-9665. Please give her WRITTEN notes at Monday meetings or deliver to #103. Some may be edited for content & size.
Janie Maxwell wanting to borrow car seat for 20 mo. old child.
Needs it by this Thursday. Contact Janie at #164.
Upcoming Events:
March 4 – Iowa Noon potluck dinner, Friendship Hall, Carolyn Thomson/Gene Maurer chair. Doors open at 11.
March 6 – Park Patio Sale, 8 a.m. to noon
March 6 – Band & Music Concert at Center Church in Pharr (see article on back side of newsletter) 7 p.m.
March 8 – Orange Street Block Party, Friendship Hall, 2-6 p.m.
March 9 – Rep from Sky Med will speak to those interested AFTER morning meeting
March 11 – Blood Profile Test results, Friendship Hall, 1 p.m. Dave Almquist will be with us.
March 13 – ROPA Style Show, 1 p.m., $1 pp at door, Pat Printy chairs…need more models.
March 18 – MN Luncheon, 11:30 a.m., Jalisco’s, Juanita Fisher contact person
Dave Johnson #93 has the new park directories you may purchase for $2 each.
Activity Calendars are posted by Judi DeKoning. Names of chairmen are shown on front page of newsletter. Changes may be given to Judi or Mary Lou.
John Norris has updated the digital directory. Throw away the directory you received earlier via email as there are some errors. A printed one will not be done this season as only 11 additions were made. John has some copies leftover from last season. John’s email is
Thanks to Janice Williams who has volunteered to be our Librarian.
“My brother Norm Gibbs sent me a copy of the sympathy card folks at RVE signed when our brother passed away. Thanks so much to all of you.” – Venita Lingle (former RVE resident)
Bill Jones reminds residents of 52 Card Bingo 2 p.m. on Sundays. Remember when we had two tables at Western Days in the “Olden Days”? It was popular! Bring quarters.
Come Shuffle at 3 p.m. on Mondays, says Agnes Messner.
Give greeting cards to June Ingamels at #175. She makes bookmarks for children at Airport Elementary School. There are 700 kids there & they love these.
The Mexican Fiesta held on Thursday was fun for all who attended! Everything from the authentic meal to mariachi music by Donna High School students made for a wonderful evening. Winners in the table decorating contest were: 1st Sally Hejlik & her RVE mariachi group, 2nd Norm/Catherine Gibbs, 3rd (tie) Patty Shellito & Sally Dunlap tables. Kathy & Dave Cochran have chaired these theme parties for the past six years and we thank Kathy & her entire crew! Kathy announces they are stepping down so a new chair & committee will be needed next season. A date has been reserved in February 2021. These events are well received at RVE. Fred Goldsberry who has played for this party plus all 10 sock hops announces he also is retiring. “Thank you to all who helped in any way these past 6 years. You don’t do anything without a committee…plus real men wash dishes. RVE always comes through!” says Kathy.
We voted to donate $100 to the Donna High School mariachi group who entertained at Thursday’s fiesta. Kathy said the mariachi commented we were a great audience with lots of energy. That’s Rio Valley Estates for you!!
This week:
Carolyn Thomson/Gene Maurer chair March 4 Iowa Dinner. This is a noon potluck in Friendship Hall, everyone welcome. BYO table service & a dish to share.
There will be Happy Hour Wednesday in big hall 4 p.m. Bring your own beverage & snacks to share.
Don’t forget this Friday (March 6) Patio Sale held in your front yard, 8 a.m. to noon! It’s a chance to sell your valuable items & buy what you can’t live without. Bargains everywhere!
We are in for a treat on March 6 according to Del Hickey who plays in RGV Concert Band of 45-60 retirees. The band along with Magic Valley Chorus, Men of A Chord & Sr. Ambassadors will combine for a concert at Center Church, 4801 N. Cage Blvd. in Pharr. Event is at 7 p.m.
Orange Street Block Party will be held 2-6 p.m. in Friendship Hall on March 8 according to Mary Norby.
Looking Ahead:
Results from the Blood Profile Tests have been rescheduled for March 11 in Friendship hall, 1 p.m. Dr. Dave Alquist will be with us to give results.
The ROPA Style Show will be held in Friendship Hall Friday, March 13, 1 p.m. More models are needed. ROPA Queen & chair Pat Printy at #219 has clothing in various sizes if you’re willing to model. Contest will be “most creative use of plastic bags”. Entries should be in hall by noon so attendees can vote as they arrive. Pat says, “There’s still time for a ROPA run!”
Minnesota Luncheon is March 18, 11:30 a.m. at Jalisco’s on N. Westgate across from Home Depot. Any questions, call Juanita Fisher 218-784-8496.
Next Season:
Mary Norby announces residents should look forward to the Sock Hop in 2021. Theme will be the Kentucky Derby scheduled on Jan. 21. Get your ideas during the off-season when you are home. Sounds like there will be horse racing!
Miscellaneous Announcements
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex Thursdays, 8 a.m.
Accompanist –
Invocation – Bev Telfor “We have a lot to be thankful for in RVE. Don’t sweat the small stuff” and prayer
Secretary Report – Maxine Topel
Treasurer Report – Gordon Amos
MANAGEMENT REPORT: None today. Website for park is
Kathy from SkyMed spoke briefly about services they offer, will return to talk with residents next Monday AFTER morning meeting. Sky Med is an emergency transport company, inexpensive, $1 or less per day for year-round protection. It covers air, ground, helicopter. Rate will not change once you join. Donuts will be provided.
Board Members -- Properties – Ron Zoeller, Lynn Stamp, Mark Probst; Finance – Sandy Novak, Gordon Amos, Sandy Olson. If you have issues you’d like to present or discuss, you may contact them.
Treasurer Gordon Amos gave his report & it was approved.
Mark Probst gave Properties report. Chairs have been ordered, should arrive in 2-3 weeks. Those from Sam’s Club were no longer available, so getting from the company & chairs are a grade higher. They carry 12 yr. warranty on frame, 3 yr. warranty on seat & back.
Committee member Ron Zoeller read names of RVE residents nominated for 3 yr terms on board. Nominated: George Morgan & Chuck Gonnerman, Properties; Vicki Davis &, Nancy Gonnerman, Finance. Election will be by written ballot next Monday.
Dance chair Craig Daves said there was a wonderful turn out last Monday, could use larger hall but that’s not going to happen. 😊 Craig reports tonight’s music is “Country Roland Jr.”. Tickets $7 pp. Free popcorn, soda pop, 50-50 draw.
Residents might want to come to Friendship Hall today at 2 p.m. A new band will be here to practice. Floor cleaning will be done earlier so you can come. Craig might get them for a dance next season.
FREE MOVIE this week is “Field of Dreams” starring Kevin Costner. “If you build it, he will come”, said Iowa farmer Ray Kinella (Coster). Kinella was inspired by a voice he can’t ignore to pursue a dream he can believe. On Aug. 13 the NY Yankees will be playing the Chicago White Sox in a new field right next to the field in Dyersville, Iowa, the field used in the movie. Movie begins 7 p.m. There will be popcorn, variety of ice cream treats, sodas & water for sale before & during intermission.
Come to potluck before Thursday movie, 5:30 p.m. says Denise Cheek. Potlucks continue through March.
Entertainment chair Marylyn Mason announced this Friday’s show is Kai, $7 pp. It’s our last show of the season. Showcase has introduced him as “Mr. Energy”. 50-50 draw, ice cream treats at intermission. Popcorn available!!
Donna Gabbert puts up cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684. Cards up this week: Dianna McFarland, serious health issue; Norm/Catherine Gibbs, his uncle died; Dean/Mille Ricke, son in serious accident; Glen/Glenda Warren, her mother died; Dave/Mar Hicks, her mother died; Jim/Donna Goodwin, daughter very ill.
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at Her email is
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
News editor is Mary Lou Benson, 956-532-9665. Please give her WRITTEN notes at Monday meetings or deliver to #103. Some may be edited for content & size.
Janie Maxwell wanting to borrow car seat for 20 mo. old child.
Needs it by this Thursday. Contact Janie at #164.
Upcoming Events:
March 4 – Iowa Noon potluck dinner, Friendship Hall, Carolyn Thomson/Gene Maurer chair. Doors open at 11.
March 6 – Park Patio Sale, 8 a.m. to noon
March 6 – Band & Music Concert at Center Church in Pharr (see article on back side of newsletter) 7 p.m.
March 8 – Orange Street Block Party, Friendship Hall, 2-6 p.m.
March 9 – Rep from Sky Med will speak to those interested AFTER morning meeting
March 11 – Blood Profile Test results, Friendship Hall, 1 p.m. Dave Almquist will be with us.
March 13 – ROPA Style Show, 1 p.m., $1 pp at door, Pat Printy chairs…need more models.
March 18 – MN Luncheon, 11:30 a.m., Jalisco’s, Juanita Fisher contact person
Dave Johnson #93 has the new park directories you may purchase for $2 each.
Activity Calendars are posted by Judi DeKoning. Names of chairmen are shown on front page of newsletter. Changes may be given to Judi or Mary Lou.
John Norris has updated the digital directory. Throw away the directory you received earlier via email as there are some errors. A printed one will not be done this season as only 11 additions were made. John has some copies leftover from last season. John’s email is
Thanks to Janice Williams who has volunteered to be our Librarian.
“My brother Norm Gibbs sent me a copy of the sympathy card folks at RVE signed when our brother passed away. Thanks so much to all of you.” – Venita Lingle (former RVE resident)
Bill Jones reminds residents of 52 Card Bingo 2 p.m. on Sundays. Remember when we had two tables at Western Days in the “Olden Days”? It was popular! Bring quarters.
Come Shuffle at 3 p.m. on Mondays, says Agnes Messner.
Give greeting cards to June Ingamels at #175. She makes bookmarks for children at Airport Elementary School. There are 700 kids there & they love these.
The Mexican Fiesta held on Thursday was fun for all who attended! Everything from the authentic meal to mariachi music by Donna High School students made for a wonderful evening. Winners in the table decorating contest were: 1st Sally Hejlik & her RVE mariachi group, 2nd Norm/Catherine Gibbs, 3rd (tie) Patty Shellito & Sally Dunlap tables. Kathy & Dave Cochran have chaired these theme parties for the past six years and we thank Kathy & her entire crew! Kathy announces they are stepping down so a new chair & committee will be needed next season. A date has been reserved in February 2021. These events are well received at RVE. Fred Goldsberry who has played for this party plus all 10 sock hops announces he also is retiring. “Thank you to all who helped in any way these past 6 years. You don’t do anything without a committee…plus real men wash dishes. RVE always comes through!” says Kathy.
We voted to donate $100 to the Donna High School mariachi group who entertained at Thursday’s fiesta. Kathy said the mariachi commented we were a great audience with lots of energy. That’s Rio Valley Estates for you!!
This week:
Carolyn Thomson/Gene Maurer chair March 4 Iowa Dinner. This is a noon potluck in Friendship Hall, everyone welcome. BYO table service & a dish to share.
There will be Happy Hour Wednesday in big hall 4 p.m. Bring your own beverage & snacks to share.
Don’t forget this Friday (March 6) Patio Sale held in your front yard, 8 a.m. to noon! It’s a chance to sell your valuable items & buy what you can’t live without. Bargains everywhere!
We are in for a treat on March 6 according to Del Hickey who plays in RGV Concert Band of 45-60 retirees. The band along with Magic Valley Chorus, Men of A Chord & Sr. Ambassadors will combine for a concert at Center Church, 4801 N. Cage Blvd. in Pharr. Event is at 7 p.m.
Orange Street Block Party will be held 2-6 p.m. in Friendship Hall on March 8 according to Mary Norby.
Looking Ahead:
Results from the Blood Profile Tests have been rescheduled for March 11 in Friendship hall, 1 p.m. Dr. Dave Alquist will be with us to give results.
The ROPA Style Show will be held in Friendship Hall Friday, March 13, 1 p.m. More models are needed. ROPA Queen & chair Pat Printy at #219 has clothing in various sizes if you’re willing to model. Contest will be “most creative use of plastic bags”. Entries should be in hall by noon so attendees can vote as they arrive. Pat says, “There’s still time for a ROPA run!”
Minnesota Luncheon is March 18, 11:30 a.m. at Jalisco’s on N. Westgate across from Home Depot. Any questions, call Juanita Fisher 218-784-8496.
Next Season:
Mary Norby announces residents should look forward to the Sock Hop in 2021. Theme will be the Kentucky Derby scheduled on Jan. 21. Get your ideas during the off-season when you are home. Sounds like there will be horse racing!
Miscellaneous Announcements
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex Thursdays, 8 a.m.
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