Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Looking Ahead to 2021


RVE NEWS BREAK :) New Year's Eve Party is a GO ~~ with a few alterations. ;) It will be held outdoors with Beverly Telfor being the Grand Hostess. She has MUSIC lined up! There will be tables set up to all to bring a munchie (and BYOB) . Mask required while going thru the food line. Management will provide hand sanitizer at beginning of table.
Plates and plastic ware provided. We'll have social distancing tables set up on nearby patios, and/or bring a lawn chair. Street will be blocked off if anyone wants to Boogie. Time is 6PM to 9PM (you know.. our new midnight ;) ) More details later but we do need to wish 2020 a not so Fond Farewell!
As it gets sooner we will need volunteers to help set up / tear down and clean.
Judi DeKoning

Thursday, November 19, 2020

 Jacque Anderson Passed away. Here is a picture of Jacque and her dog Dutchess. I co-ordinated the first of 5 photo albums for the park and she is in the very first one in 2005-2006. she was not in our last one 2017-2018

I assume she was living in Nixa, MO at the time of her death. But she was from Boone, Ia. 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

For Rent

 Judy Shivelys park model is for rent # 12, call 785-640-1444

Her Dr. advised her not to come down this year, she has some lung problems.

There has been several folks come in recently. But our big hall is not open yet. Other parks have opened theres, don't know why ours is not open. There is going to be some ticked off people if management does not open things up, they need to get with the city to see what guide lines we are to follow. We can certainly social distance in the big hall and wear masks of course. Some folks aren't even thinking about coming at all if we don't get the hall open.

Love to ya allDonna

Monday, November 2, 2020

 Anita Madsen passed away Oct. 27th, she had a seisure and a severe stroke. We will miss her. she had had heart surgery a few months ago and was in failing health, she left the Park just recently