RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Sharon Sprague called meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Mary Lou Benson – “Flight 2022 Instructions”
Secretary – Dana Daves
Treasurer – Sandy Olson
MANAGEMENT REPORT .. There was none today.
Website for park is riovalleyestates.com
Dana Daves gave Secretary report & it was approved.
Gordon Amos gave Treasurer’s report. It was accepted.
Lynn Stamp reported for Properties. If you use the new vacuum cleaner, it really DOES work .. be certain you have both ends plugged in. We were reminded when we have any activities in Friendship Hall to be sure to sweep floor after.
If you don’t have an RVE name tag, check with Donna Gabbert who makes these. We encourage folks to wear these.
Donna Gabbert puts cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684.
The board will cook Saturday biscuits & gravy breakfast on Jan. 8 & 15, Feb. 5 &12. Ed Tice & crew will prepare pancake & sausage breakfast Jan. 22 & 29, Feb. 19 & 26. Serving is 7 - 8:30 a.m. Bring your own table service. Price ?
Craig Daves, dance chair, reports 1st dance is next Monday, Jan. 3, 7:00– 9:30 p.m. with South Texas Ramblers providing the music. Admission is $7 per person. BYOB. Craig thanked all who moved tables & chairs for floor cleaning last Monday.
Marylyn Mason, urges all to attend the 1st entertainment of the season on Jan. 7, 7 p.m. Come enjoy Curt James. He is a local entertainer. Tickets are $8 pp. 50-50 draw will be held.
Looking ahead to January, don’t forget the Flea Market on the 14th. You can sign up for a table, $2 each. Don’t wait until last minute to get a table. Chair Lucy Johnson will return to park sometime next week. Lunch will be served .. pies needed. See sign up sheet on board.
Some folks, even those who are vaccinated, may be concerned about spread of Covid. Feel free to wear mask to any event/activity.
Chairperson Sharon said some have mentioned how much fun Pickle Ball can be. She admitted she has not played the game but is asking those who do know how to contact her.
Judy DeKoning has spoken to manager Jan about possibility of having WiFi into our large call. Would save on resident’s cell phone usage.
Thanks to Patty Lamp & Phyllis Branstetter who served coffee & donuts prior to today’s meeting. There is a sign up sheet if you wish to provide in honor of special occasion. If no one signs up, club will pay. Bring donuts by 8:15 a.m.
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com Her email is bodogabby@aol.com.
Upcoming Events:
Dec. 31 – New Year’s Eve Party in Friendship Hall, 6 p.m.
Jan. 14 – Flea Market, 8 a.m. to noon .. Lucy Johnson chairs, pies are needed (sign up on board).
Jan. 20 – “Flash Back for Fun” Dance, tickets available next Monday, Kathy Cochran & Ken Barnhartchair
Jan. 27 – Bean Feed, 4:30 p.m. $3 per person
Reach out to your neighbors. Tell them to attend
Monday morning meetings. Make them feel welcome!
Sign up if you wish to provide donuts for special occasion.
For residents’ information, code to unlock all doors is 7157. Last one out locks up.
To help prevent conflicts all activities in big hall should be cleared through Club Secretary’s Calendar. Info will be given to Judi DeKoning for calendar she posts on back bulletin board.
Editor Mary Lou Benson sends info to news media to announce activities that are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Get written info to her 3 weeks before event please.
Dave Johnson at Lot #93 needs your name, address & phone number for the new park directory.
There were many beautiful Christmas decorations throughout our park. Club awarded $100 to top 3….$50, $30 & $20. Named 1st was Dave & Lucy Johnson, #93; 2nd was Ron & Terry Ruser, #416; 3rd was Sharon Bussinger, #212. Congratulations!
What a wonderful old-fashioned Christmas we had last Thursday. Over 20 golf carts participated in the parade. There were more cookies in Friendship Hall than an army could eat…hear we saved leftovers for New Year’s Eve Party. 😊 Thanks to all who attended in particular these ladies who planned the party .. Marylyn Mason, Judi DeKoning, Patty Shellito, Dana Daves, Kathy Cochran & Sue McLaughlin. Volunteers who step up are what makes Rio Valley Estates the fun park it is.
Santa came from North Pole last week to pose with 25 dogs & 1 cat for pictures. Was that fun or what?
Thanks to Chuck & Nancy Gonnerman and Bill & Jan Jones for planning the delicious dinner Christmas Day. As always, plenty of food & fellowship! Thanks from Gonnermans & Jones to all who helped in any way .. Jose & Margarita Ponce, Doug Hennigar, Paul Sprague, Ken Barnhart, Lynn Stamp & anyone we may have missed! An estimated 90 residents attended!
Wednesday Happy Hour is in card room through December. Bring snacks & your own beverage, 4 p.m.
With New Year’s Day falling on a Sat., please note no Dummy Rummy tournament will be held Jan. 1.
Chair Yoga begins after Monday morning meetings & Wednesdays at 9 a.m. Dana Daves leads?
Phyllis Branstetter showed mats made from plastic bags. These are comfy & warm, appreciated by those to whom they are given. Five mats & 3 adult quilts went to Way of the Cross before Christmas. If you know how to crochet or want to learn, contact Phyllis. Bags need to be straightened before being cut into strips, then rolled into balls to be crocheted. Volunteers welcome ..
We had a demonstration of what Couple’s Line Dancing is by Judy Shively this morning. Lessons will be on Thursdays at 10 a.m. after regular Line Dancing. Do not wear tennis shoes. A signup sheet has been placed in the main hall. First lesson is Jan. 6. The music is a slow song not fast like regular line dancing. For more info, call Judy at #12, 785-640-1444.
Anyone interested in golfing at Executive Course should find their own group. Time has changed to 11 a.m. start. We leave the park about 10:30 Friday morning, says Doug Novak. Doug asks players to record their score & turn it in to him at #259 before Monday morning. We golf just to have fun.
Here’s another chance for golfers to play. Vic Greenlee invites anyone to join our park group at Tierra Santa on Thursday mornings. We have standing tee time with car pools leaving park at 8:20 a.m. For more info, you may talk to Vic or Paul Sprague.
Attend the New Year’s Eve Party in Friendship Hall, says Judy DeKoning. Come at 6 p.m., BYOB & a snack. Cookies will be provided .. LOTS of leftover cookies. Tables will be set up for cards, games, etc.
Kathy Cochran & Ken Barnhart have plans in the works for a “Flash Back to Fun” dance party on Thursday, Jan. 20. Tickets will be available next Monday at $10 pp. You may reserve entire table or single. A DJ will provide music for listening & dancing. As for what towear .. ANYTHING GOES! Dig out what you’ve worn at previous sock hops & parties .. don’t go buy something new. Ticket cost includes meal & there will be prizes for best decorated tables. When this pair gets together, who knows what’ll happen? Some memories include speakeasy, Mickey Mouse Club, hobos, mouse races, 50’s, roaring 20’s, Beverly Hillbillies, the Clampetts, homecoming, drive in movies. This is a party you don’t want to miss!!
Maxine Topel announces Thursday, Jan. 27, residents should plan to attend Bean Feed. We’ll eat at 4:30 p.m. Tickets at $3 per person go on sale Jan. 3, 10 & 17
News editor requests WRITTEN notes for articles or items you wish printed in newsletter. Some items may be edited for content & size.
Newsletters are available mid-afternoon on Mondays by back door in card room. A few may be found in office area.
There are activities across the Valley all season .. but especially at Christmastime. You still have time to go to see the Hidalgo Festival of Lights. This is the 30th year this has been held. It is held Dec. 1 thru Jan. 2. There are live performances & train tours…or you can drive thru to see over 500 lighted displays
South Padre Island’s lights are beautiful. Thru Jan. 16, the Holiday Light Show is on display 6-9 p.m. at the SPI Convention Centre. Watch from the comfort of your car.
A couple of left over Christmas smiles ..
How do snowmen like their beer? In a frosted mug!
How does Frosty get around? On his ice-cycle!
Where do skunks like to sit during Christmas
church service? The front pew!
My favorite .. What goes ho, ho, ho, thump?
Santa laughing his head off!
GAME RESULTS: Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. WRITE LEGIBLY!
Dec. 21 – Margarita Ponce, Dave Cochran
Dec. 22 – Margarita Ponce, Doug Jass, Jose Ponce, Dave Cochran
BOWLING – Pins & Cues
CANASTA – Table of 4 –
Dec. 20 – Beverly Yancey, Jean Stamp 30205
Dec. 22 – Fran Hryniw, Jewel Kruckman 22290
Table of 6 –
Dec. 22 – Juanita Fisher, Jean Stamp, Judy Shively 36635
Dec. 24 – Bev Yancey, Darlene Bryant, Fran Hryniw 36345
DOMINOS – Mexican Train – Dec. 21 – Janel Baker, Donna Gabbert, Fran Hryniw, Mary Lou Sirovy, Marge Reishus Dec. 26 – Virginia Baker, Karen Bolte, Vic Greenlee, Fran Hryniw, Jean Stamp, Judy Greenlee
DUMMY RUMMY – none this week due to New Years Day
GOLF – Executive – Dec. 24
Henry Hryniw 35 Doug Jass 37
PINOCHLE – Single Deck – Dec. 18 –
1st – Margaret Davis 306 2nd–Sharon Bussinger265
Dec. 23 –
1st – Laurie Walter 318 2nd-Jewel Kruckman 308
1st – John Quail 2nd – Judy Nordquist 3rd – Lynn Stamp
TIC – Dec. 22 –
1st – Sandy Novak 125 2nd – Marlene Prohaska 149
3rd – Doug Novak 167 4th - Bev Yancey 177
New Year’s Prayer for Family & Friends ..
May all your family and friends
who need miracles be blessed.
May whoever is feeling weak be given strength.
May all of those who have heavy burdens
have their load lightened.
May your New Year be filled with happiness & joy.