Such a terrible site, tree after tree in orchards looking like this. Also all our plants around the park will surely die, drooping brown leaves and fruit on the ground.I understand that 80% of the oranges were already harvested and 67% of grapefruit. Losses of a number of vegetable crops also, including swiss chard, cabbage, beets, celery and cilantro and more. Lemons and lime trees were completely distroyed, as they can not take the freeze. As far as citrus it will be a wait and see. The long lines at the gas stations were really a crazy site, many heard of refinery outages. Some needing fuel for their generators. The outages lasted several days and some in our park got electric on and some didnt finally after 3 or 4 days we got electric. The temps plunged to 21 degrees in parts of the valley, I understand that ERGOT pulled the plug on about 131,000 of us here and millions across Texas, A huge energy demand and overloads and the frozen utility plants are blamed for the outages. Also people panicked at the grocery stores, many many empty shelves as they hoarded food. So much craziness!I get my second Covid vaccine tomarrow. I hope the weather is a little better than today. We had a cold front come in and it's been drizzling and cold. I think in the 50's for lows tonight. We have had upper 70's and 80's after the freeze, hope this will be one of the last real cold fronts as Spring has come here., except for today and tomarrow, The Purple Martins are back and chattering away happily.
Hope you all come down next year, we will have to make up for this year with lots of fun things to do!!!!