Monday, January 30, 2023

Mgr. report

Our rent for mobiles goes from $380.00 to $420.00 per month

There were atleast 6-8 unlocked cars that were gotten into. Some reported some change stolen and trash thrown around and I dont know what all. Police were here this morning investigating and taking reports. So lock your cars. They may have jumped the fence along the Motel . Not sure how they got in.Also when you come through the gate wait for the gate to close behind you so anyone who doesnt belong here can not scoot in behind you.

Also there was a scam involving renting a unit, ask Judy Shively if you want more info about it!!!!!

Also Mgr. Jan says - Leave a few address labels with the office for forwarding mail as some mail still gets sent here after you leave and P.O. lets some mail thru, even tho you let them know that your mail should be forwarded back to your home town.

New arrivals were Jim and Bonnie Myers J-6

Devotions - Linda Palermo

Properties - Lynn Stamp said Refrigerator fixed, Walter paid half

Cards - One up for Hoyt Skillern, knee replacement

Entertainment this coming Friday - Festus Live Comedy, Feb 3rd at 7p.m. $8.00 at the door

Dance tonight  - Bottom Line, 7:00 to 9:30, $8.00 pp

Feb. 2nd is the craft sale

Feb 8th Integra Wellness screen, stroke, & carotid artery , abdominal aortic test, osteo test etc. You may schedule an appointment by calling 1-800-884-6251

Feb. 9th is Mabel's Italian Dinner, Lasagna, 4:30 social hour and eat at 5:00, cost $10.00 

Feb. 10th is the blood profile tests, Feb. 20th at 1P.M.Dave Ahlquist comes back to talk about your test results

Feb 13th Tickets go on sale for the "Shrimp Boil", and "Mouse Race" which will be March 1st. 

Feb. 14th is the Space Tour and there's another bus going Feb. 22nd

Feb. 19th is our Anniversary Party, sign up at the back of the hall if you have a 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th & 70th

I understand that the Iowa folks are doing breakfast this Sat. morning, pancakes! 

Monday, January 23, 2023

Mon. Jan.23rd

 RVE CLUB MEETING –Chair Judy Nordquist called the meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song.

Accompanist – Jan Delashmit

Invocation – Sandy Novak

Secretary –Dana Daves

Treasurer – Sandy Olson

If you’d like your blood pressure checked, Nancy Gonnerman is behind the stage (quilt room) on Mondays 8:30-9 a.m. before our morning meeting.

Thanks to these donut gals for serving at Monday club meetings this entire season ... Patty Lamp & Phyllis Branstetter; and to George Morgan who brews the coffee If anyone is interested in buying donuts for any particular Monday meeting, see chair Judy Nordquist.

Sharon Reiss & Lowell Gilbertson provided donuts this Monday. The following Monday, Rich & Collette Mason have volunteered to bring the donuts.

Managers’ Report – No manager’s report today. Website for park is

Board Members -- Properties – George Morgan, Lynn Stamp, Jose Ponce; Finance – Vicki Davis, Janel Baker, Sandy Olson. If you have issues to present, contact any board member. They sit in a group toward the right front of Friendship Hall prior to Monday meeting.

Dana Daves gave Secretary report. It was approved.

Sandy Olson gave Treasurer’s report & it was approved.

Dances are scheduled for 2023 season according to chairs Craig & Dana Daves. Cost is $8 pp. Craig tells us Ron Mosher is the band tonight, 7 to 9:30 p.m  Come early there will be a huge crowd. If reserving a table besure to get here by 6:45 or the table is up for grabs!. Schedules are on back wall. We need to get some of our new residents involved too.

Jonathon Len  will provide our program this Friday, Jan. 27th, $8 pp. 50-50 draw .Attendance is running low as it is all across The Valley. We encourage our residents to attend!

If you don’t have an RVE name tag, check with Donna Gabbert who makes these, $3 each. We encourage folks to purchase & wear them.

Donna Gabbert puts cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684. Cards up this week: Sympathy card to Tom & Mary Lou Benson on the death of their Daughter, Stacy, also for the Family of Monica Paca, and a get well card for Betty Wieners

Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find her blog at Her email is

Upcoming Events:

Jan. 24 – “Painting With Pals”, 1:30 p.m. see sign up sheet

Feb. 2 – Craft Sale, 8-noon .. Pies are needed (sign up please)

Feb. 9 – Italian Dinner, $10 pp, Lasagna is on the menu!

Feb. 14 – Bus Trip to Space X Rocket Ranch, $50 pp

Feb. 22 – 2nd Bus Trip to Space X, see sign up sheet

Feb. 23 – Ladies’ Old Fashioned Tea Party, more info later

March 9 – Women’s Salad Luncheon, Judy Shively chairs

Stroke prevention will be Feb. 8th and blood profile on the 10th, blood profile person will be here next week to talk about it.

Sign up sheet will be put up.

Mr Hernandez was here to talk about the vile of life. You will fill out all your medical info and put in a vial Large medine bottle will work and put in your frig, and a sign will be on your front door so the EMS can see it 

Iowa potluck is scheduled for Feb. 21st in our hall.

Anniversary party will be Feb. 19th

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Monday Jan.16th

 RVE CLUB MEETING –Chair Judy Nordquist called

meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song.

Accompanist – Jan Delashmit

Invocation – Steve St.Clair “Let God Be In Control”

Secretary –Virginia Baker

Treasurer – Sandy Olson

If you’d like your blood pressure checked, Nancy Gonnerman is behind the stage (quilt room) on Mondays 8:30-9 a.m. before our morning meeting.

Thanks to these donut gals for serving at Monday club meetings this entire season ... Patty Lamp & Phyllis Branstetter; and to George Morgan who brews the coffee If anyone is interested in buying donuts for any particular Monday meeting, see chair Judy Nordquist.

Sharon Reiss & Lowell Gilbertson will provide donuts next Monday. The following Monday, Rich & Collette Mason have volunteered to bring the donuts.

It was announced the “donut dolly sign” seems to be missing. Anyone know where it might be?

Managers’ Report – No manager’s report today. Website for park is

Board Members -- Properties – George Morgan, Lynn Stamp, Jose Ponce; Finance – Vicki Davis, Janel Baker, Sandy Olson. If you have issues to present, contact any board member. They sit in a group toward the right front of Friendship Hall prior to Monday meeting.

Virginia Baker gave Secretary report. It was approved.

Sandy Olson gave Treasurer’s report & it was approved.

Properties committee tells us refrigerator fans in kitchen have been repaired. Repairman will be bringing freezer repair part.

Dances are scheduled for 2023 season according to chairs Craig & Dana Daves. Cost is $8 pp. Craig tells us the South Texas Ramblers is the band tonight, 7 to 9:30 p.m. Schedules are on back wall. We need to get some of our new residents involved too. South Texas Ramblers has a really talented fiddler.

Marylyn Mason, Entertainment chair, thanked those who attended last Friday night program. She said Lindley Creek will provide our program this Friday, Jan. 23, $10 pp. 50-50 draw will be held. This is bluegrass, gospel & a very enjoyable group. Attendance is running low as it is all across The Valley. We encourage our residents to attend!

If you don’t have an RVE name tag, check with Donna Gabbert who makes these, $3 each. We encourage folks to purchase & wear them.

Donna Gabbert puts cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684. Cards up this week: Sympathy cards to Marylyn/David Mason and Christy Jones.

Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find her blog at Her email is

No mail delivery today as it is Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Upcoming Events:

Jan. 19 – Kentucky Derby Dance Party, $10 pp tickets on sale, doors open at 5 p.m. for pictures

Jan. 24 – “Painting With Pals”, 1:30 p.m. see sign up sheet

Feb. 2 – Craft Sale, 8-noon .. Pies are needed (sign up please)

Feb. 9 – Italian Dinner, $10 pp, Lasagna is on the menu!

Feb. 14 – Bus Trip to Space X Rocket Ranch, $50 pp

Feb. 22 – 2nd Bus Trip to Space X, see sign up sheet

Feb. 23 – Ladies’ Old Fashioned Tea Party, more info later

Have you missed Saturday Morning Breakfasts? Sandy Olson announces our RVE Club Board will be preparing breakfast for us Jan. 21 & 28. They’ll begin with egg casserole this coming Saturday…$5 pp. This will be offered with a change in time to 8-10 a.m. You still have time to make it to Dummy Rummy .. eat first, then head over to card room. Thanks to Ed Tice and his crew who will cook on Feb. 4 & 11. You are asked to bring your own table setting.

Would you be interested in helping residents with Federal taxes? You can volunteer; they will train you. Sharon Sprague & Judy Nordquist can give you more info on this. This is through AARP.

A Medicare Fraud Poster is on back board. Residents may wish to hear this next Monday, 1 p.m. Meeting is at no cost.

Mark Probst takes items to Recycling Center Tuesday afternoons. Residents may drop these off at #54 or #55

TY to George Morgan who will pick up your trash bags at end of your driveway if you are unable to take these to dumpsters.

Social Hour on Wednesdays at 4 p.m. has been moved to card room hall. Pool tables are covered to protect them.

Single Deck Pinochle begins Thursdays at 1 p.m. says Sharon Bussinger.

Bean Bags will not be held in Friendship Hall this Wednesday & Thursday .. but can be played outdoors.

No Cribbage this Thursday, the 19th.

Steve St.Clair invites interested residents to attend Bible Study at 6 p.m. on Tuesdays.

Donna Gabbert thanks all who got their pictures taken for the 2022-23 pictorial album. The rest of the photos are being scheduled Jan. 17, 18 & 19. Photographer will set up equipment today in back room. It’s free to have your picture taken & put in album. You may purchase a CD with your photos for $20. You can take the CD anywhere you choose & get pictures made. The photo album is $20. Be sure to bring money at the time of the sitting. Directories should be available April 1.

Mary Norby reminds all of the Kentucky Derby Dance Party on Thursday, Jan. 19. Pictures will be taken in a photo booth by John Norris beginning at 5 p.m.. Ken Barnhart is emcee. Del Hickey will be bugler. Tickets at $10 pp are still available from Kathy Cochran. 168 tickets plus tables for entertainers have been sold. If tables are not sold to RVE residents, sales will open up to out of park folks. Committee is selling tickets by entire table of 8. Please have one person in charge of each table with the $80 in hand. Individual tickets may be purchased & will be located at a table where you can meet new friends. There will be food, mint juleps, horse races, much fun. Directions will be on each table instructing how to place $1 bet & you can win up to $6. Table service is provided. BYOB. Steven May will entertain. Decorate your table from 10-11 on Thursday if you wish but no prizes for best table. There will be prizes for best Derby hats. The horses at $5 each have all been sold! Itinerary of activities at Derby Night is posted on back bulletin board.

“Painting with Pals” has been planned by Vickie Carlson, Lot 74, on Tuesday, Jan. 24, 1:30 p.m. Artist is Amy Baldridge with cost of $20 pp due at the time of class. Cost includes all supplies & mat. This will be held in the card room. You may sign up in the back of big hall. Bring your own wine & glass if you want to paint-n-sip. *Volunteers are needed to bring cheese & crackers.

Our annual Craft Sale is scheduled Thursday, Feb. 2. We have a new chair, Julie Lawrence. Lunch will be served and residents may donate pies. Schedule for workers and pie donations is posted in the back of Friendship Hall. Robert Norby is known as having eaten the MOST pie .. 9 pieces in 4 hours. Anyone want to challenge him?

Happy to announce Feb. 9 we can again enjoy Lasagna at the Italian Dinner. Chair Mark Kunkel is asking for a couple people to check prices at Olive Garden. Tickets at $10pp will be available Jan. 23 & 30 for tables of 8. Final tickets will be sold on Jan. 30.

Bill Jones at #20 has set up two Rocket Ranch Space X Bus Trips. Due to some cancellations, the 1st bus on Feb. 14 has a few openings. A second trip is offered on Feb. 22. Money to secure seat is needed. The bus will pick us up at 6:30 a.m.,return us all at $50 pp. They will stop for “pay for your own lunch” at Vermillion Restaurant. Questions, contact Bill.

Nancy Gonnerman at #23 tells us a Ladies’ Old Fashioned Tea Party will be held Thursday, Feb. 23. Committee has yet to decide whether this will be held morning or afternoon. More info on this early in February.

Judy Shively is chairing this year’s Women’s Salad Luncheon on Thursday, March 9. Cost is $1 pp plus a salad.

Looking ahead .. a Midwest Reunion of RVE folks will be held in Galena, Illinois with Aug. 3-7 set as tentative dates. Steve St.Clair says this is being hosted by some of the same folks who planned the Cobden Peach Festival last summer. Wineries, many tours, reasonable prices of places to stay are available in Galena. Kathy Cochran has promised to transport some of those delicious Illinois peaches to Galena for our enjoyment. If you attended the fun time in Cobden last summer, you know it was so much fun!! Indicate if you are interested (no obligation) by writing your name on sheet.

Here’s a late announcement from Ron Henderson .. the Weslaco Fire Department will be here next Monday to talk about Vial of Life. This project was begun a few years ago & it’s a good idea. You have a “vial” that you write your medical information on, place vial in refrigerator where it can be found by fire department or ambulance crew in case of emergency. They can read what meds you may be taking or special medical needs you might have.

GAME RESULTS: Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. WRITE LEGIBLY!

BEAN BAGS – Jan. 10 – Russell Branstetter, Diane Branstetter

Jan. 11 – David Cochran, Ron Henderson

Jan. 12 – Russell Branstetter, Robert Lingle

CANASTA – Table of 6 –

Jan. 9 – Jewel Kruckman, Judy Greenlee, Mardell Blom 36725

Jan. 13 – Beverly Yancey, Juanita Fisher, Linda Palermo 47880


DOMINOS – Mexican Train – Jan. 10 – Janel Baker, Dottie Sanders, Mary Lou Sirovy, Diane Branstetter, Sue Pio, Phyllis Branstetter, Margaret Thomas, Rex Pio, Marilyn Cummins Jan. 15 – Mary Lou Sirovy, Rex Pio, Russel Branstetter, Marge Reishus, Margaret Thomas, Barbara Fisher, Lois Henderson, Janie Maxwell, Phyllis Branstetter, Diane Branstetter

DUMMY RUMMY – Jan. 14 –

1st – Judy Nordquist 242 2nd – Beverly Yancey 246

3rd – Virginia Baker 260 4th – Al Lenius 267

PINOCHLE – Single Deck – Jan. 12 –

Sharon Bussinger, Jewel Kruckman

SHUFFLING - Jan. 10 – Judy Greenlee, Tim Dillon, Ron Henderson, Larry Carlson, David James Jan. 11 – Russel Branstetter, David Cochran, Ron Henderson, Larry Carlson

Jan. 13 – Larry Carlson


1st – Marlene Prohaska 2nd – Dottie Sanders 3rd – John Quail

TIC – Jan. 11 –

1st – Patti Lamp 127 2nd – Dick Topel 142

3rd – Mark Probst 171 4th – Janel Baker 178

A few final thoughts from your retiring editor ..

“Remember, it is HEALTH that is real WEALTH .. and not pieces of gold and silver.”

I read this a few years ago before I got this old.

Your kids are becoming you but your grandchildren are perfect!

Going out is good. Coming home is even better!

You forget names but it’s OK because other people forgot they knew you!

You realize you’re never going to be really good at anything .. especially golf.

The things you used to care to do, you no longer care to do , but you really do care that you don’t care to do them anymore.

You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV blaring than in bed. It’s called “pre-sleep”.

You miss the days when everything worked with just an “on” and “off” switch.

You tend to use more 4 letter words .. “what?” “when?” ???

You notice everything they sell in stores is “sleeveless”!!

What used to be freckles are now liver spots.

Everybody whispers.

You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet .. 2 of which you will never wear.

But “OLD” is good in some things:

OLD songs .. OLD movies .. and best of all,

Our dear OLD FRIENDS!!!

Monday, January 9, 2023

Jan. 9th

 RVE CLUB MEETING –Chair Judy Nordquist calledmeeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song.

Accompanist – Jan Delashmit

Invocation – Irene Quail

Secretary –Virginia Baker .. TY to Dana Daves who filled in as Secretary until Virginia arrived this past week.

Treasurer – Sandy Olson

If you’d like your blood pressure checked, Nancy Gonnerman is behind the stage (quilt room) on Mondays 8:30-9 a.m. before our morning meeting.

Thanks to these donut gals for serving at Monday morning meetings .. Patty Lamp & Phyllis Branstetter; and to George Morgan who brews our coffee If anyone is interested in buying donuts for any particular Monday meeting, see chair Judy Nordquist.

Chairperson Judy said it is a rule that no one is allowed to come to our Monday meetings who is promoting/soliciting a product. However, you may wish to be in back room AFTER our Jan. 23 meeting for a presentation.

An uncomfortable situation was found in men’s bathroom. Do NOT use wastebasket for “you know what”!! Nuf said!

Managers’ Report – Manager Jan O’Dell told us the least favorite thing she does is collecting contact info. However, it is important. If an emergency comes up, they can’t legally go into your unit. Management is requesting everyone complete an emergency contact sheet so they know who to call as resident’s contact person. She distributed forms all are asked to complete & turn into office. Residents are asked to not leave rent checks dated later than March 1 in case there is a lot rent increase. Folks who have indicated they want white poinsettias may pick them up at office. Website for park is

Board Members -- Properties – George Morgan, Lynn Stamp, Jose Ponce; Finance – Vicki Davis, Janel Baker, Sandy Olson. If you have issues to present, contact any board member. They sit in a group toward the right front of Friendship Hall prior to Monday meeting.

Virginia Baker gave Secretary report. It was approved.

Sandy Olson gave Treasurer’s report& it was approved.

Properties committee chair Lynn Stamp reported we are still waiting for refrigerator/freezer repairs.

Dances are scheduled for 2023 according to chairs Craig & Dana Daves. Cost is $8 pp. Craig tells us last Monday was one of the best crowds we’ve had. Roger Kenaston is the band tonight, 7 to 9:30 p.m. Schedules are on back wall.

Marylyn Mason, Entertainment chair, thanked those who attended last Friday night program. She said Naomi Bristow from Canada will provide traditional country/gospel music as our program this Friday, Jan. 23, $8 pp. 50-50 draw will be held.

If you don’t have an RVE name tag, check with Donna Gabbert who makes these, $3 each. We encourage folks to purchase & wear them.

Donna Gabbert puts cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684. Cards up this week: Henry Hryniw in Canada for medical tests; family of former resident Janice Philipp who passed away last week.

Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Read her entry dated Jan. 8, it was something we can all relate to. Find her blog at Her email is

A board member for Finance & Properties will be elected in March. These are 3 year terms.

Upcoming Events:

Jan. 11 – Park Pizza Party, Mr. Gatti’s, 11:30 a.m.

Jan. 19 – Kentucky Derby Dance Party, $10 pp tickets on sale, doors open at 5 p.m.

Jan. 24 – “Painting With Pals”, 1:30 p.m. see sign up sheet

Feb. 2 – Craft Sale, 8-noon

Feb. 9 – Italian Dinner, $10 pp, Lasagna is on the menu!

Feb. 14 – Bus Trip to Space X Rocket Ranch, $50 pp

Feb. 22 – 2nd Bus Trip to Space X, see sign up sheet

March 9 – Women’s Salad Luncheon, Judy Shively chairs

We welcome Steve St. Clair as pastor for 9 a.m. Sunday church services beginning Jan. 8 until end of season.

Newsletters are available mid-afternoon on Mondays by back door in card room. A few may be found in office area.

David Johnson at #93 has done our park directory for many years. Mark Probst has stepped up to help with this project. If you have any changes to contact info, etc. you may contact Mark by completing a form available at office.

Have you missed Saturday Morning Breakfasts in Friendship Hall? Sandy Olson announces our RVE Club Board will be preparing breakfast for you soon .. dates to be announced next week. This will be offered with a change in time to 8-10 a.m.

It was mentioned “possibly?” the Iowa group would do this as well .. think so?

Would you be interested in helping residents with Federal taxes? You can volunteer; they will train you. Sharon Sprague & Judy Nordquist can give you more info on this. This is through AARP.

Maxine Topel read a thank you from “Emily’s Meals” for items we’ve donated? This little girl began her project when she was 6 years old & has been doing it for several years. Isn’t it nice to know work done & donated by our park is appreciated? Did you know it takes 800 plastic bags for the mats we’ve been making?

Mark Probst takes items to Recycling Center Tuesday afternoons. Residents may drop these off at #54 or #55. Most plastics, newspapers may be included. Mark asks all to break down cardboard boxes before putting into truck.

TY to George Morgan who will pick up your trash bags at end of your driveway if you are unable to take these to the dumpsters yourself. No one has taken advantage of this yet. George does this Fridays about 9 a.m.

Social Hour has been moved to card room hall as often large hall is busy setting up for other activities. Pool tables are covered to protect them. Gordon Amos most often sets up for Social Hour & will write up what the chair does .. so possibly others will help with these duties. See Gordon or our chair Judy if you would chair.

Donna Gabbert thanks all who got their pictures taken for the 2022-23 pictorial album. The rest of the photos are being scheduled for Jan. 17, 18 & 19. It’s free to have your picture taken & put in album. You may purchase a CD with your photos for $20. You can take the CD anywhere you choose & get pictures made. The photo album is $20. Be sure to bring money at the time of the sitting. Directories should be available April 1.

Dean Ricke who organizes our twice a month Park Pizza Party announced Jan. 11 is the next party. He has east room reserved at Mr. Gatti’s. Plan to eat at 11:30 a.m. & wear your name tags.

Mary Norby reminds all of the Kentucky Derby Dance Party on Thursday, Jan. 19. Pictures will be taken in a photo booth by John Norris beginning at 5 p.m.. Ken Barnhart is emcee. Del Hickey will be bugler. Tickets at $10 pp will still be available next Monday. If tables are not sold to RVE residents, sales will open up to out of park folks. Kathy Cochran is handling ticket sales. Committee is selling tickets by entire table of 8. Please have one person in charge of each table with the $80 in hand. Individual tickets may be purchased & will be located at a table where you can meet new friends. There will be food, mint juleps, horse races, much fun. Table service is provided. BYOB. Steven May will entertain. Decorate your table if you wish but no prizes for best table. There will be prizes for best Derby hats. The horse races at $5 each have all been sold! There will be prizes for a Parade of Hats. Itinerary of activities at Derby Night is posted on back bulletin board.

“Painting with Pals” has been planned by Vickie Carlson, Lot 74, on Tuesday, Jan. 24, 1:30 p.m. Artist is Amy Baldridge with cost at $20 pp due at the time of class. Cost includes all supplies & mat. This will be held in the card room. You may sign up in the back of big hall. Bring your own wine & glass if you want to paint-n-sip. *Volunteers are needed to bringcheese & crackers.

Our annual Craft Sale is scheduled Thursday, Feb. 2. We have a new chair, Julie Lawrence. More info will be announced soon. Will you be looking for pies for noon lunch, Julie?

Happy to announce Feb. 9 we can again enjoy Lasagna at the Italian Dinner. Judi DeKoning will have more on this later.

Bill Jones has set up a Rocket Ranch Space X Bus Trip on Tuesday, Feb. 14. Since first bus is FULL, a second trip is being offered on Feb. 22, with 15-20 seats available. Busses will pick up residents at 6:30 a.m.The bus will pick us up here at RVE, return us … $50 pp. They will stop for “pay for your own lunch”.

Judy Shively is chairing this year’s Women’s Salad Luncheon on Thursday, March 9. Cost is $1 pp plus a salad.

Looking ahead .. a Midwest Reunion of RVE folks will be held in Galena, Illinois with Aug. 3-7 set as tentative dates. Steve St.Clair says this is being hosted by some of the same folks who planned the Cobden Peach Festival last summer. Wineries, many tours, reasonable prices of places to stay are available in Galena. Kathy Cochran has promised to transport some of those delicious Illinois peaches to Galena for our enjoyment. More on this later. If you attended the fun time in Cobden last summer, you know it was so much fun!!

All activities in Friendship Hall should be cleared with Virginia Baker on Club Secretary’s Calendar.

Judi DeKoning posts monthly activities on back bulletin board.

Editor sends info to news media including Winter Texan Times, Monitor, Winter Texan Connection & Welcome Home Winter Texan to announce activities that are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Get written info to editor 3 weeks before event please. PAID ads are sent to media by the chairperson of the activity.

Editor thanks all for written notes for newsletter. Some items are edited for content & size. Newsletters are available Monday mid-afternoon by back door in card room. Some may be found in office lobby area.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Jan. 8th 2023

We have lost 3 former residents of the park recently, Hector Therrien, Jan Phillips, and Monica Paca.  Makes you think about being in the last quarter of your life. I saw this and when I read it I was quite moved by it:

This is one of the nicest and most gentle articles I’ve read in a while: no politics, no religion and no racial issues - just food for thought. 

You know ……
Emojitime has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years.

It seems just yesterday that I was young and embarking on my new life. Yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. 
I know that I lived them all. 
I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes and dreams.

However, here it is …… the last quarter of my life and it catches me by surprise.
How did I get here so fast? 
Where did the years go and where did my youth go?

I remember well seeing older people through the years and thinking that those older people were years away from me and that I was only on the first quarter and that the fourth quarter was so far off that I could not visualise it or imagine fully what it would be like.

Yet, here it is …… my friends are retired and getting grey - they move slower and I see an older person now. Some are in better and some worse shape than me but I see the great change. They’re not like the ones that I remember who were young and vibrant …… but like me, their age is beginning to show and we are now those older folks that we used to see and never thought we'd become.

Each day now, I find that just getting a shower is a real target for the day! and taking a nap is not a treat anymore, it's mandatory! because if I don't of my own free will, I fall asleep where I sit!

And so …… now I enter into this new season of my life unprepared for all the aches and pains and the loss of strength and ability to go and do things that I wish I had done but never did! But at least I know that, though I’m on the last quarter and I'm not sure how long it will last, that when it's over on this earth... it's over. 
A new adventure will begin!

Yes, I have regrets. There are things I wish I hadn't done …… things I should have done but truely there are many things I'm happy to have done. 
It's all in a lifetime.

So, if you're not on the last quarter yet, let me remind you that it will be here faster than you think. So, whatever you would like to accomplish in your life do it quickly! 
Don't put things off too long! Life goes by so quickly. 
So, do what you can today, as you can never be sure whether you're on the last quarter or not!

You have no promise that you will see all the seasons of life.... so, live for today and say all the things that you want your loved ones to remember - and hope that they appreciate and love you for all the things that you have done for them in all the years past!

‘Life’ is a gift to you. 
Be Happy!
Have a great day!

Remember, it is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.

You may think;

Going out is good - but coming home is better!

You forget names - but it's okay because some people forgot they even knew you!

You realize you're never going to be really good at anything like golf - but you like the outdoors!

The things you used to care to do, you aren't as interested in anymore - but you really don't care that you aren't as interested.

You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV on than in bed – you call it ‘pre-sleep’!

You miss the days when everything worked with just an ‘On’ and ‘Off’ switch!

You tend to use more 4 letter words – ‘what’ and ‘when’

You have lots of clothes in your wardrobe, more than half of which you will never wear – but just in case!

Old is good - 
•    Old is comfortable
•    Old is safe 
•    Old songs
•    Old movies
•    …… and best of all,
•    Friends of old!

So, stay well, ‘Old friend!’
Have a fantastic day! 
Have an awesome quarter – whichever one you’re in!
Take care