We only had about 32 at donuts this morning.
Queen Bee Darlene led the discussion, Aloyce and Dave furnished the donuts but kind of forgot so Bobby and Gary went and picked them up. The Berglunds have had a lot going on, with Bill and Dar this week. Also yesterday had their dogs spade and Bill and Dars dog did not feel good last night and Aloyce was up with it real late, it wasn't coming out of the anesthetic very well, but all is fine this morning. Bill and Dars daughter is here for awhile and yesterday they moved Bill to Weslaco Nursing and Rehab facility on 18th St. He has been in and out of the hosp. 4 times in the last 6 weeks or so. And has not bounced back like he has in the past.
I sent cards to Irma and Arvin Brown, former residents who lived at 252. Their son Lee was killed in a firey crash. Also a card for Madison the Mgrs. Grand daughter who has had quite a virus with strept throat and ear infection, she's 4.
Connie and Jack were there and gave a little run down on what the guys are doing. They are moving the 2 dumpsters that are across from the bathrooms in the 99's over along the fence with the rest of the dumpsters, and will pour a cement slab. and there will be a little more room for storage area. also building onto the work shop and making a much larger place for the guys and Asst. Mgrs. tools.Also are going to paint the benches at the shuffleboard court.
We were reminded of the Mother's Day potluck to be this Sunday at 12:30. Bobby Thomas and Harel Aderton were going to be setting up the tables this morning.
We are having a Fun Night next Friday night. Bobby Thomas is grilling hotdogs and we will all bring a snack and play games after. We had fun nights last Summer and it was neat.
Bobby says to remind you Veterans to please send him your pic. for the Wall of Honor. get it sized to a 4 X 6 please, some were sent and were not near big enough and I had to resize it on my scanner/printer and the quality is not quite as good as I would like it.Besure to include your rank at discharge and years of service, if you didnt fill out the form before you left.
We had a Ladies Day Out , Thursday. We went to a place called "Tasters" on North Texas.Formally "The Bistro" It was a bit pricey and service not so great but of course we all enjoyied the fellowship. We plan to do this every couple weeks or so. But different places.there was 18 of us. We were going to Mama's Garden Cottage but she had a big Red Hat luncheon there that day and couldnt accomadate us so thats why we went to Tasters.
Well thats about all for now. Haven't heard from Bev Ostrander about her Grand daughter yet. I do know she may bring a new Border Collie back with her, you all knew her "Misty" died shortly before she left for Iowa
Email or call me about anything you may want posted on the blog. I am doing the cards until Irene quail gets back which may be within a week or so.
Miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!!