Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Donuts

This Friday morning we had about 50 for our first donut Friday. The office supplied the donuts.
Darlene Bryant lead the discussion. she said the Paca's had an accident on the way home, North of DesMoines, Monica has several breaks in her back. So sorry to hear about that. Jerry Nordquist had his surgery and is doing good. Rexroad is recovering from his back surgery and is on the mend, also Aloyce Berglund had back surgery, she had some problems with way too much fluid build up and had to have alot of lasex. She is doing better.
We are going to think about what kind of Dinner we will have on Mother's Day.
And decide next Friday.
Sharon Sprague said $532.00 was turned in for aluminum cans from Oct. to Apr.
That's a pretty nice sum.
We are having 2 weddings in our hall this year, Bill and Velda Lee's son is getting married this Sat. And Bev Ostrander and Del later in May I believe.
We sure have had the rain down here, several inches. I guess the onion crop will really suffer as they don't get dry enough so they won't keep well.There's rain in the forecast for the next several days yet!
I am going to take some pictures around the park later, there's some beautiful cactus blooming and other flowers.
I heard from Therriens, just to let us know they got home safely.
I will write later, hope you all got home safely and have a great Summer!

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