Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sept. 17th

I don't really have much to say this week, just like this squirrel just "chillin" waiting for everyone to start coming in. This little varmit is eating our pecans before they even ripen, making a terrible mess on the patio, as he nibbles off all the outside the pieces hit the patio they leave a black stain and it's next to impossible to get off. He's not one bit afraid of the dog or us. I tried to shoo him out of the tree and he was within 5 feet of me and wouldn't budge, even after I threw one of his pecans at him.
Lamps and Mary Ann Hennigar furnished the donuts Friday. I didn't go, I went aquasizing. Bobby said nobody said a word. Thursday a group went to Willy's B.B.Q.
and some said it was good, I didn't go. We had our regular Social Hour Wednesday.
The only card to sign is for Alice Matson, her niece died.
The Philipps are back.
Get packing everyone!!!!

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