Monday, December 5, 2011

Dec. 5th

Every time I go up tp the office I see more folks that have come in. Today I saw Carolyn Thomson, who just arrived last night and also Sally Hejlik who got in a couple days ago. Our weather for the coming week doesn't sound the greatest...highs in the low 60's upper 50's and lows in the 40's. But I have to remember this is our Winter and it isn't all that bad. Judy Nordquist is our chair now with Jan Philipp secretary. Connie gave a mgt report, she said the judging of the Christmas Lighting will be done the week of Dec. 15th. Also she reminded us that non resident visitors may come to regular events but cannot reserve or attend on their own. Scott came and got the computers in the office area working, and now someone said the Wi-Fi in the R.V. section is out. There was discussion on buying a new ice machine and The Park owner paying some of the cost. Irene Quail gave the Courtesy report and sent cards to Betty Aderton, back surgery, Jeanne Whites, Sister died, Vince Lange fell and broke his neck, in a brace, Dale Clark taken to hosp. breathing problems. Minnesota serving breakfast in Dec. need someone to Chair January.

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