Monday, December 26, 2016
Dec. 26th
It won't belong until the new year! It doesn't seem possible, 2016 went so fast!
Our Christmas Dinner was very nice, over 190 people there! The Ham was so good!
Here's the Newletter:
1 Rio Valley News
2 Rio Valley Estates Mobile Home and RV Resort --715 N. Westgate Drive, Weslaco, Texas 78596
Volume 45 NO. 8 Date: December 26, 2016
1.1.1 SUNDAY
8:30 Church November – March Tom Cassidy
2:30 Ice Cream Brock &Adrianne Laing (Jan. 8)
3:00-4:00 Hymn Sing not yet
4:00-1st Sun. of Month – Karaoke Oct.-March Bev Telfor
7:00 M.T.Dominoes Agnes Messner & Dick Topel
8:30 (tee time) Golf Monte Cristo
9:00 Coffee/Donuts Donated by Bud & Lois Kraft
9:15 Blood Pressure behind stage Virginia Baker
9:30 Club Meeting December and January
1.1.2 Chairperson Judy Nordquist
1.1.3 Vice-Chairperson Darlene Bryant
1.1.4 Secretary Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Jim Moeller
10:30 Senior Yoga Judi DeKoning & Dana Daves
1:00 Canasta Fran Hryniw & Donna Gabbert
1:00 Bean Bags Bob Kerkau
1:00 Darts
6:30 Fifty Six
7:00 Thirty one Darlene Ales
7:00-9:30 Dance Beginning Jan. 9 with Country Roland Jr.
7:25 Regular Exercise 8:00 Walking Exercise
8:00 & 8:45 Aqua Exercise Sharon Sprague
9:00 15 cent Shuffling Dave Johnson
9:00 Senior Yoga (change time) J.DeKoning & D.Daves
9:30 Line Dancing Bev Talley when she returns
9:30 Charity Quilting Marge Rexroad
1:00 Ladies 8-Ball Pool
1:00 Bridge Dick Gibson
1:00 Regular Dominoes Chris Stephens
7:00 M T Dominoes Agnes Messner & Dick Topel
7:00 Euchre Jerry Hutchinson
1.1.5 9:00 Mixed Shuffling Dave Johnson
9:00 Bridge Lessons Dick Gibson
1.1.6 9:13 (1st tee time) Golf, Tierra Santa Harry Fisher
11:30 Pizza Party (2nd & 4th week) Rickes & Goodwins
1:00 Bean Bag
1:00 Canasta Fran Hryniw
4:00 Happy Hour, eat at 4:30 Bring food & beverage
6:30 Tic (draw for # at 6:20) Sharon Sprague
7:00 Cribbage David & June Clement
7:00 Hand and Foot Mary Christianson
9:00 Senior Yoga (change time) J.DeKoning & D.Daves
9:30 Line Dancing Bev Talley when she returns
1:00 Bridge Dick Gibson
1:30 Shuffling LeRoy Larson
7:00 Pitch (draw for # at 6:30)
7:00 Free Movie begins Jan. 5 “Greater”
9:00 – Shuffling Dave Johnson
9:15 Bowling, Pins& Cues Mary Lou Sirovy
9:30 Bible Study Tom Cassidy leads
12:30 Golf at Executive (signup 10:30 a.m.) Dean Ricke
1:00 Canasta Fran Hryniw
5:00 Pot Luck not yet
7:00 Entertainment Jan. 6 - Mario Rosales - $7 pp
7:00-8:30 Breakfast Volunteers for January ?
9:00 Dummy Rummy LeRoy Larson, John Bowers
9:30 Choir Practice
1:00 Bridge Dick Gibson
7:00 Bingo Catherine Gibbs
7:00 Single Deck Pinochle (not Dec. 31) R/M Davis
7:00 Texas Hold'um
(Get names of new chairpersons to editor at Lot #103 please)
Drop notes for newsletter at editor's lot #103 or hand deliver at Monday meetings. WRITTEN NOTES HELP. Due to lack of space, especially LENGTHY discussions, some items are edited.
Thanks to Virginia Baker who has volunteered to take blood pressures behind stage prior to our Monday meetings.
Thanks to Bud & Lois Kraft who provided donuts today.
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Donna Perkins “Our prayers are effective.” followed by all praying The Lord’s Prayer
Secretary Report – Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Manager Bob Davis said no details on death of owner Walter Piper’s 56 year old son Scott. This occurred on Christmas Eve. If you wish to leave house key at office, you should check to be sure it works.
Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Anyone with news can get it to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch. Since the County Extension agent was unable to be with us this morning, He will speak after next Monday meeting about fruit trees. Meet behind the stage. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
A suggestion to amend article (10) Negotiating Properties & Finance committee was voted upon at today's meeting. It was approved & reads: “In the event of the resignation of a member of the committee during his/her term, the standing chairperson shall suggest a replacement by the next meeting. Confirmation of the suggested person shall be voted on by the Club, with a simple majority carrying the motion.”
Bev Telfor is filling in for Helen Curtis with card duties. Call her at 956-968-0446 if you know of someone needing a card due to illness or death of family member. Cards are placed in front office area for us to sign. Helen will be placing a sympathy card this week for family of Scott Piper.
Here's address for former assistant manager Diane Butcher who went north due to medical problem. If you wish to send her a card, it's 6922 ½ So. 25th St., #2, Bellevue, NE 68147.
Entertainment chair Brock Laing tells us the first show is January 6 with Mario Rosales. Cost is $7 pp. He's a singer, stand-up comedian/impressionist, actor & voice-over artist. Potluck is held prior to show.
Come to FREE MOVIE “Greater”on Thursday, Jan. 5.
Dance chairs Craig/Dana Daves & Brock/Adrienne Laing tell us dances begin Jan. 9 with Country Roland Jr. Price is $6 pp. Sign up if you can help by selling 50-50 & entrance tickets. Sharon Sprague pops corn, could use in help with concession stand.
Hip Hip Hoorah .. Al Kruckman and crew will be serving January Saturday morning breakfasts beginning Jan. 7. Come 7-3:30 and enjoy pancakes only $2.50, with sausage $3.
Do you want to know what is going on
in RioValley Estates?? Come to the
Monday meetings. Attendance has been
DOWN this season. Sure, you get a
Newsletter IF editor’s computer & printer work .. some days it doesn’t!!
Upcoming Dates –
Dec. 31 – New Year's Eve Party, 6 p.m. Eat at 8:30 p.m.
Jan. 6 – Blood Wellness Test, 6:30 a.m. (John Geer in charge)
Jan. 10 – Specialty Swim Wear rep in big hall, 1-4 p.m.
If editor does not print an announcement, did you
give her a written note? Sure helps if you do!!
Did you lose a ring, check with Sam or Helen Curtis. They found it between their mobile & #18.
Char Therrien thanked all who helped & attended the Christmas dinner, esp. the Printys for help with ham, Rev. Tom Cassidy & crew for set up, servers, clean-up folks too. Great food! We thank Hector & Char who stepped up to chair.
Winners in Park Lighting Decorations were announced at Christmas Dinner. They were: 99s-400s—1st Rollo/Arlene Fisher #H-1, 2nd Stan/JaninaTomasiewicz #410,3rd Jerry/Mitze Hutchinson #421; Mobile Homes - 1st Farrell/Mary Lou Sirovy #104, 2nd Sharon Bussinger #212, 3rd Ed Marcukaitis/Laurie Walter #225. Congrats to all!
Dave Johnson #93 & Sharon Sprague #244 have a few of last year's park directories you may purchase, $1.50 each.
Have you picked up your Park Pictorial Directory you ordered when pictures were taken last season? If not, check with Donna Gabbert at #270 as she has these.
Interested in Bowling? Bowl Fridays, 9:15 a.m. (previously 1 p.m.) at Pins 'N' Cues, Weslaco. Mary Lou Sirovy tells us the group bowls with our sister park, Ranchero Village. Cost is $9 with a chance to win $3 off the next time you go.
Would you like to learn to play Bridge? Lessons are given by Dick Gibson Wednesdays, 9 to 10 a.m. Call him at 816-799-6946 as there is limited seating. They use book by John Oda available for $6 refundable. First come first serve. After lessons, bridge is played from 10 to 11 o'clock.
Note Yoga time changes. Monday Yoga begins 10 min. after meeting. Thanks to Judi Dekoning & Dana Daves for leading until Janie Maxwell returns. Time changed on Tuesday & Thursday to 9 a.m.
Margaret Davis reports Pinochle will not be held
Dec. 31 due to New Year's Eve party.
Mary Christianson announces Hand & Foot has changed back to Wednesday evenings.
Muchas gracias to Jerry Hutchinson for chairing Euchre card game on Tuesday evenings. All welcome!!
How about Sunday Ice Cream? Brock & Adrianne Laing report this will begin Jan. 8, 2:30 p.m. All come.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday, at 8 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
We have many golfers in our park .. Craig Daves & Paul Sprague have placed sign up on board to see if enough would like to golf on Tues. & Thurs. at different parks in the area. Friday golf at Executive Course in Weslaco is still an organized group.
Marlene Prohaska invites all to join the fun in the big hall on New Year's Eve. Party begins at 6 p.m. with music, games, fun. There is no charge. Bring a favorite game if you wish and finger food to share. Plans are to eat about 8:30. Committee provides coffee & punch.
John Geer says Wellness) Testing will be done Jan. 6, 6:30 a.m. by Rio Grande Regional Hospital. You need to fast for 12 hrs. Bring a check to pay for tests. Test for for Hep. C is $30. There is sign up sheet. Integra Stroke Prevention is done Feb. 21 and you need to call them for appointment. See board for info.
Specialty Swimwear will be on display in Friendship Hall, Jan. 10, 1-4 p.m. Sizes 4-32 are offered.
It's not too soon to be thinking about the Jan. 27 Flea Market which is chaired by Lucy Johnson. Get your tables reserved, $2 per table. See sign up sheet.
It’s been announced the 7th annual Sock Hop will be held Thursday, Feb. 2. Committee member Mary Lou Benson tells all to put this on the calendar! We are going back to the “original Sock Hop” held at Rio Valley Estates. Gals, get out your poodle skirts. Guys, grow your sideburns. Ticket sales will begin soon. Chairs are Ken & Sue Barnhart.
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 9 Craft Show. She encourages crafters to book tables, $10 each. Only 9 tables remain. Pass the word to other parks & folks as our show is the ONLY one in the Valley that has all handmade items.
Mid Valley Olympic competition is Feb. 13-17 says John Geer. Changes are those who compete in Golf age 70 or older move up to ladies' tees .. and Bean Bag is double elimination. Signup by Jan. 13. We will host “500” on Feb. 17, 8:30 a.m
The Cancer Fundraiser Tea Party is scheduled Feb. 16. Raffles are done to raise money for the project. If you would be willing to help with a quilt for the following year & would sew a block, contact Dianna Bruce at #146. Items the ladies sew include pillows, dolls, quilts, afghans & baby blankets. Dianna can give you info on sizes.
Linda Palermo who has chaired our Vet’s Luncheon in the past encourages someone to step up to chair this event. She has given a informational notebook to our Board if anyone would like to look at it. She said, “We NEED to honor our vets. It doesn’t have to be complicated or fancy.” Her feelings were echoed by another former chair Mary Norby.
GAME RESULTS Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. Write legibly!
BEAN BAGS – Dec. 19 - Liz Livingood, Bob Kerkau
Dec. 21 - Butch Anderson, Bob Kerkau
BOWLING – Dec. 23 - Pins ‘N’ Cues -
Ed Marcukaitis - High Game 137 High Series 364
Laurie Walter - High Game 142 High Series 383
BRIDGE – Dec. 20 - 1st - Dick Gibson 2980
2nd - Mary Jean Steward 2700
Dec. 22 - 1st - Ed Hover 3390
2nd - Margaret Davis 3150
CANASTA – Table of 4 -
Dec. 19 - Kay Hutton, Catherine Donovan Score?
Dec. 21 - Janean Geer, Fran Hryniw 31790
Dec. 23 – Margie Rexroad, Jeanie Burkinshaw 30520
Table of 6 - Dec. 21 -
Marion Fidler, Kay Hutton, Patti Lamp 38785
CRIBBAGE – Dec. 21 - June Clement 721
DOMINOES – Mexican Train – Dec. 20 – Verna Fischer, Ann Johnson, Mary Lou Sirovy, Patti Lamp, Donna Gabbert, Marge Reishus, Judy Greenlee Dec. 25 – Fran Hryniw, Patti Lamp, Allen Swanson, Maud Fisher, Hazel Bocock
DUMMY RUMMY – Dec. 24 - 1st – Del Telfor 127
2nd(tie) – Patti Lamp,Agnes Messner 206 4th- Lois Kraft 212
EUCHRE - Dec. 22 -
1st - Al Swanson 2nd - Bill Burwell Score?
GOLF – Dec. 23 – Executive –
Women’s Low – Francis Hryniw 40
Men’s Low – Henry Hryniw 30 Rollo Fisher 35
HAND & FOOT – Dec. 22 –
Judy Shively, Grace Thornton, Mary Christianson 20300
PINOCHLE – Not played this week (or next week either)
PUSH RUMMY – Dec. 19 –
SHUFFLING –Dec. 21 - Henry Hryniw, Al Swanson Dec. 23 -
Henry Hryniw, Gerald Messner, Allen Swanson, LeRoy Larson
TIC – Dec. 14 – Gert Rufkahr had high with 426
1st - Marge Reishus 117 2nd - Sharon Sprague 145
3rd - Hector Therrien 188 4th - Kathryn Ratliff 206
Dec. 21 - 1st (tie) - Marlene Prohaska, Sandy Lenius 169
3rd - Bob Davis 173 4th - Frank Willard 192
Nostalgic Bits of Americana
You’ve got a pretty fair memory if you can
look back and remember when …
The only frozen food people ate was ice cream.
When you had a cold, Mother rubbed your chest with Vicks ointment & covered it with a piece of warm flannel. My first mother-in-law said if you didn’t rub the ointment on bottom of your feet, it wouldn’t work! I taught this to my children & they still believe Grandma Schmidt knew what she was talking about!
In winter, children spent half their time scratching themselves because they all wore long woolen underwear.
Rich kids had stamp collections. Poor kids made collections of cigar bands stripped from stogie stubs they found in the street.
You learned the evils of gambling by playing marbles for keeps.
It was a popular parlor sport to try to get messages from the spirit world via ouija boards.
Grown men who played golf or tennis were regarded as sissies.
It was seventh heaven to buy your best girl a 5-cent cherry soda at the drug store & drink it with 2 straws.
Mothers didn’t want their daughters to date a young man if word got around that he had been seen coming out of a burlesque show.
The furnace ashes always had to be carried out just when you wanted to run off & play roller hockey with the gang.
Everybody took it for granted that sooner or later he would have to have his tonsils out .. and probably his appendix too.
All fat men were supposed to be naturally jolly .. and not suffering from neuroses that caused them to eat compulsively.
Summer wasn’t really summer until the whole family had its first watermelon of the season on the back porch.
Most big league baseball players chewed tobacco.
Girls with long curls had a better chance of marrying young.
The biggest financial problem of most small boys was how to raise the money to take a secret course in ventriloquism by mail .. or to order a Charles Atlas course on how to build your muscles.
Those were the days!! Remember?
Monday, December 19, 2016
Dec. 19th
I see this all the time, familys out to dinner and each one with their cell phone in their faces and not talking to each other, it's a shame, but I feel it's the folks fault to allow it, but their as bad as their kids lol
Well, Friday our thermometer said temperature was close to 90 degrees and Sat. it was not much over 40, and today in the 40's. Tomarrow is to be up to 60! I hope we don't get many of those 40 degree days!!!
Here is a short summary of what went on in the meeting this morning...Well, Friday our thermometer said temperature was close to 90 degrees and Sat. it was not much over 40, and today in the 40's. Tomarrow is to be up to 60! I hope we don't get many of those 40 degree days!!!
Rio Valley News
Rio Valley Estates Mobilehome and RV Resort --715 N. Westgate Drive, Weslaco, Texas 78596
Volume 45 NO. 7 Date: December 19, 2016
8:30 Church November – March Tom Cassidy
2:30 Ice Cream not yet
3:00-4:00 Hymn Sing not yet
4:00-1st Sun. of Month – Karaoke Oct.-March Bev Telfor
7:00 M.T.Dominoes Agnes Messner & Dick Topel
8:30 (tee time) Golf Monte Cristo
9:00 Coffee/Donuts provided by Craig & Dana Daves
9:15 Blood Pressure Virginia Baker
9:30 Club Meeting December and January
Chairperson Judy Nordquist
Vice-Chairperson Darlene Bryant
Secretary Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Jim Moeller
10:30 Senior Yoga Judi DeKoning & Dana Daves
1:00 Canasta Fran Hryniw & Donna Gabbert
1:00 Bean Bags Bob Kerkau
1:00 Darts
6:30 Fifty Six
7:00 Thirty one Darlene Ales
7:00-9:30 Dance Beginning Jan. 9
7:25 Regular Exercise 8:00 Walking Exercise
8:00 & 8:45 Aqua Exercise Sharon Sprague
9:00 15 cent Shuffling Dave Johnson
9:00 Senior Yoga (change time) J.DeKoning & D.Daves
9:30 Line Dancing Bev Talley
9:30 Charity Quilting Marge Rexroad
1:00 Ladies 8-Ball Pool
1:00 Bridge Dick Gibson
1:00 Regular Dominoes Chris Stephens
7:00 M T Dominoes Agnes Messner & Dick Topel
9:00 Mixed Shuffling Dave Johnson
9:00 Bridge Lessons Dick Gibson
9:13 (1st tee time) Golf, Tierra Santa Harry Fisher
11:30 Pizza Party (2nd & 4th week) Rickes & Goodwins
1:00 Bean Bag
1:00 Canasta Fran Hryniw
4:00 Happy Hour, eat at 4:30 Bring food & beverage
6:30 Tic (draw for # at 6:20) Sharon Sprague
7:00 Cribbage David & June Clement
9:00 Senior Yoga (change time) J.DeKoning & D.Daves
9:30 Line Dancing Bev Talley
1:00 Bridge Dick Gibson
1:30 Shuffling LeRoy Larson
7:00 Pitch (draw for # at 6:30)
7:00 Hand and Foot Mary Christianson
7:00 Euchre
7:00 Free Movie Beginning January 4
9:00 – Shuffling Dave Johnson
9:15 (change time) Bowling, Pins& Cues Mary Lou Sirovy
9:30 Bible Study Tom Cassidy leads
12:30 Golf at Executive (signup 10:30 a.m.) Dean Ricke
1:00 Canasta Fran Hryniw
5:00 Pot Luck not yet
7:00 Entertainment Beginning Dec. 23 – Ralph Kuster
7:00-8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Dummy Rummy LeRoy Larson, John Bowers
9:30 Choir Practice This has begun
1:00 Bridge Dick Gibson
7:00 Bingo Catherine Gibbs
7:00 Single Deck Pinochle (not Dec. 24 & 31) R/M Davis
7:00 Texas Hold'um
(Get names of new chairpersons to editor at Lot #103 please)
Drop notes for newsletter at editor's lot #103 or hand deliver at Monday meetings. WRITTEN NOTES HELP. Due to lack of space, especially LENGTHY discussions, some items are edited.
Thanks to Craig/Dana Daves who provided our donuts today.
There is a sign up on board if others wish to do the same.
Thanks to Virginia Baker who has volunteered to take blood pressures behind stage prior to our Monday meetings.
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Tom Cassidy
Secretary Report – Sharon Sprague, sub
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
Irene Quail made presentation of monies donated by Club & individuals to managers, assistants & workers. The boxes of non-perishable items were given to Roberto and Roland.
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Managers Bob & Vickie Davis announced assistant manager Diane Butcher has left due to a health issue. Prayers & well wishes to her. If you wish to leave house key at office, you should check to be sure it works. Don't worry these keys will NOT fall into the wrong hands as they are coded. Your name/lot # won't be available to thieves.
Website for our park is
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed year-round with a blog. Go to Anyone with news can get it to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Want the monthly calendar? Send your email to her at
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch. The County Extension Office has agreed to talk to us about tree diseases in the Valley, etc. A rep will be here behind stage after next week's meeting. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
A suggestion to amend article (10) Negotiating Properties & Finance committee was made & will be voted upon at next Monday's meeting. It reads: “In the event of the resignation of a member of the committee during his/her term, the standing chairperson shall suggest a replacement by the next meeting. Confirmation of the suggested person shall be voted on by the Club, with a simple majority carrying the motion.”
Helen Curtis, announced she will be absent from park due to medical tests in Temple TX. In her absence Bev Telfor will be handling card duties. Call her at 956-532-6033 if you know of someone needing a card due to illness or death of family member. Cards are placed in front office area for us to sign. This week a card will go to Diane Butcher.
Entertainment chairs Brock & Adrienne Laing have arrived! Brock thanked Rex/Marge Rexroad who took over for him prior to their arrival. The 1st Friday entertainment is Dec. 23 with Ralph Kuster Christmas Show. This is a wonderful show with traditional & country Christmas music along with a few surprises. Be sure to attend. Cost is $6 pp. This season there are only 2 repeats from 2 years ago. First show in January will be Mario Rosales, the only one that will be $7 pp. FREE MOVIES begin January 4, title yet unknown :-)
Dance chairs are Craig/Dana Daves & Brock/Adrienne Laing. Dances begin Jan. 9. Price is $6 pp. There will be a signup sheet on board if residents could help with dances.
Hector/Char Therrien are chairing Christmas Day Dinner with ham provided by Club. Sign up if planning to attend so a count can be taken. Church will be held in Friendship Hall at usual time & Tom Cassidy has promised a short sermon so set-up of tables can be done. Dinner will be enjoyed at 1 p.m.
Upcoming Dates –
Dec. 25 – Christmas Dinner, Friendship Hall 1 p.m.
Dec. 31 – New Year's Eve Party, 6 p.m. Eat at 8:30 p.m.
Jan. 6 – Blood Profiles (John Geer in charge)
Jan. 10 – Specialty Swim Wear rep in big hall, 1-4 p.m.
Jan. 27 – Flea Market in big hall (Lucy Johnson in charge)
Newsletter editor Mary Lou #103, sends info of activities to news media. Only activities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC may be placed on news media.
If editor does not print an announcement, did you
give her a written note? Sure helps if you do!!
Dave Johnson #93 & Sharon Sprague #244 have a few of last year's park directories you may purchase, $1.50 each.
Have you picked up your Park Pictorial Directory you ordered when pictures were taken last season? If not, check with Donna Gabbert at #270 as she has these.
Interested in Bowling? Bowl Fridays, 9:15 a.m. (previously 1 p.m.) at Pins 'N' Cues, Weslaco. Mary Lou Sirovy tells us the group bowls with our sister park, Ranchero Village. Cost is $9 with a chance to win $3 off the next time you go.
Would you like to learn to play Bridge? Lessons are being given by Dick Gibson Wednesdays, 9 to 10 a.m. Call him at 816-799-6946 as there is limited seating. They use book by John Oda available for $6 refundable. First come first serve. After lessons, bridge will be played from 10 until 11 o'clock.
Note on calendar Yoga time changes. As announced before, Monday Yoga will begin 10 min. after meeting. Leader Janie Maxwell is gone over holidays. Thanks to Judi Dekoning & Dana Daves for leading until her return. Time is changed on Tuesday & Thursday to 9 a.m.
Margaret Davis reports Pinochle will not be held
Dec. 24 & 31 due to Christmas Eve & New Year's Eve.
A signup sheet is on the board if you'd like to indicate your interest in playing Euchre.
How about Sunday Ice Cream? We have volunteers for the month of February. Who would do January?
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday, at 8 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
We have many golfers in our park .. Craig Daves & Paul Sprague have placed sign up on board to see if enough would like to golf on Tuesdays & Thursdays at different parks in the area. Friday golf at Executive Course in Weslaco is still an organized group.
Char Therrien thanked all who came for Caroling last night. It was held in Friendship Hall due to weather and was a lot of fun with goodies to enjoy afterwards.
Marlene Prohaska invited all to join the fun in the big hall on New Year's Eve. Party begins at 6 p.m. with music, games, fun. There is no charge. Bring a favorite game if you wish and finger food to share. Plans are to eat about 8:30. Committee provides coffee & punch.
A Toy Drive is underway for Children's Hospital. There is also a room for teens at hospital. Toys are given not only to children with cancer but to those with other illnesses/injuries. You may take new or gently used toys to chair Dianna Bruce #146. She will make the “toy run” on Dec. 22 so please get these to her prior to then. If you would rather donate cash so toys can be purchased, take your donations to Sharon Barksdale. She & her Secret Santa will go shopping for the toys.
Specialty Swimwear will be on display in Friendship Hall, Jan. 10, 1-4 p.m. Sizes 4-32 are offered.
It's not too soon to be thinking about the Jan. 27 Flea Market which is chaired by Lucy Johnson. Get your tables reserved, $2 per table. See sign up sheet.
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 9 Craft Show. She & her helper Sue McLaughlin encourage crafters (handmade items only) to book tables, $10 each.
The Cancer Fundraiser Tea Party is scheduled Feb. 16. Raffles are done to raise money for the project. If you would be willing to help with a quilt for the following year & would sew a block, contact Dianna Bruce at #146. Items the ladies sew include pillows, dolls, quilts, afghans & baby blankets. Dianna can give you info on sizes.
John Geer explained upcoming Blood Profile (Wellness) Testing to be done Jan. 6, 6:30 a.m., by Rio Grande Regional Hospital. There is sign up sheet. Integra Stroke Prevention is done Feb. 21 (correction from Feb. 22 previously announced).
Mid Valley Olympic competition is Feb. 13-17 says John Geer. Changes are those who compete in Golf age 70 or older move up to ladies' tees .. and Bean Bag is double elimination. Our Club agreed to pay all fees. We will host “500” on Feb. 17, 8:30 a.m.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Dec. 12th
Winter Graphics

More Orkut Picture Scraps
We had pretty darn cold weather for here, Friday and Saturday! down in the 40's, and yesterday up to 80.
No wander we get colds and flu this time of year. Start off with a warm coat and long pants then change to shorts in the afternoon.
We attended HEB's Feast of Sharing Saturday at the Joan of Arc Parish Hall here in Weslaco, It was the 14th annual Feast of Sharing and over 5,000 meals were provided as a "Thank You" from HEB for patronizing their stores.
This morning Kay Wright furnished donuts in memory of Dean, her husband who passed away.
Here's the newsletter
RVE CLUB MEETING – Vice chair Darlene Bryant called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Dorothy Bryant
Secretary Report – Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
Thank you to Kay Wright who provided donuts at our meeting in memory of her late husband Dean.
Thanks to Jan Delashmit who is our accompanist.
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Managers Bob Davis reported “Grandma & Grandpa” lost last week have been found. :-)
Judging of Christmas lights throughout the park will be done next week with presentation at Christmas Dinner. Website for our park is
Read Donna Gabbert's blog..she keeps us informed year-round .. Anyone with news can get it to her at #270.
Club website by Judi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. She will email monthly calendar if you send her your email. Her email is
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch. If you have one of the stainless steel bowls from kitchen, please return as one appears to be missing. Residents are welcome to use of items from kitchen but should check these out with a board member. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis, 603-674-3869, handles card duties. She appreciates calls if anyone knows of someone needing a card due to illness or death of family member. Cards are placed in front office area for us to sign. This week cards were sent to Lorraine Origer & Maggie Hunt on death of their brother; and Ruth Arnmstrong, removal of toe.
Dance chairs are Craig/Dana Daves & Brock/Adrienne Laing. Dances begin Jan. 9. Price is $6 pp.
Entertainment chairs Brock & Adrienne Laing should be arriving by Dec. 15. Our first Friday entertainment is Dec. 23 with Ralph Kuster's Christmas Show.
Come Saturday morning, 7 to 8:30 for BISCUITS AND GRAVY. Thanks to the Therriens & crew for feeding us. Scrambled eggs are included, $3 pp. with some breakfasts given free, luck of the draw. Bring your table service!
We are in debt to Hector & Char Therrien AGAIN!! They will be chairing Christmas Day dinner. Ham is provided by club. Needing 10 ladies to bring scalloped potatoes. Sign up if planning to attend so a count can be taken. CHURCH WILL BE HELD IN FRIENDSHIP HALL AT USUAL TIME .. THUS, DINNER WILL BE ENJOYED AT 1:00 P.M.
We decided to give managers and assistant managers $50 each (4 x $50 = $200) as Christmas gifts. It was voted and approved that park workers Roberto & Roland each be given $50 from the club. Irene Quail, Lot #49, is taking donations of money to be given to the park workers. These gifts will be presented at next Monday's meeting along with the boxes of non-perishable items for the workers. It was noted items could be not only food but also paper & cleaning products.
Upcoming Dates –
Dec. 14 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
Dec. 25 – Christmas Dinner, Friendship Hall 1 p.m.
Dec. 31 – New Year's Eve Party, 6 p.m. Eat at 8:30 p.m.
Jan. 6 – Blood Profiles (John Geer in charge)
Jan. 10 – Specialty Swim Wear rep in big hall, 1-4 p.m.
Jan. 27 – Flea Market in big hall (Lucy Johnson in charge)
Newsletter editor Mary Lou #103, sends info of activities to news media. Winter Texan Times only takes info from ONE person in the park. Only activities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC may be placed on news media.
If editor does not print an announcement, did you
give her a written note? Sure helps if you do!!
We thank Dianna Bruce & Catherine Gibbs for the beautiful decorations in Friendship Hall. Doesn't it make you feel like Christmas will soon be here? IT WILL!
Dave Johnson #93 & Sharon Sprague #244 have park directories you may purchase, $1.50 each.
Have you picked up your Park Pictorial Directory you ordered when pictures were taken last season? If not, check with Donna Gabbert at #270 as she has these.
Would you like to learn to play Bridge? Lessons will be given by Dick Gibson on Wednesdays from 9 to 10 a.m. Call him at 816-799-6946 as there is limited seating. They will use book written by John Oda available for $6 refundable. First come first serve. After lessons, bridge will be played from 10 until 11 o'clock.
Darlene Bryant noted there was very little response as to whether to schedule Euchre Thursday evenings. She will check further as this previously was a popular game.
Note on calendar Yoga time changes. As announced before, Monday Yoga will begin 10 min. after meeting. Leader Janie Maxwell is gone over holidays. Thanks to Judi Dekoning & Dana Daves for leading until her return. Time is changed on Tuesday & Thursday to 9 a.m.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday, at 8 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
We have many golfers in our park .. Craig Daves & Paul Sprague have placed sign up on board to see if enough would like to golf on Tuesdays & Thursdays at different parks in the area. Friday golf at Executive Course in Weslaco is still an organized group.
George Krantz has taken over can crushing. Monies from sale of cans/tabs is used in park. Remove tabs. He collects plastic bottle caps, with money given to charity.
Dean & Millie Ricke invite residents to the 1st Pizza Party of the season Wed., Dec. 14, 11:30 a.m. at Peter Piper Pizza, Weslaco. This is held twice a month, 2nd & 4th Wed. Bring your Peter Piper cup if you have one & your beverage is free. Ice cream free and drawing for prizes. Cost is $7.03 pp, includes tax.
Discussion was heard about whether we would have a Golf Cart Parade and/or Christmas Caroling. Charlotte Therrien announced she will lead the Christmas Caroling next Sunday evening, 6:30 p.m. Meet at Friendship Hall. The group goes throughout the park singing! Snacks are enjoyed in Friendship Hall afterwards....bring snacks. Hector will be baking his cookies!
Plan to come join the fun in Friendship Hall on New Year's Eve. Party begins at 6 p.m. with music, games, fun. NO CHARGE!! You are encouraged to bring a favorite game if you wish. Bring finger food to share with plans to eat about 8:30. Committee provides coffee & punch.
A Toy Drive is underway for Children's Hospital. There is also a room for teens at hospital. Toys are given not only to children with cancer but to those with other illnesses/injuries. You may take new or gently used toys to chair Dianna Bruce #146. She will make the “toy run” on Dec. 22. If you would rather donate cash so toys can be purchased, take your donations to Sharon Barksdale. She & her Secret Santa will go shopping for the toys.
Specialty Swimwear will be on display in Friendship Hall, Jan. 10, 1-4 p.m. Sizes 4-32 are offered.
It's not too soon to be thinking about the Jan. 27 Flea Market which is chaired by Lucy Johnson. Get your tables reserved, $2 per table. See sign up sheet.
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 9 Craft Show. She & her helper Sue McLaughlin encourage crafters (handmade items only) to book tables, $10 each.
The Cancer Fundraiser Tea Party is scheduled Feb. 16. Raffles are done to raise money for the project. If you would be willing to help with a quilt for the following year & would sew a block, contact Dianna Bruce at #146. Items the ladies sew include pillows, dolls, quilts, afghans & baby blankets. Dianna can give you info on sizes.
Judi DeKoning reports Cancun trip is cancelled.
FromAnonymous ..
“We know we're getting old when we can't do one thing...without first remembering how it USED to be done.”
“After a certain age, you don't bother holding your stomach in, no matter who's looking at you.”
Five Deadly Terms Used by a Woman
Fine – This is the word a woman uses to end an argument when she knows she is right and you need to shut up.
Nothing – Means something & you need to be worried.
Go Ahead – This is a dare, not permission. Do not do it.
Whatever – A woman's way of saying screw you.
That's Okay – She is thinking long & hard on how & when you will pay for your mistake.
Bonus Word: Wow! - This is not a compliment. She's amazed that one person could be so stupid.
Thanks to Bob Blank for sending these along.
Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
What disease did cured ham actually have?
If a deaf person has to go to court,
is it still called a hearing?
Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV?
Why is “bra” singular and “panties” plural?
If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares,
why is there a stupid song about him?
If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio
out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?
If corn oil is made from corn and vegetable oil is made
from vegetables, what is baby oil made from?
If electricity comes from electrons,
does morality come from morons?
Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?
How come you never hear father-in-law jokes?
The statistics on sanity is that one out of every four persons are suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's YOU!
Saturday, December 10, 2016
What a cool Grandpa
♪ღ♪'Twas the night before Christmas & out on the ranch
The pond was froze over & so was the branch.
The snow was piled up belly-deep to a mule.
The kids were all home on vacation from school,
And happier young folks you never did see-
Just all sprawled around a-watchin' TV.
Then suddenly, some time around 8 o'clock,
There came a surprise that gave them a shock!
The power went off, the TV went dead!
When Grandpa came in from out in the shed
With an armload of wood, the house was all dark.
"Just what I expected," they heard him remark
"Them power line wires must be down from the snow.
Seems sorter like times on the ranch long ago."
"I'll hunt up some candles," said Mom. "With their light,
And the fireplace, I reckon we'll make out all right."
The teen-agers all seemed enveloped in gloom.
Then Grandpa came back from a trip to his room,
Uncased his old fiddle & started to play
That old Christmas song about bells on a sleigh.
Mom started to sing, & 1st thing they knew
Both Pop & the kids were all singing it, too.
They sang Christmas carols, they sang "Holy Night,"
Their eyes all a-shine in the ruddy firelight.
They played some charades Mom recalled from her youth,
And Pop read a passage from God's Book of Truth.
They stayed up till midnight-and, would you believe,
The youngsters agreed 'twas a fine Christmas Eve.
Grandpa rose early, some time before dawn;
And when the kids wakened, the power was on..
"The power company sure got the line repaired quick,"
Said Grandpa - & no one suspected his trick.
Last night, for the sake of some old-fashioned fun,
He had pulled the main switch - the old Son-of-a-Gun!
The pond was froze over & so was the branch.
The snow was piled up belly-deep to a mule.
The kids were all home on vacation from school,
And happier young folks you never did see-
Just all sprawled around a-watchin' TV.
Then suddenly, some time around 8 o'clock,
There came a surprise that gave them a shock!
The power went off, the TV went dead!
When Grandpa came in from out in the shed
With an armload of wood, the house was all dark.
"Just what I expected," they heard him remark
"Them power line wires must be down from the snow.
Seems sorter like times on the ranch long ago."
"I'll hunt up some candles," said Mom. "With their light,
And the fireplace, I reckon we'll make out all right."
The teen-agers all seemed enveloped in gloom.
Then Grandpa came back from a trip to his room,
Uncased his old fiddle & started to play
That old Christmas song about bells on a sleigh.
Mom started to sing, & 1st thing they knew
Both Pop & the kids were all singing it, too.
They sang Christmas carols, they sang "Holy Night,"
Their eyes all a-shine in the ruddy firelight.
They played some charades Mom recalled from her youth,
And Pop read a passage from God's Book of Truth.
They stayed up till midnight-and, would you believe,
The youngsters agreed 'twas a fine Christmas Eve.
Grandpa rose early, some time before dawn;
And when the kids wakened, the power was on..
"The power company sure got the line repaired quick,"
Said Grandpa - & no one suspected his trick.
Last night, for the sake of some old-fashioned fun,
He had pulled the main switch - the old Son-of-a-Gun!
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Monday, December 5, 2016
December 5th
Such beautiful weather for Thanksgiving week and up until yesterday! Wow! it felt pretty cold yesterday, the wind made it feel all the more cold. Misty rainy all day! But today it's supposed to be nice and up until Thursday fairly warm. I think around 40's some mornings Thursday and Friday, and I freeze at 55!!
So much food on Thanksgiving and then just Wednesday we had Chicken cooked on the grill by Ken Barnhart and help. Everyone brought a dish to pass...yikes I hate to step on that scale.And also Bobby and crew did Biscuits and Gravy Saturday. A very nice turnout we will continue this for each Sat. this month. If you're lucky you may get a free breakfast!!!!
This is Snookball--a new type of pool game devised by two French entrepreneurs. It uses a giant version of the traditional pool table, except that the balls are soccer balls instead of wooden billiard balls.
You can play two or four-person games. Like in regular pool, you drive balls into the pockets using the cue ball. But instead of using a cue stick, you kick the cue ball.
There are standard games: the Game of 8 and the Game of 9. In the game of 8, the 8-ball must be driven in last. Whoever pockets the 8-ball prior to this or knocks the 8-ball out of bounds loses. In the Game of 9, players try to pocket the 9-ball as soon as possible.
Looks like fun to me!
Here's the newsletter! Thanks to Mary Lou
RVE CLUB MEETING - Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – none VOLUNTEER???
Invocation – Sandy Novak “A Bad Day” .. followed by prayer
Secretary Report – Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
We welcomed new & returning residents to park. Thank you to John & Janean Geer who provided donuts this morning.
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Managers Bob & Vickie Davis were with us. A card addressed to “Grandma & Grandpa” and signed by “Abigail Schaefer” has been received at office, wondering if anyone knows who this might belong to? Trash container behind Friendship Hall often overflows. Do NOT put trash on ground there. Rather, you may use the new one placed to north of 99s area. Clean up after pets PLEASE. If you notice someone not adhering to this rule, contact office & that person(s) will be contacted. The website for our park Rio Valley Estates is
Read Donna Gabbert's blog..she keeps us informed year-round .. Anyone with news can get it to her at #270.
Club website byJudi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Would you like to be emailed a copy of the monthly calendars Judi puts on website? If so email her at, put RVE or CALENDAR in the subject line.
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch. Nativity is being put up today. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis handles card duties. In her absence you may call Bev Telfor, 956-532-6033. Thanks, Bev, for filling in. She appreciates calls if anyone knows of someone needing a card due to illness or death of family member. Cards are placed in front office area for us to sign. Today there is one for Mary Koliba who has been at heart hospital.
Dance chairs are Craig/Dana Daves & Brock/Adrienne Laing. Dances begin Jan. 9 with 10 scheduled. Price is $6 pp. See bulletin board for list of who to expect this season.
Entertainment chairs Brock & Adrienne Laing should be arriving by Dec. 15. Rex & Marge Rexroad assist them & report a full slate booked. The 1st show is Dec. 23 with Ralph Kuster's Christmas Show. See bulletin board for complete list. The cancellation of Ball Ranch Family on Jan. 27 has been filled by Richard Lynch Band.
Come Saturday morning, 7 to 8:30 for BISCUITS AND GRAVY. Last week 102 enjoyed breakfast. Thanks to the Therriens & crew for feeding us. If you've not had Bobby Gabbert's biscuits & gravy, you're missing a good meal! Scrambled eggs are included, $3 pp. with some breakfasts given free, luck of the draw. Bring your table service!
Looking for volunteers to chair dinner on Christmas Day. The menu usually includes ham with the remainder potluck.
Back to the pet clean-up problem that was discussed, Ken Barnhart said we have the most expensive beautiful area for our dogs to exercise. Look at the fenced in area behind the 99s, built over the summer! Use it. We realize 99% follow the rules, as always it's the 1% who don't. No excuse to not clean up after your pets. Chair Judy emphasized the same thing!
Upcoming Dates –
Dec. 8 – Wine & Cheese Party, 3 p.m. $3 at door
Dec. 14 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
Jan. 6 – Blood Profiles (John Geer in charge)
Jan. 10 – Specialty Swim Wear rep in big hall, 1-4 p.m.
Jan. 27 – Flea Market in big hall (Lucy Johnson in charge)
Newsletter editor Mary Lou #103, sends info of activities to news media. Winter Texan Times only takes info from ONE person in the park. Only activities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC may be placed on news media.
If editor does not print an announcement, it MAY be that you didn't give her a written note...or she screwed up !!!
“Thank You to my RVE family for everything you did for David and me while I was ill. This includes calls, food, cards, visits. If you don't live in our park, you are missing something. God is good.” – Kathy Cochran
We talked about what to give managers & assistants for Christmas gift. It appeared last year they were given cash so not recorded as a check written. Be thinking about this as this was tabled until next Monday. It was pointed out that $25 doesn't go far anymore (IF that was the amount?) and it was suggested we give cash or check rather than gift card. It was stated by Darlene Bryant that just because we have done something for many years doesn't mean we can't change it...good point.
A suggestion by Rex Rexroad was that we update or at least review bylaws. He thought we should appoint a 3 person committee to look into any changes that might need to be made. Approved.
Irene Quail #49 is collecting monies residents may wish to donate to our workers, Roberto and Roland. You may drop off $$$ to Irene and she'll put all in an envelope to be presented before Christmas. Irene will also put up a box for food & staples donations to be given to them. Please do not put perishable/outdated items in the boxes.
Dave Johnson #93 & Sharon Sprague #244 have park directories you may purchase, $1.50 each.
Have you picked up your Park Pictorial Directory you ordered when pictures were taken last season? If not, check with Donna Gabbert at #270 as she has these.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday, at 8 a.m.
Ladies who would like to join the 8-Ball Ladies Pool group are invited to come on Tuesdays, 1 p.m. says Agnes Messner.
Does anyone in the park still play Euchre? asked Darlene Bryant. It's on schedule for Thursday evening. If so, a chair is needed. She added, “If you want to start an activity, just do it!”
If you wish to golf at Executive Course on Fridays, Dean Ricke says sign up for tee time is 10:30 a.m. Play begins 12:30. Prices same as last year.
Want to learn Swedish Weaving? Helen Curtis will teach at her home, #95 if anyone interested. Call her for info 603-674-3869.
George/Sharyl Krantz have taken over can crushing. Monies from sale of cans is used in park. George collects plastic bottle caps with that money given to charity. He thanked the person who likes Busch Light as those tabs are always removed!
The final planning meeting of Amigos de los Ninos will be held Tuesday, Dec. 13, at Donna Methodist Church, 1:30 p.m. It's important to attend if you wish to help in Progreso on Christmas Day. Caravan Day is Dec. 23. They are short by 1000 no. 2 pencils.
Kathy Cochran reported a Toy Drive is currently on for Children's Hospital Cancer Treatment Ward. Sharon Barksdale said there is also a room for teens at hospital. You may take new or gently used toys to chair Dianna Bruce #146. The Cancer Fundraiser Tea Party is scheduled Feb. 16, more on this later.
Wine & Cheese Party is Thursday, Dec. 8, 3 p.m. Gals, if you've not attended this, you need to come. Chair Joyce Amos does a wonderful job of planning! Cost at the door is $3 pp. All are asked to bring a bottle of their favorite wine, possibly from your state up north, and a wine glass wrapped in a bag for an exchange. If you don't drink, bring other drink of your choice.
Dean & Millie Ricke invite residents to the 1st Pizza Party of the season Wed., Dec. 14, 11:30 a.m. at Peter Piper Pizza, Weslaco. This is held twice a month, 2nd & 4th Wed. Bring your Peter Piper cup if you have one & your beverage is free. Ice cream free and drawing for prizes. Cost is $7.03 pp, includes tax.
It's not too soon to be thinking about the Jan. 27 Flea Market which is chaired by Lucy Johnson. Get your tables reserved, $2 per table. See sign up sheet.
Specialty Swimwear will be on display in Friendship Hall, Jan. 10, 1-4 p.m. Sizes 4-32 are offered.
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 9 Craft Show. She & her helper Sue McLaughlin encourage crafters (handmade items only) to book tables, $10 each.
Judi DeKoning has set up an All Inclusive Trip to Cancun Feb. 11-17, 2017. See info on board or contact Judi at her home, #67.
Bean Feed has been changed from Jan. 19 to Feb. 23, 4:30 p.m. This info is from chairs Dick/Maxine Topel.
So much food on Thanksgiving and then just Wednesday we had Chicken cooked on the grill by Ken Barnhart and help. Everyone brought a dish to pass...yikes I hate to step on that scale.And also Bobby and crew did Biscuits and Gravy Saturday. A very nice turnout we will continue this for each Sat. this month. If you're lucky you may get a free breakfast!!!!
This is Snookball--a new type of pool game devised by two French entrepreneurs. It uses a giant version of the traditional pool table, except that the balls are soccer balls instead of wooden billiard balls.
You can play two or four-person games. Like in regular pool, you drive balls into the pockets using the cue ball. But instead of using a cue stick, you kick the cue ball.
There are standard games: the Game of 8 and the Game of 9. In the game of 8, the 8-ball must be driven in last. Whoever pockets the 8-ball prior to this or knocks the 8-ball out of bounds loses. In the Game of 9, players try to pocket the 9-ball as soon as possible.
Looks like fun to me!
Here's the newsletter! Thanks to Mary Lou
RVE CLUB MEETING - Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We began with Pledge of Allegiance to Flag & singing of God Bless America; closed by singing club song.
Accompanist – none VOLUNTEER???
Invocation – Sandy Novak “A Bad Day” .. followed by prayer
Secretary Report – Judi DeKoning
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
We welcomed new & returning residents to park. Thank you to John & Janean Geer who provided donuts this morning.
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Managers Bob & Vickie Davis were with us. A card addressed to “Grandma & Grandpa” and signed by “Abigail Schaefer” has been received at office, wondering if anyone knows who this might belong to? Trash container behind Friendship Hall often overflows. Do NOT put trash on ground there. Rather, you may use the new one placed to north of 99s area. Clean up after pets PLEASE. If you notice someone not adhering to this rule, contact office & that person(s) will be contacted. The website for our park Rio Valley Estates is
Read Donna Gabbert's blog..she keeps us informed year-round .. Anyone with news can get it to her at #270.
Club website byJudi DeKoning is .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley. Would you like to be emailed a copy of the monthly calendars Judi puts on website? If so email her at, put RVE or CALENDAR in the subject line.
Properties report was given by Jerry McAninch. Nativity is being put up today. Board Members: Properties – Dan O'Dell, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Charlotte Therrien, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis handles card duties. In her absence you may call Bev Telfor, 956-532-6033. Thanks, Bev, for filling in. She appreciates calls if anyone knows of someone needing a card due to illness or death of family member. Cards are placed in front office area for us to sign. Today there is one for Mary Koliba who has been at heart hospital.
Dance chairs are Craig/Dana Daves & Brock/Adrienne Laing. Dances begin Jan. 9 with 10 scheduled. Price is $6 pp. See bulletin board for list of who to expect this season.
Entertainment chairs Brock & Adrienne Laing should be arriving by Dec. 15. Rex & Marge Rexroad assist them & report a full slate booked. The 1st show is Dec. 23 with Ralph Kuster's Christmas Show. See bulletin board for complete list. The cancellation of Ball Ranch Family on Jan. 27 has been filled by Richard Lynch Band.
Come Saturday morning, 7 to 8:30 for BISCUITS AND GRAVY. Last week 102 enjoyed breakfast. Thanks to the Therriens & crew for feeding us. If you've not had Bobby Gabbert's biscuits & gravy, you're missing a good meal! Scrambled eggs are included, $3 pp. with some breakfasts given free, luck of the draw. Bring your table service!
Looking for volunteers to chair dinner on Christmas Day. The menu usually includes ham with the remainder potluck.
Back to the pet clean-up problem that was discussed, Ken Barnhart said we have the most expensive beautiful area for our dogs to exercise. Look at the fenced in area behind the 99s, built over the summer! Use it. We realize 99% follow the rules, as always it's the 1% who don't. No excuse to not clean up after your pets. Chair Judy emphasized the same thing!
Upcoming Dates –
Dec. 8 – Wine & Cheese Party, 3 p.m. $3 at door
Dec. 14 – Park Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
Jan. 6 – Blood Profiles (John Geer in charge)
Jan. 10 – Specialty Swim Wear rep in big hall, 1-4 p.m.
Jan. 27 – Flea Market in big hall (Lucy Johnson in charge)
Newsletter editor Mary Lou #103, sends info of activities to news media. Winter Texan Times only takes info from ONE person in the park. Only activities OPEN TO THE PUBLIC may be placed on news media.
If editor does not print an announcement, it MAY be that you didn't give her a written note...or she screwed up !!!
“Thank You to my RVE family for everything you did for David and me while I was ill. This includes calls, food, cards, visits. If you don't live in our park, you are missing something. God is good.” – Kathy Cochran
We talked about what to give managers & assistants for Christmas gift. It appeared last year they were given cash so not recorded as a check written. Be thinking about this as this was tabled until next Monday. It was pointed out that $25 doesn't go far anymore (IF that was the amount?) and it was suggested we give cash or check rather than gift card. It was stated by Darlene Bryant that just because we have done something for many years doesn't mean we can't change it...good point.
A suggestion by Rex Rexroad was that we update or at least review bylaws. He thought we should appoint a 3 person committee to look into any changes that might need to be made. Approved.
Irene Quail #49 is collecting monies residents may wish to donate to our workers, Roberto and Roland. You may drop off $$$ to Irene and she'll put all in an envelope to be presented before Christmas. Irene will also put up a box for food & staples donations to be given to them. Please do not put perishable/outdated items in the boxes.
Dave Johnson #93 & Sharon Sprague #244 have park directories you may purchase, $1.50 each.
Have you picked up your Park Pictorial Directory you ordered when pictures were taken last season? If not, check with Donna Gabbert at #270 as she has these.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday, at 8 a.m.
Ladies who would like to join the 8-Ball Ladies Pool group are invited to come on Tuesdays, 1 p.m. says Agnes Messner.
Does anyone in the park still play Euchre? asked Darlene Bryant. It's on schedule for Thursday evening. If so, a chair is needed. She added, “If you want to start an activity, just do it!”
If you wish to golf at Executive Course on Fridays, Dean Ricke says sign up for tee time is 10:30 a.m. Play begins 12:30. Prices same as last year.
Want to learn Swedish Weaving? Helen Curtis will teach at her home, #95 if anyone interested. Call her for info 603-674-3869.
George/Sharyl Krantz have taken over can crushing. Monies from sale of cans is used in park. George collects plastic bottle caps with that money given to charity. He thanked the person who likes Busch Light as those tabs are always removed!
The final planning meeting of Amigos de los Ninos will be held Tuesday, Dec. 13, at Donna Methodist Church, 1:30 p.m. It's important to attend if you wish to help in Progreso on Christmas Day. Caravan Day is Dec. 23. They are short by 1000 no. 2 pencils.
Kathy Cochran reported a Toy Drive is currently on for Children's Hospital Cancer Treatment Ward. Sharon Barksdale said there is also a room for teens at hospital. You may take new or gently used toys to chair Dianna Bruce #146. The Cancer Fundraiser Tea Party is scheduled Feb. 16, more on this later.
Wine & Cheese Party is Thursday, Dec. 8, 3 p.m. Gals, if you've not attended this, you need to come. Chair Joyce Amos does a wonderful job of planning! Cost at the door is $3 pp. All are asked to bring a bottle of their favorite wine, possibly from your state up north, and a wine glass wrapped in a bag for an exchange. If you don't drink, bring other drink of your choice.
Dean & Millie Ricke invite residents to the 1st Pizza Party of the season Wed., Dec. 14, 11:30 a.m. at Peter Piper Pizza, Weslaco. This is held twice a month, 2nd & 4th Wed. Bring your Peter Piper cup if you have one & your beverage is free. Ice cream free and drawing for prizes. Cost is $7.03 pp, includes tax.
It's not too soon to be thinking about the Jan. 27 Flea Market which is chaired by Lucy Johnson. Get your tables reserved, $2 per table. See sign up sheet.
Specialty Swimwear will be on display in Friendship Hall, Jan. 10, 1-4 p.m. Sizes 4-32 are offered.
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 9 Craft Show. She & her helper Sue McLaughlin encourage crafters (handmade items only) to book tables, $10 each.
Judi DeKoning has set up an All Inclusive Trip to Cancun Feb. 11-17, 2017. See info on board or contact Judi at her home, #67.
Bean Feed has been changed from Jan. 19 to Feb. 23, 4:30 p.m. This info is from chairs Dick/Maxine Topel.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Fun at Riverside
A bunch of R.V.E. folks went over to Riverside, ate and took the boat ride! For those who don't know about it, Riverside is a bar and they have food and appetizers, and you can ride a boat on the Rio Grande. They have Tenderloins, that I've been told are really good
Thanks Daves for sending the pictures to me!!
Monday, November 21, 2016
Monday Nov. 21st
What beautiful weather we are having. for the next week highs in the 80's, perfect!!!
Monday morning meeting was held and donuts furnished by Kathryn Ratliff in honor of her late husband, also Helen brought zuchini bread.
Mgr. Bob said the office wil be closed this Thurs. & Friday. They have fixed the water fountain and adjusted showers.
A card is up to sign for the McLaughlin's as Sues Sister passed away.
Election of officers next Monday.
A party to celebrate Margaret Davis's 90th birthday with music by Fred Goldsberry.
Grillling chicken on Nov. 30th, $3.00 pp
Dec. 2nd is the yard/patio sale 7a.m. until noon
Dec. 8th is the wine & Cheese party
Have a Happy thanksgiving ya'll!
Monday morning meeting was held and donuts furnished by Kathryn Ratliff in honor of her late husband, also Helen brought zuchini bread.
Mgr. Bob said the office wil be closed this Thurs. & Friday. They have fixed the water fountain and adjusted showers.
A card is up to sign for the McLaughlin's as Sues Sister passed away.
Election of officers next Monday.
A party to celebrate Margaret Davis's 90th birthday with music by Fred Goldsberry.
Grillling chicken on Nov. 30th, $3.00 pp
Dec. 2nd is the yard/patio sale 7a.m. until noon
Dec. 8th is the wine & Cheese party
Have a Happy thanksgiving ya'll!
Monday, November 14, 2016
Nov. 14th
I finally got up to the hall to get a newsletter, so I could write a few more comments about the meeting this morning.
A new resident, Dan O'Dell, I think #289, where Sutherland's lived, is going to take Clyde Reads position on Properties. Clyde is going to have some back surgery.
A card was sent to Nancy Argo, heart problems, she's home and doing well. Also Helen gave an update on Agustin Torres, he is out of ICU and will be going to re-hab.
Dances start Jan.9th, there's an increase in price to $6.00pp
Anyone wishing to go to dinner at Marisco's Nov. 15th are to sign-up, a large group are going.
also Margaret Davis is having a 90th Birthday party at 2p.m. on Nov. 25th
We are having grilled chicken on the Nov. 30th, sign-up for that
Dec. 2nd there will be a Yard Patio Sale from 7a.m. till noon.
Can recycling has begun, George Krantz has volunteered to help out. George and wife Sharyl are new to the park,lot 63.
That's it for now!
UPDATE ON THANKSGIVING.... Larry and Hector will cook all the turkeys up at the hall. I think there will be around 12 turkeys cooked!!!!!!!!!
A new resident, Dan O'Dell, I think #289, where Sutherland's lived, is going to take Clyde Reads position on Properties. Clyde is going to have some back surgery.
A card was sent to Nancy Argo, heart problems, she's home and doing well. Also Helen gave an update on Agustin Torres, he is out of ICU and will be going to re-hab.
Dances start Jan.9th, there's an increase in price to $6.00pp
Anyone wishing to go to dinner at Marisco's Nov. 15th are to sign-up, a large group are going.
also Margaret Davis is having a 90th Birthday party at 2p.m. on Nov. 25th
We are having grilled chicken on the Nov. 30th, sign-up for that
Dec. 2nd there will be a Yard Patio Sale from 7a.m. till noon.
Can recycling has begun, George Krantz has volunteered to help out. George and wife Sharyl are new to the park,lot 63.
That's it for now!
UPDATE ON THANKSGIVING.... Larry and Hector will cook all the turkeys up at the hall. I think there will be around 12 turkeys cooked!!!!!!!!!
Nov. 14
The meeting this morning really dragged on. Folks just could not decide or agree on what to do about our Thanksgiving Dinner. No one was willing to chair the event. They have to figure out how many Turkeys to buy, but of course they do not have a head count on approximately how many will be coming. It was suggested they talk with Hickeys and find out how many were bought last year, so they would have a pretty good idea of how many to get, as I recall there was huge amounts of turkey left over.Linda Polermo went over to HEB to find out if we could buy pre cooked sliced turkeys, and found out they do not do that so now there's a sign-up sheet for ladies to take a turkey and bake it and slice it and bring it up for the dinner. I did take up sign-up sheets for folks to write down how many will be coming and what they were going to bring, such as salad, or vegy, or dessert also I put up a sign-up for volunteers to set up, clean up after, and a place for those ladies who will take 5 lbs. of potatos home and cook and mash them for the dinner, also volunteers to uncover and be in charge of the dessert table and where to place there dish they wish to share.
Walter Piper came to wish everyone a welcome and also his right hand man, Nathan from Ranchero Village, who over sees our park
I may write more later....
Monday, November 7, 2016
Nov. 7th
Our first R.V.E. business meeting was this morning. It looked like about 70 to 75 folks there.
Harry Rexroad chaired the meeting. Several card games have started, "31" tonight, Sat. morning "Dummy Rummy" Sunday night we had "Mexican Train" Pinochle on Saturday nights.
We talked about whether we wanted to recycle aluminum cans again the Winter, a new gentleman in the park offered to help, and also suggested we could collect them and give to the Masons as a charitable event.
The Mgrs. came to the meeting and Mgr. Bob told about thieves coming over the fence this Summer and stealing some items. Most all were not locked up and easy pickens! He asked that everyone keep their things under lock and key. Bob said the Park is doing some road patching. Re- introduced the Asst. Mgr., Diane Butcher. This summer Ken Barnhart filled in as Asst. mgr. and he worked awfully hard all Summer. The sign he made is beautiful in front of our Office building.
Pam White was cleaning the kitchen but quit so Linda Palermo said she would do it.
No one has stepped up to chair Thanksgiving dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't forget about your park photo albums, I will get one to you or you may pick yours up at our Monday morning meetings
That's about it for now
Harry Rexroad chaired the meeting. Several card games have started, "31" tonight, Sat. morning "Dummy Rummy" Sunday night we had "Mexican Train" Pinochle on Saturday nights.
We talked about whether we wanted to recycle aluminum cans again the Winter, a new gentleman in the park offered to help, and also suggested we could collect them and give to the Masons as a charitable event.
The Mgrs. came to the meeting and Mgr. Bob told about thieves coming over the fence this Summer and stealing some items. Most all were not locked up and easy pickens! He asked that everyone keep their things under lock and key. Bob said the Park is doing some road patching. Re- introduced the Asst. Mgr., Diane Butcher. This summer Ken Barnhart filled in as Asst. mgr. and he worked awfully hard all Summer. The sign he made is beautiful in front of our Office building.
Pam White was cleaning the kitchen but quit so Linda Palermo said she would do it.
No one has stepped up to chair Thanksgiving dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't forget about your park photo albums, I will get one to you or you may pick yours up at our Monday morning meetings
That's about it for now
Friday, November 4, 2016
Nov. 4th
Late posting anything this week.Sorry!
I will now be posting on Mondays, unless something newsworthy comes up I wish to post. Our park meetings start this Monday!
Everyone I've spoke to said the Halloween Party was great fun. We didnt go this year. I saw the decorations and they were outstanding!
Lots of folks coming in!
We had a really good fish meal at the Elks tonight 14 from the park were there.
I will now be posting on Mondays, unless something newsworthy comes up I wish to post. Our park meetings start this Monday!
Everyone I've spoke to said the Halloween Party was great fun. We didnt go this year. I saw the decorations and they were outstanding!
Lots of folks coming in!
We had a really good fish meal at the Elks tonight 14 from the park were there.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Friday Oct. 21st
We had our usual coffee and donuts this morning, the Office provided them, it's our last Fri. unless someone decides to get them next week.
Denny Argo had his back surgery, this morning Nancy was saying he was up after 3 hours of surgery and walked without pain! She said he's really doing good. Sharon Spraque had knee surgery this week also, in fact I just saw her on their golf cart, couldn't believe my eyes!! It's only been a few days ago.
We are having a cold front here, it was upper 50's this morning, and highs around 82 or so.Beautiful!
We are flying to Wendover NV. tomarrow, it's supposed to be lows in the 40"s and highs about 60.
Looking forward to getting away, seeing some Mountains.Bobby is really anxious to go too. This is about our 4th free flight and free 3 nights. We had to cancel the one before this, Bobby had the stroke 9 days before we were to leave.
Safe travels to all!
Friday, October 14, 2016
Oct. 24th
I took this picture the other day, so many pretty Butterflies fluttering around this time of year!
Tom & Mary Lou Benson provided donuts this morning!
Wednesday we had a Pizza Party, we had over 56 people come for Pizza.
Last Spring I was over to Don & Darlene Mcellwee's. Don handed me an envelope with a nice sum of money and asked me to arrange a party for the Summer people. He said do what ever you want with the money. Well, this Summer so many people were here and gone and back and forth, and there really was a much smaller group around. So I decided to wait so we could have a bigger group for a Party. Bobby and I decided on the Pizza, Domino's. I thought it was very good! We ordered 22 pizza's delivered. Also Carmen Bernier provided
salad for everyone, The mgrs. came bringing cake for dessert! Everything got eaten !!! It was real nice, I had everyone sign a thank you card for Darlene. We were sorry Don had passed away earlier this summer.
Darlene's mobile is still for sale and she's anxious to get it sold, it is very nice!
No cards up to sign!!
Still having almost record breaking heat down here.
Tom & Mary Lou Benson provided donuts this morning!
Wednesday we had a Pizza Party, we had over 56 people come for Pizza.
Last Spring I was over to Don & Darlene Mcellwee's. Don handed me an envelope with a nice sum of money and asked me to arrange a party for the Summer people. He said do what ever you want with the money. Well, this Summer so many people were here and gone and back and forth, and there really was a much smaller group around. So I decided to wait so we could have a bigger group for a Party. Bobby and I decided on the Pizza, Domino's. I thought it was very good! We ordered 22 pizza's delivered. Also Carmen Bernier provided
salad for everyone, The mgrs. came bringing cake for dessert! Everything got eaten !!! It was real nice, I had everyone sign a thank you card for Darlene. We were sorry Don had passed away earlier this summer.
Darlene's mobile is still for sale and she's anxious to get it sold, it is very nice!
No cards up to sign!!
Still having almost record breaking heat down here.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Just to remind everyone, when you come in the office wants you to besure and sign in.
There are several cards up:
One to Lillian Rutherford,former resident, her husband Loren died, a card for Alice Matson, she's in the nursing home and not doing good,a card for Leon Cheatum, recovering, doing good, a card to Clarence Moore, eye problems, and a card for Harvey Madsen, Subduro Hematoma.
Friday, October 7, 2016
October 6th
The Hummingbirds land on my hand when I refill their sugar water, I haven't seen so many Hummers in several years
Carmen Bernier furnished donuts this morning.
It's still pretty hot here. 90's And humid but I heard the weather man say today the humidity was going down in the next few days!
There are several cards up to sign, one is to David and June, and Velda Lee Clement on Bill's death. There is one for Bob Bruce, he's in the hospital with a stroke, going to re-hab today I think. Frank Willard was in the hospital now home!
We are having a little Pizza Party Wednesday. I will tell more about the party next week.!
Carmen Bernier furnished donuts this morning.
It's still pretty hot here. 90's And humid but I heard the weather man say today the humidity was going down in the next few days!
There are several cards up to sign, one is to David and June, and Velda Lee Clement on Bill's death. There is one for Bob Bruce, he's in the hospital with a stroke, going to re-hab today I think. Frank Willard was in the hospital now home!
We are having a little Pizza Party Wednesday. I will tell more about the party next week.!
Friday, September 30, 2016
Sept. 30th
We had a lovely morning with Fall like temps. Also several days below 90 degrees. What a relief!!!!!!!!!We got atleast 2 inches of rain also this week
We had a bunch for Happy Hour!
I guess we will need to move it into the big Hall next time.
Cards up to sign are for Ken Costly, was in Hospital, home now. And for Ruth Heskins, she is not coming back, she is in Assisted living or Nursing home
Ken Barnhart, Tom Benson, and Jan Philipp's Friend, Larry all went fishing this morning. Hope they catch some big ones!!!
Friday, September 23, 2016
Sept. 23rd
A note from the office...You now need to sign in when you come!!!! All mobile home owners, renters and R.V.ers of course. When you leave in the Fall just stop by and let them know you're leaving.
Rexroads provided the donuts this morning, they've been gone to Nebraska so Rex could have another surgery. he now walks upright and is not in that terrible pain.
Bobby is doing very good. He doesn't have to have P.T. anymore just Speech therapy
Rexroads are furnishing donuts this morning.
Several folks are back...Argos, Clyde and Linda, and do in today I think are: The Spragues, and Judy Dekoning.
Rexroads provided the donuts this morning, they've been gone to Nebraska so Rex could have another surgery. he now walks upright and is not in that terrible pain.
Bobby is doing very good. He doesn't have to have P.T. anymore just Speech therapy
Rexroads are furnishing donuts this morning.
Several folks are back...Argos, Clyde and Linda, and do in today I think are: The Spragues, and Judy Dekoning.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Friday Sept. 16th
It was really neat to see these big Parrots in our back yard yesterday. I was in the front and heard the loud noises. These are not the small wild Parrots you see flying around in big groups, these are much larger.
This morning AnnaLisa provided the Donuts.
Wednesday for Social Hour we had 24 show up.It won't be long and we will have to switch to the big hall!
There are 3 cards for us to sign, one to Maria Reyes, Hosp. , Alice Crittenden,Surgery, and a card for Darlene and Ron Werstein, their Brother Died.
The new flags look so pretty. When driving in the Park is really looking nice, the new concrete is done for the Park Models.
The mobile at 96 is an 18 wide, it looks nice on that lot! Still has to have the skirting and awnings also concrete
Friday, September 9, 2016
Sept. 9th
Good morning!!
Darlen Bryant furnished donuts this morning.
A new lady was here, she purchased no.301, Cassidy's mobile. She said she was interested in cards, and seems like she would like to join in on things.
There are cards up for John Norris, surgery today, Leon Cheatum, hospital, Sue Barnhart had her back surgery Wednesday and came home Thursday, doing good.
The third park model is in and all the old concrete in all 3 spaces has been dug up and new conrete will be poured.
We are waiting to see if the used mobile is coming in from Ranchero Park today, it;s a 18 X 80
I think, I know it's 18 wide not sure of the length.
I will take some pictures when the mobile comes in.
Oh, I forgot to mention, Paul and Doris Seng and Doris's nephew are here. Christy Jones, #69 bought Seng's mobile
Darlen Bryant furnished donuts this morning.
A new lady was here, she purchased no.301, Cassidy's mobile. She said she was interested in cards, and seems like she would like to join in on things.
There are cards up for John Norris, surgery today, Leon Cheatum, hospital, Sue Barnhart had her back surgery Wednesday and came home Thursday, doing good.
The third park model is in and all the old concrete in all 3 spaces has been dug up and new conrete will be poured.
We are waiting to see if the used mobile is coming in from Ranchero Park today, it;s a 18 X 80
I think, I know it's 18 wide not sure of the length.
I will take some pictures when the mobile comes in.
Oh, I forgot to mention, Paul and Doris Seng and Doris's nephew are here. Christy Jones, #69 bought Seng's mobile
Friday, September 2, 2016
Friday Sept. 2nd
The work continues here in the park. So much going on here. The mobile home lot #96 will soon have a mobile on it, and I did take a quick picture of the 2 park models that just came in Lot 17 and 16.
the Bosch's have been unable to come down for several seasons now... the park worked hard today removing tons of vines and trimming trees. It's looking real nice now
Ken and Cheryl Costley have been here about a week now. They provided donuts this morning.
Bob and Vicki are back from vaca!
There's a card up for Dave & Lucy Johnson, Daves Dad passed away.
Martha Millender who always goes to Carroll, Ia. in the Summer and lives in this small pull type R.V. there is now in Asst. Living in Carroll. She was having some breathing problems and had gone to the hospital a few times. They think there was Black mold in that little R.V. Martha went into Swan Asst. Living on her own. She will stay there until the Daughter and Son-in-law return from a long trip.
That's about all I know for now!!!!!
Friday, August 26, 2016
Friday August 26th
Good Morning all! Rexroads furnished donuts this morning!
A new mobile was moved in this week. It belongs to Bill and Marilyn Sherod, I think they were here last in 2009 or 2010, at #168, now their mobile is 285. Between Lenius's and Marge and Ann's.
Also while Bob was gone , Diane, Asst. mgr. sold #254 , #301, Also #63 has been sold by Nathan
Gil poured the concrete at the new Bath house an area for a few golf carts to park and for wheel chair assessability also a picture from the front:
There's a card up for Petra Lopaz her Sister died , also John Norris has stage 1 cancer of the Esophagus, Drs. say he will be Cancer free after the surgery! His Surgery to be Sept.9th
You will notice 3 park models on your left as you come in the park,they are trade ins from mobile home sales from here and from Ranchero.It will look much nicer when you drive in the park, instead of empty lots.
That it for now!
A new mobile was moved in this week. It belongs to Bill and Marilyn Sherod, I think they were here last in 2009 or 2010, at #168, now their mobile is 285. Between Lenius's and Marge and Ann's.
Also while Bob was gone , Diane, Asst. mgr. sold #254 , #301, Also #63 has been sold by Nathan
Gil poured the concrete at the new Bath house an area for a few golf carts to park and for wheel chair assessability also a picture from the front:
There's a card up for Petra Lopaz her Sister died , also John Norris has stage 1 cancer of the Esophagus, Drs. say he will be Cancer free after the surgery! His Surgery to be Sept.9th
You will notice 3 park models on your left as you come in the park,they are trade ins from mobile home sales from here and from Ranchero.It will look much nicer when you drive in the park, instead of empty lots.
That it for now!
Friday, August 19, 2016
Friday August 19th
Al and Dolores Mason furnished donuts this morning.
No cards up to sign
Bobby gets home today from the Re-hab hospital, they said he made lots of progress there. He will get some more therapy a few days per week, where he will go for it I dont know yet.
Mobile home #96 is being moved out of the park, it will make a nice spot for a new one.
No cards up to sign
Bobby gets home today from the Re-hab hospital, they said he made lots of progress there. He will get some more therapy a few days per week, where he will go for it I dont know yet.
Mobile home #96 is being moved out of the park, it will make a nice spot for a new one.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Update on my hubby, Bobby... he is going to re-hab as he had a stroke which was fairly mild and a week or two is needed for his balance in walking. Otherwise he is moving very well, has no paralysis.I think he will be moved today, Aug. 10th.
We do have several cards up to sign: Carleen Basler, has to wear a back brace for some time as she broke her back in several places. As you know Don McEwee passed away, also a card to Jerry McAninch, he had surgery for a new knee. And for Bobby, suffered a stroke Sunday. If I missed someone I will blog it Friday.
It's to be 105 today and the weatherman said it will feel like 117, whew, that's hot. I will be glad when this month is over, hopefully more cooler temps on the way after this month!!!
Monday, August 8, 2016
Don McElwee passed away. I just found it out today.
I have been in the hospital with Bobby.
We don't know why he has some problems, which started Sunday morning. Balance off, confusion, weakness.They did find he has a urinary tract infection, but the ct scan showed no stroke, they did a MRI today so waiting for more of the tests to come in. Knapp E R was fantastic, atleast 3 different Drs. came in, some ordering test which were performed right there in ER, also sent him for the Cat scan, then he was put in a room on the 6th floor. Will keep you informed.
Bobby did have a stroke, the MRI showed that he did. so where we go from here , I don't know yet, sounds like re-hab but needs to get over the infection first.
I have been in the hospital with Bobby.
We don't know why he has some problems, which started Sunday morning. Balance off, confusion, weakness.They did find he has a urinary tract infection, but the ct scan showed no stroke, they did a MRI today so waiting for more of the tests to come in. Knapp E R was fantastic, atleast 3 different Drs. came in, some ordering test which were performed right there in ER, also sent him for the Cat scan, then he was put in a room on the 6th floor. Will keep you informed.
Bobby did have a stroke, the MRI showed that he did. so where we go from here , I don't know yet, sounds like re-hab but needs to get over the infection first.
Just some fun Pics
I thought this was funny and so true!We are out of the Park after dark and I look around and said "Wow look at all the lights" lol lol
Here's a great picture of Ann Jonson and Marge Reishus, they went on a 17 day trip, Nova Scotia, Edward Island, Cape Breton Island & Niagara Falls
Also having a lot of fun this summer were Gerald and Agnes Messner, they visited with Diana and Larry Ateah this Summer.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Friday August 5th
Continuing to be very hot here, highs 100 lows 80's. But my "Blue Daze" keeps blooming away. I know I posted a picture of it before but this morning I thought it looked so pretty
Angie & Owen Brown furnished donuts this morning, but Angie was called away so Ken picked them up
Everyone working hard this Summer...getting ready for all of you!!! They've put up new blinds in the card/pool room.Supposed to trim the palms next month. The new bath house is coming along nicely. Our buildings being painted by our men and Ken Barnhart(getting rid of the green)(what a huge job it is)and a hot one!!!! Also we have a fenced in grassy area being put in for the dogs to be off leash and exercise and socialize. Getting sod today, I think.
back side
I will take more pictures when the projects are complete
There hasn't been any cards up to sign this week.
Darlene Bryant and Patty Lamp are back, Patty temporarly. Our Mgrs. on vaca!
Friday, July 29, 2016
Friday July 29th
I thought the Sunrise this morning was so pretty.
Bobby and I furnished donuts this morning.
Our new maintenence man's name is Rolan. They have been painting all week and we all hope he works out.
I did not get a picture of the new bathhouse. I forgot.
I hope I get some pictures from the Clermont Campout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 22, 2016
July 22nd
Rexroads furnished donuts again this morning...we have a few open spots on our sign-up sheets that were not filled so some of us will provide the donuts a couple Friday mornings
I heard from Nancy that Gary Hejlik had 3 stints put in and will be having more surgery.
Helen Curtis is back so call her if you know soneone who should or would like a card sent.
I took these pictures this morning:
A new maintenence man was hired but he only last a few days!
The bath house is coming along fast! Pictures next week!
I heard from Nancy that Gary Hejlik had 3 stints put in and will be having more surgery.
Helen Curtis is back so call her if you know soneone who should or would like a card sent.
I took these pictures this morning:
A new maintenence man was hired but he only last a few days!
The bath house is coming along fast! Pictures next week!
Friday, July 15, 2016
Friday July 15th
Alice, Phylis Mobley's Daughter got the donuts this morning. Just found out Art Bloom has gone back to Vermont area, with the Daughter, that's great! He was not getting care here with the Son living with him.
Building has begun on the new bath house. I will post some pictures later.A lot of other things being freshly painted the pretty rust color, benches etc. I see Roberto's Son washing the big hall this morning. I understand we are getting a new maintenence man. he work at WalMart but gave his 2 week notice. So he will start soon.
We had our usual Wednesday night happy hour and I noticed some people in the lobby. I went there and here was Elis and Veneda Ingels.They were from Wichita KS. Some of you may remember when they lived here. they were passing by and stopped in and were looking at the mobiles for sale pictures in the lobby. They are very interested, saying how much they liked R.V.E.
A got some pictures from the Story City potluck held this past Wed.there were 40 people there. They had a speaker , Jerry Wiebel Editor of Our Iowa Magagzine. Nancy and Denny were host and hostess for the dinner. Next year it will be held in Pella,Ia.

Cute picture of 2 former residents, Opal Wilson and Dorothy Westrum

Building has begun on the new bath house. I will post some pictures later.A lot of other things being freshly painted the pretty rust color, benches etc. I see Roberto's Son washing the big hall this morning. I understand we are getting a new maintenence man. he work at WalMart but gave his 2 week notice. So he will start soon.
We had our usual Wednesday night happy hour and I noticed some people in the lobby. I went there and here was Elis and Veneda Ingels.They were from Wichita KS. Some of you may remember when they lived here. they were passing by and stopped in and were looking at the mobiles for sale pictures in the lobby. They are very interested, saying how much they liked R.V.E.
A got some pictures from the Story City potluck held this past Wed.there were 40 people there. They had a speaker , Jerry Wiebel Editor of Our Iowa Magagzine. Nancy and Denny were host and hostess for the dinner. Next year it will be held in Pella,Ia.

Cute picture of 2 former residents, Opal Wilson and Dorothy Westrum

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