Saturday, April 25, 2020

April 25th

I had the top frame from my porch swing laying on this table, Bobby had made the glass topped table into this wooden topped table, the table was getting all weathered and some little cracks and rough on top. But Tom Benson thought it would come out real nice if he sanded and put poly something (sp) on it. Here's a close up of the poor table.
Look at this!!!!

Then the chairs were painted, I found a real neat Rustoleum, brown metallic spray paint

I dont know what's up with this, going out the gate!!! there will probably be flashing lights next
In 28 years never heard of a problem coming in or going out until now.

Marge and Rex Rexroad moved their mobile out last Monday, moved to a very nice park "Leisure World" I have been there before for Bingo when they had it open to other parks. They have been in our park 17 years, I think. Why? Well, I guess you need to ask them...................

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So how do people on the north side go out of the park and people on the south go in?