Wednesday, September 9, 2020

For the Winter Texans


This is an email I just received from "Kristi"

It's time to start packing!

With only 53 days before the Winter Texan season 'officially' starts, I'm sure many of you are wondering what this season might look like.

One thing is for sure:  It will be different!  Life as we know it has been turned upside down, dropped a few times then stomped on.  2020 has not been kind on so many fronts!  So while we know that the Winter Texan season will be different, life anywhere will be different than it was this time last year.

The good news is, that the number of COVID cases in both Cameron and Hidalgo County are going down.  We continue to watch these numbers and hopefully they will continue to decline.  Also good news is that there is plenty to do here in the Rio Grande Valley outdoors - where you can enjoy playing golf, walking down the beach, bike riding, playing tennis or going for a swim - all the while maintaining social distancing protocols.

We know it's a real bummer.  But we also know that this is an opportunity to create new activities and outings, so be on the lookout for fun itineraries, suggestions and guides!

Let me know what your travel plans are this season, I love to hear from you!

We're just connecting the dots,

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