Monday, July 5, 2021

July 5th

 We had a great turnout for the 4th potluck.  So good to get b ack to some normalcy. 3 new people in the park came. Planning Happy Hour back again. We had this in the small hall and should have had it in the big hall. Too much trouble hauling in chairs and long tables. Jan helped bring in chairs and Patty Lamp decorated with red,white and blue, very nice!! Nice that our management couples came.We played "tic"after.

Some spotty showers around the Valley for the next week. May get in the 80's to upper 80's.So that will help cool us down a bit. Actually we have been running below average of 95, but 90 isstill hot!!! Espeically with high humidity.

The pool still open but of course not the jacuzzi

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