RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song. Accompanist – Cathy Probst
Invocation – Memorial Service was held today
Secretary – Virginia Baker
Treasurer – Vicki Davis, sub
Managers’ Report – None today. Website for park is riovalleyestates.com
Notes from chairperson –
“When you leave to head north this spring, let the office know. Put tie on your mailbox. You may leave rent checks when you leave.” “Do not park golf carts in car spots. Park in golf cart spots provided.” “A ring was found in washing machine in laundry room. Diane & Russel Branstetter have it.”
Board Members -- Properties – George Morgan, Lynn Stamp, Mark Probst; Finance – Vicki Davis, Gordon Amos, Sandy Olson. If you have issues to present, contact any board member. They sit in a group toward the right front of Friendship Hall prior to Monday meeting.
Virginia Baker gave Secretary report. It was approved.
Vicki Davis gave Treasurer’s report, accepted.
Mark Probst reported for Properties. You may bring your recyclables & place in totes in his truck at #54 (it’s full again). He takes recyclables twice a week. The yearly inventory of items owned by club is being done. Items such as bean bags etc. .. please count what we have & give numbers to Mark. Board member George Morgan wasn’t with us this morning. Sometimes phone calls & requests get to be too much. If you see George encourage him to remain on the board!
TY to Patty Lamp & Phyllis Branstetter who served coffee & donuts today. There is a signup sheet if you wish to provide donuts in honor of a special occasion. Give your name to Sandy Olson & your name will be announced. If no one signs up, club pays the $30 cost. Bring donuts by 8:15 a.m.
Next week Dave & Kathy Cochran will provide donuts in honor of their son Chad’s 50th birthday.
If you don’t have an RVE name tag, check with Donna Gabbert who makes these. We encourage folks to wear them.
Donna Gabbert puts cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684. Cards going up are for Mary Soole (D.A.’s mother) in hospital; Wendel/Sandy Olson, her sister died in accident. Others needing prayers include Chief Norby in Minnesota, 7 radiation treatments remain for his cancer (no heart issue as rumored); LaVern/Yvonne Schurman, she is in hospital, he’s weary. Their son Mike from Colorado has arrived to assist for a couple weeks.
Ed Tice & crew will serve final breakfast of pancakes, sausage & applesauce next Saturday. Serving is 7-8:30 a.m. Bring own table service. Price is $4 pp. Any volunteers to prepare Saturday breakfasts in March?
Craig Daves, dance chair, encourages all to attend tonight’s dance, 7–9:30 p.m. Dave Perryman will be with us. Admission is $7 pp. BYOB. 50-50 draw. Dana thanked all who helped decorate for last week’s Valentine’s Day dance.
Marylyn Mason urges all to attend Dave & Daphne Friday night, 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 pp. We’ll have 50-50 draw.
Some folks, even those who are vaccinated, may be concerned about spread of COVID. Feel free to wear mask to any event/activity.
We had our annual Memorial Service to remember residents & former residents who have passed away. Pastor Johnie McDaniel conducted the service, saying “We will be with them forever.” Since no service was held last year, our list included 2020 & 2021. Here are names of those we remember: (passed in 2020) Raquel Morales, Marge Whited, Ellis Hauser, Harold Laursen, Carmen Bernier, Opal Wilson, Bobby Gabbert, Clarence Bernier, Leon Cheatham, Wade “Buzz” Roberts, Jerry “Hutch” Hutchinson, Clay Arneson, Mary Hilde, Anita Madsen, Cookie Shackleford, Claus “Junior” Kaduce, Raymond Davis, Mary Nelson; (passed in 2021) Donna Buck, Harlan Haberkamp, Linda Witt, Arlene Jass, Jack Havertape, Martha Millender, Doris Armistead, Jim Goodwin, Verna Fischer, Robert “Bob” Woodruff, Peg Hayelan, Mary Koliba, Beverly Talley, Gary Schisel, Earl Olafson, Mary Christianson, Sharon Johnson, Gary R. Hejlik, David Berglund. All folks we are missing ..
“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow,
you gotta put up with the rain.” Dolly PartonFor residents’ information, code to unlock all doors is 7157. Last one out locks up. If walkers find unlocked doors, they are asked to lock them.
All activities in Friendship Hall should be cleared with Club Secretary’s Calendar. Judi DeKoning posts our monthly activities on back bulletin board.
Editor Mary Lou Benson sends info to news media to announce activities that are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Get written info to her 3 weeks before event please.
Dave Johnson at Lot #93 has new park directories, $2 each, at Monday meetings.
Due to set up for tomorrow’s 2-22-22 dinner, bean bags will be held outdoors.
Don’t miss Park Pizza Party this Wed., Feb. 23, 11:30 a.m. It’s at Peter Piper Pizza, says Dean Ricke. Wear name tags, free ice cream & pop, drawing for prizes.
Happy Hour will be this Wed. at 4 p.m. Bring snacks & choice of beverage. If you would be willing to host a Happy Hour, sign up on board.
Couples’ Line Dance will not be held during February as instructor Judy Shively will not be here.
David Alquist will be here tomorrow, Feb. 22, 1:30 p.m. to talk to residents about their results from Blood Profile Tests done last week. He will be in the sewing room behind stage.
“TY for embroidering the beautiful quilt that Chuck won in raffle! These names of those who worked on this project are on the quilt .. Catherine Gibbs, Dale Norris, Sharon Sprague, Judy Nordquist, Kathy Cochran, Sandy Novak, Dianna Bruce, Marylyn Mason.” – Gonnermans***
Upcoming Events you don’t want to miss!Feb 22, there will be a Twosday, 2-22-22 Soup & Salad Supper .. 2 soups, 2 salads, 2 desserts. Tickets at $8 on sale. Doors open at 4:30, dinner at 5. Sally Hejlik & Steve St Clair are co-chairs. Bring your own table service. Put your name on back of ticket.
Arlene & Rollo Fisher chair the Iowa Dinner in Feb. 24. This is a NOON potluck with no charge. See signup sheet.