Our club song dates back many years ago.
We will be having good chances of rain starting today and most days this coming week, highs below 100, we will have to get our jackets out Ha Ha! Our yards are looking pretty bad, lots of large brown areas, hoping they will green up.
They finally finished the overlay on the streets yesterday. Everything looking good here in the park. 3 new air cons for the big hall were put in this Summer. The pool looks nice but it's very slick so besure to bring pool shoes.
We had our first Wed. Happy Hour, over 24 attended and we just brought fingerr food. Sorry to say Sue Barnhart didnt make it as she was in the hospital for back problems then going to ReHab. She was encouraging us to come to Happy Hour and get it going again. We just didnt have enough folks to attend this Summer.
We have had a few folks coming in already for the Winter. My good neighbors, Del and Bonnie Hicky came in and also good friend Mardel Blom. Spragues are here now and Judy Dekoning.
This morning was our Friday donuts, furnished by Patty Lamp, I picked them up for her at H.E.B. and they were nice and fresh, they now have Apple Fritters!
I have been an Elk member for 29 years, I joined since Bobby kept dragging his feet, so glad I joined.
The Elks do so much for the Community, they support youth, serve Veterans, and meet needs of poor people in the Community. The Elks have joined forces with Donate Life America, to increase donations of organs, eyes, and tissue.They help physically handicapped children, they give scholarships, and have a drug awareness program, and observe Flag day which the Elks started in 1907 & it was later adopted by congress as an official observance. Maybe think about joining here in Weslaco, you would be very welcome at other Elks clubs all over the U.S.