Tuesday, October 24, 2023

October 24th


A Halloween Party coming up! Our Happy Hours are going good and so are Donut Fridays. Mardel Blom provided the last Friday donuts and Phyllis and George the week before, the last one will be this coming Friday with the office buying. The first Monday morning meeting will be on  Nov. 6th. We had the Park  Pizza at Mr Gattis last Friday. 

When the pool was first painted it was hard to stand up, so slick, and the steps slippery. Pool shoes were needed. Now the pool surface is not slippery, must be a chemical reaction or something. But glad it's much safer now. 

Wayne Carter passed away Oct. 8th, he will be missed forsure. And just heard that Billie Wells passed on Oct. 19th, Bruce and Billie were here in 2012 and I think until 2019, I could be wrong. I have a card up for Marge Reishus, I understand she had a pacemaker put in.

Well, I guess I will make park badges for another year, $2:00 a piece. I found some neat magnetic ones but they are kind of pricey. If someone wants one they will have to pay $5.00 for them. 

I am still making cards for the park, so if you know of someone needing a card let me know. But I inherited doing pictures for the Veterans board and will not be doing that, so someone needs to take over. We have a lot of Veterans who have not given me a picture for the board, if you submit one to who ever takes over,  put your full name, rank at discharge and years of service, for printing under your picture.

this Summer heat has really burned up some of our yards, brown patches everywhere, hopefully if we get more rain they will come out of it. We got a little shower this A.M. 


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