Wednesday, December 13, 2023

We had a good meeting Monday Our new Chairman is Mike Engleman!they're on Lot 68 from Mason City,IA We had our 2nd Dance Monday night with Curt James, very few there for the first one and someone said almost double the folks this last Monday. The cards up were for the Bremers from Tripoli IA. and one for Mardel Blom, her Sister Marleys Hicks passed away. Thursday we are having a dinner of Beef pot pie, made by our "Chef" Mabel......Mark Kunkel, lot 411 And Mr. Gattis pizza on Friday, they like to have us where our park badges for that The children from Cleckler Elementry School will be here Friday night at 6:00 p.m. to perform for us. They have been coming here every year for several years and are very entertaining, cost is $5.00 and all money goes to the school. We are having some chilly weather and only 40's for Sat. and Sunday for lows, and it gets in the 70's pretty much every day.

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Miss your posts Donna