Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Donuts July 10th

We had a very small turn out for our Friday donuts, Swaggerts furnished them today. A lot of problems have come up this last week, one of the big mowers blew a rod, so we only have one mower right now, the hot tub is finished but when they did the resurfacing , Jack said they must have gotten some concrete in the return as it's not reseculating. Several people in the park have had their air con quit on them. The asst. Mgr. had his surgery and can't talk for 30 days.
There is a card to sign for Hazel Bocock who fell and broke some ribs.
Mary Hennigar and Patty Lamp's Mother is going to Comfort House in McAllen today, I think.
Jim and Darlene Ales have been in the park for a visit, but have left.
The Iowa get-to-gether was held last Story City, Iowa and 61 attended. I talked to Sharon Sprague this morning. she said everyone had a good time and they played cards afterwards instead of everyone running off as soon as Dinner was over.
Norman and Catherine Gibbs Lot#260 have been in the park all week. They bought
Loren and Delores Paczkowski's mobile #264, The Paczkowski's bought a new mobile
over on Lisa Lane
That's about all the news I have for you, let me know if there's news you want posted here


Rollo said...

sure enjoy your updates on action in the park any news is good news from Rio Valley when we are up here in Iowa and not in our second HOME Rollo

The Hilkers said...

Thanks for the news each week. We truly appreciate it.
We were wondering how the heat was affecting everyone; it's hot here in KS/NE as well. Harvest is in full swing; so of course, we've been getting light showers.
Looking forward to seeing everyone this winter!!