Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday Donuts July 3rd myspace graphic comments
Graphics for 4th of July Comments

We had our regular coffee and donuts this morning. We had about 28 there, with the Clements providing the donuts.
Yesterday we had a nice shower,about 3 tenths, which was much needed.
This last Thursday 13 of the folks went over to Tex-Mex Cafe on Bus. 83 for breakfast and Bev decided we would go to breakfast every Thursday morning as a group.
anyone wishing to go was welcome.
Connie and Jack are back from Austin, they went for a 3 day schooling for their mobile home sales license and had to take a test at the end which they passed. during their absense Scott Pipers wife was in the office.Connie said the hot tub did not get it's resurfacing last week as planned as Scott wanted to get one more estimate, so hopefully they will get that up and running soon. I've been going to the pool a lot and it's really nice and clear.
Scott approved of moving some of the dumsters to the back row in the 99's, but two of them will stay up front. Connie said they can only dump yard clippings every other month, and they aren't using Ranchero's chipper. She also said the new Asst. Mgrs. will be coming over tomarrow, Larry and Clara, Larry has to have throat surgery for pollops on the voice box in 4 days or so and will not be able to talk for 30 days.But he will carry a pad and pencil around with him.
Tomarrow we will have grilled hamburgers thanks to Bill and Velda Lee Clement for providing the buns and meat and a big thanks to Bobby Thomas for grilling them for us, we will all bring a side dish to share.
We want to keep Tom and RoJean Anderson in our prayers as Tom will be starting treatment soon for his Cancer. Irene had a card in the lobby for Paul Davis also this week,he was in thehospital but he is home now.
Have a safe and fun 4th where ever you all are! It won't be long and we will be heading North to Iowa, please keep the bad weather away until we get back down here!!!!

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