I hope you all enjoyied the slide show. All the pictures were taken by Mary Lou and she made a smilebox slide show and sent it to me and I in turn put it on this blog.
I showed Mary Lou how to do the smilebox , yikes I unleashed a monster!!!!!!! I have received atleast 3 slide shows from her !!!! lol
Our last meeting on the 11th went smoothly. Connie the mgr. said Walter Piper is bringing in some new mobiles and they will finance them and except trade-ins.
The spagetti feed went well with close to 300 attending. the spagetti was very good and even had a nice dessert.
The 1st Annual Veteran's Dinner was held the next day and there were close to 200. The chicken and noodles were great, Connie and Tom Duffy fixed them and Tom and Sherry Brown helped also, Bobby & I, Rex Rexroad emceed the program, and George and Dorothy Flesner helped serve. Marge Rexroad donated 2 quilts which were given away and Tom had some neat wooden cutouts and a clock which he had made were also given, cash prizes for various things were given out too.
This month and next are very busy months here in the park. Blood profile was held, this morning, the Jam was held in the afternoon, the Luau is the 21st
Jean McCann & Paul White were married this passed June and this last Sunday provided the icecream for our Sunday icecream get-to-gether.
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