Tuesday, April 5, 2011

March 4th

Monday, April 4, 2011
April 4th Our last Club meeting
We sure had a sparse crowd this morning for the meeting. So many have gone back up North.The weather is getting pretty darn hot here. I bet they will enjoy the cooler temps. I just saw on the bank here in Weslaco 98 degrees but coming from Donna awhile ago the bank between Weslaco and Donna read 101 degrees!
For us "year arounders" it will be kind of like a more normal neighborhood. We probably have about 70 plus year around folks here.We do still have fun things we do. One is we still enjoy Canasta every Mon. Wed. and Fridays, Mexican Train will probably still go on for Tuesday nights and Sun. nights. Hand and Foot another popular game will be played just about any night there's a bunch who wish to play, the same
with "56", Oh and "tic" will be played every night too. So if one wishes to play these games or just go up and visit there's always someone in the game room and lobby .We also will have our happy hours and I am sure Sue and Ken will have some "Fun Nights" where we bring finger food and play games or just chat afterwards.Sue has agreed to be our Summer activity host?. They will come up with some cookouts and fun things to keep us occupied this Summer.
We will be having Father's Day and Mother's Day meals, 4th of July and some other get-to-gethers.So yes we do use the big hall, in the Summer.
The meeting was kind of long this morning.
We talked about our Jam chairman resigning and talk was that there may be only the one jam every other week and will "not" be Blue Grass only. We talked about people getting in our gate (following someone in before it closes) We all need to wait until the gate closes behind us after entering. Also there was a terrible theft that happened over the weekend with jewelry and a purse stolen from a mobile. We who are here must really be on alert to strange vehicles in our park.We talked about putting a sticker on our windshields to signify you belong in the park or something to hang from the rear view mirror,we will talk more about that in the Fall. Also we talked about the mix up with the New Years party-dance. Art said he would have needed to know about the hall being wanted for the other New Years eve party by Nov. so he could cancel Al Mikesh to play, Al is under contract to play here this New Years Eve, so I guess the other party will still be held in the pool room.
Irene sent cards to Harry and Juanita Fisher, death of their Son,Michael and
to Michaels wife and family. Also a card was sent to Ron Ruser, kidney stones, and to Dave and Lucy Johnson, death of their pet.
Another thing pointed out...Do not send complaints, suggestions and remarks to Scot Piper, these are to be given to the board to relay to mgmt. and it will be up to mgmt to contact or bring up matters with Scot. Walter Piper has retired and does not wish to be contacted on these matters either.
Doris Davis is handling our Summer fund, so if we need paper goods or money for anything we will go to her.
Peg Hayelan talked about the Amigos and that they need donations of small stuffed animals, notebooks , pencils and money , if you want more info contact her about this.
Until next time cya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and now they have a new car!!!!!!