Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday May 4th

    The Hausers provided our donuts this morning. We had around 35 people here.
    Irene sent cards to the family of Ken Cook, he passed away,and there's a card for Billy Langley, she lives in Llano Grande Lake Park, and both her and her husband were well known by quite a few folks here,for singing at  Karoake at the Elks and at Llano Grande. Her husband Bill died.A card for Dick Gibson, his nephew died.
Albeza Vallejo had a major stroke and is going to San Antonio for rehab.

    It sure is dry here, the grass is starting to look brown. But no rain in the forecast. I noticed the guys were power washing the benches on the shuffleboard court, getting ready to paint and they have been painting the light poles around the office and park. The city finally mowed the big lot to the South of us and bailed it yesterday. They have done alot of dirt work on the south side of the ditch,resaca or what ever you call it, building up the sides and  leveling alot of dirt and also on the Southwest of the park, in the field.

 Weed and insecticide granules have been spread on the west side of the 99's, yellow caution tape is across the whole area along that strip so we should avoid walking our pets along that back fence for awhile.
 Scott Piper came to our Coffee and donuts this morning.
One of our residents who became engaged this last Winter, has told his fiancee that she may come in to the park, using his clicker to check on his mobile and also she ask to use the pool as she was having Grandkids for a couple weekends .It is a temporary situation..Scott said.  Many residents did not think it right to allow this, but they did not know she had gotten the Mgrs. permission. Scott has spoken to the gentleman and has given the ok for her to use the pool and check on his mobile, Scott said she will become a resident here after they marry. She felt she was being harrassed by folks here in the park and some folks told her that only residents who are here in the park and have guests visiting are allowed to use the pool, since the gentlman is out of state for the summer, and she is not yet a resident here.
    We also discussed with Scott that maybe our clickers should be reprogrammed occasionally to keep people who are no longer residents or who might have a clicker that isnt supposed to have one,be reprogrammed and he said it might be a good idea but it would be when everyone had returned from the Summer.
   Scott is looking into a rule which states only residents with overnight guests may use the pool, as this was once a rule years back. I just found out Scott checked the rules about that and said there is no rule that the guests must be overnight guests to use our facilities.

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