Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday June 13th

News today:

Bryan Barksdale died this morning. Cancer. Sharon's Daughter and Bryans Daughter are both here and Bryan's Brother and his wife also. They will leave for MO. in the morning and will have a service there.
Cards are up yet for Val Cleland, her husband Dale, passed away on the 6th, which I have already posted the obituary on the blog, a card for Aloha and her Daughter Cindy, Cindy's Husband, Sam died.

A card of Congratulations to Floyd and Lillian on their 6oth Wedding Anniversary. The Grand kids and Great grand kids ask for a card shower for their Grand parents. So I made a special card for all of us to sign but many are sending individual cards. So if you would like to send a card address it to their home address 627 16th Road, Clay Center,KS.67432 It's the address in our phone book. The big get-to-gether will be in Estes Park on the 27th of this month. Jan and Gary Philipp are having dinner out with freinds and family for their 50th this week, and Raymond and Margaret Davis are celebrating their 70th this week!!!

There's not much news here in the park, just 100 degree temps every day we are getting real dry here again.
Mgmt. trapped a Skunk which was going under Therrien's shed! Glad they got it. We have many many rabbits in the park now, everywhere you look, rabbits.

Father's Day we are having ham and beans at the Hall. the next day a pizza party at the Mustang, it's a day before my birthday so I will make a cake to take there, I think!! Thanks Sally and freinds for the neat B.D. cards I already received. 

Aloha sold 238, the only mobile left of hers here in the Park. David Clement bought it. 

Still "tic" games every night,a  rummy game every morning, and Canasta Mon. Wed. and Fri.
Social Hour was well attended with over 25 there this week. 

Have a great week and keep warm, all of you in the North Country lol lol

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