Happy Holidays

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Thanks to the “anonymous” person who provided donuts today. Secret is OUT .. “anonymous” is Darlene Bovenmyer . We thank her & wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Craig Daves called meeting to order. Bev Telfor led “Pledge to the Flag” & singing of “God Bless America”. Meeting closed with singing of club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Darlene Ales -“When I Say I am a Christian” & prayer
Secretary Report – Dana Daves
Treasurer Report – Jim Moeller
MANAGEMENT REPORT – Asst. manager Ken Barnhart had us laughing with a joke about “my favorite animal” . Decorations/light judging of mobiles/park models/99s is Dec. 22 with “payday” at Christmas Day dinner. Changes in pet policy were announced. Previously we did not accept 2 pets/household. Park owners have decided when new people purchase in park, they can have 2 pets but if something happens to one of the pets, they cannot go out & buy another to replace it. Current rules allowed only 1 pet. 20 lb. weight limit has been changed to 25 lbs. Management may disallow certain breeds of dog. Residents are encouraged to use dog pen at back of park & all dogs need to be walked with leash. Website for park is riovalleyestates.com
When asked if it'd be good idea to have lot #s re-painted on curbs, Ken said he would talk to “higher-ups”.
Looking ahead, Ken said Jan. 25 Sock Hop is a “Sadie Hawkins” Dance theme with tickets to be sold at Jan. 8 meeting.. He said a “Speak Easy” theme will be highlight of Feb. 22 Roaring 20s Dance, more on this later.
Editor correction from last week .. it was RATS not BATS!. ..need a good proofreader. Husband goes golfing & cannot do this!
A reminder do NOT go near mailboxes while post office employee is delivering mail. Also please observe park speed limit of 15 mph.
Chair Craig thanked Sandy Lenius & Carolyn Thomson who have served donuts the past 2 weeks; newsletter editor Mary Lou Benson, blog writer & club website gal .. Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with her blog at www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com. Club website by Judi DeKoning is RVEWTC.com .. for “members only”, the password is riovalley.
Treasurer Jim Moeller's report approved. Properties chair Larry Pavlis said oven cost is $1578 incl. delivery/installation. Park owners have agreed to pay half. We approved purchase of two 60 in. round tables. Board Members-- Properties – Ron Zoeller, Jerry McAninch, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Sandy Novak, Sally Hejlik, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis asks we call her, 603-674-3869, if we know of someone needing card due to illness/death in family. You will find cards to sign in office area. If you call Helen & leave message, leave name. She will not return your call if she doesn't know who left message. Cards are up for Gary/Sally Hejlik, death of her brother; Judy Harter, stroke.
Entertainment chair Brock Laing urges all to attend the Park Christmas show Friday, Dec. 22, 7 p.m. $3 pp will go to the school providing children's choir. These kids are grades 2-6 & they number 115! After they exit, we'll have our program .. singing sacred type carols and some readings, a little comedy too. There will be no concession stand or 50-50 draw. If providing cookies, avoid anything with nuts/peanut butter due to children's allergies. Bring cookies on Thursday. Looking ahead, Brock announced Maggie Mae from RFD-TV will be with us Feb. 2!
Our 1st Friday night entertainment is Goldwing on Jan. 5. Don't miss this, they have been contacted by Dolly Pardon & approached by Andy Williams Theatre in Branson, you don't want to miss them. Laing's dog found a very NICE ring. If you can describe it as your's, you may have it.
First FREE movie will be Jan. 4. New folks, you will never be offended by any of these movies. Come enjoy, skip Thursday night football, popcorn will be available.
Our 1st dance is Jan. 8, 7-9:30 p.m. with Roger Kenaston Band according to dance chair Craig Daves. Most dances are $6 pp except for one later in season.
Al & Jewel Kruckman have volunteered to serve January pancake breakfasts on Saturdays during January. Thanks to them.
George & Sharyl Krantz chair Christmas Day Dinner. Plan to eat at 1 p.m. Krantzes announce au gratin cheesy potatoes will be served along with ham. Tables will be set up after Sunday church & residents may come in to set up & decorate their tables after 1 p.m.
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Dec. 22 – Park Christmas Program, 7 p.m., $3 pp
Dec. 25 – Christmas Dinner, 1 p.m.
Dec. 31 – New Year's Eve Party, 6 p.m., eat at 8:30
Jan. 1 – New Year's Day (no club meeting or newsletter)
Jan. 4 – First FREE movie .. Brock has no idea what it is!!
Jan. 5 – Blood Profiles, 6:30 a.m. Fast for 12 hours prior.
Jan. 5 – First Friday entertainment with Goldwing, 7 p.m.
Irene Quail presented Christmas boxes & monetary gifts to managers & park workers Roberto & Jesse.
Dave Johnson has park directories, $1.50 ea. Purchase from Dave at #93 or Vicki in office.
Activity Calendars for the 2017-18 season are posted. Let Judi DeKoning #67 know of additions or changes.
Notify news editor Mary Lou #103 if aware of changes in chairpersons/times of activities...written notes help.
George Krantz does smashing of pop/beer cans behind big hall. It helps if you remove tabs as these are also saved. Water bottle caps are collected by George & provide chemotherapy for women in Mexico.
Park Breakfast is enjoyed at Fiesta Tex-Mex on Thursdays, 8 a.m. All are welcome.
Yoga will be held regular days this week.
No Mexican Train Dominoes Dec. 24 & 31, says chair Dick Topel.
Due to health reasons, Kay Henriksen has resigned as Librarian....need volunteer to take this responsibility.
Wednesday, Dec. 27, is Park Pizza Party at Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m. Chair Dean Ricke says it's a $7.35 buffet. Bring your Peter Piper cup for free pop. He has coupons.. buy 9 buffets, 10th is free! Ice cream and prizes. All are welcome to enjoy on 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month through April.
Thanks to Joyce Amos who planned Men's Cocktail Party last week. Report was there was a good attendance.
Marlene Prohaska invited everyone to New Year's Eve Party, 6 p.m. in Friendship Hall. Committee could use help moving tables from card room to hall. You can play cards/games or just visit. Bring snacks/hor d'eures to share. Sandwiches will be served at 8:30. Punch & coffee provided or bring your choice of beverage.
Looking ahead to 2018 ..
John Geer told us Blood Profiles are available Friday, Jan. 5. See sign up sheet, come 6:30 a.m. fast 12 hrs. prior.
Get your pictures taken for the RVE Park Directory. See Donna Gabbert or Joyce Amos for reserved date & time. Last chance to get your picture in album! Pictures will be taken Jan. 8 & 9. None will be taken in Feb. Fill out the paper given to you when you made appointment, bring with you at time of appointment. If you want to order a directory, cost is $15. No free picture this year. If you want to purchase a CD with all your pictures, it's $25 & you may print your own. If you would rather purchase from Creative Images, there is a $20 service charge. Prices are reasonable .. 8x10 $3, 5x7 $1.50, 4x6 $.75, wallets 2 for $.75. Donna Gabbert is looking for pics of activities to put in directory. If you have ANY from activities, games & parties, get them to her at #270.
Here's a late announcement .. don't forget the Flea Market in big hall on Friday, Jan. 12. Lucy Johnson announces this is 8 a.m. to noon, $2 per table. Lunch will be served. Our good cooks at RVE may donate pies!
There is a sheet posted in back of big hall for anyone interested in CPR & defibrillator class. Only a couple names are on this “interest only” list. This will be scheduled in January when Bruce & Billie Wells return.
Dana Daves #234 has finalized the bus tour to King Ranch on Jan. 23, Bus is filled. Cost is $69 pp. If paying by check, make your check out to Dana. Bus will leave 7:30 a.m. (change from previously announced), return about 6 p.m. Cost includes lunch. Dutch treat breakfast will be enjoyed on the way to Kingsville.
Mary Norby #179 chairs Feb. 8 Craft Sale...the ONLY one in The Valley that insists only handmade items may be sold! Pass the word .. VENDORS ARE NEEDED! Mary is recruiting people to take flyers to other parks.
Cancer Chair Dianna Bruce spoke about Feb 14 Tea. She thanked all for past support. 160 pillows & cases, 100 boo boo dolls & 126 quilts were taken to Edinburg Children's Hospital last Friday. Catherine Gibbs has quilt blocks if you'd like to help with next season's quilt. Donated toys may be left at Dianna's #146 or Sharon Barksdale's #69 before this Friday. A thank you note from Stephanie Rodriguez, Children's Advocate was read.
It was announced George & Sharyl Krantz have already volunteered for 2018 Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks!!
GAME RESULTS - Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. WRITE LEGIBLY!
BOWLING – Dec. 15 – Pins & Cues
High Series & High Game – Mary Lou Sirovy 370/153
BRIDGE – Dec. 12 - 1st – Dolores Mason 2710
2nd – Dick Gibson 2650
Dec. 14 - 1st – Catherine Donovan 3330
2nd – Jim Goodwin 2980
Dec. 16 - 1st – Dolores Mason 3730
2nd – Dick Gibson 2790
CANASTA – Table of 4 –
Dec. 11 – Judy Greenlee, Fran Hryniw 30395
Dec. 13 – Judy Shively, Patty Lamp 31284
Dec. 15 – Darlene Bryant, Judy Greenlee 30645
Table of 6 -
DOMINOES – Mexican Train – Dec. 12 – Virginia Baker, Darlene Bryant, Mary Lou Sirovy, Ron Baker, Donna Gabbert, Verna Fischer, Catherine Donovan Dec. 17 – Darlene Bryant, Ann Johnson, Virginia Baker, Dick Topel, Laurie Walter, Ed Marcukaitis, Ron Baker, Fran Hryniw
DUMMY RUMMY – Dec. 16 -
1st – Darlene Bryant 174 2nd – Lyle Stamp 178
3rd – Darlene Bovenmyer 206 4th – Tom Benson 213
EUCHRE – Dec. 12 - 1st (tie) Ann Baker, Al Kruckman 42
2nd – Del Telfor 39
Monte Cristo – Dec. 14 – “some” folks golf no matter what !!
1st - Henry Hryniw 74 2nd - Ken DeViers 88
HAND & FOOT – Dec. 13 -
Nancy Gonnerman, Maud Fisher, Catherine Donovan 17625
PINOCHLE – Single Deck – Dec. 16 -
1st – Margaret Davis 454
2nd (tie) – Maud Fisher, Jewel Kruckman 453
TIC – Dec. 13 – No scores shown on sheet received
1st – Rex Rexroad 2nd – Virginia Baker
3rd – Sandy Lenius 4th – Clarence Moore
Editor saw this in Parade magazine & felt it worth printing.
8 Ways to a Happier Holiday
1...Get in touch. When you need to calm down, rest your hand on your stomach or your heart to draw your focus down, away from your head & its litany of thoughts, into your body where you're always in the present moment, where your inner wisdom resides. Kate Hanley says, “It's a small movement with big results...it helps you use your whole being to handle whatever stress is at your door.”
2...Gaze at the stars. Sit in a still, dark, quiet area outside, observe the sky. For an extra special show, check out the meteor shower that will peak evening of Dec. 21.
3...Fly above it all. Sit & close your eyes. Imagine you're a bird flying high in the sky. All around you is space & freedom. Swoop, glide on the currents of cool air high up & away from it all. Take deep breaths, feel yourself relax.
4...Get snowed in. No snow here, so shake up a snow globe, watch the flakes settle. It's playful & light, a metaphor for mindfulness.
5...Buy a ticket to happiness. People who attend music events report high levels of overall life satisfaction. The holidays inspire plenty of free musical events .. or just listen to music, it'll lift your mood, give you energy, reduce pain by as much as 20%.
6...Send stress down the drain. (this was unbelievable to me!) Fit in extra relaxation by taking a “contrast” shower. Begin with a warm shower, gradually make it cooler until it's VERYcold. End by making the water VERY warm. “A 10 minute shower like this will relax your body, help change the focus of your mind from your problems,” says psychotherapist Jonathan Robinson.
7...Smile at a stranger. Deborah K. Heisz, author of Live Happy, says “Even a simple act like letting another shopper have a parking spot triggers your brain to release the same rush of endorphins you feel when you get a gift.”
8...Banish the ghosts of holidays past. Your brain is wired to scan for & remember adverse events. Hanley says, “What was great for our evolution is now a root of stress & anxiety. To help re-train your brain, dedicate time to reveling in good holiday memories. Sit quietly, call up a happy moment, reliving it in the greatest detail, let good feelings soak into your cells. It will help you appreciate the positive things you experience even more.”