Have a great 4th of July and send me pictures of what all you did...that's an order!!
Ken and Sue Barnhart furnished donuts today, I counted 15 that came
Geneva Jackson who lives at 171 came to Happy Hour today, I don't know if you all met her before you left or not. She was in Magnolia Park
I understand the Park is looking for a couple to manage our park, Bob and Vicki will no longer be our Mgrs. 😡
Today I made a card for Jesse, our maintenance man, his Mother passed away.
It was nice of Agnes Messner to send me two neat pictures of their fun get-to-gether with Charlotte and Hector Therrien, from Ont. Gerry and Yvonne DeSmet fron Cypress River, Man. and Gerald and Agnes Messner from Brandon, Man.
A note from Agnes
We are having a Cdn Texas gathering next week and will send you pics and attendees after next week but we are having another Texas gathering here at Brandon Manitoba 🇨🇦 the 7, 8 & 9th of August for anyone that knew Gerry and Yvonne De Smet and would like to join us here in Brandon, please contact me at gmessner@mymts.net or 1-204-526-0330 Agnes Messner. We would love to have more surprise visits for Gerry and Yvonne. So far from the US, we have Paul and Sharon Sprague coming in Aug. but would love to see anyone else even if you didn't know Gerry and Yvonne.
Thanks for now.
I wished more folks would send me pictures of whatever they're up to this Summer!
I have had over 3,000 hits to my blog in the last 30 days......what the heck??????? You all are awfully curious about what goes on in this little Park, lol. Well, we down here are curious about what the heck ya'll are doing up there all Summer. But nobody sends us any news....so if I dont get any news from up there I guess I should quit blogging from down here. Or maybe charge a couple hundred dollars for doing the blog??? No, I would never take a nickle for doing the blog, I enjoy it and all the nice thank you s I get from all of you are thanks enough. I wish there was more to write about some times .
I will say over 2000 home were destroyied and 6000 homes damaged from this awful flood we had, Llano Grande got lots of damaged mobiles and many other parks also. Leisure World had major damage over there. We are so fortunate. But like I say if you are concerned call the office, mornings only and ask about your place, I see some skirting in a few places around a few mobiles have been removed, water standing under their mobile. I would not be surprised if sheds got some water in them espeically on the North side of the Park. I guess I already said that before.
Bobby and I went to the Mexican Buffet over there , where the Oyster Bar used to be. Well, there were lots of folks enjoying the food, but not for me, why? well, it was just too authenic Mexican food, for me I would like Taco Bell better. Isn't that terrible of me? but I have been here 31 years now and still can't get used to some of the Mexican food. We have been to the new Bar-B-Cuteys, and will be going fairly often. It beats driving all the way over to Willy's B.B.Q.
I don't have much more to tell ya, unless I hear something "that's all folks"