Monday, July 22, 2019

Fun times

From Agnes Messner

July 1-5, we had our Texas gathering with four couples and Earl. We decided to have this camp out at Cypress River, Manitoba where Yvonne and Gerry De Smet hosted. They had a real fun week for us starting with floor shuffling tournament in the morning, a luncheon and more shuffling all at the senior center on Tuesday. Wednesday, we had a tour of their daughters chicken barn operation which was very informative and interesting to see how it all works.

 Then had our usual pot luck supper as every day of the week where everyone said what they would bring and ate together. Then went to Yvonne and Gerry's place to play a board game, Dirty Board.
Thursday was another full day of shuffling to complete our tournament without Henri and Fran as they left mid morning and Ross and Kathy had an app so came back later in the day and had our usual pot luck supper. We ate lunch at the senior center again also.
Wonderful meals made there. Friday morning Larry and Diane Ateah, Earl Olafson, Ross and Kathy left for home and Gerald and I had some shuffling and luncheon at the center again with Yvonne and Gerry and left later in the afternoon for home. What a great time for everyone.
Following are some pics and a couple videos.
July 1-5, we had our Texas gathering with four couples and Earl. We decided to have this camp out at Cypress River, Manitoba where Yvonne and Gerry De Smet hosted. They had a real fun week for us starting with floor shuffling tournament in the morning, a luncheon and more shuffling all at the senior center on Tuesday. Wednesday, we had a tour of their daughters chicken barn operation which was very informative and interesting to see how it all works. Then had our usual pot luck supper as every day of the week where everyone said what they would bring and ate together. Then went to Yvonne and Gerry's place to play a board game, Dirty Board.
Thursday was another full day of shuffling to complete our tournament without Henri and Fran as they left mid morning and Ross and Kathy had an app so came back later in the day and had our usual pot luck supper. We ate lunch at the senior center again also.
Wonderful meals made there. Friday morning Larry and Diane Ateah, Earl Olafson, Ross and Kathy left for home and Gerald and I had some shuffling and luncheon at the center again with Yvonne and Gerry and left later in the afternoon for home. What a great time for everyone.
Following are some pics and a couple videos.

Gerald and Agnes Messner, Henri and Fran Hryniw, Gerry and Yvonne De Smet,Larry and Diane Ateah, Ross and Kathy McAuley, Earl Olafson.

Sorry the video would not load in my blog

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