Monday, July 22, 2019

July 22nd

I forgot to publish this neat get-to-gether from Canada!  Geez  I am losing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You probably noticed I haven't written much lately....well, when there's no news to pass on ....what can I say!

We are all experiencing the hot weather but we are suppose to have a weak cold front come in later this afternoon with possibly some rain, more likely though tomarrow, with lows all the way down to 75 to 77 highs only mid 90's. We are just starting to get pretty dry here so the rain will be welcomed., even though  spotty.

Nancy and Denny Argo furnished donuts last Friday and the Friday before, Dorothy Ritter furnished them. So many folks gone for the Summer or for a few weeks so attendance has been small.

Update on Dolores Mason who fell and cracker her tale bone...she's doing much better.

I have been contacted by some folks looking to rent a mobile for 3 months. If you have one for rent let me know and I will pass it on.

Sure is quiet here in the park.

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