Saturday, May 30, 2020

May 30th

It's very hard to try to inform folks whats going on here in the park when management is so closed mouth about anything. We have never met our new Asst. Mgrs. never introduced them.Certain folks are spoken to and most are not. Only short yes no or "That's not gonna happen" is the most commonly used phrase.
I talked to Catherine Donovan the other day. Her Brother passed away, he was 97. I  have a card up for her and Family, also I had a card for Pam White who was in the hospital for some stints. A card for Alan and Kim Rainbolt, school teachers (who live at #18) and Family on the death of her Father, Darrel Gowry. As some know Darlene Gowry passed away a while back , we called her Miss WalMart. She was a greeter for years here and in some other towns. the Gowry's lived here in the park for quite a few years.
We have had some needed rains here lately, yesterday was a deluge of rain in the afternoon and also this afternoon another nice rain. The grass is really growing.
Yesterday was Robertos last day , he retired from being our Maintenance man, we have a new man by the name of Jose. He is a young man and strong looking. Judy Dekoning wanted a little going away for him but Roberto didn't want that, but he received lots of cards and money from the residents. He will still be around to mow yards, which he has lots of them.
We can't even go in our big hall!  Seems so crazy, I don't know why  but think the owners are trying to save on electricity! but remember last Summer they changed the aircons in the little hall to run continually, which there are times when no one is even in there, now we turn them on when we know there is something going on. Mark Probst asked to go in and check our freezer and needed to get paper work about the chairs but the mgr. said he was too busy, The asst. mgr. let him in but he only had 10 min. to get in and out... We had our first Coffee and donuts get-to-gether, I thought it was time to start back with a little fellowship.However I could not get in the big hall to get our paper plates and cups and napkins so I went and bought a big package of napkins and plates. We were told only 10 people at a time in the little hall, we received a  head count to make sure! Some of us went out in the breezeway with our coffee and donut. I supplied the first time and Benson's signed up for next Friday, and the sign up sheet is now up for others to take turns providing the donuts and making the coffee,usually the office buys the first week and last week but not any more...
I  was told I need to move my 5th wheel from A row. Well, I don't have any way to do that. But was told I had to find someone. At a meeting when Walter Piper was here he told us at a club meeting that the Park was going to be doing work on a couple rows out in the 99's and if there were r.v.s there that the Park would move them and then put them back.
Something new going in , behind the first row of mail boxes, not told anything about it but we heard it was a mail room  for packages that come in. I don;t know how the packages will be secure, I hope people can't just walk in and pick up what ever is there...I wonder if the post office will allow such a room.
Well, I rambled on enough, I will try to find out what all the digging in K row is all about.

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