Monday, April 1, 2024

Our Last Club Meeting


Our last club meeting was short and sweet. 

We did decide on getting the new engraved badges from Weslaco Trophys. When telling the Mgr. he remarked that the office won"t supply them and to let the "Club" deal with that, Jan's Asst. in the office, Reggie said she's too busy.  Isn't it weird that all the Parks in the Valley supply their people with the name tags? But not our Park. It was so easy to have Weslaco Trophys do our new badges, I just sent them our logo from my computer and emailed it to them. So now they have our logo. And actually if one wanted to they could go over there and order their new badges.

I will make a list of those wanting the new badges and pay me at the time and if they want the pin ons or the magnetic. To round off the cost, the pin ons will be $7.60 and the magnet ones, $9.50. I will go over there when I get a few, it only takes a few days for them to make them.

Alice is supposed to be the new card lady. Her phone no. is 928-240-0296 but if you call me or email me, I can give her a call. Don't hesitate  to let us know of a death or illness or whatever reason someone needs a card.

Weslaco is getting new businesses all the time. I will try to keep on top of that to let you know. One is Texas Roadhouse. 

April 12th will be our Coffee and Donuts get-to-gether. We will take turns supplying the donuts. The first time , the Office supplies them, and the last donut Friday the Office provides them and I am getting a sign up sheet put up right away for those who wish to provide them. It's at 8:00 every Friday morning until late in October.

That's about it for now, will try to keep blogging to let you know what craziness is going on down here while ya'll are gone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Donna - appreciate your work to keep us updated.