Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Donuts Sept. 18th


We had our usual Friday coffee and conversation this morning. It was a beautiful morning. We had a nice turnout about 32 were there. Gene Ziaja provided the donuts.
We had a couple visitors, Leon and Sherry Cheatham, they came down to get a car, and will be back later this Fall. Gary and Jan Philipp are here for the Winter, they got here Wednesday evening. It was good to see them.
Connie or Jack did not come this morning, so we didn't have a mgr. report. They haven
t got their building started for the guys yet but Connie did say Scott was still trying to decide on bids to do it. Bobby Thomas still replacing bad wood in the fence and has started painting the inside of the fence. I see some of the corals in the 99's are being painted by the guys and lots and lots of mowing being done since our heavy rains . Jack our Mgr. has mowed over 15 lawns as some of the lawn care people fell behind.
Some of them looked pretty bad. When they have so many yards to mow they get behind when we have rain. We have to mow every week!!!!!!!!
Betty Aderton had toe surgery this week, Mgr. Connie feeling some what better.
Got an email from John and Irene Quail, after being in Iowa for some time they went to S. Carolina, Her brother and wife had a surprise Birthday party for her and also attended a class reunion and John and her attended a family reunion on her Daddy's side, they will be on Oklahoma this week then on to New Mexico and Sedona AZ. So sounds like they're having a great time.
Well, that's all I know for now, I will add more news as it happens.

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