Friday, August 31, 2012
In our back yard
The parrots come and sit on the electric wires some times, several days in a row when Bobby was working out on the patio they came and kept watching him real close, every move he made their heads would turn and watch him closely! I think most of the time small groups of them (7 to 9)of them. Then I got angry when I came out the other day and they were grabbing pecans off our tree and just dropping them, they rolled down the shed one after the other, I yelled at them and they flew off. There must have been 50 pecans on the ground. Grrrr I wished I had my camera with me yesterday late in the afternoon as I saw what I thought was a white bird on the ground just a few feet from our bird bath, it was pecking away on the ground. I got closer and saw that it was a parakeet, a quite large one, it was actually pale to bright yellow and a patch of green on it's back. I am going to watch for it as some times they hang around in the same area for awhile

Friday August 31st
Well, this morning Rexroads furnished donuts. Around 25 showed up.
I suppose you have seen on the Weather that we have been having very hot weather down here. This next seven days are to be close to 100 every day. the worst part about it is the humidity had been so high. (80 to 90%)
I saw on Facebook that Jerry Elwood has moved to The Altoona Care Center for rehab.
Gary Philipp went into the hospital Monday with 105 degree temp. he was in ICU for pneumonia. Yesterday,Thursday, he was moved to a regular room. So a few more days in the hospital and he will go home. A set back but he will get over it and get back to his Cancer treatments.We are sure thinking of these two.
I suppose you have seen on the Weather that we have been having very hot weather down here. This next seven days are to be close to 100 every day. the worst part about it is the humidity had been so high. (80 to 90%)
I saw on Facebook that Jerry Elwood has moved to The Altoona Care Center for rehab.
Gary Philipp went into the hospital Monday with 105 degree temp. he was in ICU for pneumonia. Yesterday,Thursday, he was moved to a regular room. So a few more days in the hospital and he will go home. A set back but he will get over it and get back to his Cancer treatments.We are sure thinking of these two.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Death notice
Berlie Carter who was in 166 last Winter, passed away this morning, Aug. 25th.
I didn't mention that Jerry Elwood was having surgery this week also.
Someone needs to let us know how he is doing please.
I didn't mention that Jerry Elwood was having surgery this week also.
Someone needs to let us know how he is doing please.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Friday Donuts
Colleen Clark provided donuts this morning. there were around 21 attending. Talked mainly about the up coming Labor Day dinner.
Cards being sent this week, to Don and Darlene McElwee, his Mother died, Daryl and Rita Henningsen, his Father died, Rita had some tests done, maybe she will let me know how she's doing, Jean White, a Thinking of you card, she was sent to the hosp. but discharged. Clarice Christensen's Son, Johnny, still in ICU.
There won't be any pictures on the blog for awhile until I can figure out why I don't seem to be able to upload them. These computers can drive a guy nuts!!
Cards being sent this week, to Don and Darlene McElwee, his Mother died, Daryl and Rita Henningsen, his Father died, Rita had some tests done, maybe she will let me know how she's doing, Jean White, a Thinking of you card, she was sent to the hosp. but discharged. Clarice Christensen's Son, Johnny, still in ICU.
There won't be any pictures on the blog for awhile until I can figure out why I don't seem to be able to upload them. These computers can drive a guy nuts!!
Friday, August 17, 2012
These Fridays sure seem to come around fast.It won't be long and all of you "Northerners" will be heading South.
We wasn't here for last weeks Fri. coffee and donuts but the Clements provided the donuts. this Friday Herb McClish and Mary Lantis furnished them, still warm from the bakery, hard to resisit that! We discussed that we would be having ham and beans for labor day get-to-gether. Also we are saddened to hear of Ralph Nelson passing away last week. Clarice Christensen's Son, Johnny, in the hospital and is critical.
Well, I must run to Walmart they called wondering where I was....
We wasn't here for last weeks Fri. coffee and donuts but the Clements provided the donuts. this Friday Herb McClish and Mary Lantis furnished them, still warm from the bakery, hard to resisit that! We discussed that we would be having ham and beans for labor day get-to-gether. Also we are saddened to hear of Ralph Nelson passing away last week. Clarice Christensen's Son, Johnny, in the hospital and is critical.
Well, I must run to Walmart they called wondering where I was....
Campout in Clermont,Iowa
2012 Camp-Out at Skip-Away Campground, Clermont, Iowa - August 4-12
The weather was perfect all week. Camping units came earlier than ever in 2012 with some arriving already on Saturday, Aug. 4. Iowa like other midwest states has had severe drought conditions this year with many counties issuing burn bans. We were able to have a campfire every night, however, as these are controlled burns in a fire ring. We had 17 camping units and another 5 on-site or rental campers. A total of 96 people shared hours with us. Some stayed at the Brick City Inn in Clermont, some in motels in West Union.. Some drove in for one day or a few hours to spend fun time. States represented were Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, South Dakota, Texas and Missouri. Many came for the first time and even surprised us. Here’s a special welcome to newcomers Ken & Dorothy Borah, Ron & Bonnie Burnes, Dick & Judi DeKoning, Mary Freundschuh & Gene Koliba, Darryl & Rita Henningsen, Ann Johnson, Marge Reishus, Donovan & Shirley Stensrud, and Gary White.
Evening meals were potluck in the shelter house. We grilled everything from steak & burgers to hot dogs, brats and chops. We had way too many desserts but figured we could diet NEXT week. There was a rush each evening to see who could be sure to eat Gibbs’ Illinois peaches. We had a good supply of Iowa sweet corn to enjoy. Thanks to the Sherman's. Following the potlucks some played "nickel", "dummy rummy", or poker. Being an Olympic Year, we thought about issuing gold medals but found that way too complicated! Some traveled to the gambling casino at Marquette.
As always the fellows enjoyed golf at the course between Elgin & Clermont. The ladies traveled to several towns and sometimes fellows joined us. One morning SkipAway manager Terry Baker surprised us with flowers & three dozen donuts. We are thinking she doesn’t want us to go to another campground ? ? ? Happy hour time was held every afternoon about 4 o’clock.
On Monday, nine ladies traveled to Elkader where they shopped at the usual shops including the 3-story building formerly a hotel. Bargains were plenty and lunch was enjoyed at the Irish Pub in Elkader.
Ten ladies went to the ever popular Horsefalls Store in Lansing and Carolyn Thomson who lives in Lansing joined us for lunch at the restaurant along the Mississippi River.
Wednesday a group of gals (11) traveled to visit the Soy Basics Candle Outlet Store in New Hampton followed by a great lunch at Klunder’s Kafe. We traveled on to Fredericksburg where we toured, tasted & purchased wine at the Engelbrecht Winery. Engelbrechts also operate a bed & breakfast on the site east of Fredericksburg. Check these places online by going to www.soybasics.com and www.thefarmhousebb.com .
Thursday was a full day with a group going to Peg & Steve Kittelson’s Woodland Designs, Inc. We saw them making handcrafted kaleiodoscopes which are marketed all over the world. They make these in a quanset-hut. Peggy also makes beautiful jewelry. Anyone wanting to check this out online can go to www.kittelsondesigns.com .
Was it Wednesday or Thursday (who can remember!) when a tornado watch was issued by the Weather Service? Everyone was asked to leave campground & Lodge to go into town where we gathered in the basement of the former Clermont School. About the time we got there, watch was cancelled & a welcome rain fell. This happened about the time we were to enjoy our evening potluck & all left their food behind, then got it out in time to eat anyway!
We left Friday open so winter Texans could "do their own thing". Ten traveled to Spillville to see the Bily Clocks Museum. Some went to Hawkeye to a shop that specializes in flowers, crafts, gifts; they had a Koi Garden too. Some went to West Union to shop and some fellows golfed again.
Friday afternoon we enjoyed Marc Frana as he played music, sang & joked under the shelterhouse. Tom Benson had pulled a huge smoker on wheels from friends between Janesville & Denver so he could smoke six turkeys for our evening potluck. Opinions were favorable. Was it better than roasting a hog? We’ll come up with "something" in 2013!
Gary & Jan Philipp surprised us Friday afternoon when they arrived following his first week of chemotherapy & radiation to treat his lung cancer. Was it just the best to see him looking so well. Smiles & hugs greeted them when they drove down from Monticello.
Saturday six carloads of men & women traveled to the Amish Community at Fairbank, followed by lunch in Oelwein.
Sunday morning we broke up camp, some ate buffet at The Lodge, some ordered from the menu at the downtown bar, others headed out in all directions. See you in Texas in the fall, the Good Lord willing.
We have reserved spots for the camp-out next year with dates being Aug. 4-11, 2013.
Mary Lou Benson
The weather was perfect all week. Camping units came earlier than ever in 2012 with some arriving already on Saturday, Aug. 4. Iowa like other midwest states has had severe drought conditions this year with many counties issuing burn bans. We were able to have a campfire every night, however, as these are controlled burns in a fire ring. We had 17 camping units and another 5 on-site or rental campers. A total of 96 people shared hours with us. Some stayed at the Brick City Inn in Clermont, some in motels in West Union.. Some drove in for one day or a few hours to spend fun time. States represented were Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, South Dakota, Texas and Missouri. Many came for the first time and even surprised us. Here’s a special welcome to newcomers Ken & Dorothy Borah, Ron & Bonnie Burnes, Dick & Judi DeKoning, Mary Freundschuh & Gene Koliba, Darryl & Rita Henningsen, Ann Johnson, Marge Reishus, Donovan & Shirley Stensrud, and Gary White.
Evening meals were potluck in the shelter house. We grilled everything from steak & burgers to hot dogs, brats and chops. We had way too many desserts but figured we could diet NEXT week. There was a rush each evening to see who could be sure to eat Gibbs’ Illinois peaches. We had a good supply of Iowa sweet corn to enjoy. Thanks to the Sherman's. Following the potlucks some played "nickel", "dummy rummy", or poker. Being an Olympic Year, we thought about issuing gold medals but found that way too complicated! Some traveled to the gambling casino at Marquette.
As always the fellows enjoyed golf at the course between Elgin & Clermont. The ladies traveled to several towns and sometimes fellows joined us. One morning SkipAway manager Terry Baker surprised us with flowers & three dozen donuts. We are thinking she doesn’t want us to go to another campground ? ? ? Happy hour time was held every afternoon about 4 o’clock.
On Monday, nine ladies traveled to Elkader where they shopped at the usual shops including the 3-story building formerly a hotel. Bargains were plenty and lunch was enjoyed at the Irish Pub in Elkader.
Ten ladies went to the ever popular Horsefalls Store in Lansing and Carolyn Thomson who lives in Lansing joined us for lunch at the restaurant along the Mississippi River.
Wednesday a group of gals (11) traveled to visit the Soy Basics Candle Outlet Store in New Hampton followed by a great lunch at Klunder’s Kafe. We traveled on to Fredericksburg where we toured, tasted & purchased wine at the Engelbrecht Winery. Engelbrechts also operate a bed & breakfast on the site east of Fredericksburg. Check these places online by going to www.soybasics.com and www.thefarmhousebb.com .
Thursday was a full day with a group going to Peg & Steve Kittelson’s Woodland Designs, Inc. We saw them making handcrafted kaleiodoscopes which are marketed all over the world. They make these in a quanset-hut. Peggy also makes beautiful jewelry. Anyone wanting to check this out online can go to www.kittelsondesigns.com .
Was it Wednesday or Thursday (who can remember!) when a tornado watch was issued by the Weather Service? Everyone was asked to leave campground & Lodge to go into town where we gathered in the basement of the former Clermont School. About the time we got there, watch was cancelled & a welcome rain fell. This happened about the time we were to enjoy our evening potluck & all left their food behind, then got it out in time to eat anyway!
We left Friday open so winter Texans could "do their own thing". Ten traveled to Spillville to see the Bily Clocks Museum. Some went to Hawkeye to a shop that specializes in flowers, crafts, gifts; they had a Koi Garden too. Some went to West Union to shop and some fellows golfed again.
Friday afternoon we enjoyed Marc Frana as he played music, sang & joked under the shelterhouse. Tom Benson had pulled a huge smoker on wheels from friends between Janesville & Denver so he could smoke six turkeys for our evening potluck. Opinions were favorable. Was it better than roasting a hog? We’ll come up with "something" in 2013!
Gary & Jan Philipp surprised us Friday afternoon when they arrived following his first week of chemotherapy & radiation to treat his lung cancer. Was it just the best to see him looking so well. Smiles & hugs greeted them when they drove down from Monticello.
Saturday six carloads of men & women traveled to the Amish Community at Fairbank, followed by lunch in Oelwein.
Sunday morning we broke up camp, some ate buffet at The Lodge, some ordered from the menu at the downtown bar, others headed out in all directions. See you in Texas in the fall, the Good Lord willing.
We have reserved spots for the camp-out next year with dates being Aug. 4-11, 2013.
Mary Lou Benson
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012
Well, just what I feared most happened last night. The clouds were gathering fast and starting to look a little threatening and the wind started blowing a little more and it got kind of cool. Several of us went in to get the latest weather report which didn't sound good. A storm was heading our way with rotating clouds! So we were informed to go to town and go to this old school. We jumped in the truck taking our doggy ,of course, and we had a stream of vehichles heading into town. When we got there we all went to the basement of the school. Some local people were there also and some had pets with them. As soon as we got there the report was that the tornado warnings were over but a severe storm was still coming. As far as I could tell it was just a simple rain. Thank goodness we didn't get a tornado or severe storm. We didn't have to stay long and soon headed back to the campsite. I suppose we were a mile or so from the school. All in all it was a good severe weather drill!!!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Having fun
There sure are lots of R.V.E. folks here already. We had close to 50 for Dinner last night. Today Borahs, Henningsens, Marge Rheshus, and Ann Johnson, and Stencruds, have come in. Yesterday,Slycords, Amos's, Marlene Prohaska, Judy Nordquist, Tom Benson's Sisters, Verla and Bev, Livingoods came in for just the day, also Gary and Donna (Rusers's kids) came for the day. Berglunds, Whiteds, Zoeller-Granath, Dekonings, Gibbs and Printys. Quail,s Koliba-Freundshuh, Jaque Anderson, Mile Stensland, Shurmans, Solberg, Bruces, Andrew,s Rusers and us were some of the first few to arrive Sunday and Monday
The ladies have been doing some really fun trips, one on Monday to Elkador, shopping, and Tuesday they went to Lansing to Horsefalls, Carolyn Thompson met the gals there in Lansing. Wednesday they went to a Winery and a place that sells candles, Thursday went to Clermont gift shops and also to a place that makes beautiful Kaleidescopes.And some of us went to Marquette to the Casino.Friday we will have smoked turkeys and Marc Frana is coming to play music and we will dance. I think Friday we will visit the Amish. So as you can see we have kept busy. The weather is so beautiful, today it was lows in the 60's highs in 70's 80's tomarrow and the rest of the week.
Prior to coming to Clermont, Bobby and I were in Minnesota at Albert Lea visiting my Sister, Mickey. Most of you had met her when she spent a couple months in our park. Also spent time with Mickey's Daughter and family on a farm in Alden, MN
I will post some pictures after I get home as the internet connection seems to slow up uploading my pictures. I may try again later.
The ladies have been doing some really fun trips, one on Monday to Elkador, shopping, and Tuesday they went to Lansing to Horsefalls, Carolyn Thompson met the gals there in Lansing. Wednesday they went to a Winery and a place that sells candles, Thursday went to Clermont gift shops and also to a place that makes beautiful Kaleidescopes.And some of us went to Marquette to the Casino.Friday we will have smoked turkeys and Marc Frana is coming to play music and we will dance. I think Friday we will visit the Amish. So as you can see we have kept busy. The weather is so beautiful, today it was lows in the 60's highs in 70's 80's tomarrow and the rest of the week.
Prior to coming to Clermont, Bobby and I were in Minnesota at Albert Lea visiting my Sister, Mickey. Most of you had met her when she spent a couple months in our park. Also spent time with Mickey's Daughter and family on a farm in Alden, MN
I will post some pictures after I get home as the internet connection seems to slow up uploading my pictures. I may try again later.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Vacation time

We stayed a couple days in Carroll Iowa and visited my Son and Family, also Barb and Butch Brooker, friends who Winter in Magnolia Park, Donna, TX.
Sue Barnhart was saying that Al and Dolores Mason furnished the donuts Friday and said there were only 15 people or so there. the park is sure quiet. Helen and Sam Curtis our Asst. mgrs. were on vacation but are back now.
We have had some good ole Iowa tomatos, sweet corn, zuchini, canteloupe, and lots of other goodies that we don't get in the Valley. We visited Sister Mickey at her new condo, and she kept us busy for 5 days, we enjoyied going out to my Sisters, Daughters farm near Alden,MN. They were milking 300 cows but retired from that.It was interesting to see their set up and be on a farm. Heidi had a great time running all around the farm chasing and being chased by Mickeys dog.
I will try to write more later
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