Friday, August 10, 2012


     Well, just what I feared most happened last night. The clouds were gathering fast and starting to look a little threatening and the wind started blowing a little more and it got kind of cool. Several of us went in to get the latest weather report which didn't sound good. A storm was heading our way with rotating clouds! So we were  informed to go to town and go to this old school. We jumped in the truck taking our doggy ,of course, and we had a stream of vehichles heading into town. When we got there we all went to the basement of the school. Some local people were there also and some had pets with them. As soon as we got there the report was that the tornado warnings were over but a severe storm was still coming. As far as I could tell it was just a simple rain. Thank goodness we didn't get a tornado or severe storm. We didn't have to stay long and soon headed back to the campsite. I suppose we were a mile or so from the school. All in all it was a good severe weather drill!!!

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